Tell Me a Secret (8 page)

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Authors: Ann Everett

BOOK: Tell Me a Secret
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“Okay, so I’m neat. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“You have all your clothes arranged by colors on hangers to match. That’s overkill.”

“Are you trying to pick a fight with me?”
God. I’d go three rounds with him even if I was going to lose.

He advanced a step, and she moved with him until her back pressed against the wall.

“I’m not. But even now, you’re upset with me and you don’t so much as raise your voice.” He leaned closer. “You don’t let many people see the real Maggie. I saw her in Abilene. Want to know what I think about the real you?”

Every muscle tensed and her heart pulsed in her throat. “No, but that’s not going to stop you from telling me.”

He smiled and rested his hand above her on the jamb, leaned in even closer, invaded her space. “The
Maggie met me at the door tonight with her guard down. She played with me.” He removed the clip from her hair and let it fall loose around her face.

The room spun. Her breath became shallow and when he spoke, his words floated across her cheek.
If I turned my face we’d be kissing. God help me.

He put his lips to her ear and whispered. “So you think I’m perfect?”

She pushed him away. “Oh, shut up.”

He snickered and pointed to the books above her desk. “What are those, more rock catalogues?”

“No. They’re my journals.”

“They got all your secrets in them?”

“Yeah, sort of.”

“Well, I stopped by to brag about my test score. You didn’t think I could do it, did you?”

“Maybe at first. But it wasn’t long until I saw you were serious. Of course, you have an excellent tutor.”

“Yeah, I do. So I guess I’ll go—unless you want me to stay.”

Why is he acting this way
? Her body heated. Thoughts clouded. She tried to think of something to say. In the background, Etta James sang
How do you Speak to an Angel?
Damned if Maggie knew. “How about this weather we’re having?”
Oh, crap, the weather? Really? God

He laughed. “Yeah, snow two days before Halloween. Crazy, huh? So are you going to send me out in it again?”

“It’s Friday night. Don’t you have a date?”

“No. I’ve sort of given up dating. You know, to study more.”

“Sure you have.”

He leaned in close again, chose a lock of her hair and twirled it around his finger. “Say, have you given anymore thought to finding your dad?”

She shrugged away and scratched at her neck. “I’m at a point in my life where I don’t need a dad. It’d be awkward meeting a man I’ve never known. I’m sure he has another family by now. Who knows how they are? They could be drug addicts—thieves—whores—
. It could turn out to be a big mistake.”

He chuckled, then got serious again. “But Maggie…”

She put a palm on his chest and pushed him back. Being this close caused things to happen in Bliss Central. “No. I’m happy with the way things are. It’s sweet of you to want to help. But I’ve been on my own for a long time and I see no reason to change.”

The candy man can.

~Anthony Newley

Days later, Maggie had only been home a few minutes when her cell phone sounded. Jace. The man confused her. She couldn’t decide if the attention he’d been giving her was true friendship or him just wanting to get her in bed. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t matter, but she had feelings for him and as hard as she tried, she couldn’t stop them. “Hey.”

“I’m in the neighborhood and thought I’d order pizza if you haven’t already eaten,” he said.

Swallowing hard, she racked her brain for an excuse. It already took every ounce of self-control to keep from throwing herself at him during their study sessions. Damn, she’d become like every girl on campus. She wanted Jace Sloan.

Her heart ached. Even though he had no romantic interest in her, just spending time with him made her happy. She couldn’t allow that. Logic insisted it would end badly, and she’d already endured a lifetime of hurt. But at the same time, she loved being with him.
He could be with any girl, but he’s asking to be with me.

“If you don’t want me to come over, just say so.”

“No, it’s fine. How long before you get here?”

“I’m in front of your house now and I have your favorite, pepperoni.”

“Sounds as if you were sure I’d accept your invitation.”

“I hoped, so I prepared.”

“Fine, come on in and make yourself at home. I’m going to change.”

Ten minutes later, she came from the bedroom and found him sitting on the sofa, pizza box on the coffee table.
That’s nice. He didn’t start eating without me.
She walked over and sat next to him.

Aphrodite emerged from her hiding place and rubbed between Maggie and Jace’s legs. He looked down. “Damn! Where’d he come from? I didn’t know you had a cat—and it’s ugly.”

“Don’t say that. You’ll hurt her feelings. She usually stays hidden. I guess she’s getting used to you. And, she’s not ugly, she’s different.”

“She has one ear and only three legs, I’d say different is an understatement.”

She picked up Aphrodite, cradled her, and spoke into her remaining ear. “He didn’t mean it, Dydee.” Maggie scowled at Jace. “Pet her so she’ll know you want to be her friend.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

Glaring at him from over the top of her glasses, her face tensed. “Do I look like I’m kidding? Pet her, or you’ll have to leave.”

“Shit. What’s her name?”


He doubled over laughing. “Aphrodite?”

“That’s right. Goddess of love and beauty. Just because she’s appendagely challenged, doesn’t mean she’s not beautiful.”

? Is that even a word?”

“Stop stalling. Animals can tell from the tone of your voice if you like them, so talk sweet and stroke her fur. Neither of those things should be difficult for you.”

“I’m going to ignore your sarcasm.” He reached for the cat, ran his fingers through her fur and sing-songed in a sweet tone. “Aphrodite, even though you’re one of the ugliest cats I’ve ever seen, I’m sure you have a great personality.”

The cat purred.

Maggie smiled and thought how nice it would be if she could instruct him to touch her the same way. “There. That’s better.”

His lips curled into a naughty grin. “Yeah, I’ve always been good with pu…”

She threw her hands in the air. “OH MY GOD! You are awful.” She grabbed her pet from his arms and covered the cat’s good ear.

He laughed.

“You are terrible. Absolutely terrible.”

“No, I’m not. That wasn’t any worse than those nasty mnemonics you give me.”

Heat radiated from his body, transferring an electrical current into hers. It crackled and sizzled as it ran its route and made some serious stops along the way. She needed to find something about him she hated. Well, there was the man-whore thing. But at the moment she had body parts in desperate need of his service.

Aphrodite jumped down and hopped from the room.

Jace picked up a slice of pizza and shoved it toward Maggie. “Here, take a bite, it’s your favorite.”

As she chewed, he picked up a napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth.

She grabbed it. “I can feed myself.”

Sarah and Sam rushed through the front door. “Hey, Candy Man!” Sam said.

Blood drained from Maggie’s face. Sam knew she’d compared Jace to candy? Jace knew? She snapped her head toward Sam, then back at Jace. Jumping to her feet, she sprinted into the kitchen, removed her glasses, and bent over the sink, then spun around and glared at Sarah, who’d followed. “Oh my God. You told Sam what I said? About Jace being a box of candy? Why did you do that?”

“I’m sorry. I thought it was sweet.”

“Maggie hung her head over the sink again, afraid she might throw up. “Well, I’ve learned my lesson. If you’re going to blab everything I tell you, from now on, I’ll have to be careful.”

“It’s okay,” Jace said from behind and touched her shoulder.

She looked at him. His gaze was so intense he looked as if by some magic power, he could pull every thought from her head.
Oh God, he knows I’m attracted to him
. “No, it isn’t. I told her that in confidence.”

“Hey, it’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.”

“I’m so embarrassed.” She covered her face.

He drew her hands away, put his finger under her chin and tilted it up until she looked in his eyes. She blinked, unable to hold his gaze.

“Maggie, you’re the only female friend I’ve ever had. Know what I mean?”

Exactly. Aargh!
The only female in his life he hadn’t slept with or wanted to sleep with.

“Don’t be embarrassed. After all, you and I shared a facial.” He gave her nose a wiggle. “Now, we okay?’

He wiggled my nose? God, what am I? Twelve? That’s it. He thinks of me like a sister. A little sister. Dammit to Hell.
“Yeah, we’re okay.”


An hour later on the other side of town, Jace removed the condom and dropped it in the trash can. He pulled on his boxers and jeans, then sat on the bed. Carla propped against the headboard and didn’t bother to cover her breasts. “Okay, who are you and what have you done with Jace?”

He turned his head and spoke over his shoulder. He couldn’t stand to look at her. The sight made him sick. “Whataya mean?”

She scooted closer, folded her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. “I mean, that was not the patient, attentive lover I know as Jace Sloan.
person screwed like a man on his lunch hour. So what’s going on?”

“Sorry, I’m just short on time, that’s all. I’ll barely make curfew.” He crossed the room to the door and left. He should be feeling good, but he didn’t. Shame surprised him.

Concerning sex, he had three simple rules: No, means no. No condom, no sex. No satisfaction for him until she’s satisfied.

The first rule didn’t worry him. Girls never said no. He didn’t even have to work at it. They came to him, a new crop every year, offering themselves like seasonal fruit, ripe and ready for picking. Rule two was unbreakable. He
had unprotected sex. Jared convinced him of the danger, because that’s what big brothers did. He’d had friends who’d made serious mistakes in the heat of passion, so Jared could offer advice his parent’s couldn’t. His warning didn’t cover just STD’s, but also the chance of getting someone knocked up resulting in a wife and kid you didn’t want. Rule number three was the reason for Jace’s success. Because girls talked.

So why couldn’t he get his tutor out of his head? Since Abilene, he dreamed about her. Fantasized about her. Wanted her. Carla had been a distraction for an unanswered desire and even the relief he’d gotten didn’t satisfy him.

Earlier, it took every ounce of will power he summoned to resist touching Maggie. She felt something too. But was it attraction? He wasn’t sure.

He convinced himself he wouldn’t sleep with her. She deserved a faithful man and he’d never committed to anyone. She should be wooed, courted, loved by someone who wouldn’t hurt her, and he didn’t woo, court, or love.

Flirting is the gentle art of making a man feel pleased with himself.

~Helen Rowland

Maggie started the day by transporting costumes to the recital hall, and then a trip to the hair salon. She admitted it was silly to be nervous, but Jace and his parents were coming to the performance and the thought of dancing in front of them gave her the jitters.

He’d insisted on taking her, pointing out she’d be at his game, so it made sense to leave from there. As much as she looked forward to it, she kept reminding herself it wasn’t a date, only transportation. Maybe if she flirted, it could turn into more. The truth was she wanted it to be, but Jace wasn’t the kind of man to commit to one woman. She pushed the thought from her mind. No need in punishing herself.

With Sarah right behind, they climbed the stadium steps to their seats.

In the first half, Jace caught several passes, but failed to score. After half-time, the team came back fired up, ready to play hard and he put six points on the board.

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