The 30 Day Sub

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Authors: Alaska Angelini

BOOK: The 30 Day Sub
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Copyright© 2013 Alaska Angelina



ISBN: 978-1-77130-587-7


Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs









WARNING: The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All
names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






To Stacey and everyone at
Thank you for giving The 30 Day
Sub a chance.
And to the readers.
I hope you all enjoy
Torrance and Cate's story as much as I loved writing it.







Copyright © 2013





As a club,
like any other
establishment Torrance had ever been to. From the outside, it looked like
nothing more than a big, abandoned warehouse, but on the inside it was a
master-and-submissive paradise.

Women hung, suspended, from intricately tied ropes.
The art was beautiful, and their skin pressing against the bright-colored nylon
was downright arousing. Past the public and private rooms where couples and
singles divulged their every fantasy, sat a large open area full of tables. The
regulars were in their usual spots. Some were explaining the fundamentals of
their passion to curious newbies, while others were laughing and catching up on
their mundane everyday lives after a boring week at work.

Torrance smiled and felt the thrill of coming to his
favorite spot. It was the only place he felt at home.
he was completely accepted for the darkness within him.
When he was only
twenty-four, he hadn’t been sure what he needed out of his sex life. He’d
searched high and low, for someone to complete that missing piece of himself.
That’s when he’d met his first mistress. She’d taught him things he’d never
dreamed of. It was the only time he’d ever been submissive to anyone. But he
didn’t regret it.

Now at the age of thirty-four, he was the most
sought-after Dom there was.
Not only with ladies, but the men
as well.
Word got around quickly in the community. All thanks to his
first sub, Trinity. If he had to admit it, he hadn’t done a good enough job
with her, since she was so willing to open her mouth. But nothing negative had
come from it. Quite the opposite: She’d told everyone she knew about what a
fantastic fuck he was. That she’d tested him for weeks with every intention of
breaking him, and yet, he’d mastered her against all odds. It was a great ego
boost, but one he could have done without.

All Torrance had ever wanted was long-time sub.
Someone he could come home to after a long workday
get a thrill out of pleasing him at every turn. One who would be waiting for
him, just the way he wanted. Wearing the clothes he’d specifically picked out
for her.
Compliant … Beautiful.
Yes. That was the
dream. Unfortunately, lately he’d had nothing but first-timers who were more
interested in dipping their vanilla toes in his chocolate milk.

If he was looking for a quick fuck, with someone who
wanted to indulge in a fantasy they weren’t even into once they got a taste of
the pain, then he would have opened an account on a Web site and handpicked
from there. But this was his life.
wanted more. Needed a sub,
was not only ready to
submit her body to him, but her heart and soul––the real deal.

Laughter rang out loudly at the table he was headed
for. Henrietta, Justin, Benjamin, and Penelope were on one
and Dr. Mike on the other, saving Torrance’s regular spot.

“We were just talking about you,” Justin said,
loudly. He always had been a speak-at-the-top-of-his-voice kind of guy, but
Torrance liked that about him. Even though Justin was loud, his heart was
accepting of almost anyone, no matter what lifestyle or kink they preferred.

“Oh, yeah.
What about?”
Torrance sat down in the chair next to Doc, and
motioned for the waitress to bring him a beer. The dance floor, to their right,
was at the back of the room, but even from their distance, the music made it
hard to hear. He noticed he was talking just as loud as Justin. Hell, the guy
probably was half deaf from coming here for so long.

The older man stroked his hand down Henrietta’s hair
while she kneeled on the ground before him. “The Doc has a new project you
might be interested in. He has a sub, and she needs training. I told him, who
better to do the job than you? I mean there’s not a girl you can’t mold. I’ve
seen the last few you’ve had. Their masters are very pleased.”

Yeah, the last few: Jill, Paige, and Natalie. He
hated that it hadn’t worked out with them. They had been so obedient, so very
perfect in the eyes of most masters. Yet he was just missing something with
each of them. They’d picked up on it too, and had decided it was best to move

Torrance looked over at Doc. “Why don’t you train
her yourself? You’re a good master.”

The fifty-year-old shook his shaved head and sighed.
“I don’t have nearly enough time to do it right. You know that, Tor. I need
someone who’s at home a lot more than I am, to get her into a routine.”

Dread was slowly creeping in. He knew from the looks
on all of their faces, they weren’t going to stop bugging him about it until he
said yes. Benjamin rested his hands on the table and leaned closer. Right
before he spoke, the waitress placed Torrance’s beer before him.

“I’d bring her in and train her myself, but Penny
and I are working on our own things. Plus, we don’t bring other girls into our
Haven’t, since the first year of marriage.

“Come on, you guys.” Torrance took a long drink of
his beer. He looked over at Doc. “You know what that entails, right? To train
her, she’d have to be mine.
You want me to
claim her, and just hand her back over to you once I’m done?”

He rolled his eyes. “The story is kind of
complicated. You see I don’t necessarily want her for myself. I said I’d be her
master for training. Not permanently. Her real master is in Brazil. He’ll be
back in a few weeks.”

“Wait.” Torrance held up his hand. “How did this
come about?”

Doc shrugged. “Hell, I don’t know.” He took a drink
of beer. “About a month ago over coffee, somehow the whole Dom/sub thing got
brought up. Cate practically begged me to find her a master. If you knew Cate,
you’d know how out of character it was for her to be so outspoken. She just
doesn’t talk about things like that. But I saw her passion.
Doc shrugged. “Well, being the nice guy I am, I found her one.
Then I offered to train her before he got home. The guy wants
. I told him I could do it.
Now, I just want to kick myself.”

Torrance went to open his mouth, but Doc cut him
off. “Listen, I know Cate. The way she talked, she’s the real deal. She’s
wanted this life for a long time now. I just feel bad about telling her no,
because of how excited she is. I thought maybe if you could train her, then
she’d be ready to go before Christopher gets back. It would crush her if I refused
her when she’s so excited.
You owe me
buddy… Are you forgetting the Dominguez account?”

“Doc,” Torrance groaned. “I knew that was going to
come back to haunt me. So, how ‘vanilla’ are we talking?”

Doc smiled, uneasily. “Let’s just say, she’s pretty
much translucent. Not even vanilla. That would give her too much experience.
But besides that, you have to take in who she is on the inside. She’s perfect,
Tor. I promise you.”

“Dammit, Doc.”
though Torrance displayed an annoyance, he couldn’t help but feel curious about
this woman.
“Tell me more about her.”

“Cate’s a nurse. She works
per diem
at the hospital.
Very quiet most of the
I don’t think we spoke at all for the first year. And she worked
full time, then.” Doc smiled and finished off his beer. “Let’s see. She’s
twenty-nine years old.
Been married once.
Long story.
I actually remember when she went through her
divorce. It was a pretty brutal mess. She’s had a very hard last few years.” He
“Anyway, no kids … dark hair, and gorgeous, green
Nice curves. Did I sum everything up?”

“As much as you can, I guess.” Torrance went over
what he’d just learned in his head. Taking on a new sub definitely had its
benefits. It wasn’t too hard to train one. Not if they fit the mold that this
woman seemed to. She was naturally quiet, or so Doc seemed to think. That was
definitely a plus. She’d be hell of a lot easier than, say, a woman who loved to
spend her days in the club, partying it up. And that was how a lot in the scene
were lately. It was rather disheartening for a master looking for a good thing.
The only drawback was the connection. She’d have to trust him. Put her heart
into everything they did together. That could be dangerous for both of them.

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