Tempo (2 page)

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Authors: Kelley Maestas

BOOK: Tempo
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“Good Earl, what about you?”

Earl raises his eyebrows as if he has a keen awareness that something is not quite right in my world “Oh, I can’t complain. I woke up this morning and that’s always a good start for an old timer like me.”

Looking at Earl in his buttoned up white shirt and bow
tie, I grin and tease “Oh Earl, you’re a young one, you can’t be a day over sixty. I see the way you flirt with the ladies.”

Smiling he says, “Sweetheart, next week makes eighty-five for this old man
, but I still have an eye for the ladies. Why are you so early today my sweet Karlie?”

Frowning at his astute awareness to my early arrival I try to lighten my mood with more banter “Are you trying to charm me this morning? If you were just fifty years younger Earl, you would be mine. You melt my heart. As for why I am so early, Anna has called an early staff meeting. Has anyone else shown up yet?”

Shaking his head Earl replies: “No, you are the only one besides Anna and Brenda.  Karlie when you’re ready for that date just say the word.”

Giggling, I smile down at the charming old duffer who delivers me to work daily. Ignoring his last remark I await our arrival to the third floor. The old car creaks to a stop on the third floor and Earl opens the beautiful bronze door, delivering me safely one more time. At our arrival my stomach flips once and my heart rate speeds up again. I begin the silent mantra reminding me to breathe.

Thinking that Earl could be wrong, I ask the question again. He is eighty-five for goodness sake, so maybe his memory is slipping.  “Are you sure no one besides Anna and Brenda have arrived?”

“I may be old Karlie, but I am not blind or senile. Nope, no one else has come in, it looks like it’s you, the boss lady and the receptionist.”

Wondering if the old man could read minds I shake my head and exit the elevator. I wave goodbye to sweet old Earl.  Biting my lower lip, a feeling of dread washes over me. Why just me?

As I slowly make my way forward to Anna’s office, I pass reception; Brenda our “Director of First Impressions” greets me.  She is smiling from ear to ear as she says hello. “Hey Karlie, how’s it going?” Organizing a stack of paperwork, she looks back up at me and says: “Anna is in the conference room waiting for you.”

Feeling slightly surprised that we are not meeting in the privacy of Anna’s office I reply: “Oh okay, thanks Brenda, I thought I was meeting her in the office. Any idea what this is about?”

“Well, I have some idea, but it’s not my place to say. Hurry on in so you are not late. Stop worrying Karlie, the universe puts you where it wants you.”

What does that even mean? If I left my life up to the universe I would be in the loony bin by now. Confused, I head two doors down to the conference room. Whatever is in store, I am going to meet it straight on. I tentatively open the door and peek my head inside. Catching Anna on the phone, she looks up from the stack of papers sitting in front of her and motions for me to come in. I pull back my shoulders, stand my tallest, and enter the room.  I quietly sit at the conference table in the first chair to Anna’s right. I patiently wait for her to finish the call. Whoever Anna is talking to,  they sound important. She has her CEO persona solidly in place. “Yes, she just arrived. I will let you know how we resolve the issue shortly. I understand. Goodbye.” She hangs up and looks at me. I can’t tell what she is thinking.


Chapter Two

“Thanks for coming in on such short notice. I have to talk to you about some recent developments.”

My inner voice goes on alert
. What recent developments?
Once again the thought of downsizing enters my mind.

“Relax Karlie, you look like I am sending you to the guillotine. This is not a bad meeting. I want to discuss a recent development that could be a great opportunity for you. Take a deep breath.”
See, she wants you to breathe too.
I tell myself.

Oh thank God, the breath that I was holding suddenly releases and an audible whoosh breaks the silence. Feeling slightly dizzy, I grab the edge of the table. Feeling my balance once again, I give my undivided attention to Anna. “Oh Anna, I thought I was being let go. I have been in full panic mode since six-thirty this morning.”

Anna’s mouth opens wide in astonishment. “Let you go? Why would I do that? Anna Sloan Designs has had its most successful two years since you joined the firm. Oh Karlie, I am so sorry. I certainly didn’t mean to cause you any undue stress. This new development, or I should say opportunity, came up unexpectedly and the window for us to climb aboard is very short. Let me tell you about what’s happening. It seems we have been invited to participate in a bidding contest with two other firms for a design job in Las Vegas. The project is a luxury hotel/casino called Tempo and the owner/developer is looking for a quick turn around. There was a design firm on board, but unfortunately, they could not complete the project due to a little thing called bankruptcy. This has left the owner with very little time to complete what remains unfinished. We are being asked to decorate 320 luxury rooms and we have ninety days to complete the project if we are chosen. Our success at Altitude has made us a contender for the project. All public areas have been completed and our job is to come up with a contemporary design plan that will match the existing décor. This will not be an easy task as the rooms are already partially completed. No textiles, no art or amenities have been chosen. This is where you come in Karlie.”

“Why me? I am the newest member of the team.”

“Yes, you are the newest member of the team, but I trust you implicitly. Your work on Altitude proved that you are capable of leading a project. Your expertise with contemporary design makes you the only choice. We all have our specialties in design and our potential client needs yours. You are also the only designer that can break away for several months. Why not you? This project will run continuously through the end of the year. The grand opening of Tempo is scheduled to be New Year’s Eve. That means the designer working on this project will be gone throughout the holiday season. You are still single right? Will a three month relocation be a deal breaker for you?”

I am staring at Anna, my mind running through the conversation that has just taken place. Did she really just ask me to spearhead a project in Las Vegas, Nevada?

“Karlie, are you with me? I need an answer now. The client is waiting for my return call. He has to know if we are on board.”

“Oh, um, yes of course I will go. As you mentioned, I have no personal ties: no family, no boyfriend, no pets.”

“Gosh Karlie, although this suits our needs for now, you are going to have to get a life.” Smiling at her comment she continues, “I will call the client and let him know that you will be arriving tomorrow. Go home and pack for a long trip, I will send a messenger over with your flight and hotel accommodations. Grab our high-end fabric samples, wall covering samples and anything else you feel you may need.” Looking down at the desk, Anna gathers the stack of papers before her and places them in a manila folder. “Here is the information you will need to get you started. All photographs are current and to my knowledge the floor plans are dimensionally correct. The pictures should give you a good idea of what has been completed. These should allow you to get a feel for the space before you arrive. I have also included a dossier on the client; unfortunately there is limited information and no picture. I am sure you can gather more info if you just Google him. I didn’t have the time. All accommodations will be paid for and you will be given a daily stipend for food and essentials. Suites for all designers have been reserved at the Four Seasons Hotel. How long you stay there depends on you. I have contacted our suppliers and they are ready to expedite all orders. I am counting on you to land this job. We are being called to bid on this project because of our success at Altitude. Don’t let us down!”

Anna picks up her phone and dials. I am assuming she is contacting the client. I have so many unanswered questions.  Heading for the exit, I look over my shoulder and wave. I head out the door and walk past the ever-smiling Brenda. As I enter the common area I see the elevator and smile. Rather than push the button and wait for Earl to pick me up, I head for the stairs. I don’t know if what I am feeling is excitement or fear
, but I feel energized. Taking two steps at a time, I arrive at the first floor in no time.

As I enter the lobby, I see Earl. “Stairs, Karlie? I’m heart broken!”  I look upon the old man and smile.

“My life is about to change Earl. I am heading to Las Vegas for a project. There are going to be a lot of firsts happening and I thought I would start with the stairs. See you soon Earl.”

I turn around and run for the garage entrance. I find my little blue car and head for my apartment. On my way home I stop at the post office to arrange for the forwarding of my mail. I grab some essentials from the corner pharmacy like tampons and toothpaste, and I head home. As I enter the front door, I am struck by how many things I need to accomplish in such a short period of time. My best work always starts with a methodical approach. Walking to my desk, I sit down, take out a piece of paper and proceed to make a to-do list:



Clean out refrigerator



why bother? I will be gone several months.

Unplug electronics

Draw up a preliminary design

Choose three fabric samples

Choose three wall coverings

Choose art

Research the client

I put a load of laundry in the wash machine and set out to find my suitcase. Locating it in the back of my closet I pull out the nondescript black suitcase that once belonged to my father. Placing it on my bed, I walk to my closet to consider the possibilities.
After a brief look through my options I decide that black would be the smartest choice and require the least amount of clothes due to its interchangeable nature. I grab everything I own that is black. Several pairs of black slacks, two black skirts and a simple black dresses make their way into my case. Two white blouses, one silver blouse, (it is Vegas after all) a black tailored jacket, a fabulous silver beaded jacket, and several different colored camisoles are folded and placed inside the bag. I also throw in a great pair of heels, a pair of flats and my newly purchased over-the-knee boots. I head to my lingerie drawer and look at the sad collection of underwear and bras I have collected. I haven’t needed to buy anything sexy in five years. I haven’t had a date since the summer following my freshman year. Not wanting to get lost in my memories, I grab a handful of granny panties and a few bras and throw them into my suitcase. If I need more I can purchase them in Vegas. Turning my attention back to the trip, I consider what I may need for my free time. Will I even have free time? I throw in a couple of pairs of jeans, a few t-shirts, a sundress, bathing suit and a pair of sneakers just in case. My favorite sweatpants and t-shirt are in the washer readying themselves for the trip. Heading to the bathroom, I pack my toiletries and move on to the next item on my list. With the refrigerator, dishes and vacuuming completed, I unplug any appliances that won’t be used between now and my departure tomorrow. Looking at the clock I am surprised that the entire day has evaporated before my eyes. It’s early evening, and I haven’t eaten all day. No wonder I’m starving. Where did the time go?  I walk to the refrigerator and look at the various take-out and delivery menus pasted to the door. So many options: Chinese, sub sandwiches, wings or pizza. Deciding on a medium pepperoni, extra cheese and garlic pizza, I place the call and set out to start on my project.

Sitting at my desk, I take out the folder that Anna gave me and start to organize the papers within. There are four floor plans, two are single rooms, one is a two story suite and there seems to be some sort of penthouse apartment. There are also several photos of the unfinished rooms. They are empty except for plumbing and electrical fixtures. The walls are painted neutral beige, which works in my favor. There are no floor coverings or window treatments. I hold my head and take a deep breath. It’s going to be a long night. The packet includes color photos of the lobby and casino. This will give me a place to start. The palette is a rich blend of neutral colors with black accents. Everything is sleek and sophisticated. As you enter the room, the vibe shouts wealth and opulence but in an understated way. The simplicity of the décor draws your eyes to the most magnificent art sculpture hanging from the ceiling in the foyer. The glass masterpiece reminds me of a Chuhily glass chandelier. The aquamarine prisms in their various shapes and sizes, dazzle as the lights from the backlit ceiling produce a steady slow twinkling effect. This focal point alone sets the pace for what’s to come. I can see that Tempo is the perfect name for the property. I organize the remaining papers into piles of importance. The last few remaining pages contain information on my potential client. The name Vincent M. Scarpetti II is typed across the first page. As I settle down to read about Mr. Scarpetti, the doorbell chimes.

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