The 5-Year Plan (Friends to Lovers Romance Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: The 5-Year Plan (Friends to Lovers Romance Book 1)
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“The chess club champion. He used to take bath once a month. I had the misfortunate of having a match with him.”

He tilted his head to the side. “Was that the reason you gave up chess?”

“Might have been, yes. Come on. Let’s go get a coffee.”

“I can’t leave Tom.”

“Dummy—there’s a café of some kind. There always is. It goes with the gift shop and the disinfectant. We should get him a balloon—something really gaudy. He’ll hate it.”

Dragging on his hand, she got him to his feet. All the corridors looked alike to her but she finally found a sign and then found some vending machines. She didn’t have change, but Trent had some. After getting coffee, she dragged him to the gift shop.

Pointing to a blue, floppy-eared dog, she asked, “What do you think?”

“Yeah. It’s ugly enough. He’ll love it.” Trent brought a bouquet of white lilies. As she paid for her bear, he gave her the lilies. “Thanks for coming, Tori. It means the world to me to have you.”

“Hey, it’s what friends do, right?” She took the flowers. Her hand brushed against his and a shiver slid over her skin.

In front of them, a nurse turned the corner and called out, “Trent?” Victoria turned. Of course the nurse was cute—and knew Trent by his first name. The cute nurse in pink scrubs hurried to his side. “Just wanted you to know your brother is doing well. He’s stable and is in ICU for now, but the internal bleeding’s been stopped and he came out of this lucky—a broken femur, two cracked ribs, and only minor damage to his spleen and bladder. It could have been a lot worse”

“Can I see him?”

She glanced over her shoulder, but she nodded. “Just for a minute.”

The nurse led them back to a main station in the IC ward. She motioned for Victoria to wait and led Trent into one of the rooms. A minute later she was shooing him out. “That’s enough. You—and your brother—both need some rest. We’ll call if anything changes. Meantime, plan on coming back tomorrow.”

Trent smiled at the nurse, and Victoria tried to squish the pang of jealousy that shot through her. She was not going to be that petty.

Holding on to Trent’s arm, she headed out of the hospital. Dawn lay on the horizon in a pink line. Faded shades of yellow and orange were beginning to bloom. A light breeze ruffled her hair and Victoria took a breath, glad to be out of the sterile hospital.

She glanced at Trent. He looked like someone had hit him with a two by four. She couldn’t leave him on his own. She didn’t have the heart for that. “Come on over to my place and bunk there. When the hospital calls, you can visit Tom.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll leave a message at work and tell them that I won’t be in.”

Her heart twisted. She had no office to call—no one cared if she wasn’t going to be in today. But this wasn’t the time to moan over her misfortunate. Trent needed her. She hailed a cab and they went to her apartment.

Inside, Victoria asked. “Bed or coffee?” Her face warmed as she thought about how wrong that sounded. “I mean—”

“It’s fine. I’ll take the coffee. I could do with another cup.” He wiped a hand over his face and sat on a stool in her kitchen. “It’s scary to realize one phone call can make for one very bad day. If I lost Tom…”

“You didn’t. You won’t. And what happened to Mr. Positive? That’s the kind of person he needs right now.”

“Yeah, not feeling so with that plan right now.”

He looked so forlorn, so desolate—she needed to offer him something. Walking over, she put a hand on his shoulder. He didn’t say anything. Putting a hand under his chin, she lifted his face. “You’re not a weak person who crumbles at the first obstacle. I expect much better from you.”

The hint of a smile lifted the corner of his mouth. “Isn’t it a little too early for you to be this perky?”

Something glinted in his eyes, an emotion she couldn't quite identify. She stared into the green depths and for once, something new stirred deep inside her. Something different. Desire curled through her gut and smoked its way along her veins—but another emotion curled underneath that. A desire to protect him—to look after him. Need lodged in her throat and hollowed her stomach. She wanted him—but more than that she wanted to give him something. This wasn’t pity at seeing him so broken, but a realization that she could offer him something that no one else could.

Her fingers itched to tangle in his hair, to touch his warm skin, and to slide over the muscles she could see on his arms. She wanted him with a desperate craving that filled every cell of her being.

He stared up at her, his gaze searching—and seeming to find something. “You want me.” His voice seemed rough, but utterly certain.

This wasn’t the time or place. Extracting her fingers, she stepped away. “The coffee is about ready.” Moving over to the stove, she switched it off. As she turned to pick up the mugs, she found her way blocked by Trent. “What?”

“Denial is the coward’s way out.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “That’s cute. But I don’t think either of us are in any shape to be brave. Didn’t we use that all up last night?”

“I didn’t.” His voice was low and throaty, the look in his eyes intense. She couldn’t wrench her stare away from that gleam in his eyes. “This is inevitable, Tori. We’re both attracted to each other, and we know each other too well to hide it. Something’s gotta give, and it’s going to be one of us, or both of us now.”


He put his fingers on her lips. “No buts. Now. We’ve just seen how fast the world can change. One reckless drive—one wrong step—and bang. You lost someone you thought would be there forever. I’m done with saying let’s wait. I’m not backing down because that could have been me on that street, or you in front of that car. No more questions and doubts or fear.”

He stroked her cheek.

His gentle touch made her sizzle with need. Desire coursed through her veins. Denying him at this point wasn’t just cruel for both of them, it seemed pointless. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. What was the harm in this? They were both single and unattached. Sure, he was having a baby with another woman, but he wasn’t with Cynthia. He didn’t love her.

And the only way they were going to find out if there could be more between them was to take this leap.

He bent to claim her lips with his, his kiss slow, soft, and delicious. His lips moved over hers and she forgot everything else. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her close, pressing her breasts against his hard chest. The bulge in his pants pressed into her hips, and the damp scent of her arousal bloomed in the kitchen.

After denying herself for so long, she could no longer contain herself.

Picking her up, he carried her into the bedroom, their lips still fused together. She dug her fingers into his hair. He tossed her onto the bed and lay down next to her. Trailed his fingers down her dress, he popped open the buttons. She gave a soft moan and wiggled. He smoothed his fingers over her stomach. Desire followed every touch. Dragging his shirt came off, she pulled him down for another kiss. When he trailed a line of kisses down to her throat and on her shoulder, she shivered in anticipation.

“You feel good,” she muttered.

“You feel perfect,” he said.

Pulling back, she stared into his eyes. “Don’t stop.”

“Don’t plan to.” He bent down and kissed her skin, his lips brushing over her, his hands warm and strong.

She savored each kiss and every caress. He removed the rest of her clothes, and she fumbled to get his jeans off him. When she had him naked, she rolled with him until he lay under her. He scooted down so he could lick her stiff nipples. He sucked on one, sending tingles of need through her. She threw her head back. He cupped her breast and squeezed ever so gently.

She let out a moan. “Oh…”

“Too much?” he asked.

She looked down at him. “I’ll tell you when.”

Grinning, he turned, sliding her back underneath him. He pushed her arms up and captured her legs with his. She bucked under him and spread her legs wide.

“Now…please,” she muttered.

He pushed in. A moan of ecstasy escaped her lips. Groaning, she wrapped her legs around him. She needed to be as close to him as possible—it overtook all her senses. He stroked in and out, and she matched him, her rhythm in tune with his. The momentum built slowly, and she climbed higher and higher with each move until she teetered on the edge of infinity. The yearning for a release started in her gut, curled its way up, until she was only a trembling mass. She wanted—no, needed—that wave of pure pleasure that would free her.

Freeing her hands, she put them on his shoulders and gripped hard, urging him on. She dug her nails into his flesh, demanding more. When he captured her lips again, she kissed back with the passion of a starved woman. His hot breath brushed against her mouth, and he seemed as greedy for more as she was. The storm crashed through her, cresting and falling. She screamed his name as the orgasm rippled through her. Her toes curled and she gasped for breath.

“Tori!” he whispered her name and filled her with heat. She thought she heard him say something more, but she couldn’t catch the words—her mind had gone blank. He collapsed on her, a welcome weight and she held him there, her fingers splayed wide across his broad, warm back.

“That…that was exceptional.”

He gave a chuckle. “Amazing? Significant?”

“Okay, don’t overdo it.”

“Admit it—I’m not just an accomplished lover, but I am the best.”

“I’ll bet you say that to all the girls.”

He lifted up and stared down at her, his expression serious. “No. I don’t.”

She touched his cheek. “It’s not like this with every woman you’ve ever been with.”

“How could it be—you’re special.”

Throat tight, she longed to ask him if that really mean something. But she was worried he’d become flippant—good old Trent again. He rolled off her and pulled her close, his eyes closing and his breath evening out and deepening. He had to be exhausted. Turning, she rested her head on his shoulders.

Her questions could wait. They both needed some well-deserved rest. And no matter what happened, she’d gone into this with her eyes wide open. She’d wanted this. She’d deal with whatever came next—and she’d fight to keep his friendship, no matter what.

Somehow she slept. She woke to find Trent gone and most of the day gone as well. Glancing at the clock she saw she’d slept until almost eleven. Had Trent gone back to the hospital or to the office? She wandered into the kitchen and found a note on the coffee pot.

Off to office. Called the hospital. Tom’s doing well. Missing you already, Trent.

Clutching the note to her chest, she did a quick dance. Last night had been wonderful. Sure, they had a few issues to sort out. But Trent could raise a baby without being in a relationship with the mom. She would support him in every way that she possibly could. And if she…

Her brain stalled.

How could she think about having a relationship when she wasn’t even able to find a job right now? Trent might love her—and she might love him, but what would happen if she couldn’t find work? Would she become bitter? Would they fight over money? She bit her lip. She had to stop that—Trent would say take it one day at a time. Live for the moment.

She’d wasted so many years battling her feelings, she was not going to keep doing that.

Trent was hers. And she would make this relationship work. As she ate breakfast, Victoria made plans for their future. She kept trying to stop it, but it was a hard habit to break. She figured that after a few months, she might ask him to move in with her. They knew each other pretty well, so the dating phase didn’t have to last long.

But would Trent be willing to move at such a fast speed?

Of course, she didn’t want to push him. Clutching her head, she muttered, “Stop it. Stop!”

Her cell phone rang, and she grabbed it, hoping it was Trent.

Instead, Peter, her ex-boss’ gruff voice came over the line. “Victoria, it’s Peter. Can you come into office at one today?”

“Sure. I’ll be there. What’s this about?”

“We need to talk.” He hung up before she could ask anything else. She stared at the phone. Why would he call her in? Was he going to apologize? If Trent was at work that must mean he’d managed to clear her name. Definitely the best thing to happen to her in a long time! Second best, actually. And if she’d never gone through this, she might never have gotten together with Trent.

Perhaps this was destined.

She changed, taking special care to dress in her best, red power suit. After applying makeup, she tied her hair in a neat chignon, picked up her purse, and marched out of the door. She’d get her job back and she could stop worrying about the future.

She couldn’t wait to find out who really had been stealing the files. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to confront them, but if she did get that chance, she was going to verbally tear that person apart. As she rode the subway, she rehearsed her speech for Peter. Magnanimously, she would forgive him for doubting her. Dignified and respectful, she would not accept her old job, but would ask for the company to recognize her contributions with a promotion. They’d have no choice but to take her back or face a wrongful termination lawsuit—she’d hint at that. She would show she could be strong and subtle. Peter would be impressed.

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