Teresa Medeiros (39 page)

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Authors: Touch of Enchantment

BOOK: Teresa Medeiros
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Diana gaped at him, letting the ledger fall shut. “You can’t be serious.”

“And why not? Both my parents are dead now. That would make Arden Manor mine, would it not?”

“And just what do you plan to do with the orphans? Cast them into the street?”

He stroked his chin. “I’ll have my solicitor seek out situations for them. They’ll probably thank me for my largesse. After all, three children left too long to their own devices can only arrive at mischief.”

“Miss Fairleigh is no longer a child,” Diana reminded him. “She’s a woman grown.”

Sterling shrugged. “Then I’ll find her a husband
—some enlisted man or law clerk who won’t mind taking a cheeky chit to bride to curry my favor.”

Diana clapped a hand to her breast, glaring at him. “You’re such a romantic. It warms my heart.”

“And you’re an incorrigible scold,” Sterling retorted, tweaking her patrician nose.

He rose, the casual motion bringing the mastiffs to attention. Diana waited until he’d crossed to the door, the dogs at his heels, before saying softly, “I still don’t understand, Sterling. Arden is nothing but a humble country manor, little more than a cottage. Why would you wish to claim it for your own when you have a dozen vast estates you’ve never even bothered to visit?”

He hesitated, his eyes touched by bleak humor. “My parents sold my soul to obtain the deed to it. Perhaps I just want to decide for myself if it was worth the cost.”

After sketching her a flawless bow, he closed the door behind him, leaving her to stroke the cat in her lap, her brow furrowed in a pensive frown.

“Soulless devil! Odious toad! Truffle-snorting man-pig! Oh, the wretched nerve of him!”

George and Lottie watched Laura storm back and forth across the drawing room in slack-jawed amazement. They’d never before seen their even-tempered sister in such an impressive rage. Even the rich brown hair that had been gathered in a tidy knot at the crown of her head quivered with indignation.

Laura spun around, waving the letter in her hand. The expensive stationery was woefully crumpled from having been wadded up in her fist numerous times since it had arrived in the morning post. “He didn’t even have the common decency to pen the letter himself. He had his cousin write it! I can just see the heartless ogre now. He’s probably rubbing his fat little hands together in greedy glee as he contemplates snatching the very roof from over our heads. It’s no wonder they call him the Devil of Devonbrooke!”

“But Lady Eleanor died over five months ago,” George said. “Why did he wait so long to contact us?”

“According to this letter, he’s been abroad for the last several months,” Laura replied. “Probably off on some Continental tour, no doubt, gorging himself on the shameless pleasures of any overindulged libertine.”

“I’ll bet he’s a dwarf,” Lottie ventured.

“Or a humpbacked troll with broken teeth and an insatiable appetite for ten-year-old brats.” George curled his hands into claws and went lurching at Lottie, eliciting a squeal shrill enough to send the kittens napping beneath her petticoats scattering across the threadbare rug. Lottie never went anywhere without a herd of kittens trailing behind her. There were times when Laura would have sworn her little sister was spawning them herself.

Laura was forced to make an awkward hop to keep from tripping over one of them. Rather than
darting for safety, the yellow tabby plopped down on its hindquarters and began to lick one paw with disdain, as if their near collision was solely Laura’s fault.

“You needn’t look so smug,” she informed the little cat. “If we get evicted, you’ll soon be gobbling down barn mice instead of those nice juicy kippers you fancy.”

Sobering, George sank down beside Lottie on the settee. “Can he really evict us? And if he does, what’s to become of us?”

Laura’s laugh held little amusement. “Oh, we’ve nothing to worry about. Listen to this: ‘Lord Devonbrooke begs your forgiveness,’ ” she read with contempt. “ ‘He sincerely regrets having been lax in his duties for so long. As the new master of Arden Manor, he will gladly shoulder the responsibility of finding new situations for you.’ ” She crumpled the letter again. “Situations indeed! He probably plans to cast us into the workhouse.”

“I’ve never cared much for work. I do believe I’d prefer to be cast into the streets,” Lottie said thoughtfully. “I’d make a rather fetching beggar, don’t you think? Can’t you just see me standing on a snowy street corner clutching a tin cup in my frostbitten fingers?” She heaved a sigh, her imagination feeding her love of drama. “I’d grow paler and thinner with each passing day, until I finally expired of consumption in the arms of some handsome but aloof stranger.” She illustrated her words by swooning onto the settee and pressing the back of one plump little hand to her brow.

“The only thing you’re likely to expire of,” George muttered, “is eating too many of Cookie’s teacakes.”

Reviving herself, Lottie stuck out her tongue at him.

George sprang to his feet, raking his sandy hair out of his hazel eyes. “I know! I’ll challenge the blackguard to a duel! He won’t dare refuse me. Why, I’ll be thirteen in December—nearly a man.”

“Having no roof over my head
a dead brother isn’t going to make me feel one whit better,” Laura said grimly, shoving him back down.

“We could murder him,” Lottie suggested cheerfully. A precocious reader of Gothic novels, she’d been dying to murder someone ever since she’d finished Mrs. Radcliffe’s
The Mysteries of Udolpho

Laura snorted. “Given the unfeeling way he ignored his mother’s letters for all these years, it would probably take a silver bullet or a stake through the heart.”

“I don’t understand,” George said. “How can he toss us out on our arses”—catching Laura’s warning glare, he cleared his throat—“on our
when Lady Eleanor promised us that Arden Manor would always be our home?”

Laura moved to the window and drew back one of the lace curtains, avoiding her brother’s shrewd gaze. “I never told you this before because I didn’t want either of you to worry, but Lady Eleanor’s promise possessed certain … 

George and Lottie exchanged an apprehensive glance before saying in unison, “Such as?”

Laura faced them, the truth coming out in a rush. “To inherit Arden Manor, I must marry before I reach my twenty-first birthday.”

Lottie gasped while George groaned and buried his face in his hands

“You needn’t look so appalled,” Laura said with a sniff. “It’s rather insulting.”

“But you’ve already turned down a dozen proposals from every unmarried man in the village,” George pointed out. “You knew Lady Eleanor didn’t approve of your being so persnickety. That’s probably why she tried to force your hand.”

“Tooley Grantham’s given to gluttony,” Lottie said, ticking off Laura’s reservations about her potential suitors on her pudgy little fingers. “Wesley Trumble’s too hairy. Huey Kleef slurps when he eats. And Tom Dillmore always has little creases of dirt in the folds of his neck and behind his ears.”

Laura shuddered. “I suppose you want me to spend the rest of my life with some hulking bear of a man with no table manners and an abhorrence of bathing.”

“It might be better than spending the rest of your life waiting for a man who doesn’t exist,” George said darkly.

“But you know I’ve always dreamed of marrying a man who could carry on Papa’s work in the parish. Most of the men in the village can’t even read. Nor do they care to learn.”

Lottie twined one long golden curl around her
finger. “It’s a pity I’m not the older sister. ’Twould be a great sacrifice, of course, but I’d be perfectly willing to marry for money instead of love. Then I could take care of you and George forever. And I wouldn’t have any trouble catching a rich husband. I’m going to be quite the incomparable beauty, you know. Everyone says so.”

“You’re already an incomparable bore,” George muttered. He turned his accusing gaze on Laura. “You might have mentioned needing a husband sooner, you know. While there was still time to find you one who meets your exacting standards.”

Laura plopped down on a creaky ottoman and rested her chin in her hand. “How was I to know that anyone but us would even want this run-down old place? I suppose I thought we could simply go on living here as long as we liked, with no one ever the wiser.”

Unshed tears stung her eyes. The sunlight pouring through the east windows only served to underscore the genteel shabbiness of the drawing room. The petit-point roses embroidered on the settee cushions had long ago faded to a watery pink. An unsightly mildew stain marred the plaster frieze over the door, while a moldy stack of leather-bound books was being used to prop up one of the broken legs of the rosewood pianoforte. Arden Manor might be a humble country house that reflected only a shadow of its former glory, but to them it was home.

The only home any of them had known since they’d lost their parents over seven years ago.

Slowly becoming aware that her brother’s and sister’s dejected faces mirrored her own, Laura rose, forcing a smile. “There’s no need for such long faces. We’ve an entire month before this Lord Devil arrives.”

“But we’ve only a little over three weeks before your birthday,” George reminded her.

Laura nodded. “I realize the situation seems hopeless, but we must always remember what Papa taught us—through prayer and persistence, the good Lord will provide.”

“What should we tell Him to send us?” Lottie asked eagerly, bouncing to her knees.

Laura pondered her answer for a long moment, her pious demeanor at odds with the determined gleam in her eye. “A man.”

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