Terms (The Experiments Book 3) (12 page)

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Authors: Jacqueline Druga

BOOK: Terms (The Experiments Book 3)
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Ron stood, nervously, waving his hand. “Whoa. Whoa. Stop. You guys stop. Dr. Haynes, you can’t fire Joanna. You can, but … you can’t find another to cover her valuable research. Seriously. Joanna, calm down. Dr. Haynes, please take it back.”

“Take it back?” Greg questioned. “Like we’re in high school?”

“No, like we’re in an adult situation. Rethink it. And take it back.”

Joanna paused. Waiting.

Greg hesitated. “All right,” he mumbled. “You’re not fired. But refrain from the sinister, cynical, sarcastic comments, please.”

“Fine.” Joann retook her seat.

“Good,” Ron took a  calming breath. “OK, Jud continue please.”

“I lost my place.”

Greg refreshed. “Civility. You are civilizing the stasis.”

“Yes. Yes.” Jud nodded. “Basically, over the last ten months we have been working with them. We have had nine in our possession, and five we had to forward to Ron, because they couldn’t be tamed, not even in the least. We have found a common factor in the ones trained. Pre mutation they showed no violent tendencies. Also, it appears, if a stasis is illiterate before injections, he’ll be illiterate after.”

Greg stared.

“What?” Ron asked of the stare.

“Illiterate stasis. It was my understanding that none of them could read or write.”

“Not true,” Ron passed a sheet of paper forward. “If you will, can you read that aloud?”

Greg took the paper, he skimmed it, then read it out loud as requested. “The Days of Wine and Roses.” He inhaled after the title. “The Days of Wine and roses were few and far between for me. Happiness I cling to. Love lost. Arms to hold, ears to listen. A life to share. I took for granted those days. But miss those days of wine and rose.” Greg rolled his eyes. “Poetry. Not bad. Not great.” He passed the paper back to Jud.

“That was written by James Gilman.” Jud said. “He was the homeless man who turned stasis.”

Silence hit the room.

Greg’s eyes lifted. “A stasis wrote that? He writes poetry?”

“Actually, he reads as well. His comprehension is quite high. Not as high as we believe it would have been prior to being a stasis but he does understand. He also does have a really decent game of chess. Loses every time. The temper gets …” Jud shook his head. “He can get nasty when mad.”

Greg held up his hand. “He takes tests? Reads and writes. And that …” he snapped a glare to Joanna. “Was not in the report.”

Jud chuckled. “No it wasn’t. It was my surprise for today. But he does. It took him several months to get back into his journaling. And yes, he journals every day. He did before the treatments took effect. We’re trying to get him to give up the journals. He sleeps on the books and password protected the documents he types. He has to type. We had a special keyboard made with large keys.”

“I’m gonna assume you got him a computer?” Greg asked.


“Ah,” Nodding, Greg was in a state of disbelief. “A stasis with a laptop.”

“He’s the only one” Jud said. “The others, though show signs of stability. Can’t comprehend that yet. Martha she was showing progress, but disappointed us greatly. We had to ship her to Ron. If you recall Martha was that female serial killer from Florida who killed …”

“Yes, yes.” Greg nodded. “Civilized stasis. Do you realize how absurd this sounds?”

Joanna gasped out, “Not as absurd as Ron’s research.”

“It’s important research.” Ron spoke up. “Dr. Haynes can confirm at the end if what I am about to tell him is of extreme important to him.”

Greg waved him on. “Please, continue.”

He should have had orchestrated them playing music , that was how dramatic Ron was as he stood.

“It has been a fascinating year. Fascinating. And we do have documentation and videos should anyone care to view them.” Rob began his explanation. “When Martha came to us, we were under the understanding that she was as volatile as the others. However, she did something the first week with us that we had never seen. She wept. Martha cried every night.”

Greg grimaced. “Great. Great. What the hell are you doing to our stasis over in habitat?”

Ron halted him. “Dr. Haynes, make no mistake, she may have cried, but she is vicious. Turns and snaps at the snap of a finger. As soon as she sees any human being she goes ballistic. Especially males. Which goes along great with her background murdering males. Anyhow, our story begins with Charlie.”

Ron turned on the monitor showing a still picture of a wiry man, not too tall; it was a freeze frame of a video. With another click, the picture widened. Charlie wore a maintenance uniform and pushed a bucket. He moved down the corridor and past the glass wall where Martha was being housed. The glass was plexi, unbreakable. Martha was in chain, but still had some freedom to move about.

A bed was in the glass room, but Martha preferred the floor. Huddled, sobbing.

“This is day four.” Ron explained. “Now watch.”

Charlie pushed the bucked and stopped at the wall.

“Usually,” Ron we explained. “Whenever Charlie passes a stasis hub, the stasis goes wild. He is used to it. He always stops, looks, watches, and moves on. Not this night.”

A sobbing Martha lifted her head then slowly stood.

“See, she isn’t in attack mode.” Ron pointed. “She walks to the glass and …. stops. Just stands there.” Ron zoomed in. “She is still crying.”

Another roll of Greg’s eyes.

Ron returned to full screen. “Now, we believe this is the moment Charlie discovered that Martha was actually a female. Martha stands there.”

Charlie rested the mop against the wall.

“Watch,” Ron instructed.

They did.

Greg sat up some. “What is he doing? Is he … is he masturbating?”

Joanna closed her eyes. “This is how it started.”

“He’s masturbating?” Greg asked with near hysterics. “What  the fuck? Why am I watching some guy jerk off?

“Don’t watch the guy jerk off,” Suggested Joanna. “Watch Martha.”

Martha just stared at Charlie.

It didn’t seem to matter to Greg, “Is he the one?”

Ron nodded. “He is the one. We believe he is also the one that got her to stop crying. He did this every night that he worked. Walked to the cage, Martha would stand and he’d proceed to do a one minute number on himself, mop up the floor and move on as if nothing happened.”

Everyone cringed.

“We approached him after we discovered this and after Dr. Chance came up with what he believed would be a great experiment. See, for a while Caldwell has been wanting us to see if we could get the stasis to mate. But, no matter what we did, we could not get the stasis sexually interested in one another. We’d put them together, male and female, nothing. Not even nature kicked in.”

Sarcastically, Greg said. “Have you tried porno’s?”

“Yep. Not a thing,” Ron replied.

Joanna suggested, “Retroactive memory and stimuli. They can’t be stimulated because in their minds they still find the human body stimulating.”

Ron snapped his finger “Bingo. That was it. And that is what Dr. Chance thought as well. So we approached Charlie. We asked him why he felt the need to masturbate in front of Martha. Through an interview we discovered that Charlie was into bestiality. He confessed his list of lovers included a few dogs, a cow, a goat at the zoo, and occasionally he allows a little oral manipulation from the neighbor’s cat.”

Jud smirked and muttered. “Can never have enough pussy.”

The men laughed.

Joanna did not.

Ron cleared his throat. “So we presented Charlie with the idea. Would he, could he be interested in copulating with the stasis. To which he sounded off with a strong yes. Stating he was ready when we were. We told him he would have to be videotaped. He was fine with that. Said he wouldn’t suffer from stage fright.”

“And it was a go?” Greg asked.

“Almost immediately. We set it up, and heavily sedated Martha. We retrained her …”

Joanna spoke up. “Rape. You had the stasis raped.”

“No,” Ron was adamant. “No. Charlie is not a well minded individual when it comes to being sexual. He talked gently to her, caressed her and when he began to copulate, Martha didn’t fight. She responded. Actually, her body was responding in a desiring manner, fighting the chains for more rather than not. In fact, at one point we believe she cried out in orgasm.”

A slight cough, and Greg stood up. “Excuse me while I vomit.” He spoke the words calmly and left the room.

Ron looked around confused, “Was he serious?”

Joanna shrugged. “He left. I guess so.”

A few minutes later Greg returned, apologizing for his quick departure and adding, “If we can just cut to the chase of it all, and leave out the sordid sexual details, I’d appreciate it.”

“Oh, sure.” Ron nodded. “Not a problem. Anyhow. The one act was all that was given. We allowed for Charlie to walk by the cage, but asked him not to masturbate for her to see what her reactions were. It was calm, and she didn’t get violent. She’d stand when he walked by, and then sit when he left. Which left us to wonder what would happen if we had a male stasis copulate with a woman. We had Matthew who was a known sex offender and figured if any stasis could be aroused it would be him.”

“No,” Greg held up his hand. “You had a female staff member who was into bestiality?”

“Heavens, no. We had to rent pornography, find the models, and contact them. We found one  … Ron flipped through his notes. “Mary Heath,  Columbus, Ohio, crack addict. She was quite taken with the idea. An interesting fact is that the male sex organs of the stasis are buried beneath the fur. When aroused they emerge …they emerge clearly. The male sex organs of a stasis are very similar to that of a normal man only much … much bigger. Anyhow, we restrained Matthew, and sent in Mary. Mary undressed, and began to fondle herself, and within moment, Mathew was obviously aroused. Mary at that point saw no violent tendencies and orally pleased Matthew until he started showing signs of plateau arousal.” Ron looked at Greg. “You OK?”

Greg nodded. “Did ... Mary eventually have intercourse with Matthew?”

“Yes. We placed her in a position where the first time, she had to guide him inside, after that, she was just open and it was up to him. He had sex with her five times.”

Greg looked up.

“In the same hour?”

“What?” Was the response from everyone in the room.

Ron nodded. “He finished, paused, didn’t give Mary a chance to move and he did it again. Mary didn’t mind. The sexual drive of the stasis seems more pronounced in the man … at first.”

Everyone’s attention was caught.

“We were able to obtain a sperm sample,” Ron said. “From Mary. The sperm count in the stasis is ten times higher than that of a human male. And we believe that the female stasis will ovulate at will. If that makes sense. Because both Mary and Martha got pregnant.”

Joanna muttered out. “A new species. Like rabbits they can reproduce after one sex act.”

Ron agreed. “That’s what we believe. Unfortunately as you have read, Martha’s child was still born and never regenerated. Mary died during child birth. Regenerated. But committed suicide shortly after. Her child …. was without a doubt a stasis.”

Burt questioned, “Was?”

‘Is.” Ron stated. “My fault. We have a chance to see how they develop and can be trained from birth on. The capabilities they have. He’s two months old. Normal size, needs nursery care. We’re still studying that. We would like to have more stasis children, but at this time, we don’t. Possibly in the future?” He looked at Greg with question.

Jud asked. “The pregnancies were reported normal. What is this behavior you suggested in the report?”

Ron replied, “This is what I believe to be the most fascinating part. Something happens with the pheromones in the expectant stasis carrying mother. It happens in the third trimester. Every day we exposed Charlie to Martha. Mary to Matthew. No bad reactions, but no real reactions either. Until Martha hit her third trimester. Then she started to strongly desire Charlie. Flinging herself at the wall, crying, rubbing if you will against the wall. Finally, we looked at the signals after two weeks and sent Charlie in. Sure enough, she was desiring him sexually. And Charlie reported that he was more attracted to Martha when he was in the same room. That immediately he was turned on. He claimed.” Ron cleared his throat. “He was falling in love. Of course, we couldn’t go strictly by his word he was into bestiality. However, Mary was a better source.”

“Same?” Greg asked.

“Yes. Mary was able to tell us, she physically longed for Matthew. He consumed her every thought. Her body ached. And Matthew, once Mary hit the third trimester, would grow aroused at the sight of her, calling out and slamming into the wall until we let him have her. Mary reported an overwhelming sexual desire and urgency like she had never experienced before.”

Burt questioned, “Did you check the pheromone levels?”

“Absolutely,” Ron replied. “Our studies show Martha and Mary would both release exuberant amounts of pheromones, and in response, Mathew and Charlie automatically reacted. But this only occurred in the presence of each other. When Mary’s levels were up, we put her with human male to see if he would react. Nothing. Her levels decreased. After childbirth. Neither had the reaction.”

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