Read Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off Online

Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off (26 page)

BOOK: Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off
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"Oh, right there. Yes, right, there.” The head of his cock rubbed some glorious spot deep inside her, and the tension began to build throughout her body. “Just a second more."

"Mmm, sweetheart, I can feel you,” he mumbled against her ear, sending vibrations all over her body as a response. He hadn't even broken a sweat yet; it could only mean one thing. She was in for one hell of a night.

"Oh God, Jack! Don't stop, don't stop.” Her back arched, and her toes curled as the sweet sensation pulled her under into wave after wave of pulsation.

"God, you feel good.” He growled. Then, he picked up the pace.

One moment she was being treasured in a slow sweet manner. The next she was being ravaged by the beast. Her legs were repositioned from around his waist to straight up over his shoulders where her feet locked behind his head.

"It's not enough,” he said as he drove himself deeper into her flesh. If it was not enough, she had no idea how he was going to get more. He hit the back of her wall with each stroke causing a twinge of pain with the pleasure.

"Do you want me to turn over?” Maybe he just needed to get a different angle.

"Maybe, I don't know,” he said between labored breaths.

"Let me roll over.” She unhooked her ankles and removed the gown as she sat up. He looked wild, like an untamed beast in their bed, but she wasn't going to talk dirty to him. Nope, dirty talk was not going to happen no matter how badly she wanted to.

Jack growled as he gripped her waist and plunged into her from behind. “Oh yes."

She wanted to ask if he liked it, but she was trying to remain a lady in bed.

"Bethany. Mmm. Fuck!” He chased what seemed to be out of reach for him. His efforts had, however, created another wave inside of her.

"Mmm, Oh ... yeah, good, Jack.” She bit the pillow to keep from yelling out a stream of obscenities as she came again.

"Fuck!” He shouted. “Bethany, sweetheart, please."

"What, Jack, what do you want?” She could barely lift from the pillow, and her legs shook with the effort to remain on her knees.

"Tell me, tell me something, anything. I need to hear it. I want you to tell me what you want, please.” He punctuated the please by smacking her butt.

So now, he wanted her to talk dirty. After making fun in the truck, he wanted the potty mouth in the bedroom after all? Maybe she could still say it and not be so ... rough about it.

"Let me turn over.” She needed to lie down. He pulled out, and she rolled to her back. Opening both her arms and her legs, she pulled him back into the tender embrace they started with. “Go slow, make love to me."

"Okay.” He held her tightly, his sweat soaked body against hers. The scent of their lovemaking filled the room. She kissed his neck and tasted the salty sweat there.

In a soft whisper, she commanded. “Now, fuck me, Jack, give it to me. Give me every inch of your big ... thick ... cock."

He came with a loud, shuddering moan. His seed poured into her in long bursts. At the end, he simply collapsed on top of her. His lips pressed against her neck once, twice. Then, slowly he drifted off into sleep.

"Jack, honey, you're crushing me.” She gasped for air as he rolled to his side, pulling her with him. “I guess you like it when I talk dirty after all."

"Don't be smug. Miss Know-it-all.” He nipped at her nose then rolled to his back, again pulling her with him.

"Don't you want to shower?” She yawned.

He grunted.

Readjusting to her nook, Bethany smiled. A baby of her own. A little boy just like Jack, or a little girl she could love the way she was never loved as a child. Life was definitely paying her back for all the hurt she had felt as a child. Overwhelming her with the love she was receiving from this man. Nothing could tear this away from her now.

Chapter 17

Standing in the kitchen, she thought she was seeing things as she looked out the window and watched the red BMW pull down the drive. Every year she got a new red BMW for her birthday. The one heading toward the house looked exactly like the one she got three months ago for her thirtieth. What made matters worse was the Black Dodge Ram following it.

Her heart pounded like a jack rabbit. She snuck out to the garage to hear the exchange now taking place between Heath and her ex-fiancé! Douglas stood there in a blue polo shirt and khaki pants at the front of her car. Heath made his way around the front of his truck in the attire she was now accustomed to seeing men wear, jeans and a T-shirt.

"How may I help you?” Heath asked as he approached.

"I'm here for Bethany Dodson,” Douglas said. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest and ran back in the house to hide. The biggest secret of her life was standing in the driveway and the meanest brother was there to greet him. Thank God, it was not Jack. Rafe would have been ideal; actually, no one would have been ideal. Why had he come here?

"There is no one by that name here.” Heath put his hands on his hips and eyed Douglas. Bethany gripped the back of Jack's truck like it was a lifeline and prayed they wouldn't see her eavesdropping.

"You must be Jack. Look, I'm sure you think you got yourself a catch there, but what you got is my fiancé instead.” Douglas looked at his watch then back at Heath. “We're getting married in a few weeks, and now she's sewn some wild oats, I'm sure she's ready to come home."

"You're obviously mistaken or an idiot. She's my wife, and she ain't goin’ anywhere, understand?” Shocked by his readiness to stand in for Jack, Bethany almost felt sick. Would Heath tell Jack later? This was getting worse by the minute.

"I don't think you understand, sir. I have a business to run, and Bethany is part of the merger. It's been planned for a year now, and this little tantrum she's decided to throw has just put you in the middle of it. I apologize, and I will reward you for keeping her safe and out of trouble, just name your price."

Bethany slid down the truck and sat next to the tire. The sobs began to shake her body. This could not be happening. Heath must have heard her because he looked over his shoulder, directly at her then stepped once to the left where she couldn't see Douglas at all.

"She's not for sale,” he said. A stream of spit escaped his lips as he turned his head to the side. Like one of those lawn ornaments, it shot out perfectly then landed in the grass. Cracking his neck to one side then the next, he faced Douglas again. Heath defined the television cowboy in that moment. All he needed was two pistols on his hips.

"This is ridiculous. If you will let me talk to her, we can straighten this out. I'm sure she is ready to come home. It's why I brought her favorite car. You know she owns six, and the house she lived in, the guest house makes this little home you have here look like a shack. You won't be able to support her or her shopping sprees.” Douglas laughed, the arrogant bastard. “You have to realize a girl like Bethany is accustomed to a certain lifestyle. She's not going to trade it in for cowboy boots and farmland."

"Are you finished?” Heath asked simply.

"No. I want Bethany out here, and I want her out here now.” Douglas was finished playing around by the tone in his voice.

"I told you. She's my wife, and the only way she's leaving here with you is over my dead body.” Heath took a step forward.

Unfortunately, the kitchen door to the garage opened. Bethany looked up to see Jack.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?” He came to her side instantly and both men outside took notice.

"Shit,” Heath said.

"Bethany,” Douglas scolded. “Get off the ground for Christ's sake."

Jack looked at her then looked out toward Douglas. Unlike Heath, his temper was not leashed.

"Who the hell are you talking to, Mister?” Jack started out of the garage.

"My fiancé!” Douglas shouted.

"You mean my wife.” Jack took three steps forward.

"So, now she's your wife. Ha! I bet you've been passing her around out here on the farm, huh?” Douglas laughed. “Doesn't surprise me a bit. Bethany get out here, and let's go!"

"Why you son of a bitch!” Jack launched for him, but Heath held him back.

"Get out of here, asshole, before I call the law,” Heath warned.

"Fine, I'll be back tomorrow, and she'll be leaving with me.” Douglas laughed and got in the car. “Pack your shit, Bethany. Play time's over,” he yelled then squalled tires as he backed out of the driveway.

"Why did you stop me, dammit!’ Jack turned to Heath.

"We can't afford a scandal right now. We open in two weeks.” He let go of Jack and took two steps away from him. Probably thinking the same thing she was, he would swing on Heath instead.

"Jack,” Bethany said and pulled herself from the ground. How she had the strength, she had no idea. Her world was spinning out of control.

"Is it true?” He looked wounded.

"I can explain.” She held her hands to her chest pleading with him. His face looked like a thundercloud, mean and angry, lined with hurt and betrayal. She had done that to him. She broke his heart.

"Just tell me if it's true. Were you engaged when we got married? Did I take another man's wife?"

"No.” She felt herself look away as she said it. “I was engaged but..."

"Jack,” Heath called as he marched past both of them got in the truck and started it up.

He didn't speak. He just laid on the horn until they moved. Then, much like Douglas, he hauled ass out of the garage then down the road.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!” Heath threw down his hat. “You didn't tell him?"

"No.” She sobbed. Holding herself up with her own arms, she looked at the mountain staring back at her. “I didn't want to marry him. I ran to Vegas. I thought I cut all ties. It didn't matter."

"It does matter. Now, he thinks you cared about some asshole.” Heath let another stream of curses go, picked up his hat, then put an arm around her. “Come on. Nothing we can do now but wait and see how this plays out."

As they walked inside, she realized why Jack had snuck in the front door in the first place. He had been around the back and picked a vase full of flowers for her. They sat on the counter. Like a slap in the face, the sight of them rocked her to the core. She should have told him. She should have told him everything. “I hate this. I hate myself for this!"

She ran to the bedroom. Heath cursed again as she slammed the door behind her.

* * * *

Jack drove for about two hours then finally found himself in town. The Saloon was open and very inviting for his taste right now. Maybe a beer and a few country songs would take the edge off, and he could decide what to do tonight. How could she not tell him she was engaged? How in the world had his sweet little thing manipulated him so easily?

Then, he thought of all the games she played in bed and wondered if she was not acting all along. Maybe all those little tears were just another performance. Madder than a wet hornet, he got out of the truck and headed into the bar.

"Well, hey there stranger. Haven't seen you in a while.” Dolly smiled bright and then frowned as she took in his appearance. “Beer or whiskey, sugar, you look like you just walked through hell and back."

"Beer.” He nodded and rested his head back against the booth. It was still relatively early, so one beer, a few songs, and he would get up and go to Heath or Rafe's for the night. He could not face her, not now. Not when he wanted to choke her as much as he wanted to kiss her. God, had Heath been feeling like this for almost a year now? How he managed to get out of bed was amazing.

"Here ya go, Cowboy.” Dolly placed the long neck in front of him. Suddenly, he lost the urge to drink. He nursed it for about twenty minutes as the sounds from the jukebox soothed his soul.

Just as he thought things were finally cooling off inside of him, the door opened and in walked the jerk who claimed to be his wife's fiancé with a couple other guys. No doubt he had not planned to come back alone but with thugs. How could she possibly have agreed to marry a pretty boy? He looked down at himself. He had spent all morning in the garden and then walked all over the damn place picking different flowers for her. What a fucking schmuck he had been. His dirty jeans and T-shirt, his hands rough and callused, where the hell did he get off thinking he could hold a girl like Bethany forever?

She belonged with the pretty boy. Hell, she would not have to fight with a guy like him to get his feet in wax. He probably sat next to her at the salon! Son of a Bitch!

"Hey.” Shit. He noticed him. Shaking his head, Jack tried to remember what Heath had said about a scandal before the season opened. People needed to feel safe on a ranch, not worried the owners would attack them. “You're the guy claiming to be Bethany's husband, right?"

But they were not on the ranch now, were they?

"I am her husband, and I'm in no mood for the likes of you, so turn around and head out.” He watched Dolly move to behind the bar. She had worked there long enough to smell trouble, and he had been in a scuffle right here, a time or two in his youth.

"Look, pal, I know she's really played a number on you. She did the same to me, but I need to take her back home. Too much money is riding on it.” The man seemed to try and reason with him.

"Do you love her?” Jack heard the words and had no idea how they jumped out of his mouth, but they had.

"Love?” The man looked at him, seemed to think about it, then answered, “Sure, why not? I mean I love what she brings to the table for sure."

"What the hell do you mean you love what she brings to the table? You either love her or you don't.” He pulled at the label on the bottle. He felt glad he had not made it through the first beer much less beyond it. His temper was on a short fuse, and one wrong word would set it off.

"She hasn't told you either, huh? Good lord, no wonder she married you. She could hold out then take her money, probably yours too, and really run. Tricky little cunt."

That was all it took. The man had just used the C word against his wife. Jack did not process getting up or getting across the floor, but he felt a great deal of pleasure when his fist connected with the man's jaw. Of course, he felt a great deal of pain as one of his flunkies’ fist connected with his right eye. He struck out at the other man and another one jumped on his back, punching him in the rib cage. He spun a few steps then heard a loud smash.

BOOK: Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off
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