That Girl (4 page)

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Authors: H.J. Bellus

BOOK: That Girl
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“One more time. What do you want to watch?”

Saying the first thing that comes to mind, I suggest a channel sure to annoy him. It was always my favorite. Jazzy and I got hooked on the corniest of shows, but watched all four hours of it. The giant only shrugs, powers on the T.V., and finds Lifetime.

One hour till drop-off turns into three, and the giant and I are knee deep into a movie. Pizza’s gone, tissues are out, and my hand is still on the knife. A shrilling sound fills the air, causing me to jump again, and also slicing a fresh piece of skin.

“I’ll send her,” are the only words he says into the phone.

“You’re up,” he says, snapping his flip phone shut. “Grab the bag and get your ass moving. I’ll watch from this window. Anything goes down that’s not supposed to, I’ve got your back,” he says coolly, opening the front of his vest and revealing two pistols.

“Okay,” I whisper, feeling the pizza churn in my belly.

The heaping stack of pineapple I’ve picked of my slices falls to the floor as I pull back my blankets. I stand and put on the face I wore so many times as a child. The face that doesn’t care and knows there’s no hope for the future. So, does it really matter if you die now or tomorrow? Game face on.

“Walk to the sidewalk across from the office and drop the bag,” he instructs.

“But Junior said the pool.”

“I say the office, and I’m motherfucking in charge,” he bellows, flashing his pistols to me.

“Got it,” I breathe.

“Now, go.”

“Let me throw on my flip flops and grab this bag to make it look like I’m going to the trash.”

I mentally praise myself for never using a dresser and always living out of a bag. Look how easy it makes things.

He gestures impatiently. “What fucking ever. Move now.”

I sling the plastic bag over my shoulder and grab the black one. It’s a heavy fucker. Everything inside me wants to turn and look at the closest thing I’ve ever had to a home. It was fun pilfering from other rooms to build this one. In my very short time here, I’ve proven to myself I can build something for myself. It takes all my willpower to look forward and walk out the door. I hear the giant answer his phone again and wish I could steal that paradise chair. It was one hell of a find.

The parking lot is dark, and all the rooms are very quiet. As expected, the construction group is probably still at the bar. Nobody is around. I waltz over to the office where the giant said to go. Something’s not right. I know Junior wouldn’t give me the wrong instructions. It’s then I see the first pair of headlights pull into the parking lot. I quicken my step to drop the bag off, and as expected, the car stops at the pool area. A second car pulls in and goes straight for the office. I’m seconds away from the drop spot before they come to a complete stop. A flash of light startles me, and I await the sound of gunfire, but none comes. The second car swoops the bag from my hands before I have a chance to drop it. Another flash of light with no sound fills the dark air, and I run. Run as fast as I’ve ever run.

Goodbye, Tiffany










Chapter 4



892 Miles Gone


“Happy Birthday, Michelle,” says one of the other waitresses.

“Thanks,” I reply.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go out tonight?” she asks.

“Thanks so much, but I have an extra shift at my other job. I’ll eat a cupcake for you guys, though. Thanks again.”

It’s always hard lying to a group of people you work with, especially when you care for them. This group of gals I wait tables with is amazing. They are more like a team of moms to me. Never any pressure to go out and party like a college-aged person should be doing. It’s almost like they adore my hard working nature. They always supply me with lots of excellent smut books and homemade casseroles.

Buying a microwave at a secondhand store has been my best purchase ever. I’ve come to love hot food like no other on this journey. After fleeing Junior and his mess, I thought for sure I’d be picked up any day for being a part of their drug ring. Some nights, I wonder what the weird flash was, and the only thing I can think of is a camera and my face being captured with that black bag. My only saving grace is I’m basically untraceable to society.

Over the five months here, I’ve ventured on new routes, which cause severe panic and anxiety attacks, but I force my way through it every day. I now have three routes which I follow, and in a very pathetic way it’s one of my biggest accomplishments.

Today is, in fact, my nineteenth birthday. That is one thing I promised to never forget or lie about. It was the one day I always looked forward to growing up. Depending on the year and mom’s mental state, I’d have parties. Looking back, I now realize all the drunk adults smoking weed and partying in the background wasn’t normal, but the cake and presents took all that away in my eyes.

Some years I had the cake and presents, and other years she was so blown out of her mind, I was lucky to get fed. On those years, Jazzy and Old Man always took me out for pizza, and then he’d give us cash and dump us off at a local mall for hours. My birthdays have always been special to me. No matter how the day was spent, it has always been the one day of the year about me.

Last year, I gave myself the best gift of all, my freedom. There hasn’t been one moment I regret leaving. Not one struggle do I complain about, not one moment do I feel sorry for myself, and not one time do I look in the mirror and see my mom. I broke free from her and the prison she held me in for eighteen years.

Time still haunts me. I’ve learned I have to work about two and half jobs to keep my mind off my scars. I still pick at the massive one on my hand when I’m bored, and cringe when I see the cut that covers the length of my neck. Last night, while trying to fall asleep, I decided what I want for my birthday this year. A cupcake and a tattoo, that’s what I want.

On route one to my waitressing job there is a cute little bakery, and on route three there is a tattoo and piercing shop. Admittedly, the bakery is super cute and bright, and on the other hand, the tattoo and piercing shop scares the shit out of me, but I’ve decided I need something other than scars to mark my body. My tattoo will be the one souvenir I take from this town.

Following the route to the bakery, I can’t decide what flavor of cupcake I want. I do know for sure I’m splurging on the biggest motherfucking cupcake there, with all the sprinkles and frosting one can pile on a cupcake.

The bell above the door dings loudly as I open it and enter.

The shop is tiny, but completely filled to the brim with sweets. Cupcakes, desserts, and candy litter all the shelves and tables. Okay, I’m probably going to be buying two cupcakes.

“Can I help you, miss?”

“Um, I want to buy a cupcake, please,” I stammer.

“Any ideas what you want?” the little old baker asks.

“Chocolate, please. It’s my birthday, and I want a little treat,” I reply.

All of a sudden I feel like a complete fool and very childish.

“Well, my granny can hook you up, honey,” comes a deep voice from behind me.

The voice scares the shit out of me, causing me to lunge forward. My foot catches on the edge of a display case, and I Superman it onto the hard tile floor.

“Good heavens, Jeremiah. You didn’t need to startle the poor thing,” she scolds the voice.

Motherfucker, my wrist. I think I just broke my wrist on my birthday.

“I’m okay,” I declare, and try to bounce up from the floor.

When I put weight on my left arm, I nearly pass out from the pain.

“You don’t look fine. Here, sit down, sweetheart.” The little lady pulls out a white vintage chair for me to sit in.

“Now, let me see that wrist. I’m a grandma of twenty-two, and you can’t fool me with anything. I know you’re hurt. As for you Jeremiah, apologize now, before I beat your ass.”

Her words make me giggle. Jeremiah steps in closer, takes my hand, and starts examining it.

“I told you to apologize, not examine her, you little shit,” she says, popping him in the back of the head.

She takes a light towel and wraps it around my wrist, places a bag of ice on it, and then sits next to me.

“So, it’s your birthday, and my jackass grandson just broke your wrist. I think the cupcakes will be on the house today.”

“Oh no, please, I’ve been saving up for this.”

With that statement, I get very strange looks from the pair. Knowing more words would only cause more suspicion, I choose to hang my head and shut up.

“Oh, sweet thing, I understand a woman’s pride. I’ll sell you that damn cupcake and give you one,” she says with a wink.

She then kicks her grandson right in the shin, furrowing her eyebrows and launching a perfected death glare.

Bending down on his knees and placing one hand on my leg, Jeremiah says, “I’m sorry for startling you. Guess I got excited seeing a new face in town, and a pretty one at that.”

“Okay, okay, you little horn dog. ‘Sorry’ was enough,” she scolds, standing up.

“I’m really okay. Thanks,” I try to sound confident.

In all reality, I can feel the thumping pain in my wrist and know in my heart it’s broken.

Jeremiah’s grandma shakes her head. “You’re not okay. We are going to eat cupcakes and get you checked out if the swelling continues. By the way, I’m Alice, and you’re about to eat the best cupcake of your life.”

She’s the type of grandma you don’t dare argue with.

“Okay, Alice,” I meekly reply.

“Good girl, now pick your cupcake,” she says, sitting down a tray full of them, “And Jeremiah, sit your ass down, too.”

Jeremiah doesn’t question his grandma, he just sits, and I’m not sure if it’s her don’t-fuck-with-me attitude, or if he really just wants a cupcake.

“Birthday girl goes first,” Alice insists.

The tray is so heavenly, stacked with all sorts of cupcakes varying in color from neon to pale hues, making my choice extra difficult.

My mouth begins to water. “Which one do you suggest, Alice?”

“Oh, sweet baby, they are like my own personal kids. I could never pick a favorite.”

Jeremiah speaks up, “Well, I can definitely help you on that end. I’d pick that one with the orange and pink frosting all swirled up. It’s Gram’s signature red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting. Just saying, if you don’t take it, I will.”

Jeremiah is a big, stout man. Very muscular and clean-shaven, he seems to be the perfect cupcake expert, so I reach for the one he suggested. I also grab a purple tie-dyed one, hoping it’s chocolate.

Jeremiah’s chuckles fill the room, and I freeze with embarrassment, fear, and I don’t know what else. It’s an odd feeling.

“It’s okay,” he says, “That was just my second choice.”

“Sorry.” I hand the cupcake over to him.

“Oh, no, Gram would paddle my ass. You enjoy it. In all honesty, I haven’t tasted something of hers that I don’t like,” he says, patting his belly.

Gram bustles into the open area, sits down a pitcher of ice water, and then proceeds to turn the open sign off.

Sitting down, pouring herself a glass of water, she begins to talk. “Now, tell us about yourself. What’s your name again?”

Not where I wanted the conversation to go. But what can I expect them to ask, considering I’m a complete stranger sitting in their bakery? So I nervously play with the dainty tablecloth while thinking of my reply.

“You a felon?” asks Jeremiah.

“Don’t be a jerk,” Alice spits and slaps him on the arm.

“Oh geez,” I blurt, “It’s okay. My name is Michelle, and I’m just spending some time here to make enough money to move.”

“Do you have family here?” Alice asks.


“What made you settle here?”

“You writing a book, Gram? You can tell she doesn’t want to talk about it.”

“It’s okay,” I chuckle.

The two are quite a funny combo. I’m not yet sure who could take whom in a wrestling match. I might put my money on Alice.

I fumble for an explanation to appease them without giving away my secrets. “I just didn’t have much to live for where I came from, so I’m finding a new place to live.”

“I think that’s fantastic,” Alice squeals, her face alight.

“So, what do you do for work?” Jeremiah asks around a mouthful of cupcake.

“Oh, I waitress at the restaurant down the road, clean rooms at Motel 6, and do a little yard work for a neighbor.”

Alice throws up her hands in disbelief. “Good grief, child. That’s too much for a young girl like you.”

“It keeps me busy,” I reply.

“Leaves no time for fun,” Jeremiah countered.

Having a feeling where this conversation is leading, I abruptly make a subject change to take the attention off me. I don’t need any awkward propositions by strangers.

“So, Jeremiah, what do you do?”

Instantly I know I’ve asked the wrong question, because all the oxygen is pulled from the room. Alice tears up, and he wraps his arms around her.

“I’m in the Army, and just home on leave. I’ll be heading over to Afghanistan here in a couple weeks.”

My hearts sinks at his words and the pain covering Alice’s face. Not knowing whether to say sorry or thank you for serving, I just slam another cupcake down.

“You’re my kind of girl, Michelle. I love to eat away my problems,” Alice says.

We all laugh and have another cupcake.

Four cupcakes later, Alice finally remembers my wrist.

“Jeremiah, take a look at her wrist. I’ll clean up in the back,” Alice says, getting up from the table.

I watch on high alert as Jeremiah comes around the table, crouches down on one knee, and begins to unwrap my hand. The look on his face tells me everything I already knew.

“I think it’s broken,” he says, looking up to me.

Finally building up enough courage to look, I peek down, and sure enough, you can see a huge bump bulging out the side. The pain has been intense, though the cupcakes and company have dulled it a bit. But now looking at it almost makes me want to scream.

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