Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series) (29 page)

BOOK: Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series)
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Chapter 45


omoru was nervous as Ico landed on the large Japanese air base.  People swarmed everywhere.  There were a lot of armed soldiers, but there were also a lot of men who were unarmed.  She sensed excitement from the crowd, not malice or tension. 

A large black vehicle detached itself from one of the main buildings and sped towards the ship, two more came in hot pursuit.  She noticed a camera crew run from the hanger beside which she had landed and felt a great sense of relief.  She doubted anyone would try and hijack the ship with the press around.

Steven had offered to come with her but she had finally decided against it.  If she couldn’t trust her own government then she would be truly lost anyway. 

Komoru rose from her chair and smiled at her companions.  Lewis and Cookie smiled back.

‘Don you worry none Captain.  Cookie and me, we’ll look after you.’

‘Your presence gentlemen is greatly appreciated.  Let’s go welcome our visitors.’

Lewis led the way and was first out of the ship.  A couple of soldiers had begun to run up the ramp as it deployed, but they took one look at Lewis and ran back down again.  He strolled boldly down the ramp with a menacing scowl on his face, and Komoru almost burst out laughing at the look of awe on the faces of her fellow countrymen. 

Cookie walked behind her and then the three stood abreast of one another at the bottom of the ramp.  Both men were armed and had asked to come along.  They kept their weapons pointed towards the ground, but there wasn’t a soldier there that couldn’t see that both men were ready to fight if need be.

The news crew tried to rush forward but were pushed back by their minders.  A rapid sentence in Japanese stilled their shouts.  The first car came to a halt and the front seat passenger jumped out and opened the door.

Komoru caught her breath as the Prime Minister got out, and then smiled as his wife and two children got out after him.  He came forward and bowed low, his family mirroring his actions.

‘Miss Kaizu, you do us a great honour.  May I present to you, my wife and children.’

Komoru was almost over
whelmed by the gesture and bowed in return to all.  The Prime Minister’s son was staring quite openly at Lewis.  The giant winked and the young lad smiled in return.

It was then Komoru’s family alighted from the second car.  Forgetting her manners she ran to them and almost leapt into her father’s arms.  There were smiles and tears all round.  The Prime Minister waited until the tears had settled a bit then offered them all refreshments.

They had been set up in the hanger next to the ship.  Komoru was suddenly worried about the ship and sent a silent order to Ico who passed it on to the two men.  She saw them nod in understanding and let herself be led away.

Inside the hanger there were over a dozen men standing with weapons shouldered and kit bags at their feet.  The Prime Minister brought her over.

‘These are the men we have selected to go with you.  Each have university training in a wide variety of fields, although none are true scientists like yourself.’

She smiled, ‘scientists there are no shortage of sir.’

He returned her smile, ‘of course.  I have also picked out two pilots for you.  I remember Mr. Gordon saying he had neglected to get one for himself.’

He introduced her to the two men standing at the end of the line.  She did a double take and he smiled, ‘as you can see they are identical twins and probably the best pilots we have.  Do you think Mr. Gordon would accept one of our men.’

‘Wait a second sir and I will ask him.’  She closed her eyes and concentrated hard.  ‘Steven my Prime Minister has picked two pilots for us.  They are identical twins, would you accept one on your crew, I can easily keep both if you don’t.’

She was surprised by how quickly and how clearly she heard his reply, ‘tell the Prime Minister I would be honoured to accept one of his pilots on board my ship.’

She smiled, ‘thank you Steven I will tell him.’

Komoru told him of Steven response; he was confused, ‘I’m sorry how did you communicate with him?’

She pulled back her hair and showed him the neural link.  ‘Steven and I both have neural implants that connect us directly to the ships.  As they are directly connected to one another then so too are the Captains.’

The Prime Minister wasn’t a stupid man, ‘you mean you talk directly to one another’s minds like telepathy?’

‘Yes sir, just like telepathy.’

‘Can the rest of the crew do this?’

‘No sir, they have to talk directly to the ship and through the ship to each other and us.  However as captains our natural abilities give us a direct link to the other members of the crew through our neural link; we can talk to them with our minds and they will hear us, without the ships help.’

The light of true understanding began to dawn, ‘is this a natural ability that the ships require for someone to become Captain.’

‘It’s not so much an ability sir, the part of the human brain that is required for this direct form of communication is dormant in most humans.’

‘So that’s what separates you and Mr. Gordon from the rest of us?’

She blushed, ‘yes sir, that part of our brains are more active than most.  That is why we were chosen to become Captains.’

He nodded, ‘I am beginning to understand.  You seemed to have a little difficulty communicating in that manner does Mr. Gordon have the same trouble?’

She shook her head, ‘I have to concentrate really hard, but it seems to come naturally to Mr. Gordon.  I can only get a sense of his true abilities sir, but they far out strip mine.’

‘So more of that part of Mr. Gordon’s brain is active?’

‘A lot more sir, he thinks it was due to an accident in his youth.  Before that occurred he was considered a genius, yes, but he thinks we were of equal intellect.  He lost most of his brain functions in the accident and his brain had to utilise that dormant part of his mind at an early age.  If he hadn’t been so young then he may have remained in a vegetative state for the rest of his life.’

The Prime Minister fully understood now, ‘so that is why the ships were drawn to him so strongly.  That is why they chose a security guard to become Captain before a scientist.  With so much of the dormant brain active it must have been like honey to a bee.’

‘I couldn’t have put it better sir.’

‘So tell me, what are your plans for the near future?’

She shrugged, ‘we haven’t had much time to plan anything yet sir.  We have a base that is under construction on the Moon.  If need be we will make that our permanent HQ.  It’s a very large complex and will be able to house the crews of both ships and their families permanently.  The trouble up until now has been supplies and it will be our major problem in the near future too.’

‘This trouble with the American President.’

‘Yes sir, every time we are seen in Earth’s orbit he fires nuclear missiles at us.  Steven is worried he will precipitate a conflict with any nation that helps us.’

‘Is that a polite way of asking me to keep this meeting secret?’

Her eyes flicked towards the hovering camera crew.  It was obvious they had missed nothing.  ‘Yes sir.’

He smiled, ‘I am afraid it is far too late for that Miss Kaizu, you see this meeting is being broadcast live to the whole of the nation and beyond.  Only the location is being kept secret.’

‘Oh, I didn’t know.’

He smiled, ‘we are very proud of you Miss Kaizu.  Your acceptance as Captain of one of the ships proves to us beyond any shadow of a doubt that there has been no collusion or deliberate intent behind the Captaincy of Mr. Gordon.  He is much a victim of fate as you are.’

‘He is the only victim of fate sir.  I was asked if I would like to become a Captain and accepted.  He was drugged; the ship released a sleeping gas into the air.  He sat down and fell asleep.  When he awoke two days later he had changed beyond measure.

I have seen many photos of him and would not have known him if he walked into my house.  The ship repaired his mind of the damage inflicted so many years ago by that horrific accident, but what she did to him went far beyond even that. 

The accident stunted his growth as well, but she accelerated it until twenty years later he finally reached his true height.  Not even his Mother or Father recognised him when he arose from that chair.  Only a DNA test could prove it was the same man who boarded that ship a few days earlier.’ 

The Prime Minister seemed concerned, ‘truly a day when fact is stranger than fiction.  So you say that in reality Mr. Gordon was abducted by the alien ships?’

‘Yes sir but he is a grateful to her for abducting him.  What you have to realise is that in the end they were left with little choice.’

The Prime Minister nodded, ‘yes Miss Kaizu, I do understand.  For weeks many of Americas top scientists had crawled all over them, yet none had the type of mind needed to interact with them.  Then came the incident with
Doctor Sales.  So when Mr. Gordon came along he must have been heaven sent to those ships.’

‘Yes sir, I just wish everyone was as understanding as you.’

‘I am sure time will bring understanding.  Now a little bird whispered in my ear this morning that a certain other Prime Minister was given a little trip in his fellow county mans ship, may I be as bold as to mention it.’

Komoru’s laugh made everyone smile, ‘I would be honoured to invite you and your family on board my ship sir; and you can take the news crew to if you want to

He smiled at the excited reporters, ‘I think they will accept your invitation, as I will.’

Once the stores were on board a lot more people than was intended were guided on board, Ico left for the Moon.  Komoru gave them an orbit of the Earth but was forced to leave as again the Americans launched a nuclear missile at them.

The Japanese Prime Minister was greatly angered by the gesture.  He requested they stay there for as long as it was safe to get visual conformation of the deed.  Ico magnified the screen until even the writing on the nose cone could easily be seen.

Finally satisfied, they arrived at the Moon within a few minutes.  The speed took everyone’s breath away and caused a lot of excited chatter.

Komoru took the ship to the site of the new complex first.  It brought no end of excitement.  Ico zoomed in on what was happening.  They watched a beam of light shoot out of a strange machine into an asteroid.  As they watched it began to dissolve.  Another ray of light shot out of the other end of the machine where the walls were being built. 

The Prime Minister was highly impressed, ‘I see how it’s done.  The particles of the asteroid are reassembled in the shape or form that’s needed.’

Komoru nodded, ‘yes sir, but we have to make sure the correct materials are available for construction.  Rock is all right for the walls but we had to tow metal heavy asteroids here from the asteroid belt.’

‘It looks half completed, when did you start building it?’

‘Little more than a day ago sir.’

‘That is amazing how long until it is completed?’           

‘Less than forty-eight hours.’

‘Can this technology be brought to Earth?’

‘Yes sir, once it’s safe.  Steven is rather reluctant to share this kind of technology because of the political climate back on Earth.’

‘It is hardly surprising given the recent attacks made on you by the United States.  What can this technology be used for?’

‘Everything from building new hospitals to space ships.’

‘How long do you think it would take to build a space ship?’

‘That would really depend on how long it took you to assemble the materials needed.  You would start out with a shopping list of raw the materials needed.  Once they were all assembled in one spot the machines would begin to build.  I think it would take no more than a few days to build a ship capable of interplanetary travel.’

‘So what you’re saying Miss Komoru is that within a few months man could have bases on Mars.’

‘Yes sir easily.’

‘Yes but; now there must be a but.’

She smiled, ‘Stevens initial plan was to set up a dedicated space centre in America where most of the raw materials would be ready available.  However the American president’s greed has made that almost imposable.  His mother is at present beginning to set up a centre in Scotland but he is only going to make communication equipment available at first.’

The Prime Minister frowned, ‘why is that?’

‘He believes that the Americans may try to steal any new technology he brings to his homeland, and would do it by force if necessary.’

‘Many countries may have a problem with Scotland being given all that technology to itself.’

‘The technology would only be given on the premises that people from of all Earths nations would be welcome to join the project.  Also he would insist that the building of such ships would be kept to one place and that a command structure built from all nations would command the project.’

‘Does he really think that would work?’

‘The United Nations has w
orked for year’s sir, and if anyone really wants this technology then they better learn to work together.  The dangers that face us out there will affect the entire planet not just one nation upon its surface.’

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