Test Drive (Crossroads Book 3) (4 page)

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Justin froze in his retreat from the bathroom. “As of a few months ago, yeah.”

There was pain in Justin’s voice and Drew winced. What they were going through had to be difficult on all of them.

“Listen…I’m…” sorry I jerked you off and ran? Jesus, he didn’t know what to say. “Maybe we can talk. Here’s my number.” He held out the paper.

Justin stalled, took it, and then a clatter came from the other room. There was a gasp, an obvious shuffle, and movement of people and that was all it took for Justin to move. He pushed his way around Drew and went back for the other room.

Without making it to the room, Drew knew it had something to do with Justin’s father.

“I’m fine. I’m fine. I just slipped. It’s not a big deal.” Drew rounded the corner, just as Justin’s dad, Larry, finished speaking.

Joy, Shanen, and Landon all kneeled beside him as he sat on the floor next to the chair he’d been in. Rod stood behind Landon with his hands on Landon’s shoulders. It was obvious Larry was embarrassed. He covered his face with his hands, and the closer Drew got, he noticed his thin fingers were shaking.

“I got him.” Justin kneeled beside him. “Come on, Dad. Let’s get you up.” He wrapped an arm around him. Landon reached out to help, but Justin shook him off. “I said I got it,” he snapped. Jesus, was that statement laced with pain.

“Hey,” Landon put a hand on his shoulder. “Let me help you. That’s…that’s what I’m here for.”

Drew wanted to offer his assistance as well, but it didn’t feel right. This was a moment for Justin and Landon—two sons, bonding over helping the father they both loved, despite the fact that Drew knew they had to be angry at him.

Justin nodded and the two men held their dad up. He put an arm around each of them.

“Thanks for the party, but I think we should head out,” he heard Justin say to Shanen.

“He can rest here. We have the spare room. Maybe—”

“No,” Larry cut her off sharply then winced. “I just…I want to go home.”

She had tears in her eyes as she nodded and hugged him, then Landon and Justin began to help him walk.

The room was heavy. Thick. Drew felt it in his bones.

He forced himself to snap out of it, before walking over and opening the front door for them. Words teased his tongue, but he didn’t know what to say. If he should say anything. Was it his place?

“I should have made him use the wheelchair. I don’t know what in the fuck I was thinking,” Justin mumbled to Landon as they approached the door. And then his eyes caught Drew’s again.

Drew wanted to tell him to call. Wanted to tell him he was sorry for the club and for what he was dealing with, but Justin turned away. As he walked past, Drew reached his fingers out, brushing them against the warm skin of Justin’s arm, trying to silently offer his support.

Justin didn’t respond, didn’t look back as he and Landon helped Larry to the car, and didn’t take a backward glance before he and his dad drove away.


“If it isn’t Cinderella,” Justin said as Drew approached his booth in the sports bar. He wore a black baseball cap, turned around backward and Justin swallowed a gulp. He’d always had a thing for guys with backward hats. “I looked for your glass slipper when you ran off, but I think you forgot the part of the story where you lose it. Also, there’s the plot twist that you’re my brother-in-law.”

He was partially trying to keep the tone light. He’d seen the pity in Drew’s eyes when he’d left with his dad. Justin didn’t do pity. Because of that, he hadn’t been sure he would call Drew, but damned if he wasn’t curious about the man.

Drew sat down across from him. He leaned back, dropping his head against the bench seat. The position looked awkward because of the hat. “Sorry. I thought you were looking to get off, not to find your prince charming.”

Well hell. He had Justin there. “Good point. I still would’ve liked some kind of warning that you only planned to jack me off on the dance floor before you split.” He might have chosen someone different to hook up with that night—though probably not. Drew was fucking gorgeous. He’d caught Justin’s eye the second he’d seen him, and he’d be lying if he didn’t admit that doing what they’d done around all those people didn’t turn him on. Apparently he had a kink for public displays. Who knew?

Drew glanced away, almost sheepishly. His eyes darted down and Justin could have sworn his cheeks were slightly pink.

Damned if Justin’s gut didn’t churn. He was right about Drew. He was in the closet. Fuck. Leave it to him to rub one out with his new sister’s husband’s closeted brother. Even just saying their relation was a tongue twister. Still, as awkward as this whole situation was, he wanted to make sure Drew knew he wouldn’t out him. Even though Justin had come out when he was young, he understood that not everyone was able to do that. It was important that people came out in their own time.

“Listen, no hard feelings, okay? We both got what we were eventually looking for. No harm, no foul. No one needs to know.”
Especially not Landon or Shanen.
The last thing he wanted was to risk his relationship with his siblings before they had a chance to really build one. “Your secret is safe,” Justin added. “They won’t find out you’re gay from me.”

Drew’s wide, steely eyes somehow went even wider. Then a slow, easy smile spread across his face. “Aren’t you chivalrous? But I’m not gay and in the closet. I’m…trying to figure shit out?” Drew’s eyes darted away again.

Before Justin could reply, the waitress approached their table and asked if they were ready to order. He hadn’t even looked at the menu.

“Just a Coors for me, thanks,” Justin said without looking at her. He was trying to figure shit out? What in the hell did that mean?

“I’ll take the same.” Drew handed the waitress his menu and then Justin’s as well. His hands rested on the dark, wood table. They were nice hands. Strong and full of veins.

“What does that mean?” Justin asked. Not that it was any of his business.

“It means exactly what I said. I’m figuring shit out.” He looked around and then lowered his voice. “I’ve always been…curious? I guess you could say. I just assumed I’m bisexual. I’ve always found men attractive, but I’ve never explored it much. The first time was a fucking disaster. Don’t ever kiss one of your friends unless you know they’re interested.” He cocked a brow and Justin found himself wanting to know the story.

“There were a few rub and tugs in college, but nothing major. I’m attracted to women as well, and it just seemed easier than dealing with the rest of it. Been thinking about it more recently. Decided to give it a go. End of story.” Drew winked. “See? No Cinderella here. Just a bi-guy exploring his bi-side. Not really looking for the happily ever after.”

Anger spiked through him. He had no right to be upset. He knew that. What did it matter to him
Drew had gone looking? But it still rubbed Justin the wrong way. “So what? I was your test drive? Wanted to see if fucking around with a man could get you off?” He was offended, but he wasn’t sure if he should be.

“You were my hookup.” Drew’s brows pulled together. “Kind of. I hadn’t meant for it to go down the way it did. My dick definitely wanted to go further, but I freaked. I’ve had more practice since then.” The motherfucker winked at Justin and he suddenly had the urge to punch him.

Maybe it was jealousy because he hadn’t had an orgasm with anyone other than himself since that night. But
night of all nights, he’d needed more than Drew had given him. Maybe that was what had him feeling so irritated.

That didn’t explain why he wanted to know what kind of practice Drew had…

The waitress approached and gave them their beers. Justin gripped the cold bottle, taking long pulls until it was almost gone. As he drank, he realized he needed this—a night away from home. His dad had been worn out since the party a few days ago. It was getting more and more like that. One day out could wear him down. For one night, Justin wanted to pretend his father wasn’t sick. Wanted to pretend his life was the way it used to be. “So, I was the first guy you’ve touched in years, and now you’ve had more? I must have done a good job.”

Damned if Drew didn’t look a little shy again, which for some reason, Justin thought was sexy as hell.

He recovered quickly though, shrugged and said, “It was all right,” before he picked up his beer and took a drink. It took Justin a second to realize he was smiling too.


“It could have been better if you hadn’t run out.” Justin eyed him from the other side of the table. He had his arms crossed, corded muscles in his lower arms showing. Drew had a thing about muscles. Not that body-building, overzealous,
kind, but yeah, he loved fitness and definitely noticed firm, toned bodies.

“So you’re not going to cut me a little slack?” He’d jerked a guy off in the middle of a club. Although it hadn’t been the first time he’d touched a man, and though he’d always known he was attracted to men, it was still a defining moment for him. It was the beginning of Drew deciding it was time to explore the piece of him he’d only teased himself with before. Maybe he hadn’t dealt with it in the best way, but there were no
manuals about this kind of thing. Everyone lived their lives their own way.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Justin cocked a dark brow at him. There was something about him Drew liked. Sure, the situation was a little awkward, but he could tell that Justin was someone he would get along with. “Why now?” Justin added after a moment.

The truth was, he couldn’t say for sure why he’d waited so long to really explore his bisexuality. Not that he’d spent the last couple months fucking everyone in sight. Hell, he hadn’t even gotten to the fucking yet, but Justin wasn’t the only man he’d met in a club recently. “I don’t know. I guess I just got tired of pretending it doesn’t exist? Or hell, maybe I’m just a horny bastard. Who knows?” All he knew was he’d been upset that day. He’d wanted to drink and fuck and he’d found his way to a gay club.

But then…there was probably a little more to it than that, wasn’t there? It had always been important to Drew to be who he was, to do what he wanted. If he felt something, if he wanted something, he wanted to actually live it. It was vital to him, being true to himself and leaving himself open to live his own life. This was just another part of who he was.

“Fair enough.” Justin picked at one of his blunt nails before grabbing his beer and finishing it. On the outside, everything about him looked relaxed—the way he leaned back in the bench seat, the softness in his face, the smiles and jokes, but his eyes told a different story. They were stormy, dark, and sad. How could they not be? It wasn’t as if Justin didn’t have a lot on his plate.

“I’m sorry about your dad.” He was sorry about the whole situation, but he didn’t think it was appropriate to bring Justin’s family circumstances into it. Drew knew enough from Shanen, though. Knew that Justin had just met his siblings. That his father had walked away from half of his family and started a new one with Justin.

The second Justin’s eyes met his again, Drew wished he hadn’t mentioned his father. His dark eyes went even darker. His posture went from relaxed to rigid. The right side of his jaw ticked—one beat, two beats, and then three before Justin nodded and gave a stiff, “Thank you.”

They both looked at each other for a moment, and he wondered what they were even doing here. Why they’d met just to discuss a hand job at a club. It happened; they couldn’t change it. They wouldn’t let it cause problems in their personal lives. The end.

But he also realized he wasn’t quite ready to go home yet. He wondered if Justin knew anyone here other than the father he was losing, and the siblings he’d gained, but didn’t really know. Drew couldn’t imagine being in a situation like that, despite the fact that he and Jacob weren’t, and had never been close. He knew who his family was. “I’m hungry. I think I’m going to go ahead and grab some food. Do you want something?” Drew tossed out the rope, and now Justin had to decide if he wanted to grab on, or if he wasn’t interested.

“I could eat,” Justin replied, so Drew flagged their waitress over. She gave them each menus again, and they browsed for just a minute before Justin ordered a burger and fries, and Drew grilled salmon and rice.

“That stuff will kill ya, you know?” he teased Justin when their waitress left.

“Ah, hell. Don’t tell me you’re one of those. Food is meant to be enjoyed.”

Drew chuckled. He was half-teasing and half-serious. “Salmon is enjoyable, and it doesn’t clog your arteries the way a burger will.”

“Just when I was thinking I might start to like you. I guess I’ll go back to hanging out for the view.” Justin gave him a cocky grin.

Heat coiled low in Drew’s gut at the compliment. Justin was a sexy man. He enjoyed the view too. “Are you flirting with me?”

Justin shrugged. “Maybe. You have me intrigued, Cinderella. What can I say?”

The name had to go. “You call me that, and I’m going to start thinking you want to be my prince charming. Family drama, remember?”

Justin winced, but Drew could tell it was playfully. “Shit. I forgot. You ever think life would be a whole hell of a lot easier if we didn’t have families? I mean, they’re supposed to be there for you, right? They’re your tribe. Your people. But most of the time, it’s family that makes shit even harder than it should be. I mean, without them, we might be fucking by now.”

Justin winked at him, but even if he hadn’t, it would have been obvious that he was giving Drew shit—about the fucking at least. The other stuff? He had a feeling they were on the same page when it came to family dynamics. “You can say that again.”

Just then the waitress returned with their second round of drinks. Justin picked up his bottle of beer first and held it up. “To family…even when they do fuck up our lives and keep us from getting laid.”

Drew clanked his bottle against Justin’s. “To family.”


“You really own a fucking gym?” Justin picked up his bottle of beer and put it to his lips before he realized it was empty. He’d definitely had too many of them this evening. He and Drew had finished eating over an hour ago, but neither of them had made a move to leave yet. He enjoyed their conversation when he hadn’t enjoyed much in a long time. He figured he deserved to enjoy something.

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