Tempo (24 page)

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Authors: Kelley Maestas

BOOK: Tempo
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Karlie is out on the town again. Is there life after Michael?

Next to my picture is one of Michael with his arm around a beautiful blonde woman. His head is tilted toward her as if he is telling her a secret. They seem familiar. The smile on her face says it all. The caption reads:

Michael Scarpetti has moved on. No one knows the identity of the curvy blonde. Is she the next flavor of the month?

Grrrrr, I am so mad. Who is this girl and why does she look so comfortable in his arms? He is a cheating, lying,
bastard. You don’t look at someone like that if you don’t know her well.  Let’s see how he would feel if my picture was captured as I wrapped myself around another man. With that thought, I plan my next night out.

Saturday evening I hit the Marquee in the Cosmopolitan. I head directly to the bar to toss back a glass of courage. Wearing my presentation dress and Jimmy Choo shoes I wait. Sidling up to me, the man to my right begins to talk softly. Ms. McKenna my name is John. I am here to protect you
, but it will be hard with you wearing that dress. Let’s go back to the hotel so you can change. I turn and look directly at John. Oh, it’s my dance partner from last night. A very handsome man taps me on my left shoulder and asks me to dance. I agree, and as I walk toward the dance floor, I look over my shoulder and tell John to figure it out. I dance several dances with the handsome nameless man, making sure that I appear to be having a really great time with him. I know the photographers are there. I can feel them in the room. Walking to the bar, I address John once again. “Let’s go.”

Safely in my room, I log on to the computer and see the latest pictures. Oh, Michael is going to be pissed. It serves him right. I look incredibly sexy if I say so myself. My hand is on the shoulder of the man I was dancing with
, but his eyes were all over me. Take that Michael! I slam the computer shut and head to the closet to change. I barely get there before a fierce banging erupts at my door. The sound makes me jump. Looking through the peephole I am greeted by the fiercest looking man. Michael is standing at my doorstep and he is furious.

I barely get the door unlocked before he pushes his way inside. The door bangs against the opposite wall. He stands before me like a warrior, his hands on his hips.

“What the hell were you doing tonight?” he bellows.

“Hitting the town like you suggested.” I say innocently.

“You went out wearing that dress; my dress. You were half naked and every man there was looking at you. They were looking at what belongs to me!” he yells.

I am so stunned that I cannot speak, but I manage to find my voice. “It’s my dress and I thought it would get a reaction from you. Not quite this reaction, but I was hoping you might feel like I felt when I saw you wrapped around the sultry blonde.”

“So you’re jealous of the sultry blonde girl, she is quite a looker isn’t she?” He is looking at my face trying to get me to react. I can’t control myself as the redness in my skin is evidence that I am pissed off.

“You are impossible, you hang all over this girl and then expect me not to react. Who is she Michael?”

“I will have to let Lloyd know that you think his daughter is pretty. Her name is Charlotte and we’re like siblings. That’s why she looked as if she knew me, we grew up together.” Michael laughs as he sees my mouth drop open.

“You shouldn’t wear that in public Karlie, it’s unfair to the male population of the world. Come here and let me help you out of it.” He walks to me and slips the dress from my shoulders. He stands in front of me and gazes at my naked body. I want him so badly. He walks to the closet and hangs up my dress. When he returns he is carrying my favorite sweat pants and t-shirt. Deep inside, I am disappointed. I wish he would carry me to my bed and make love to me
, but he is just respecting my wishes and I love him more for that.

“Should you be here?” I ask.

“Do you want me to leave?”

“No, I want you to stay,
but what about the risk?”

“I came through the kitchen and up the stairs.”

“You walked up thirty-nine flights of stairs?”

“No, I ran up thirty-nine flights of stairs. It’s a good thing too because most of my anger was used up in the run.”

I reach for his shoulders and pull him to me. “Come here and give me a kiss.”

His head leans down and his lips touch mine. We both moan in unison. We lay beside each other in my bed, at first talking and then silently enjoying each other’s presence. I fell asleep in his arms and sometime during the night he left my room.

Back at Tempo I check my list. Everything is at least three days ahead of schedule. The rooms are so beautiful. The textiles are supposed to arrive today. I can’t wait to get the first set of draperies hung. My goal is to have everything completed by Christmas Eve. That will allow the staff a week to get used to the space before the big reveal on New Years Eve. There has been a lot of activity at the hotel lately. Public relations people turn up everywhere. There is a lot of buzz surrounding the opening of the hotel. Staff is being trained. The bars are now fully stocked. It actually looks and feels like a hotel. I can smell food on a regular basis. The kitchen is in full swing while the chefs perfect the menu. On occasion I go to the kitchen and sample what they have. Today I pilfered a Monte Cristo sandwich and I am headed to my favorite space, the rooftop patio. Exiting the elevator I find the perfect seat to enjoy my lunch. Hearing the elevator ding, I gaze at the door to see who will emerge. Michael is standing there with a big smile on his face. He approaches me and leans down to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

“You shouldn’t kis
s me in public, someone may see,” I say slightly panicked.

Taking half of my sandwich, he relaxes on the chair next to me and says. “I hope that everyone sees.”

“Hey, that’s my sandwich!”

“Technically you stole it from my kitchen, but what’s mine is yours. I came up here to invite you to dinner.”

At first his invitation confuses me but then it hits me; Chuck must be in jail.

“Are we really free?” I ask.

“Yes baby we are free to do as we please. Chuck was arrested today for attempted murder.”

I leap out of my seat and into his lap. The kiss I give him pours every ounce of my love into him. Holding me slightly away from him so he can see my face, he delivers the next bit of news.

“It breaks my heart to tell you this, but I have to leave tomorrow for two days. Will you be all right?”

I look at him with sadness. “Where are you going?” I ask.

“I am following the advice of a very smart woman. I am going to see my father. He is due to be paroled on the 30
and I want to outline his pathway back into my life. It will be on my terms not his.”

“I’m glad Michael, I think you’re doing the right thing.”

“How do you want to spend the holiday’s baby?”

I can’t even believe that I have not given any thought to the Christmas holidays. It’s just a few days away. What will I give Michael?

“I just want to spend them with you.”

“That would be the best Christmas present ever Karlie.” His smile is genuine and his eyes sparkle. It’s the twinkle in his eye that gives me an idea for his Christmas gift.

It was difficult to let Michael leave, especially since I just got him back. We talk several times a day. It feels so nice to be connected to him again. My life seems to be getting back in balance.

The rooms are nearly completed and I am proud of what I have accomplished. Anna and I have talked daily for the last month. I have been keeping her abreast of both my personal and professional exploits. The last item on the checklist is the artwork. It arrived today and with several crews working, we should be able to knock it out in two days time. Michael is scheduled to arrive tonight. We have a dinner date.

Heading out to run some errands I find myself back at the Forum shops. I search for the perfect negligee. It’s part of my perfect holiday plan.

Michael arrives at my door at exactly six o’clock. By my old standard he would be late
, but any time Michael arrives is exactly on time for me. We dine in the restaurant downstairs, sipping champagne and talking about Tempo. My project is nearly finished; only 50 rooms remain on the list for art installation. We should be able to finish tomorrow. The completion of my work in Las Vegas sits like an elephant in the room, everyone sees it, but no one says a word.

“How was your trip to see your dad?”

“It went better than I expected. As it turns out, my dad had nothing to do with Chuck’s threats. Chuck knew that my dad was going to be released soon. Everyone believes that my dad will fall back into his old habits and Chuck was trying to secure his position in my dad’s organization. He believed that by being the only one that could get me to visit would make him my dad’s right hand man. I don’t think he is going to have an easy time in prison, my dad has lots of friends and he’s not happy with Chuck. 

“How will the visit to see your dad be perceived by the authorities? Will it create any problems for you?”

“Early on I learned that you needed to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You can’t spend your life under surveillance and not meet a few of the people. I have become close friends with several agents and two of those friends accompanied me to the prison. You should have seen my dad’s face as he sat across from me, sandwiched between two FBI agents. He promises to stay on the up and up and I promised to help him out until he can get back on his feet. He has some motivation to keep his life clean.”

“Oh yeah, and what might that be?” I inquire.

“Someday he’s going to want to meet his grandchildren. Shall we head back?”

Michael walks me to my room as he does every night. He holds my face and kisses me deeply. Before he disappears, I ask, “Where have you been staying all of this time?”

He smiles as he walks away. He stops, turns toward me and says, “Room 4017, it comforts me to know that I am sleeping on top of you each night.”

I close my door and giggle all the way to bed. I am in love with an impossible man.

Today is the day. I meet Michael in the lobby at noon, so we can tour several of the rooms. I am so nervous. I hope that he loves the rooms as much as I do. I look at him, anticipating his reaction.

“I love everything Karlie. I want to talk about the fabric though.”

My heart drops into the pit of my stomach. I thought it was perfect. Looking across the room at the draperies, they seem perfect to me. Did I push the design too far?  Did I miscalculate? I can’t change it in the few days we have left.

“Don’t you like it?” I ask meekly.

“Like is the wrong word.” Taking me in his arms he tells me, “I love it, not nearly as much as I love you, but I love the fabric. I’m going to have to invite Cooper Stiles to the grand opening. By the way do you have a fabulous gown to wear to the grand opening?”

“I’ll make sure I have one,
” I assure him.

“Will you be my official d
ate to the grand opening Ms. McKenna?

“Why Mr. Scarpetti, I would be honored.”

The next day is a flurry of activity. The rooms are complete and the photographers are like bees on honey. I have a small group of housekeepers placing the espresso machines and filling the mini bars. Everything is perfect.

Deep in my pocket I feel the vibration of my phone. Looking at the text I see this:

Rooftop Patio Now


Having been summoned upstairs; I make my way to Shenanigans. Sitting in a chair by the glass barrier is Michael. His back is to me. I reach over his shoulders and wrap my arms around him.  I give him a big kiss on his cheek. He does not respond. I walk to the chair beside him and take a seat. Sitting in his lap I see a manila envelope. He picks up the envelope and removes its contents. In his hand is an eight by ten glossy photo of my vagina being penetrated by a penis.



I can’t catch my breath; my worst fears are realized. Michael tosses the photo into my lap and there it is, proof that Evan is the devil. It would be hard to deny that it’s me; the birthmark gives me away. I have no idea what to say. No words enter my brain. It’s as if every cell has disintegrated while my shame surfaces.

“Who is it?” He voice is hard.

“Evan.” He is looking at me with skepticism in his eyes. I can see a million questions running through his mind. When, Why, Where, how often? How could you? These are all etched in his face, but the look that hurts the most is the one that plainly says, I can’t do this anymore. Resignation is written all over his body. His shoulders are slouching, and his hair is ruffled from the many times he has pulled his fists through it. His eyes are sad and vacant. There is no fight left in him. He is done fighting for me.

I cannot bear to look at him, so I glance down at the picture. Turning it over in my lap, the numbers rush at me. A phone number and $100,000.00. This is just the kind of thing that Michael warned the designers about on that first day. He could not afford to be associated with scandal or impropriety. Two things he has no time in his life for.

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