Tempted by the Highland Warrior (25 page)

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Authors: Michelle Willingham

BOOK: Tempted by the Highland Warrior
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The morning sun streaming through the shutters didn’t bring any
more clarity. Brooding over the situation hadn’t given him any solutions either.
Once he returned to the capital, he’d have to face the consequences of letting
Pearl go. He tied back his hair and dressed himself, attaching his sword at his
belt. The robe had dried from the tea that the she-demon had thrown at him. It
was a minor mishap in an epic tale of disaster. The tragic tale had started with
the unexpected news of his father’s death and would likely end with him throwing
himself on the imperial court’s mercy.

A stretch of dirt road separated the inn from the town centre,
which was a cluster of wooden buildings overlooking the market area. Beyond this
road, the cities would shrink to the tiny villages and settlements barely known
to the heart
of the empire.

Pearl’s future was left to the open road and to fate now.
Perhaps it was a better situation than his. His sister was free without the
weight of the family name bearing down on her. As eldest son, as only son,
preserving their honour was his burden.

An attendant brought his horse from the stable. As he headed
toward the animal, a small, grey figure shot out into the street.

‘My lord!’

A quick glance revealed the teahouse girl scurrying in his
direction. He turned his back on her as he took the reins from the

‘My lord, please wait.’ She sounded harried and out of breath
behind him. He didn’t answer as he faced the horse to the street, leading him by
the bridle.

‘I must beg your pardon,’ she continued, her footsteps trailing
behind his.

So, none of the impudence she’d shown the previous night. He
could be generous. It was a small insult considering, and not worth the


He braced his foot in the stirrup to prepare to mount, when a
tug at his sleeve stopped him.

The young woman recoiled as he turned to her. ‘Please. Forgive
my intrusion, honourable sir. My lord…’

The list of courtesies made him impatient. He frowned as he
waited for her to finish. She clasped her hands together nervously and spoke

‘I’ve been thrown out by the teahouse owner!’

Her bottom lip trembled and she looked away, trying to hide the
unsightly outburst of emotion. Her hair was tied in a simple fashion and allowed
to sweep down over one shoulder. For the first time, he noticed that her eyes
were red and slightly swollen.

‘That was not my intention,’ he replied gravely.

Once again, he tried to mount. Again, she reached for him. This
time, he stopped before she needed to tug at him. She took two steps away
instead of one when he swung around. Did propriety mean nothing to her?

‘I am truly sorry for ruining your robe. I’ll wash it myself,’
she promised. ‘If you can just speak to the proprietor and his wife.’

The horse tossed his head, agitated with the delay. Fei Long
felt the same agitation growing within him.

‘This matter is not my concern.’

‘I’m being punished—’

‘As you should be,’ he replied simply.

There was no cruelty in his words. Despite being attacked
without provocation, he hadn’t demanded retribution. She was fortunate he didn’t
believe in beating servants.

‘But I’ve apologised.’ She blocked his path now, this
willow-thin girl who was all eyes and hair. ‘Sincerely, humbly, with all my
soul, apologised. Please take pity. Won’t you help me?’

He made a scoffing noise at the back of his throat, which
seemed to startle her. She frowned at him.

‘These are your amends to make, not mine, young miss. Go humble
yourself before your master and mistress and make your plea with them.’ He
started to lead the horse forwards, trying to put some distance between them to
show that the matter was closed. ‘Besides, you are not sorry at all.’

For a second, her eyes flashed. Her mouth hardened much like it
had back in the teahouse before he found himself drenched in cold tea. If she’d
had anything in hand to throw, he would have prepared to duck.

Less than a breath later, her expression grew plaintive and
accommodating. ‘But I am sorry, my lord.’ She padded beside him, taking two
steps for each of his one. ‘I’ve worked for the teahouse since I was a child.
There’s nowhere else I can go. A girl like me out in the streets…’

Her voice trailed away in defeat and Fei Long halted. He was
reminded of Pearl, though there was no reason for it. The girl looked nothing
like his sister. Unlike Pearl, she was thin, hard-headed and she had a mouth on

He’d spared Pearl from the political marriage that their father
had arranged, but now she was left to wander without a home. He would always
wonder if his actions had truly been a kindness. Unlike Pearl, this tea girl
didn’t have anyone by her side.

‘How old are you?’ he asked.

She was taken aback by the question. ‘Nineteen years.’

A little older than Pearl, but that might be a benefit. He
already had a sense that this teahouse girl was much shrewder than his sheltered
younger sister.

‘Can you read and write?’

‘Only numbers.’

A wispy cloud of an idea had begun to form while he was
wallowing at the teahouse last night. A thin spark of light, before it had been
effectively doused by a cascade of cold tea flung in his face. The plan came
back now as he stared at the same culprit who’d snapped him out of those

‘Smile,’ he said.

She blinked at him warily, then forced her mouth upwards in
what ended up looking more like a grimace. He looked down at her feet next. They
shrank back from his scrutiny, as she curled her toes back within the

His gaze returned to her face and he kept his open perusal for
assessment purposes only: dark eyes set against smooth skin. Fair enough to pass
for a lady’s. The set of her jaw was too hard and her face was on the thin side,
though her features were not unpleasant to look at if she didn’t scowl so.
Softened a bit she could even be…pretty. Not that beauty was required for what
he had in mind.

‘You are more peculiar than I thought,’ she muttered, backing

With her head lifted and shoulders raised, as they were right
now, she took on a semblance of righteousness and pride that might just be
suitable for the part.

He let go of the reins. ‘I have a proposal for you.’

‘I know exactly what sort of proposal you mean.’ She shook an
accusing finger at him. ‘I don’t care how rich you are, I was right to pour that
tea on you.’

Now it was his turn to pursue her. And it took some effort. She
was walking fast down the street.

‘Young miss, let me explain.’

Her step quickened. ‘Leave me alone. I may not be learned or
wear expensive clothes like you, but I’m a respectable girl. I won’t do…do

wasn’t what I meant.’

The townsfolk paused in their morning stroll through the
marketplace. Their discussion was starting to gather attention.

Fei Long angled himself in front of her, cutting off her
escape. He dropped his tone. ‘What I’m proposing is very respectable. A matter
of imperial duty, in fact.’

She snorted. He was suddenly convinced that before him was the
answer to his dilemma. The teahouse girl had nowhere to go and he needed someone
to replace Pearl. Khitan was a rough, untamed land compared to the empire. This
she-demon was bold enough to carry off such a deception. She was delicate in
appearance at least, and not so hardened that she couldn’t be schooled. There
was little elegance about her now, but that could be changed.

There was much work to do before she could pass as a daughter
from a good family. They didn’t have much time, but he was convinced it could be
done. It had to be done.

‘My family name is Chang, personal name Fei Long,’ he began.
‘My father was an official within the Ministry of Works and our family lives in
the capital city. Have you ever been to Changan?’

She looked over one shoulder, then the other, as if reassuring
herself that they were indeed in a crowded public area and she was safe from his
clutches. ‘No,’ she answered finally.

‘What’s your name, young miss?’ he asked.

If he could get past this polite exchange, then he had a chance
of convincing her. Two strangers who exchanged names were, of course, no longer
strangers. Even peasants would understand those rules of courtesy.

She took her time assessing him, taking in the height and
breadth of him, and staring at the sword in his belt. The girl would duck and
bow when necessary, but this was no shy and sheltered nightingale. She had a
boldness within her that Pearl lacked. He waited anxiously for her reply. For
the first time in weeks, hope burned inside him, embodied in this tiny reed of a

‘I don’t know of my family name,’ she replied, still hesitant.
‘But I’m called Yan Ling.’

* * *

‘It’s called
,’ he

The nobleman looked to her for acknowledgement and she had to
shake her head. Fei Long led his horse down the street while she walked beside
him, falling a few paces behind in deference.

‘An arranged peace marriage,’ he continued. ‘My sister was
selected to go to the land of Khitan to be married to a foreign lord.’

So the young woman had been his sister. ‘Where is Khitan?’

‘North of the Taiyuan prefecture.’

She nodded. They continued for a few steps.

‘Where is Taiyuan?’

He paused and her face grew hot as he regarded her, but there
was no need to be ashamed. Of course he knew more than she did about foreign
lands. She’d only left town a few times to accompany her master to major
festivals. The thought of leaving town now with Fei Long frightened her, but the
thought of being left to the streets frightened her more.

‘I can show you a map some time,’ he said, in a tone that was
not unkind.

She wasn’t entirely convinced of his mad tale. And if she did
believe him, was it even possible for her to pose as his sister? Everything she
said or did felt awkward next to Chang Fei Long. Anyone could see they weren’t
from the same breed.

‘You said they were expecting a princess. I’m no princess.’

‘Neither was my sister, Pearl.’

He slowed his stride to match hers and Yan Ling felt especially
small, more from the authority in his bearing than from his actual size.

‘A past emperor gave one of his favourite daughters away in an
alliance marriage to a barbarian chieftain,’ he explained. ‘The story has since
become quite famous. Have you heard of it?’

He paused to look at her and again she shook her head. They
didn’t speak of the comings and goings of the imperial family in their little

‘The princess wept and begged for her father to reconsider,
composing verses of poetry lamenting what she considered her exile from her
beloved empire,’ he recounted. ‘But the Son of Heaven couldn’t rescind the
agreement to his ally. When the princess left for foreign lands, the Emperor was
heartbroken. When another neighbouring kingdom petitioned for a Tang princess,
the Emperor chose one of his concubines and bestowed the title of princess upon
her. The newly appointed princess went to fulfil the alliance rather than the
Emperor’s true blood.’

‘So now our Emperor wants to send an imposter instead?’ she

‘It’s not uncommon. The alliance brides may be nieces or
distant members of the imperial family. Occasionally even daughters of
high-ranking court officials might be chosen. It was a great honour to our
family when my sister, Pearl, was elevated to the rank of princess.’

Yan Ling stared at him, trying to sort out the strangeness of
such whimsical decrees. ‘Wouldn’t that make you a prince?’

‘Not quite—however, the decree does bestow imperial favour and
duties upon our family.’ He looked uncomfortable. ‘Duties that cannot be

She supposed the divine Emperor could do whatever he wished.
‘But what if the barbarians find out they don’t have a real princess?’

‘It doesn’t matter. The political arrangement itself is the
important part. The marriage seals the agreement and the title is just a
formality showing the Emperor’s commitment.’

She didn’t like the thought of being a peace offering,
travelling to this faraway place along with bolts of silk and a fleet of horses.
Hadn’t Fei Long practically looked her over as if she were a horse? Checking her
teeth, checking her feet to see that they were small enough to belong to a
high-born lady.

‘Tang princesses are highly valued in the barbarian lands,’ he
insisted. ‘You’ll have every need taken care of.’

A ripple of pleasure ran through her, lazy and warm with
promise. She would never need to worry about being cold or hungry again. Her
back wouldn’t ache from serving customers from the first light of day to deep in
the night.

‘I couldn’t even imagine this if it were a dream. You’re just
telling stories,’ she accused.

‘It’s true.’

‘Then why did your precious sister run away? If I were Miss
Pearl, I would never give up such an opportunity.’

He tensed. Only the twitch of a muscle along his jaw revealed
any emotion. ‘She was young with…romantic notions. Not thinking of reason or
duty.’ He met her eyes, his gaze scrutinising. ‘You seem much more

‘I am very practical,’ she agreed. The teahouse had always been
about survival and keeping a roof over her head.

They stopped before the town’s civil office. Without a word,
the nobleman handed her the reins and strode through the front gate, completely
assured in her compliance. The horse paced a few restless steps while she
clutched at the reins with a life-and-death grip.

‘Stop,’ she commanded in a fierce whisper. ‘Hear me? Stay

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