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Authors: H.W. Brands

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13. Reflections in an All-Seeing Eye
334 “The consummation”: McPherson, 76.
334 “another triumph… around her”: Peterson, 476.
336 “sink in hell”: Potter, 155.
336 “raise a hell… out & out abolitionist”: McPherson, 122–24.
337 “Since there is no escaping… the abolitionists”: ibid., 145–46.
338–40 “Mining is not… care and dispatch”: G. Clark, 50–65.
342 “In Sacramento… stain of abolitionism”: ibid., 73–78.
343 “In these prosperous times”: Sherman and Sherman, 51.
346 “My business here”: ibid., 53.
347 “as clearly as a proposition”: Sherman (1875), 126.
349–50 “all the banks… any security whatever”: ibid., 130–34.
351 “It’s no use”: J. Royce, 435.
351 “I found him on the roof”: Sherman (1875), 143.
352 “Rosario”: Pérez Rosales, 19.
352 “Americans were irresistibly attracted”: Levy, 161–62.
353 “the finest-looking woman”: ibid., 167.
353 “They commonly accepted”: S. Royce, 115–16.
354 “Is it not wonderful… meaningless giggle”: Lotchin, 257.
355 “What the People Expect”: J. Royce, 454.
356 “Remove your fort… inevitably follow”: Sherman (1875), 146–47.
358 “I think the community”: Sherman and Sherman, 58.

Part Four: The Gordian Knot and the Pacific Connection
361 “The sunburnt immigrant”: Bancroft, 7:542.

14. The Pathfinder’s Return
365 “higher law… abominable”: McPherson, 73.
366 “It is the choice”: Nevins (1928), 2:2:478.
366 “prairie fire… yet been named”: ibid., 2:481–82.
366–68 “He also won the heart…to have him elected”: Herr, 254–61.
368 “quite a female politician”: Donald, 315.
368 “These incidents”: Jessie Frémont (1969), 132.
368 “Had we been”: Herr, 265.
369 “John and Jessie… Jessie for the White House”: ibid., 263; Nevins (1928), 2:496.
369 “I am above”: Herr, 268.
369 “We are treading”: Nevins (1928), 2:505.
369 “The election… eternal separation”: Potter, 262.
369 “Tell me”: Nevins (1928), 2:509.
370 “I heartily regret”: Jessie Frémont (1969), 140.
372 “no black or mulatto”: Lapp (1977), 192.
373 “Private School”: Lapp (1969), 10.
375 “Why, Lord”: ibid., 48.
375 “I don’t want”: ibid., 8.
377 “When they come… Charles A. Stovall”: Franklin, 149–51.
377 “It vies with the most”: ibid., 152.
377 “The law was given”: J. Hittell (1878), 271.
381 “Archy, my boy”: Lapp (1969), 58.

15. South by West
383 “His appearance”: Warren, 212–13.
384 “The Republic”: Wells, 24.
385 “He is a veritable”: Scroggs, 42.
385 “The scene”: Wells, 30–31.
386 “We had to shoot”: ibid., 33.
387 “There, sir”: Scroggs, 91.
388 “Gentlemen”: Brands (1999), 20.
388 “A beleaguered force”: Walker, 266.
389 “Instead of treating”: Scroggs, 233.
390 “that we inscribe… railroad is concerned”: G. Clark, 78–79.
391–92 “I feel… white clingstone”: ibid., 83–91.
393 “Every dollar”: ibid., 92.
395–97 “having the Federal… above all price”: ibid., 99, 108–12.
397 “I believe”: Bancroft, 7:258–59.
397 “California is ready”: ibid., 7:272.
398 “I was young”: Harpending, 17.
399–400 “I will never forget… what followed”: ibid., 24–26.
400–01 “He fully realized… thought of me”: ibid., 33–34.
401–02 “After that… small fortune”: ibid., 49–55.

16. From Sea to Shining Sea
404: $600 million…$130 million: Hill (1999), 263.
405 “We are all safe”: Sherman (1909), 150–51.
406 “Having nothing”: Sherman (1875), 154.
406 “I suppose”: L. Lewis, 123.
406 “West Point”: ibid., 97.
406 “I would as soon”: Sherman (1909), 151.
406 “If I turn”: ibid., 153.
406 “Avoid the subject”: Sherman and Sherman, 55.
407 “If he is fit … nigger question”: Marszalek, 109.
407 “I would not”: L. Lewis, 119.
407 “If they design”: Sherman (1909), 163.
407 “I had read of retreats”: Marszalek, 151.
408 “I believe he would do it”: Fellman, 91.
408 “Command me in any way”: ibid., 102.
408 “Sherman saved”: ibid., 115–16.
409 “If the North… Georgia howl!”: L. Lewis, 429–31.
409–10 “The acclamation… every girl that he met”: ibid., 575, 585.
410 “At first he was affable… without restriction”: ibid., 577–78.
410–11 “The time… the people demand”: Sherman and Sherman, 56–57.
411 “There are too many… length on earth”: Greeley, 52, 119–21, 186, 229.
412–14 “He was a very… California endured?”: Twain,
Roughing It
, 39–40, 54–56, 70–72, 97, 143–44, 150.
415 “Boy That Earth Talks To”: Older, 29.
417 “A good deal”: G. Clark, 175.
418 “I remember”: ibid., 173.
419 “NEW ROAD”: ibid., 204.
420 “I think”: Bain, 109.
421 “We have drawn”: ibid., 115.
423 “You see”: ibid., 137.
423 “They wanted to know”: Daggett, 23–24.
423 “I would have been glad”: G. Clark, 208.
424 “Those mountains”: Bain, 145.
424 “As to work”: ibid., 565.
424 “Mr. Huntington”: letter of Nov. 29, 1861, Leland Stanford papers.
424 “To the extent”: G. Clark, 210.
425 “Brigham was cold”: ibid., 245.
426 “Four or five”: ibid., 213–14.
426 “I was very much prejudiced”: Bain, 208.
426 “To my mind”: G. Clark, 126–27.
427 “Didn’t they build”: Bain, 221.
427 “We swarmed”: ibid., 299–300.
427 “The Atlanta campaign”: Sherman (1875), 889.
427 “I think this subject”: L. Lewis, 595.
428 “Every time”: ibid.
428 “They are not worth”: Bancroft, 7:552.
428 “Baker had electrified”: Sherman (1875), 901.
429 “This is a great enterprise”: Bain, 245.
429 “pure beggars”: L. Lewis, 596.
429 “We must act”: ibid., 597.
430 “we can act”: Bain, 312.
430 “When the opportune moment”: ibid., 350.
431 “We’ve got to clean”: ibid., 351.
431 “Unless some relief”: ibid.
431 “If you don’t choose”: L. Lewis, 598.
433 “free from all danger”: Bain, 274.
433 “We are getting”: ibid., 321.
433 “We send you”: G. Clark, 244.
434 “I did not try”: ibid., 249–50.
434 “Run up and down”: Bain, 447.
434 “to build road”: ibid.
435–36 “We are cribbed… too fast”: ibid., 646–48.
437 “I sat”: Dodge, 55.

Part Five: The New El Dorado
441 “The people who come”: J. Hittell (1863), 333–34.
441 “One man works hard”: O. Lewis, 53.

17. Prometheus Unbound
445 “There were more”: Phillips, 284.
446 “We were very much”: G. Clark, 231–32.
448 “These shares”: letter of May 30, 1868, Leland Stanford papers.
448 “It is the well settled policy”: G. Clark, 280.
448–50 “You have been accredited…my home”: ibid., 309–10.
450 “a dangerous rival”: Daggett, 119.
450 “
We must name
”: letter of Jan. 3, 1869, Leland Stanford papers.
452 “You are sending”: Daggett, 257.
452 “He had only time”: Norris, 49–51.
455–58 “a cavern… his own corpse”: Brands (1999), 41–48.
459 “At the depth”: Wright, 386.
460–62 “The city and all… generally found it”: Twain,
Roughing It
, 306–8.
462–63 “I enjoyed… paid them”: ibid., 419–20.
463–66 “Frequently we had… British Museum”: Hargraves, 86–87, 91, 96, 111–16.
466 “Cottages are deserted… powerful auxiliary”: Hughes, 563–55.
469 “George”: Older and Older, 155.
471 “We chose gold”: Bernstein, 250.
471 more gold was mined:
Encyclopedia Britannica
(1961), 10:481.
473 “If they dare”: Brands (1995), 260–61.

18. American Dreamers
476 “You forget”: Nevins (1955), 607.
476 “If I keep this free”: Jessie Frémont memoirs, addendum.
477 “There were three churches”: S. Royce, 139.
477 “My comrades very generally”: J. Royce (1916), 126–27.
478 “purely aggressive”: J. Royce (1886), 94.
478 “Frémont’s League with the Devil”: J. Royce (1970), 170.
478 “charming and courteous mendacity”: ibid., 199.
478–79 “Nowhere else…on the Pacific Coast”: J. Royce (1886), 2.
479 “of unusual intelligence…of their bereavement”: Farkas, 64.
480 “I have remained”: Perlot, 446.
481 “I will not accept…it is all hell”: L. Lewis, 631–37.
482 “Gold digging is a lottery”: Dillon, 332.
483 “Your hospitality”: ibid., 345–46.
485 “If the Californians”: Emparan, 140–41.
485 “Believe me… Let the wound heal”: Rosenus, 233.
488 “the new new thing”: M. Lewis,
The New New Thing
488 “vein of gold”: Kaplan, 18.
488 “the largest legal creation”: ibid., 16.
489 “We are on the brink”: Bancroft, 6:119.

Unpublished manuscripts

Allan, John. Correspondence. Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

Aram, Joseph. Correspondence. Huntington Library, San Marino, California.

Averett, George Washington Gill. Correspondence. Huntington Library.

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Bunker, David. Letters. Nantucket Historical Association, Nantucket, Massa chusetts.

Cary, Thomas G. Papers. Library of Congress.

Cochran, Charles. Diary. Huntington Library.

Cool, Peter. Journal. Huntington Library.

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Earl, Robert. Papers. Oregon Historical Society, Portland.

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Hanson, William. Correspondence. Bancroft Library.

Harvey, Charles Henry. Diary. Library of Congress.

Haun, Catherine Margaret. Papers. Huntington Library, San Marino, California.

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Pownall, Joseph. Family papers. Huntington Library.

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Sharp, John. Correspondence. Huntington Library.

Sherman, William T. Correspondence. Bancroft Library.

Spiegel, Henry. Correspondence. Bancroft Library.

Stanford, Jane. Papers. Green Library, Stanford University.

Stanford, Leland. Papers. Green Library.

Stone, John N. Journal. Huntington Library.

Thompson, Charles. Correspondence. Bancroft Library.

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Townsend, D. Correspondence. Huntington Library.

Tracy, Frederick P. Correspondence. California State Library.

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Wells, William. Correspondence. California State Library.

Winchester, J. Correspondence. Bancroft Library.

Winston, W. G. Correspondence. Huntington Library.

Wood, Joseph. Diary. Huntington Library.

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