Tempting the Tiger (27 page)

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

BOOK: Tempting the Tiger
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“Kitty or not,” Tah said when they’d settled down. “You’ll always be like a brother to me.”

“Same goes,” Reno added.

“Don’t worry,” Logan assured them. “I’m good with being all human. Except for the healing thing. I really want that super healing power thing you have,” he said to Tah, then turned to look at Reno. “And you have it too. I knew you healed from that gunshot way too quickly.” He shook his head with disgust. “Hey, if Clara’s a lioness, maybe I can just get her to bite me.”

“Better let Clara keep her teeth to herself for now,” Tah said.

Reno opened his mouth to say something more when there was a loud knock on the door and Murphy burst in.

“Well, fuck me!” He exclaimed. “He’s gone and done it now. I knew my brother had a death wish at times, but I never expected him to be stupid.”

“What’s going on?” Tah asked.

“This!” Murphy waved a paper in the air, which Tah took and began to read.

“He’s decided he needs to make amends for what we did to your mate,” Murphy told Reno.

“He was following orders,” Tah replied without looking up from the note he was reading.

“What’s he done?” Reno asked.

“Taken the tracker and gone off on his own. He’s planning to lead whoever’s following the signal away from Colorado and us,” Tah said.

“Christ,” Logan uttered. “What the hell was he thinking?”

“He wanted to prove himself after the complete fuck-up with Reno’s mate,” Murphy said.

“He has nothing to make amends for,” Reno said. “Amia and I both understand what happened. It was a misunderstanding.”

“That’s all good and fine and pointless.” Murphy grunted. “He’s gone.” He glanced at Tah. “I’m going after him.”

“Not by yourself,” Tah said.

“We’ve been on our own a long time,” Murphy said.

“Not anymore,” Tah countered.

“You’re with family now,” Reno stated and realized just how much he meant it. “This is my fault. I’ll go with you.”

“Not happening,” Logan said. “We need you here. Your mate needs you here. I get the feeling she’d just follow you if you tried.”

Reno sighed and nodded. Logan was right. Amia would just follow him. Besides, he’d just promised never to leave her, and he meant every word.

“I’ll go,” Zane spoke from the door before stepping in. “I was with Murphy when he found Finn’s letter. I’ve already packed.”

Tah looked at Zane for a long moment as if he were reading something in the other man. Reno could pick up a unique vibe from Zane as well. He was waiting for Tah to ask Zane pointblank if he was a shifter, but Tah didn’t. He was obviously thinking about something, though.

Finally, Tah nodded. “When you get back, I think we should talk.”

Zane met Tah’s gaze and nodded.

Reno recalled Zane stepping in front of Diane when he’d shifted into his tiger. The other man had faced him with no fear. He’d have to ask Amia if Zane had a glow. He was willing to bet he did. Either way, he knew Tah was still hoping those among them who might be shifters would come forward on their own. He wanted them to trust him enough to share. Reno just wondered how many suspected but weren’t certain, and if there were any who still had no clue.

“I’ll grab a bag, and we’ll head out,” Murphy said.

“Already threw your stuff together for you,” Zane said.

“Thank you.” Murphy turned and nodded at Zane in appreciation.

“I want to know as soon as you find him,” Tah demanded. “Toss the damn tracker wherever and get the hell out of there. Whoever these Blanes are, I think we all understand now that they’re capable of anything.”

“Yeah,” Logan agreed.

“I’ll find Finn,” Murphy said. “And we’ll be back.”

“I’m counting on it,” Tah said.

“Take the Jeep,” Reno said. “Did you bring it back?” he asked Logan.

“Parked and ready to go,” Logan said with a nod. “I’ll code you in and change the print over. Put both of you in.”

“How long will it take?” Murphy asked, and they could all feel his anxiety.

“Not long,” Logan said, heading toward the door. “Let’s go now. I’ll have you keyed in and ready in ten minutes.”

“Murphy,” Reno called and stepped up to the man he’d considered a friend since their first meeting. “I’m sorry.”

“You’ve no need to be saying sorry,” Murphy said. “Finn’s a grown man and making his own decisions. We both know we caused your lady some hurt, and we’re sorry for it. But he’s always been the crazy one of the family, and me always bailing his ass out o’ the fire. This time won’t be any different.”

“Anything you need,” Reno said. “I’m here. Just let me know.”

Murphy nodded and surprised him by pulling him close for a hug. “We’ll be okay. Finn will be back before you know it, causing trouble with his mouth and quick temper.”

“I thought that was both of you,” Tah said.

“So it is,” Murphy said with a grin. “Better get him back here to keep me in line then.”

With that, Murphy and Zane followed Logan from the room, leaving Tah and Reno alone.

“We’ve got three gone. That leaves Holt, Vic, Kenzie, Logan, myself and you,” Tah said.

“You can’t leave the house and Abby right now,” Reno reminded him.

“We don’t have a choice,” Tah stated. “We need to be checking the perimeters. We’ve got to keep our eyes open now more than ever. Sensors should be checked daily. That means some of us out patrolling and someone inside monitoring at all times.”

“I can help.” Amia’s voice called from the door.

“Me too,” Abby said.

Reno and Tah both turned and moved across to their mates.

Reno took Amia in his arms and just held her close, breathing in the scent of her. His heart lightened just by holding her in his arms.

“You can’t help,” Tah told Abby.

“I can too,” Abby argued.

“Are you going to try to tell me no?” Amia asked Reno.

He laughed softly. “Hell, no. I’m not stupid, and we need the help.”

“So just my mate is stupid,” Abby said with a huff.

“I’m not stupid,” Tah growled. “You’re pregnant. You can’t be traipsing along in the woods checking sensors and scanning for intruders.”

“No,” Abby agreed. “But I can monitor the equipment so that Vic can go traipsing and scanning.”

Reno coughed to hide a laugh, but Tah just glared at him anyway. Amia wasn’t so quiet.

“She has a point,” Amia said, earning a smile of gratitude from Abby. “She can monitor the equipment just as well as anyone.”

Tah growled, but Amia didn’t back down.

“If you’re really worried about Abby, you could get Diane to help as well. I get the impression she wants to do more than live in the labs.”

Abby nodded her head. “I got that impression too.”

Tah opened his mouth, then snapped it shut with a sigh. “You’re right, and I’m being hardheaded.”

“I am. You are. I love you anyway,” Abby said, then rubbed her belly. “We both do.”

“You’re my whole world,” Tah told his mate, and Reno knew just how he felt. Amia was his whole world.

Tah shook his head at Abby. “Were you eavesdropping?”

“Of course not,” Abby said. “Vic talked to Zane while he was throwing a bag together for himself and Murphy. She came to check on me, and we talked. So I came to talk to you, see what you needed.”

“Just you,” Tah said. “Always you.”

“You guys are so cute together,” Amia said.

“Ahh,” Abby said. “I think the same about you and Reno.”

Amia met Reno’s gaze, and they shared a smile. He didn’t know about cute, but they certainly burned for each other. Even then, his cock was hard and thick with need for her. Would it always be that way? Would he always hunger this much for her? He hoped so, as long as the feeling was mutual.

“I love you,” he whispered to his mate.

“I love you,” she whispered back.

“I want popcorn,” Abby said. “Hot, buttery popcorn.”

“I’ll get it for you,” Tah said, but Abby caught his arm.

“I’ll get it,” she said, then glanced at Amia. “I thought maybe Amia would join me. Maybe watch a movie? Logan picks me up a new one every time he goes to town.”

“What did he bring this time?” Tah asked.

“The newest superhero movie,” Abby said with a grin. “You know how I like my heroes.”

Tah snorted. “And what are Reno and I going to be doing while you two watch a movie?”

Abby shrugged and smiled. “I thought you might like to go for a longer run through the woods here. I won’t worry and beg you not to go too far now that you have someone who can go with you. I’m betting Reno can keep up with you.”

Tah shook his head. “How do you always know what I need even before I do?”

“I’m brilliant,” Abby said.

“I’m lucky,” Tah said.

“Are they always like this?” Amia asked.

“Sickening, isn’t it?” Reno said.

“Just wait,” Abby said. “You two will—”

“Never,” Amia interrupted, making Reno laugh.

“You don’t want me to tell you how lucky I am?”

“I’m the lucky one,” she countered, then made a shooing motion with her hands. “Now go run. I’ve got a night with a sexy superhero planned.” She glanced to Abby. “Which one is it? Shield or hammer?”

“Who needs to choose? We can watch both,” Abby assured her, and both women sighed.

“Sounds like we’re being dismissed,” Tah said and shrugged his shirt over his head, tossing it to his mate.

Reno did the same as he kicked his boots off.

“What are you doing?” Amia asked with wide eyes.

“Don’t want to tear my clothes up,” Reno said, and he saw the moment she understood.

He and Tah stripped down to their boxer briefs before stepping outside on the porch with both their mates watching them.

“Race you,” Tah said and took a flying leap, shifting from man to lion midair.

“That’s cheating,” Reno yelled as he took off. His shift wasn’t as seamless, but soon enough he was in his white fur and fast on Tah’s heels. His mate had tempted the tiger out of him, and he’d never felt so free or alive.

“They’re magnificent,” Amia breathed as she watched first Tah then Reno shift.

“Every time,” Abby agreed. “No matter how many times I see him shift, it still makes me catch my breath.”

Amia was surprised when Abby reached over and took her hand, squeezing it.

“Tah likes to think he’s invincible at times. Reno as well. But I think you’re strong enough to handle things.”

“I’ll handle whatever I have to,” Amia vowed.

“Good,” Abby said with a nod. “He’ll need your strength as much as he needs your love.”

“He has both,” she assured Abby. He had everything she had to offer. There was nothing she wouldn’t give Reno.

“I’d say we’re all pretty lucky then,” Abby said and turned back toward the house.

Amia felt worry and doubt trying to creep in and shook them off. No matter what tomorrow brought, they had each other. That made them lucky indeed.

About the Author

Lacey Thorn spends her days in small town Indiana, the proud mother of three. When she is not busy with one of them, she can be found typing away on her computer keyboard or burying her nose in a good book. Like every woman, she knows just how chaotic life can be and how appealing that great escape can look.

So, toss aside the stress and tension of the never-ending to-do list. For now sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride with Lacey. It’s your world…unlaced.

Lacey loves to talk to her readers and can be found at www.lacythorn.com. Join Lacey on
Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/#!/authorlaceythorn Or on Twitter at
@laceythorn1And feel free to email the author at [email protected].

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