Tempt Me (Tease Me Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Tempt Me (Tease Me Book 2)
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Fuck, she was good.

She pulled back, turning her head. I disentangled my fingers from her hair and blinked the water out of my eyes. She stood, eyes meeting mine for a fleeting second. Then she turned and picked up a bar of soap. She began washing me, and I felt aroused all over again.

“You’re turn,” I said once I had rinsed.

“Too exhausted right now,” she whispered. “You can fuck me in the tub.”

Fuck. I had forgotten about the whirlpool tub. Had it overflowed? I turned the shower off and threw a towel on the floor. We walked, naked and dripping wet, across the bathroom and into the tub. It was almost filled to the top; I turned the hot water off just in time.

“Wow,” Ellie said as she sank down, her tits sinking below the water. “This is huge.”

I raised my eyebrows. “We have enough room to do anything in here.”

She ran her eyes around the tub. “You’re telling me. Can you turn the jets on?”

I laughed and pressed a button. Ellie stuck her hands out, feeling the water. Then she moved over, straddling my lap. My dick hadn’t gone completely limp just yet. It pushed against her, and Ellie rocked her hips back and forth so the tip rubbed against her clit.

I ran my hands over her ass and up her back, massaging her shoulders. She leaned forward, resting her head on my shoulder.

“I could stay here all day,” she said, her voice thick with sleep. “Can you fake sick or something and stay with me?”

“It doesn’t work that way,
,” I said, trying hard to ignore the pull on my heart. I didn’t want to make any more deals. I didn’t want to talk to anyone today or worry about taking inventory at the warehouse.

“But you’re the boss,” she said slowly. “Have someone else do things today.”

I could, really. And once things were up and running here, I would leave this town and trust the main operations to someone else. That person had been Diego. I hadn’t told him, and after his shady deal, I was having doubts. I could feel my blood pressure rising just thinking about it.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my fingers harder against Ellie’s skin. She was completely relaxed, arms limply hanging at her sides. Her heart beat against mine.

“Do you want me to come with you?” she asked, barely louder than a whisper. “I could help you.”

,” I said softly. I slipped my hands around her, pulling her close to me. I closed my eyes, feeling guilty for the first time in my life. Ellie was innocent, a bit naive even. She strived to always do the right thing, even when that meant pushing her own desires to the side. She was my beautiful bird, sitting atop the highest tree with the entire world below, too scared to open her wings and soar.

She didn’t belong with me. I would corrupt her.

“Ellie,” I began, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
I had to set her free. I couldn’t keep her caged here any longer, and I couldn’t risk her life anymore. Being around me was dangerous. “Ellie?”

“Hmm,” she groaned.

“You’re falling asleep,” I said with a laugh.

“No I’m not,” she protested and waved her hand in the air.

“You’re still drunk, remember?” She nodded, head pressed against my neck. “I’ll take you to bed,
,” I told her and stood with her in my arms. Water poured from our bodies. I carried her out of the tub and carefully set her on her feet. I wrapped her in a towel and picked her up again, laying her down in my bed. I kissed her forehead then went back into the bathroom to begrudgingly get ready for work.



I WOKE up with a headache. My mouth was dry, my stomach queasy, and I had to pee. The sun was high in the sky, shining in full force through the windows. I opened my eyes just enough to glare at it before rolling over, groaning.

I hadn’t been this hung over in years…like a
of years…like the rare times I got trashed at college. I hadn’t gotten blackout drunk though; I was able to recall the details of last night.

I pushed my hair out of my face and sat up, realizing I was wearing only a towel. I was in Alejandro’s bed, but he was nowhere to be seen. I blinked, my vision a little fuzzy, and sat up. The sheets under me were damp from the towel. I rolled over, every movement jarring, hurting my head.

“Fuck,” I mumbled and flopped back on the bed. My limbs felt too heavy to get up. I wanted to pass out again and wake up when I wasn’t hung over, like in six hours. Then I smelled the eggs. I wrinkled my nose, wanting to puke.

I buried my head in the pillow. It wasn’t just the eggs; it was the spices common in Mexican cooking. I knew I should eat something, but I didn’t think my stomach could handle it. I smiled, shaking my head. Alejandro loved his food extra spicy.

I stayed there, naked and on top of wet sheets for several minutes before pushing myself up again. I rubbed my eyes then ran my hands through my hair, fingers getting stuck in knots.

God, I must look like a wreck.

The wind had whipped my hair into a tangled mess last night alone. Then I slept on it, got in the shower without brushing it, and then fell asleep with it wet. Maybe I should be glad Alejandro wasn’t here to see me.

With a deep breath, I pushed myself up and off the bed. There was a bouquet of two dozen red roses on the dresser. A smile subconsciously pulled up my lips. Hidden in the center of the red roses was a single yellow rose. I tipped my head as I stared at it, wondering if the florist put it in on accident. No, it was there on purpose. The yellow rose was bigger than the other roses. Weird.

There was a note next to the vase. I picked it up and unfolded it. It was hand written in messy writing. I skimmed to the bottom, catching what I assumed was Alejandro’s signature before I went back and read the note.


I won’t let you blend into the crowd.


Suddenly the one yellow rose made sense. I carefully touched the silky pedals then leaned in close and smelled the roses. I read the note again, going each word slowly. I set it down, all smiles and heart fluttering in a stupid school-girl way. I put my hand to my chest and closed my eyes, thinking of Alejandro.

I read the note one more time before hurrying to the bathroom to pee. Once I was done, I splashed cold water on my face and did my best to ignore the complete rat’s nest that was my hair. I admired the roses again then moved to the tray of Mexican breakfast food. I picked it up, carefully carrying it over to the bed. I set it down and slipped under the covers, bringing the sheet up to cover my naked breasts.

I forced myself to drink an entire bottle of water, knowing I would regret it if I didn’t. I held a silver fork in my hand, picking salsa off the eggs. Alejandro was of course on my mind, and I rolled over the memories from last night. I had always been honest with him. Completely, 100% honest. It was liberating, and I never wanted to go back to lying, to pretending shit was peachy when it was really steamy and stinky.

What was the point of lying? Why did we act like things were okay when really, they were far from it? Since when did making others think your life was sunshine and roses trump asking for help, admitting you’re not happy, and venting to a friend?

Though he hadn’t revealed much, it felt like Alejandro felt the same when he confessed to me last night. He didn’t have a choice in this life. He was expected to carry on the family “tradition” whether he liked it or not. He didn’t get to do what he loved or what he wanted. He was just as stuck as I was, though in a different sense. I ate a piece of egg and started to feel bad for Alejandro.

Wait, what?

I almost dropped my fork. No. No, no, no. Alejandro Calaveras was a bad, bad man. He was a cartel leader. He killed people. He sold millions of dollars’ worth of drugs and illegal weapons across borders. He didn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone but himself.

Or did he?

Buying me pretty things and sending me roses with a sweet card didn’t seal our fate as a couple. I was his fuck buddy and nothing more. He had no emotion invested in me, and I shouldn’t have any in him. I shouldn’t be with him, period. That just made him even more tempting. If anyone at the police department back home found out that I romantically strolled the streets of Mexico with Alejandro fucking Calaveras and
try to kill him, turn him in, or escape, they’d excommunicate me. And I didn’t think Alejandro’s men would take too kindly to knowing that he was feeding and dressing—in expensive clothes, I should add—an American cop who now had enough info to take down the entire operation.

I set the fork down and shook my head. Fuck, this was getting complicated. I was here because Alejandro didn’t know what else to do with me. Killing me would have been easy. He could have gotten rid of my body without a trace. Hell, someone else would have done it. All Alejandro would have had to do was say the words and I’d be soaking in a bucket of acid until there was nothing left but brittle bone that could be easily ground up and scattered into the ocean.

I flopped back on the pillows. So why this? Why let me live a life of luxury with loose reins in his own house? It had to mean something…right?

“You’re grasping at straws,” I said aloud to myself. “Just stop.”

I took a steady breath and pushed myself up. I ate another bite of egg, chewing slowly. Whatever kind of salsa was on this was seriously spicy. I sipped on dark purple juice to kill the burn.

I didn’t matter what Alejandro did or didn’t feel. And I could sort out my feelings later…with a shrink most likely. Truth was, I had no idea when this would end. And by this, I mean the erotic escape. I didn’t want life to get in the way.
I didn’t want to worry about getting hit with late fees for bills I was already behind on. My landlord didn’t care that I was living it up with one of the world’s most dangerous men. My rent was still due on the first of the month. I just wanted to drink and fuck and not have a care in the world until I just couldn’t ignore the real issues any longer.

And dammit, I was determined to do just that.



I WASHED the blood off my hands, eyes flicking to my reflection in the mirror above the sink. Dammit. Blood had splattered across my face, like it did when I beat the shit out of someone. Usually I stood back and let my men handle it, but punishing someone who thought they didn’t have to pay me on time was cathartic today.

All day, I craved Ellie. And not just her sweet pussy. I craved all of her, every fiber of her being. I wanted to hug her, to pull her close and feel her heart beat against mine. Of course I wanted to fuck her, but I wanted more than that.

And it freaked me the fuck out.

I threw a few punches and broke a few bones in the name of love. Well, in the name of trying to not let that fucking little “L” word even enter my mind. I had to like someone first, like them for more than the holes between their legs. Ellie was just that. My fuck doll. I had nothing else to do with her, other than let her stay at the house. And it would have been a waste not to sleep with someone as sexy and beautiful as her.

Who was I trying to fool? Myself…it wasn’t working. Whatever had happened last night made me feel close to Ellie, and I’d never felt close to anyone before. It unnerved me in the best way possible. She was under my skin, in my head, and in my heart—even though I didn’t want to admit it.

Why? She was just a woman, a woman with a pathetic life who was desperate for an escape. I felt a fleeting flutter of panic at the thought of her using me for that escape. What. The. Fuck. I needed to snap out of it and bury my feelings for Ellie deep inside, locked away to never surface again.

I leaned over the sink and splashed water onto my face, washing away the blood. I grabbed a towel, drying my skin, and sighed. I looked back at my reflection. I wasn’t a good person. I didn’t try to do the right thing. I did what was easy, what was best for me and no one else. Ellie was too innocent to be with someone like me. She was better off living her old life, the one she thought was boring and unrewarding. It was better than being dead.

I put the towel down, making no attempt to wipe the blood from my white button-up shirt. With full composure, I walked out of the warehouse bathroom. Tonight was a busy night, as everyone was prepping a large shipment to go out tomorrow. My men stepped aside, letting me through.

,” Diego said, nodding his head down.

“Night,” I replied and walked to the door. I stopped, turning to Diego. “Don’t fuck up,” I said.

Diego laughed, playing it off as a joke, but I was serious. His face hardened when he saw my glare. “I won’t,
,” he said.

“You better not.” I let the unspoken threat hang in the air. I entered the code to leave the warehouse and went outside. I stopped to talk to one of the hired guns, making sure he knew to check on my payment tomorrow. If I didn’t have my money in twenty-four hours, I took fingers. I always started with the little finger, the one not really needed. If another twelve hours passed and I still didn’t have money, another finger was cut off. I worked my way in, until there was nothing left. I’d only had to cut off three thumbs over the years. Somehow, losing two fingers seemed to be what it took for people to get me my money.

I walked into the house to find Ellie sitting in the kitchen. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Her hair fell in loose curls around her face, and her eyes were lined with black. I momentarily missed her messy hair and makeup-free face. I blinked. Her eyes were even more captivating outlined in black.

“Alejandro,” she said with a smile and stood.

“Ellie,” I replied.

She went around the table and stopped, looking at me as if she wasn’t sure what to do. Suddenly, I felt too vulnerable. She knew too much about me. I had shared secrets with her that I hadn’t told anyone, that I hadn’t even wanted to admit to myself. I wanted to pull her close and never let go just as much as I wanted to push her away.

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