The Alpha (3 page)

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Authors: Annie Nicholas

BOOK: The Alpha
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Oh, how he wanted to replace his fingers with his cock. For once, his morals pissed him off.

He twirled his fingers inside her, searching for that magical spot. The way she cried out told him exactly where it lay, and he worked it until Spice became a mass of thrashing limbs.

Her cries probably woke the others downstairs and maybe the neighbors. Smug with her satisfaction, he hugged her close and waited to wake up.

Chapter 4

A noise in the hallway outside of Eric’s bedroom alerted Spice. She shoved the half-wrapped present under the blankets of her unmade bed and spun around.

Her sister stepped through the doorway.

“Jesus H. Christ, Sugar. You about gave me a heart attack.” Her heart slowed with relief now that she knew it wasn’t Eric. She wanted to surprise him with a gift. The realization amazed her. When was the last time she cared to give something to anyone?

“What are you hiding?” Her twin peeked under the blankets. “A book? Is it for me?” She grinned with a wicked glint in her eyes. The vampire’s personality had rubbed off on her.

“No.” Spice pulled it out and exposed the cover. It had taken some work to get Eric to admit the box of romance books under his bed belonged to him, but they’d both enjoyed her methods of persuading his confession. She smiled, remembering the last three nights. He still refused to join her in his bed but didn’t protest if she searched him out during the wee hours of the morning and joined him on the couch.

His virginity tortured her. At first, she believed it was the reason for her infatuation but after three days she realized what she felt meant more. Like a moth to flame, his kindness drew her. She hoped she didn’t get burned.

“That’s Eric’s favorite author. How’d you know?”

“It wasn’t hard to figure out. I went through his books and she had the most titles. Look.” Inside the cover was the author’s signature. “She did a signing at the book store yesterday. Do you think he’ll like it?”

Sugar gripped her arm and laughed. “He’ll love it. How’s the new job?”

“I never thought I’d like working with books. It’s…peaceful.” She finished wrapping the gift in bright shiny blue paper and taped the edges, then took a navy blue ribbon to tie around it. Her sister placed a finger over the knot to hold it while she tied a bow. “It’s the best job I’ve had in a long time.”

Sugar’s smile faded as she stepped closer. “If you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.”

Without meeting her stare, Spice nodded. “I know.” Her voice cracked, and she cleared her throat. “That part of my life is over. It’s in the past.” Taking a deep breath she glanced at her little sister, whose concern painted her face, then smiled. “I’m ready to start fresh.”

“Eric is part of it?” Spice realized then the concern on Sugar’s face wasn’t only for her but for Eric, her best friend, as well.

“I think so.”

Her twin hugged her suddenly. “Nothing would make me happier than if the two of you fell in love.”

Spice couldn’t return the gesture and stepped away, waiting to hear the “but” part of the speech. Whenever something concerned her, the use of that word went with it.
You’re smart, but
you can’t handle the responsibility
or her favorite
you’re beautiful but don’t have enough talent.
She could write a memoir filled with these kinds of statements.

“But I don’t want Eric getting hurt.”

Even though she was familiar with such expectations, didn’t mean it stopped hurting. “Hmm…” It was the only sound she could make. If she opened her mouth, she might tell Sugar where to shove her worries. What about
heart? Would anybody be troubled if

“Don’t give those eyes, Spice.”


“The eat-shit-and-die glare you give people when pissed.” Sugar placed her hands on her hips. “You don’t have a good track record when it comes to men. Use ’em and lose ’em, isn’t that your motto?”

“It used to be. Until I became the one used.” She set the present on the dresser. Eric would be home soon. He’d gone out with Sam and Robert to check on some friends but promised that after he returned he’d take her to a late dinner. She didn’t want to wreck the night by carrying a bunch of emotional crap around. “I won’t hurt him.”

She was about to embark on the most risky endeavor she’d ever been part of—a relationship. Tonight, she’d give him everything, her trust, her dreams, and her heart. No one, except her twin, had deserved such trust. The book symbolized these gifts. She touched it.

“He means something to you.” The awe in Sugar’s voice should have been insulting, but Spice laughed at it. They knew each other too well.

“Yep, for the first time, I’m in love.”

A squeal of joy escaped her little sister just before she jumped on her and knocked them both to the floor. Sugar landed on top of her, the air whooshed from her lungs, and stars pirouetted in front of her eyes. Her sister yelled, “Yes, yes, yes!”

“What’s going on in here—oh, my.”

Spice glanced over Sugar’s shoulder. Daedalus stood in the doorway, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. She’d seen that look on other men before once they’d met her twin. The ménage fantasy stare. Not on his life. She’d had her share of cold-blooded life-suckers.

With a twist of her hips, she dumped Sugar to the floor. She appreciated her enthusiasm, but it still stung that she doubted the sincerity of her intentions toward Eric. If anyone understood her, it should be her sister. The emptiness in her soul grew a little larger. She hoped Eric believed in her. They weren’t teenagers anymore, and she’d been through enough crap to recognize the real thing when she felt it.

Daedalus lost his dreamy expression and replaced it with a crooked grin. “I thought I was the only one who could make you scream like that.” He leaned against the doorframe and folded his arms over his chest.

“Daedalus.” Sugar sounded so scandalized Spiced had to chuckle. The girl shared her bed with a vampire yet still managed to keep some of her innocence. It amazed her. Why couldn’t Spice retain any?

The sound of the front door closing carried to the bedroom, followed by Eric’s call. “Honey, I’m home.”

Dang, she wasn’t ready for their first official date.

Sugar grabbed onto the dresser as she stood, then sashayed past Daedalus. With the tip of her fingernail, she traced a line down his bulging bicep. Her stare never left his as she led him to their room and closed the door.

Spice wanted to give her sister a mental high five. The way the vampire’s expression softened when he watched her spoke volumes. She had worried about who controlled who in their relationship, but after this little display she wouldn’t anymore. Yet, she still had to force herself not to shiver at the thought of what they’d be doing in there. If she was going to be part of her twin’s life again, she needed to learn to accept the bloodsucker.

Eric poked his head around the doorway. “Are you okay?”

She smiled at him from her place on the floor. “Yeah, I got waylaid by a squealing sister. You know, if you close the door, we could just spend the evening in here.” She popped the button on her jeans and exposed a little belly flesh.

His eyes darted straight for it. The hunger in his gaze made her breath catch. It made him look so feral, but he blinked and it faded.

“No, I was promised a date, a formal one, with you in a dress.” He stepped into the room and offered her a hand to stand.

She took it. Her man not only read romance, he wanted it in his life. Maybe she should have read one his books to get an idea of what he expected. She bit her bottom lip.

“You’re nervous?” He chuckled and pushed a stray curl behind her ear.

“It’s been a long time since someone asked me on a date. I’m not sure how to behave.” The heat of her blush burned her cheeks. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

He lifted her chin with his finger. “I made you blush.” The awe in his voice made it deeper, sexier and the innocence of his words made her love him so much more. “Nothing you do would ever disappoint me. I’m still thrilled you want to spend any time with me.”

There were two sides to this man, the hungry beast who peeked from his eyes like when she popped her button, and the sweet gentleman who saved his virginity for someone special.

She’d be that person, no matter what it took.

* * * *

The fireworks ended over the Chicago River. Spice and Eric watched them from the Signature Room on top of the John Hancock Center. The city sparkled below them. A busboy removed their empty dinner plates from the table, then refilled the wine glasses.

Spice’s smile lit up his evening. “How did you ever get such a great table on such short notice?”

“I know the cook.” Being an Alpha had some perks. Loyalty to pack members still ran deep, even in his large antisocial pack. It was something he tried to nurture. The head cook, being a member, offered him an open reservation as an incentive to find a mate.

“A man with connections.” She reached across the table and took his hand. Live piano music drifted through the room while she gazed at him across the candle-lit table.

This night couldn’t get more perfect. She wore a small, slinky black dress that left just enough flesh exposed to spark a man’s imagination. It clung to every rounded curve with spaghetti straps baring the white creamy skin of her shoulders and back. When they entered the room earlier, he couldn’t help but notice the stares she drew. His heart swelled with pride.

“You’ve changed so much.” She squeezed his hand. The statement hit a sensitive chord within him. He had changed a lot; he wasn’t even human anymore. How the heck would he tell her without her running away?

He’d always wanted her but never imagined he would get a chance to have and keep her. The fear of losing her grew each day. He swallowed around the lump in his throat and squeezed her hand back. “I’m not the only one. Two years ago you wouldn’t have given me the time of day.”

A wounded look came to her eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you’re right. I learned some hard lessons while away.” She brought the wine glass to her lips and drank the dark red liquid until she emptied the vessel, then lifted the bottle to fill it once more.

“Where did you go?”

“I’m a firm believer that the past is behind me, and I don’t care to dwell on it.” She raised her glass again, but he placed a finger on the rim and stopped it before it reached her lips.

“I’ll let you keep your secrets if you let me keep mine.” He quirked an eyebrow at her and waited. They needed honesty for a relationship to work. If she couldn’t confide in him, then he wasn’t ready to take any more steps, no matter how much he wanted to fuck her.

“You have a secret?” She set her glass down.


“Let’s hear it.”

He laughed and leaned back in his chair. “Ladies first.”

“Nobody’s ever accused me of being a lady.” She tapped a long, manicured, red painted nail on the glass’s rim. “Fine, I’ll go first but your secret better be worth it.” The wine made her cheeks rosy and her smile a little lopsided.

He grinned. Maybe he should let her finish the bottle. It could prove to be interesting.

She took a sip. “I went to Las Vegas and tried to make it as a dancer.”

He remembered Sugar mentioning something about Spice taking dance classes and getting a scholarship to a school.

“I bombed. The competition was too much. I ran out of money and met this guy…” She ran her finger around the rim of her glass and stared at the contents as if lost in the memory. “He made me feel special.” She smiled with a touch of sorrow. “I was a fool. He talked me into doing things I’m not proud of to make money.” She glanced at Eric as if waiting for him to prompt her for details. He didn’t need them. “Six months ago he introduced me to a vampire and I started to ah—work for him.”

Now he understood where her hostility toward Daedalus came from. The shame in her voice made him regret pushing her to confess. “Spice, I’m sorry. You don’t have to continue if you don’t want to.”

She sighed, then drained the glass of wine. “I need to finish now that I’ve started. I was his pet, something pretty to keep around and show off and use. Once I came to my senses, I realized there were two possible outcomes to living with a vampire, eventually getting killed by him or becoming one. I didn’t like my life and hated my future, so I ran.” She reached for the bottle with a shaky hand.

He took it and kissed her fingers. “Here’s to new beginnings.”

The trembles stopped and she met his gaze. Light from the candle reflected off the unshed tears in her eyes.

“I bet you’re a beautiful dancer.” He stood and came around to her chair, then offered his hand. “Show me.” They had the rest of their lifetime to get to know each other. He didn’t need to press for more info. Now, she would confide in him without worrying about judgment.

Her face transformed as she beamed up at him and took his hand. He led her onto the dance floor and hoped he wouldn’t make a huge fool of himself.

She twirled around him to the slow blues song and faced him with her hands on his chest. Her stiletto heels gave her more height and brought her rosebud mouth closer to his. He only had to bend at the neck and—

With a playful glint in her eyes, she stepped back and placed his hands on her waist, then rested her hands on his shoulders.

The waltz was the only dance he knew. It may have seemed odd with the music, but she never complained. She moved with grace in his hands, light as a feather and smooth as silk. She made a few adjustments to their steps and made it look easy and fresh.

He could have danced with her all night, but the song ended and she stepped into his arms and whispered, “I have a present for you at home. Let’s make it an early night.”

The instant cock salute those words produced made him a little dizzy, and he closed his eyes for a moment. He used her body as a shield as he shifted it to the side.

Her gaze followed his hand. She grinned at him and slid past him as she brushed her fingers over the bulge in his pants.

Mortified, he glanced at the tables but caught only a few stares. Most were envious ones. He rushed their waiter and paid the bill while she strolled by the windows, waiting for him. His beast wanted to scoop her up and have her as dessert right on the table. He needed to take a few deep, cleansing breaths and concentrate on making his beast sleep. If she meant what he hoped for, to consummate their relationship, then he didn’t want the creature to be part of tonight. The loss of his virginity was for him and Spice alone.

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