The Affair of the Poisons: Murder, Infanticide and Satanism at the Court of Louis XIV (75 page)

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Authors: Anne Somerset

Tags: #History, #France, #Royalty, #17th Century, #Witchcraft, #Executions, #Law & Order, #Courtesans, #Nonfiction

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Boyer (fortune-teller)

Brayer, M.

Briancourt, Jean-Baptiste

Bribach, Mlle de

Brinvilliers, Antoine Gobelin, Marquis de

Brinvilliers, Marie Madeleine Gobelin, Marquise de: executed; poisons father and brothers; family and background; affair with and children by Sainte-Croix; on Sainte-Croix’s source of poison supply; and Glaser’s poisons; finances; considers poisoning sister; demands Sainte-Croix’s casket; flees country; and interrogation of La Chausée; arrested in Liege and returned to Paris; confession; denies guilt; affair with Briancourt; interrogated and found guilty; sees religious confessor; suffers water torture; admits to crimes; Pennautier’s dealings with; effect of case on France; and witchcraft; effect of case on La Reynie; sexual misconduct

Brissac, Albert de Grillet, Marquis de

Brissac, Henri-Albert de Cossé, Duc de

Brissart, Marie, Duchesse de

(torture instrument)

Broglio, M. de

Brunet, M. (first husband of Mme Philbert)

Brunet, Mme
Philbert, Mme

Bussy, Roger de Rabutin, Comte de: as source; and court debauchery; on Louis; on Louis’ relations with Mme de Montespan; hostility to Mme de Montespan; on Louis’ prejudices; expects downfall of Mme de Montespan; and Mme de Ludres; on rivalry between Mme de Montespan and Mlle de Fontanges; on Louis’ declining interest in Mlle de Fontanges; on Mme de Maintenon’s relations with Louis; and belief in witchcraft; and arrests of poison suspects; on death of Princesse de Monaco; on Louis’ treatment of Mme de Polignac; disbelieves Louis’ remark on Duchesse de Bouillon; laments arrest of members of court; on Mme de Grondeuse; on lenient treatment of Chevalier Colbert and friends; on trial of Mme Leféron; on Mme de Dreux’s trial; on acquittal of Luxembourg; on Louis’ forgiving Luxembourg; on withdrawal to convents of Louis’ mistresses; on lack of trust following poison accusations

Cadelan, Pierre

Canilhac, Charles Timoléon de Beaufort-Montboissier, Marquis de

Canilhac, Marie, Marquise de (
Mme de Broglie)

Carada, Anne

Carignan, Marie de Bourbon-Soissons, Princesse de

Carré, Mme

Cato (Mme de Montespan’s servant)

Caylus, Marthe-Marguerite le Valois de Vilette de Marçay, Comtesse de

Cesar, Père

Cessac, Louis de Guilhem de Castelnau, Marquis de

Chambelan (Breton)

Chambre Ardente
Chambre d’Arsenal
): special commission sits in; first session (10 April 1679); Mme Desmaretz attends; and la Voisin trial; Maréchal de La Ferté at; Mme de Sévigné on; Louis orders continuation of; activities and achievements; and Luxembourg investigation; suspended; Colbert considers dissolving; and Louis’ orders to end enquiries; reassembles and passes judgements; and further death plot against Louis; disbanded; records burned; reconvened (1689); effect on France’s international reputation; Louvois dominates; Louis supports

Chamillart, Michel de

Champmesle, Marie

Chanfrain, Jeanne

Chapelain, Magdelaine: Mme de Montespan meets; Boucher works with; arrested; and la Filastre; background and career; accuses Duchesse de Vivonne; allegedly works for Mme de Montespan; and murder plot against Mme de Fontanges; imprisoned for life; death

Chapelle, Abbé

Chapon, Mathurin

Charles I, King of England

Charles II, King of Spain

Charpy, Abbé

Chartres, Duc de
Orléans, Philippe II, Duc d’

Chartres, Françoise-Marie, Duchesse de (
Mlle de Blois; Louis/Mme de Montespan’s daughter)

Chasteuil, François-Galaup de (‘the author’)

Chelle, Abbess of
Rousselle, Catherine de

Cheron, Anne

child sacrifice

Choisy, François Timoléon, Abbé de

Christina, Queen of Sweden

Clagny, near Versailles

Clairambault, Louise Françoise Bouthillier de Chavigny, Maréchale de

Clermont, Charles Henri, Comte de

Clermont-Tonnerre, François de, Bishop of Noyon

Coislin, Pierre de, Bishop of Orléans

Colbert, Antoine-Martin, Chevalier

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste: supports Pennautier; as Controller-General of Finance; encourages building; on Louis XIV’s insistence on knowing all; and La Vallière’s child by Louis; and Mortemart’s appointment as Governor of Paris; Louis requests to help Mme de Montespan; attempts to reconcile Louis and Mme de Montespan; and Louis’ support for police; rivalry with Louvois; and rumours of alchemy; protests to Louis over Luxembourg’s exclusion; and Rouen witchcraft case; and trial of Mme de La Grange; and case of Mmes Vigoreux and Bosse; Luxembourg’s relations with; death threats against; disbelieves Marie Montvoisin; dossier on Mme de Montespan and Mme de Vivonne sent to; forms marriage alliance with Mme de Montespan; scepticism over poison plot; proposes dissolving
Chambre Ardente;
Louis seeks advice from; and Louis’ view of Mme de Montespan’s guilt; examines records of
Chambre Ardente;
and damaging effect of
Chambre Ardente

Condé, Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de (‘Grand Condé’)

Conti, Louis Armand I de Bourbon, Prince de

Conti, Marie-Anne, Princesse de (
Mlle de Blois; Louis/La Vallière’s daughter)

Corneille, Pierre

Corneille, Thomas, and Donneau de Visé:
The Divineress

Cottard, Mme

Cotton, Jacques Joseph

Coulanges, Marie Angélique Du Gué, Mme de

court (royal)
Louis XIV; Versailles

Courville (client of la Chapelain)

Cousserans, Vicomte de

Coventry, Henry

Créqui, Charles III, Duc de

Créqui, François de Blanchefort de Bonne, Maréchal de

currency and coinage

Dalibert (business partner of Saint-Laurens)

Dalmas, P.

Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de

Louis, Dauphin

Marie-Anne of Bavaria

Davot, Gilles

Debray, Étienne

Delabarre, Perrine

Delaporte, Marguerite: profession; arrested; Lesage denounces; and la Voisin; imprisoned for life

Deschault, Jacques

Deslauriers, la

Desloges, Louison

Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin, Jean

Desmaretz, Mme (client of Lesage)

Desnoyers, Étienne

devil, the: belief in


divineress: as term

Dreux d’Aubray, Antoine (Mme de Brinvilliers’ father)

Dreux, Mme Françoise de; tried and admonished; Mme Joly denounces as poisoner; tried in absence and banished; as potential poisoner

Dreux, Philippe de

Drodelot, Aymée

Duchamp, Père

Duparc (lawyer)

Du Parc, Thérèse

Dupin (businessman)

Duplessis, Claude

Dusoulcye, Louise

Dutch, the

Effiat, Antoine Coiffier-Ruzé, Marquis d’

Effita, M. d’ (Criminal Lieutenant of Paris)

Elboeuf, Marie Marguerite Ignace de Lorraine, Mlle d’

Elias, Norbert

Enghien, Henri Jules de Bourbon, Duc d’

Estrades, Godefroy, Maréchal d’

Eugène François of Savoy, Prince

Exili, Egidio

Faurye, Jean

Felibien, André

Ferry, M.

Ferry, Mme

Feuquières, Antoine de Pas, Marquis de: Lesage’s allegations against; serves Luxembourg; character; enmity with Louvois; served with summons; interrogated and discharged; military career; and Louis’ support of prosecutions; letters to fortune-teller; as client of Mme de La Ville; lost account of experiences before

Fieubet, Gaspard de

Filastre, Françoise: detained and interrogated; and Mme de Vivonne; Princesse de Tingry patronises; la Bergerot accuses of making pact with devil; birth of child; and Mlle de Fontanges; la Chapelain accuses; and Mme de Montespan; La Reynie investigates; tried, tortured and sentenced to be burnt; withdraws allegations; Louis considers testimony; use of testimony as evidence


Fontanges, Duchesse de (Marie-Angélique de Scorailles): as Louis’ mistress; created duchess; health decline; loses favour with Louis; Mme de Maintenon and; la Filastre seeks employment with; la Voisin and Romani approach; murder plot against; la Filastre denies wishing to harm; death and autopsy

Fontet, Marie, Marquise de

Fontrevault, Abbess of
Rochechouart, Marie Madeleine Gabrielle de

Forne, M.

fortune-telling and divination

Fouilloux, Bénigne de
Alluye, Marquise d’

Fouquet, Nicolas

France: judicial procedures; wars; status in Europe

France devenue Italienne, La

France Galante, La

Funck-Brentano, Frantz

Galet, Philippe

galleys: as punishment


Gascon (servant)

Gassilly, Comte de

Gazette de France

Glaser, Christophe

Gobelin, Abbé

Gobelin, Antoine
Brinvilliers, Marquis de

Gobelins tapestry factories


Gontier, M.

Grabcey, Mme de

Gramont, Antoine II, Maréchal Duc de

Gramont, Elizabeth, Comtesse de (

Gramont, Mlle de

Gramont, Philibert, Comte de

Grancey, Mlle de

Grancey, Mme de

Grandet, François

Grondeuse, Mme de

Guerchi, Mlle de

Guesdon, Mme

Guibourg, Abbé Étienne: arrested; performs black masses and child sacrifices; Mme de Montespan and; pact with devil; Marie Montvoisin on; recites pact from memory; and la Filastre’s testimony; confrontation with Marie Montvoisin; identifies Mlle des Oeillets; in Vincennes; not subjected to torture; denounces Mme Joly; reports attempt to kill Colbert; on Maillard; imprisoned for life; shares prison cell with Lemaire; death

Guiche, Armand de Gramont, Comte de

Hamelin, Jean (‘La Chausée’)

Hannyvel, Chevalier de

Hanover, Electress of

Harlay, Achille de (Attorney-General)

Harlay, François de, Archbishop of Paris

Hébert (curé at Versailles)

Hébert, Mme

Henault (priest)

Henri III, King of France

Henri IV, King of France

Herault (tavern keeper)


Holland: war with France


Hostel, Nicholas d’

Huet, Jean

infanticide and child sacrifice

Italy: supposed expertise in poisons

Jacob, la (divineress)

James, Duke of York (
James II of England)

Jemme (fortune-teller)

Joly, Marguerite

Journal des Savants

La Brosse, Chevalier de

La Bruyère, Jean de

La Chaboissière (Jean Barthominat)

La Chaise, Père

La Chausée
Hamelin, Jean

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