Teasing Jonathan (9 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

BOOK: Teasing Jonathan
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“Thanks. You’re not so bad either,” Kai said.

“Let’s go take a shower and I’ll check in with the office.”

“Sounds good,” Kai agreed.


* * * *


Kai scanned the stack of paperwork before him. Sinclair Alverston sat across from him on the other side of the table.

“You’ve requested Jonathan as your bodyguard?” he asked.

“Yes.” He wouldn’t back down on that.

“You don’t want him watching your sister?” Sinclair asked. His piercing gaze dissected Kai as if trying to see into the depths of his soul. Kai didn’t let it shake him. He’d dealt with powerful businessmen for the past twenty years. It took more than one hard stare to undermine him.

“I need Jonathan with me. I don’t trust anyone else to watch my back. I love Jeni, but so far her life hasn’t been endangered. If Jonathan is right, I’ve been attacked twice.” He still couldn’t figure out why, but he didn’t need to know the reason in order to demand that Jonathan protect him.

Sinclair frowned. “You don’t think he’s right?”

“I’m hoping he’s not,” Kai replied. “I can’t think of any reason someone would try to kill me.”

“Yet, you’re signing up for protection,” Sinclair said.

Kai nodded. “I might be hoping no one is after me, but I’m not stupid enough to ignore a bullet shot through my window.”

“I’m sorry to become personal, but are you and Jonathan lovers?”

Kai tapped his pen against the table. “Yes. Is that a problem?”

“Actually, it is. We don’t approve of employees and customers fraternising—it sets up a bad power dynamic if an employee is worried about being fired because he won’t have sex. I’ll have to reject your request for protection.”

A cold chill ran through him. “You aren’t going to let Jonathan protect me?”

“That’s up to Jonathan. I believe he has several weeks of vacation available that he might want to take at this time. What he does in his private life is not my business. I’ve never objected to people watching over anyone special to them. The company will also personally support him if he needs help.”

Kai set down the pen. “So you’re saying…you won’t let me hire him, but you will let him watch me as long as he takes personal leave.”

Sinclair nodded. “Yes. It’s a matter of semantics, I know, but this way we’re responsible for his pay instead of you. It’s a fine but important distinction.”

“What about my sister?”

“Is he involved with her too?”

“No!” Kai snapped. “Of course not.”

“Then you can sign the contract for services for her.” Sinclair leant back in his chair and waited for Kai’s response.

Kai pulled the contract towards him. The door opened and Jonathan walked through.

He glanced back and forth between the men. “Is everything all right?”

“Mr Alverston won’t let me hire you,” Kai said carefully, not meeting Jonathan’s eyes.

Jonathan placed his hands on Kai’s shoulders, silently offering his support. “I’d like to request time off.”

“Granted,” Sinclair said. He slid a piece of paper across to Jonathan. “Here’s your vacation form.”

Jonathan laughed. “Always one step ahead of me as usual, sir.”

Kai relaxed. If Jonathan wasn’t upset about using his personal leave to protect Kai, he wouldn’t make an issue of it. He finished up his paperwork and slid it back across the table to Sinclair. “Here you go.”

Sinclair examined the paperwork before signing his name. “I’m sure Jonathan told you we already sent someone to watch your sister. So far we haven’t seen any sign of her ex-boyfriend. In fact, no one has seen him for a few days now. He’s disappeared from work and he’s not at his apartment.”

“I also would like you to investigate a member of the board,” Kai requested. He handed over all the information he had on Nelson Andrews and the company that had raised alarm bells. “Please let me know if you find anything strange in his finances or if he has any connection with Philips other than the deal they are trying to broker.”

“We’ll get right on it,” Sinclair assured him.

“Thank you.” Kai shook hands with Sinclair.

Jonathan finished filling out his form and handed it back over.

Sinclair examined it for a minute before setting it on his desk. “I assume you want to start your vacation today?”

“Yes,” Jonathan agreed.

“Keep us updated on what’s going on with Kai’s security and let us know if you need back-up.”

“I will,” Jonathan assured him.


Sinclair stood and shook both their hands. Jonathan’s hand slid protectively to Kai’s lower back as he led him out of the office.

Kai’s phone rang. He saw his sister’s name flash on the screen.

“Hey, Jeni. How’s it going?”

“Kai, where are you? Why is there a guy installing a security system at my office and a hot bodyguard following me around?” Jeni asked.

“Because you might be in danger. You said you thought Deke was following you. If the police can’t help you, I’m going to do what I can.” Kai didn’t know why she thought it strange. “Didn’t they tell you?”

Maybe he should’ve called her, but he’d had other things on his mind—like being shot at, and Jonathan.

“He said you would explain. I know I came to you to get away from Deke, but don’t you think you’re overreacting?” Jeni demanded.

“Not since someone tried to kill me twice,” Kai snapped. His nerves were scraped raw and he resented having to explain himself even if Jeni had legitimate concerns.

“What?” she screeched.

Kai held the phone away from his ear. No one’s voice should be able to reach that high a note, even a female’s.

When she was done ranting Kai told her what had happened.

“Forget about me,
need a bodyguard,” Jeni said.

“I have one. Sort of.” Kai didn’t know if Jonathan was officially his bodyguard. Jonathan had edged into more of a boyfriend watching his back since he wouldn’t accept money.

“What do you mean, sort of?” Jen asked.

“I’ll explain it to you later. Are you at my place?”

“No, I’m at work. I have that museum auction event tonight,” she replied.

“Oh right. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” With everything going on, Kai had completely forgotten about Jeni’s party. He hoped it went well. “Good luck.”

“Thanks. I’ll call you if anything happens. You call me if someone tries to kill you again.” She tried to sound casual, but Kai hear the fear in her voice.

“Will do.” Kai hung up. He hoped he didn’t have any more news for her. He wanted the rest of his night to be filled with Jonathan showing him the time of his life.

“Sort of a bodyguard. I’ll have you know I’m highly trained to guard your body,” Jonathan teased.

“But right now you’re my man instead of my bodyguard. After all, I’m not paying you.” Kai smiled at his lover.

Jonathan pulled Kai close and kissed him on the forehead. “As much as I enjoy being close to you, we can’t forget there’s a real danger. Someone is trying to kill you.”

“I know,” Kai replied, sobering at the thought.

“What I don’t understand is why Deke would try to kill you. What’s his motivation?”

“My sister will inherit a lot of money if I die,” Kai replied.

“But he isn’t with her anymore,” Jonathan countered. “What could he gain?”

“That’s a good question.” Kai didn’t have the answer to that.


* * * *


While Kai reviewed his papers, Jonathan sat on his couch reading an adventure novel. It had been a week since anything had happened and if Kai didn’t have any other threats occur soon, Jonathan would have to stop guarding his lover and go back to work.

Jeni had seen Deke a few days ago. Unfortunately, Sinclair’s team hadn’t been able to find him where Jeni had indicated. Jonathan thought she didn’t appear too nervous about her ex-boyfriend, but she enjoyed the attention of having her own bodyguard. She even told Jonathan it gave her a certain cache with her clients.

A knock at Kai’s office door had Jonathan setting down his book to answer it. Kai saw him check his weapon. Opening the door revealed Detective Fine on the other side.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen. Mr Stromwell’s secretary wasn’t at her desk,” he explained as Jonathan let him in.

“She took the afternoon off for personal reasons,” Kai explained.

Michelle had told Kai in Jonathan’s presence that she had a sick aunt she had to go visit. Jonathan had thought it sounded like an excuse to get out of work, but Kai had told him she had a great-aunt with dementia in a nursing home close by. Jonathan still planned to check her out.

So far Sinclair’s investigation had turned up that Nelson Andrews had a few gambling debts, and that Mark Philips’ father owned the casino they were owed to. Andrews had been ousted as a board member. Jonathan had seen the expression on Andrews’ face when Kai had fired him—resignation. Andrews wasn’t the killer or even the type to hire a killer. Right now, Patrick was scouring the databases to get anything on Deke, but so far—nothing.

“Afternoon, Detective. Do you have any new information for me?” Kai asked.

“What can you tell me about Deke Ford?” Detective Fine asked, brushing off politeness.

“I told you everything I know,” Kai replied.

Jonathan smiled at Kai’s confidence. His lover had no hesitation in standing his ground. He wouldn’t be intimidated by anyone. A jolt of pride slid through him while he watched his man.

“I know you had him investigated. Did you learn anything more? All I could find was he didn’t have a criminal record.”

Kai motioned for the detective to sit down and retook his seat. “He was my sister’s boyfriend. According to Jeni, when she broke up with him he turned kind of stalkerish. From what she’s said, he doesn’t strike me as being overly bright.” Kai frowned. “Why?”

Jonathan wondered that too. When they had mentioned Deke before, the cops had brushed him away as if they had been making things up.

“He’s dead,” Fine said. “It’s more important than ever that we learn about his past. Let me know if you pick up any useful information.”

“Dead?” A cold chill went through Jonathan. Someone had killed Deke? It couldn’t be a coincidence. Kai could be next. “What happened?”

“When was the last time your sister said she saw Mr Ford?” Fine asked, not answering Kai’s question. Jonathan didn’t like the detective’s tone.

Kai paused a moment before answering. “Jeni told me she thought she saw him last week. I never witnessed it.”

“It might be because it never happened. The coroner said he’s been dead for at least a week and a half.”

“Jeni claimed she saw him a couple of days ago,” Jonathan said. Kai had begun to split his time between his place and Jonathan’s. When they’d gone to Kai’s home a few days ago, Jeni had said she’d thought Deke had been at her work. She’d caught a glimpse of him, but her bodyguard hadn’t found him when he’d given chase.

“Do you think she mistook someone else for him?” Kai asked.

None of this made any sense.

“I think she killed him,” Detective Fine stated baldly.

“She didn’t kill anyone!” Kai snarled. “My sister isn’t a killer.”

Jonathan waited to find out where the detective had got that impression. Fine didn’t appear to be the type of person who jumped to wild conclusions about anything.

“Her fingerprints are all over his place,” Fine argued.

“They were dating. I’m not surprised she went to his place,” Kai said snidely.

“She has massive credit card debt and her creditors are clamouring for cash. I called around, and although her business is growing, her personal life is a mess. You say she’s living with you now?”

Kai nodded.

“Any signs of drug use?”

“Of course not, I wouldn’t tolerate that kind of behaviour,” Kai said indignantly. He didn’t mention that he’d pretty much vacated his condo and stayed at Jonathan’s place most of the time. Kai had told him more than once that he hated going to sleep without Jonathan. In a short amount of time, he’d learnt that he really did like snuggling.

“There are ways to consume drugs and never leave traces. She could shoot up between her toes. She could inhale the powder. Has she had any mood swings or done anything out of the ordinary?”

“She’s female. Aren’t they all moody?” Kai asked.

“Not all of them.” Fine smiled. Jonathan suspected that the detective didn’t find whichever female warmed his bed to be temperamental.

“I’ve never seen any sign of drug use. She’s always been a bit high-strung, as my mother would say. But I’ve never known her to be on anything. If she’s hiding it, she’s doing a good job.”

Jonathan watched Kai try to find the words to explain his sister and her erratic behaviour. Jonathan had only met her a few times, but from what Kai had told him, she had a selfish streak as big as the sky. Of course, Kai didn’t see it that way, but Jonathan had worked with that type of person before. She enjoyed the drama of the situation. If she actually had a stalker Jonathan would be surprised. The bodyguard watching her had the same opinion. However, to go from selfish bitch to killer was a larger mental step than Jonathan wanted to take.

“Deke was shot in the head,” Fine said.

“That doesn’t mean she did it. I don’t think she even owns a gun,” Kai protested.

Fine pulled out a notebook from his inner pocket and Jonathan suddenly wondered if he’d been transported into a bad police detective show.

“According to the people at Ted’s Gun Range, she shows up every Saturday morning for shooting.” Fine gave Kai an apologetic smile as if he hated to break the news to him.

“That doesn’t make her a killer,” Jonathan pointed out, concerned over Kai’s sudden pallor. “A lot of people enjoy going to the gun range or own weapons for their own protection. It doesn’t make them killers.”

Fine continued as though Jonathan hadn’t spoken. “I think there’s a good chance the bullet that broke your window was fired by your sister.”

Kai trembled. Worried his lover was going to pass out, Jonathan walked over to Kai’s chair and placed a hand on the back of Kai’s neck.

“Easy, love.” Jonathan rubbed Kai’s skin in slow, soothing motions. How could she do that to Kai? He took such good care of her. “We’ll get you through this. I’m sure the detective has people looking for your sister.”

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