Read The Alpha King Online

Authors: Vicktor Alexander

Tags: #gay vampire BDSM romantic comedy

The Alpha King (15 page)

BOOK: The Alpha King
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"I'm so glad she's okay. I would have been lost without her. She's my best friend," Tal stated softly, his eyes growing soft with love.

Blaze's throat thickened and he flushed with jealousy. He wanted his mate to speak of him that way, and only him. He wanted to be his best friend, and he hated that the position had already been filled. He knew it was irrational, and if he tried to explain it to Tal, the younger man would only point out the fact they'd only known each other for a few days, but he couldn't help the jealousy roiling through his gut at that moment.


* * * *


Sensing his mate's turmoil, Tal opened his mouth to ask him about it. "Blaze—"

The door flew open and the maelstrom that was his sister Josie barged into the room.

Her gaze searched frantically before landing on him where he stood off to the side of the sitting room.

With a squeal, she launched herself into his arms, wrapping hers around him tightly. "I am so glad you're okay! I was so worried about you! I woke up and I couldn't find you." She dragged in a breath. "I had been thrown off into some bushes or woods or something. I mean, I was okay, but I was so worried that you were dead or lost or something worse, like arrested or eaten or raped or something." Her words rushed together and she frantically kissed his cheeks, nose, forehead, and eyelids.

Blaze growled furiously before turning to leave the room.

Pushing Josie away gently, Tal rushed towards his mate, grabbing his muscled bicep. "Blaze?" His voice was filled with confusion and a hint of trepidation.

His mate was upset with him or about to harm his sister. Tal didn't understand what had just happened. They'd gone from teasing and smiling to Blaze storming off in anger. It had to be some sort of shifter nonsense and Tal needed to be aware if it was so he'd know if he should be prepared in the future. He poked around Blaze's thoughts, trying to reach out to his mate that way, but Blaze cut him off. Tal didn't know what hurt worse, that Blaze had been about to storm off or that he didn't want Tal in his head.

The larger man stopped and turned to look down at him with a small smile.

In a gruff, emotion-filled voice he replied, "I'm going to give you some privacy and time to reunite with your sister. I have to go downstairs to the main floor so we can have court today. I have to meet with the people, hear their requests and settle disputes. It's the responsibility of the Alpha King." He stopped and ran his hands through his hair.

Tal realized the gesture would be the only indication of annoyance his mate would show right then. Blaze growled softly before pulling his hair back into its original ponytail. He sighed and then raised a hand to caress Tal's cheek.

"When you are finished here, grab your robe, the one I pointed out to you that was for court, put that and your crown on then send for Percy and he will bring you to the throne room where we hold court." With a bow to Josie and a small peck on Tal's cheek, he turned and strode from the room, a small entourage of guards surrounding him.

Tal watched him go, his heart pounding in his chest, feeling slightly nauseous and uncertain. A part of him wanted to stay with his sister and catch up with her. Another part, however, wanted to race after his mate and demand an explanation for what had happened and make sure everything would be okay with them. He hated being confused. Fortunately for him, or unfortunately maybe, Josie took that decision away from him.

"Your robe and crown?" she whispered.

Tal knew, in that moment, what would happen and he turned back to look at her, bracing himself for her onslaught when she pounced on him verbally.

"What the hell? Your robe and crown? Holy shit. Everything is finally starting to make sense." She paced back and forth, the pieces falling into place. "They wouldn't tell me anything after I woke up. Only that I'd be taken to the royal suite to meet the Alpha couple. The Alpha fucking couple… as in two people, my brother being one of them. What the hell is going on Tally?" Josie's voice rose and her chest heaved angrily against the silk bodice of the borrowed dress she wore.

Tal bit his lip nervously. He hated it when Josie got mad, or when he had to explain something he didn't understand himself. His sister had to be the nosiest person born and she wouldn't rest until she knew everything she wanted to know. He'd have to tell her… something.

"Well… um… Blaze… that is, Alpha King Blazell Roughshire… is um… sorta… like my mate," Tal stammered, his eyes darting around the room, his hands moving together in a nervous gesture.

Josie crossed her arms over her massive chest. "What do you mean, 'sorta like'?" She narrowed her eyes. She didn't like it when Tal beat around the bush. "Either he is or he isn't. Spill, little brother, or I will use my tried and true way of making you talk."

Tal sighed and closed his eyes on a groan, he so did not relish having Josie press his face into her chest while she pulled his hair. "The Alpha King is my mate."

The room went silent for a full blissful two minutes before Josie whooped for joy and launched herself into Tal's arms again.

"You found your mate! Well, that's wonderful! No wonder you weren't out there looking for me. Although, that was still pretty shitty. I mean you're here being pampered and I was trying to hide from the scary Tumaron army. Then they totally arrested me, threw me into a cell and when I wouldn't stop shouting and screaming, they took me to the infirmary and knocked me out." Josie paused long enough to drag in air. "I mean I get you were probably a little preoccupied and I'm sure you were the reason they were looking for me anyway. I mean, that's what the one really gorgeous guy told me. He said his name was Buck, but he's gay. I'm pretty sure of it. I mean, I can practically spot you gay guys a mile away now." She drew in another breath. "I bet Blazell wouldn't let you out of his sight, huh? Have you two already had sex? Well, of course you have. Duh, Josie, what a ridiculous question! No wonder he went all growly when he first saw me hugging you." Josie jabbered away and Tal patiently led her to one of the couches.

There were three white, overstuffed sofas and one white loveseat, all trimmed in gold, a cherry wood table, which Tal knew had cost quite a bit, since it had come from the now almost uninhabited planet Earth. Mostly overgrown with plant life and overrun with wild life, Earth was inhabited by only a few thousand humanoids. The cost to harvest then ship the resources totaled more than Tal wanted to think about. Blaze's armchair provided the only bit of true color in the room, being a dark blue. A large, flat vid screen took up half the space of one wall, with a state of the art entertainment vid system, electronic bar and liquor cabinet; an electronic food bar that made snacks, but not full blown meals, was sitting directly below the screen. A large window overlooking the palace grounds took up the rest of the wall space. Tal settled down next to Josie and continued to let her yammer on while his mind wandered over Blaze's strange mood.

"What's his name? Blazell, you said, right? Right," Josie answered her own question and Tal chuckled softly. "No wonder he seemed so upset to see me. Tumarons are extremely possessive. He must want you all to himself."

Tal perked up at her statement. "So you saw that, too? How standoffish he seemed?" Tal inquired.

"Of course I saw it, honey. A blind man could've seen it. Everyone knows how possessive and jealous Tumarons can be. I think the fact he didn't strangle me or rip me to shreds as soon as I started kissing and hugging you and monopolizing your attention says a lot about his self-control and his feelings for you," Josie remarked and tapped Tal's chin right under his lower lip that he'd drawn between his teeth. "You're mated now, honey. Mated to the Alpha King, you have got to stop doing that. Besides, it's a little annoying. You're too old to be acting like some young centuries-past earthling female."

"Blaze would never harm you," Tal stated confidently, ignoring Josie's insult, "He's so gentle and sweet with me. He wouldn't hurt you because that would hurt me."

"And your feelings for him would be affected apparently," Josie murmured before giggling at the look of shock frozen on Tal's face.

He hated she could read him so well, even more than that, he hated that she could pick up on the fact he had feelings for his mate when he hadn't admitted to himself yet. How could he though? They barely knew each other. He wanted to protest, but the heated truth rolling through him made a lie of the thought before he could even put it into words. Damn Josie and her perceptiveness.

"So, besides being mated to the Alpha King, what else happened while we were separated?" Josie leaned back, putting her black slipper-clad feet up on the coffee table in front of them.

Tal murmured under his breath, "I'm carrying five babies." His cheeks flamed red because everything had happened so fast and he still couldn't quite believe it himself.

How the hell would he be able to handle five babies? And even more than that, how big would he get carrying five Tumaron-Vermithian hybrids? Wolf puppies were a lot bigger than humanoid babies, weren't they?

"I'm sorry, what? I didn't catch that. But it must be a doozy if it's got you blushing," she pointed out, her eyebrows rising in speculation.

"I'm apparently pregnant with five children," Tal stated a little louder, then covered his ears and waited for Josie's impending scream. Josie didn't just scream, however, she caterwauled! A blood-curdling, glass-shattering, Tumaro-shaking scream of pure delight. Tal had a moment to somewhat prepare for the pounding footsteps of the other guards posted outside when they ran down the hallway. He even expected the door to be kicked open when the guards burst in to save him from his sister's enthusiasm. He did not have time to be ready, however, for one of the guards to be overzealous, grab his sister, and throw her over his shoulder, growling low in his throat.

"What the hell are you doing you big oaf! Put me down!" Josie yelled, pounding on his back. "I am not going to be your chew toy! Put. Me. Down!"

Without hesitation, Tal rose to his feet, pointed to the guard, and with all the authority that he could muster, commanded, "As Alpha Queen, I demand you put my sister down this instant!"

Everyone in the room froze when the shockwaves of the pure power in Tal's voice ran through them. All ten of the guards were huge, twice, some even three times, Tal's size, in fact. However, the guard holding his sister hostage, would have to be larger than the rest, almost the size of Blaze.

And Tal knew he shouldn't be noticing, but he found the guard slightly attractive with his military haircut, stormy gray eyes, and huge tattoo that appeared to cover his entire body, including his face. Only patches of his tanned skin actually showed. He only hoped Blaze hadn't heard his thoughts because then he'd have two big, overbearing, overprotective wolves in his room. All of the guards wore the royal attire of green tunics and black breeches, both edged in gold. Their swords, which would usually be sheathed at their sides, were out as the rest of the guard prepared to defend the order and safety of their Alpha Queen. The heavy thud of their black combat boots went silent as they prepared to engage what appeared to be their insane comrade.

The guard in question slowly lowered Josie to the floor, very carefully, treating her like a delicate flower.

He growled low again when Tal stepped forward. "Mine!" His voice went low and rumbly, reminding Tal fondly of his mate in his protective, possessive role.

The guard clearly struggled between being respectful of Tal's position as the Alpha Queen and his current role of protector, but apparently he'd gone from protecting Tal to protecting… Josie?

"Are you saying my sister is your mate?" Tal asked in surprise and stopped moving instantly, the implications of the guard's single declaration and actions finally sinking in.

Easing the tension in his shoulders slightly, the guard replied, "Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed his head.

"Wow," Tal breathed out the word simultaneously with Josie.

"Holy. Fucking. Shitballs." Josie grinned when Tal narrowed his eyes.

"Well… wait, what the hell is your name?" Tal asked, ignoring the feeling of nausea that suddenly overwhelmed him.

"Gregor Malvechio, Alpha Queen," Gregor responded with another bow.

Interrupting Tal before he had a chance to speak, Josie punched Gregor in the shoulder. "I don't care who the hell you are! You will not go around tossing me over your shoulder like I'm some damsel in distress. You will stop and talk to me first. Got it?" She all but yelled at the man, even though he towered over her.

Tal grinned when Gregor swallowed nervously and nodded his head.

Inhaling deeply, Tal fought to force the nausea down, wondering why he suddenly felt the urge to hurl. He hadn't eaten yet, maybe that caused it? He turned to dismiss the guards when he noticed Percy hovering in the doorway.

"Percy? Can you show me where my robe and crown are so I may join my mate at court? Can you prepare a room for my sister and show her there? Also, find her some suitable attire. She looks like a wretched vid whore in what she currently has on," Tal said with a smile. "And I need something to eat, something light, I'm feeling a little sick." He noticed almost immediately how everyone looked at him with concern and he smiled wanly. "I'm fine. I swear it."

"Right away, Your Highness. I can bring out your robe and crown from your bedroom if you would permit me?" Percy offered with a pleasant smile.

BOOK: The Alpha King
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