Texas Heat (Stubborn Texas Siblings Book 2) (9 page)

Read Texas Heat (Stubborn Texas Siblings Book 2) Online

Authors: Faith Loveright

Tags: #Romance, #Cowboy

BOOK: Texas Heat (Stubborn Texas Siblings Book 2)
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Two and a half years later, Laurie was sitting in the front
seat of Travis’s truck holding his hand as they pulled into
the driveway of her new garage after a doctor appointment.
“Can you believe how lucky we are?” she asked, sighing
happily as she rested her hand over her extended abdomen.

“I can,” he said happily. “I wish you’d take some time off
though… The baby could come any day now. I love that
you are so dedicated to the garage, but I don’t want our
child born in one of the bays beside a car you’re rebuilding
any more than I want him or her born out in the barn…”

“Ha ha,” she said, grinning widely at him. He was getting
ready to get out to help her out of the cab when they
spotted Jeff sitting on the steps leading up to the garage. He
had his head hung low, resting in his hands and he looked
completely miserable.

Laurie lumbered out of the truck, resting her hand over her
belly and groaning at the heavy awkwardness of it as she
made her way over to her brother. “Okay… what gives?
Did you not last the eight seconds on your latest rodeo

He looked up at her with a pained look that frightened her
and she sat down beside him on the steps as Travis parked
the truck. “Talk to me little brother… I’ve never seen you
like this.”

“I don’t know what to do, and I know if I go to
Eric with
this, he’ll just jump down my throat and throw accusations
at me that won’t help. I’m stressed beyond all hope. I
messed up big time and now it’s come back to haunt me.”

“Okay,” she said, taking his hand in hers, thinking he
looked like death warmed over. “This sounds really

“It is,” he admitted, his voice breaking. “You know about
my buckle bunnies… I know you do…”
“Yeah, what’s that got to do with anything?” she asked,
surprised that he would actually bring it up.

“I had one … I’m g
oing to call her a regular. We were
together at every stop for a really long time. I started to
really look forward to seeing her. I think I came close to
being addicted… Then she was just gone and I was
miserable. For going on two years now, I have felt as if my
heart had been ripped out of my chest and now she’s living
here in town taking care of her sister…”

“How is this a problem, Jeff?”

“There’s a child… a baby girl. I thought she was Dana’s
sister’s kid… but she’s not. She’s mine… ours. I’m a dad,
Laurie… and I don’t know what to do about it.”

Travis was at their side now and he wrapped his arm
around Laurie and looked at Jeff. “Are you prepared to let
your child go?” he asked, searching the other man’s face
for some clue as to what advice he was looking for.

“No way. That’s one thing I can’t do, not when her mother
is such a mess,” Jeff answered hysterically.

“Well then the only thing for it is to give up your playboy
lifestyle, because with the way you’re living, you have no
leg to stand on where the child is concerned. Unless you
settle down with the mother and be a family, she can take
your daughter and leave and there would be nothing you
can do about it.”

Jeff gave her a nasty glare. “I didn’t come here to listen to
you complain or rub my mistakes in my face, Laurie. If that
was what I wanted, I would have gone to Eric about this.”

“She’s right you know,” Travis soothed quietly. A look of
horror passed over Laurie’s face and he wondered what
he’s said wrong. Then her legs began to shake and a puddle
formed at her feet. His eyes grew large and he got to his

“Was that your water?”

She nodded her head in confirmation and Travis swept her
back up into his arms, carrying her to the truck. “You’re on
your own, Jeff. You’ll do the right thing, I’m sure.”

Having said that, they sped off towards the hospital. The
hot Texas sun beat down on them as they made their way
inside. His mother was sitting in the waiting room holding
a magazine in her hands. She looked up at them.
“I can tell you’re surprised to see me… I sensed it was
time. My Grandma senses have been tingling for a week
now. I must say… it’s a good thing my diagnoses for the
brain tumor was wrong and the cancer went into remission,
otherwise I may never have lived to see this day.”

Travis rushed past her and placed Laurie in a wheelchair,
watching as the nurses wheeled her towards the labor and
delivery room. “You can chew us out for taking too long to
get pregnant later… after the baby has arrived. For now,
wish me luck… I’m about to become a Daddy. Enjoy the
Texas heat… Talk to you later!”

Having said that, he ran down the hall after Laurie. Be it a
boy or a girl, he knew that the baby that was about to be
born would brighten their lives. They were going to be
excellent parents. He could hardly wait.

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