Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series) (20 page)

BOOK: Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series)
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‘The next time I absorb minerals I can replace it with what you call grass.’

Something clicked in Steven’s mind, ‘you can do that cant you?  How far away can you beam stuff in and out from?’

‘It depends how much power I divert to the system.  Using full power I can beam a small object thirty thousand Earth
kilometres, but that would mean taking power from most of the major systems.’

Buzz caught the sudden gleam in Steven’s eye, ‘what are you up to now?’

‘I think we just found our delivery system.’

Chapter 33


olonel Howe hefted the modified weapon.  It now had three settings.  Stun, kill and obliterate as Beaver liked to put it.

‘So you think this will knock them down and keep them there for a while do you Babe?’

‘I’m not sure Colonel.  I have modified the beam to affect the neurological patterns in a human mind.  It should paralyse them without affecting the nerves to the major organs like the heart.’

‘I could try it on myself.’

‘That would be unwise Colonel. It could affect the nanobots in your head, maybe even destroying some.’

‘Not good?’

‘No Colonel.’

His eyes flicked up towards the squinting Major Forbes who made a sudden beeline for the door.  Unfortunately for him he misjudged it and hit the wall.  A green shot lanced out and hit him squarely in the back.  Cookie was in a quandary, he didn’t know whether to rush to the aid of his Major or go after Howe.

Howe grinned at him and checked his watch, ‘relax Cookie, Tapper’s just adding to the wealth of human knowledge, besides he doesn't have any Nano probes in his system.’

Steven rushed up to the med centre where the unfortunate Tapper lay as stiff as a board.  The serious faces that met him were only a thin veil to hide their amusement.

He reported to the doctor, ‘what's happening?’

She seemed to be gritting her teeth, ‘these gentlemen have been experimenting on one another with their new toys.  Major Forbes has been completely paralysed.’

‘Is he going to recover?’

‘I think so or so they say anyway.  The shock to his system seems to be dissipating a little, but I won’t know for sure until the effects of what they did have completely worn off.’

Steven rubbed his temples, ‘who’s responsible for this?’  But he already knew the answer.

Colonel Howe stepped forward, ‘I am sir.  The Major heroically volunteered to test the new stun setting on our weapons.’

Steven could clearly see the devilment in his eyes, ‘that was very nice of him.’  There were a few snickers from the assembled soldiers, ‘and why did he so heroically volunteer Colonel?’

‘I was going to test it on myself but Babe advised against it.  She said it could damage the Nano probes in our brains.’

‘And so the Major kindly volunteered his services, for humanitarian reasons of course?’

‘Yes sir.’ 

The men were openly laughing now; even Tapper’s men thought it was hilarious.

‘Then I will just have to wait and thank him personally when he recovers.  How long has he been this way now?’

Howe checked his watch, ‘just over ten minutes now.’

The Major didn’t look at all well.  Veins bulged on his bright red face and sweat poured from his pores.

The Doctor admonished him, ‘try and relax Major, fighting it will do you no good.’  But Tapper fought it all the way.  After twenty minutes he could swivel his eyes and they locked on to Colonel Howe.  At twenty-five he was beginning to regain control of his limbs.  At thirty he was able to sit up and push himself off the bed.

Steven helped him on to shaky legs.  ‘Tell me Major did you volunteer your services in this experiment?’

Trapper seemed to have trouble talking but eventually he managed a guarded, ‘yes sir.’

‘Thank you for your selflessness Major.  I want a full rundown on the effects of this weapon when you
’re able, but don’t rush.’

‘Yes sir.’

‘I won’t forget this.’

Steven left them alone but stopped a short distance down the corridor.  What he had told none of them, not even Buzz was that Babe could project images straight into his mind.  He watched as the Major took a couple of unsteady steps towards the Colonel then swung a punch.

The Colonel avoided it easily enough and caught the man as he fell.  Laughing he and Beaver helped him back on to the bed.

A shaking Tapper cursed him, ‘I’ll get you for that you shit.’

The laughing Colonel slapped him on the shoulder, ‘you'll do Tapper, you'll do.’

A smiling Steven headed back to the bridge.  He spent an hour going over the ships systems.  They docked with the other ship and he and the Chief went across and did the same service for the other.

When he returned he went up to the room he had set aside for stellar cartography.  He was surprised to find Haley already there.  There was an awkward silence.  He broke it first, ‘hi … it’s good to see … you’re getting stuck in.’

Her eyes flashed anger; ‘I thought maybe I had better put a bed in the corner in case I muck this up too.’

He cringed inside, ‘look I’m really sorry about that.’

However she want letting him off the hook so easily, ‘is that how you really think of women Captain, because if you do I would advise you to find an all male crew.  That kind of talk might be all right for the women in your life but not women like me.’

Steven was flushed with embarrassment, ‘I really am sorry Haley and that’s not how I think of women truly.’

‘How do you think of women Captain?’

It caught him flat footed, ‘eh! I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it.’

‘So we
’re not even worth a thought?’

He became flustered, ‘no that’s not what I mean, I just haven’t had much experience with women.’

‘You mean you’re gay?’

‘No I’m not gay,’ he almost shouted, ‘I’ve just never had a girlfriend ok.  So I’ve never learned the niceties.  I sincerely hope that’s explanation enough.’

He turned and walked out leaving a stunned Haley with mouth agape behind.

Feeling he had made a mistake he went back to his quarters where he tried to work out with Babe what form to put the knock out gas in and in what vessel to deliver it.

An intrigued Haley however decided to do a little investigating of her own.  It took her a few hours with some guarded questioning to get all the answers she wanted.  At her evening meal she ran into the new Doctor.  Being the two youngest women on board they almost made a beeline for one another.  The subject quickly came round to the Captain.

Haley had been dying to tell someone.  She looked over her coffee cup at her new friend, ‘did you know he’s still a virgin?’

Amanda almost choked on her coffee, ‘who the Captain?’

‘Yup, that’s right.’

The look on Amanda's face was one of total disbelief, ‘that can’t be right, he’s gorgeous.  He looks like a young Kurt Russell.’

‘Yeah I know but its true he told me himself.’

‘He told you he was a virgin?’

‘Said he’d never had a girlfriend.’

‘Is he gay?’

‘Says not and I believe him.’

Amanda shook her head, ‘nah it’s got to be a line.  He’s too good looking.’

‘A week ago he wasn’t.’

Amanda frowned, ‘what do you mean?’

The two women got their heads together as Haley imparted her knowledge.  Amanda was intrigued but not only from a personal point of view.

‘So the ship radically altered him.  I would love to see a before and after shot.  I wonder if I could get a hold of his medical records there must be x-rays.’

Haley looked at her as though she were stupid, ‘you want to see his medical records?’

Amanda laughed, ‘I’m sorry I just can’t help myself.’

Just then the Soldiers arrived laughing and arguing.  The four Scottish soldiers were being led by their American counter parts.

Haley stuck her head close to Amanda’s, ‘are you single?’

‘I am actually, you?’

‘Yeah thank God.’

The women laughed and it attracted admiring gazes, they noticed.

Amanda whispered back, ‘is this a target rich environment or what.  I think I’m going to have to order a complete medical for everyone on board.’

Haley tittered, ‘can I be your nurse?’

Babe watched the byplay between the two young women and the soldiers with great interest.  There was a lot of harmless flirting going on.  She passed her information on to her mate, who also found it fascinating.  They had watched many broadcasts from Earth, but this was their first real experience of the strange Earth mating rituals.

Suddenly he felt the pangs of longing, ‘I to wish I had a new heart.  You were right about your heart; I should have trusted your instincts, but he is the only one we have met who has the
right abilities.  Are there anymore, or was it because he was so badly hurt as a child?’

‘No I don’t think so.  I believe it to be a natural ability and so others must have it.’

‘Am I right to say that they are unaware of this ability?’


‘Then how will we ever find another?’

‘Have patience my mate.  Steven says that sooner or later someone will come along.  He believes these abilities come from the fact he was a child prodigy and he says he isn’t the only one, there are many on the planet below.  He thinks that the questionnaire he placed on their world wide web will help with the search.’

‘Then it is a simple matter of waiting?’


Chapter 34


handsome oriental gentleman of middle years crossed the garden dressed in traditional style.  He stopped for a moment on the small wooden bridge and sucked in the fresh air and to contemplate the beauty of the garden.  He had objected when his daughter had first decided to move out of Tokyo but now he knew her choice had been the correct one. 

He did not linger long for she was waiting for him.  He wondered at the summons.  She had worded it as an invitation but he knew differently.  It worried him for normally she invited no one to her home and hadn’t done so for the three years she had stayed in it.  Not even him or her mother, but they knew they were welcome at any time.

He found her where he knew she would be, in the pagoda at the bottom of the garden, surrounded by wild scenting flowers.  He bowed solemnly and she already seated returned the gesture. 

They sat in silence as she performed the tea ceremony to honour him.  He took the opportunity to observe his pride and joy.  She was even more beautiful than her mother, if that were at all possible.  The main difference in mother and child was the
intelligence that shone out of his daughter’s eyes.

Now there was sadness in them along with the love she bore her parents.  They finished their tea in silence.  He was amazed by how his daughter had taken to the traditional way of life.  He and her mother were both modernists.  Now surrounded by all this natural beauty he understood how it kept her grounded, as she liked to put it.

He put his cup down and bowed his appreciation, and said one word, ‘perfection.’

She smiled and it lit up the day, ‘thank you Father.’

‘What is troubling you Komoru?’

The smile slipped a little, ‘I may be going on a long journey father.’

He frowned his displeasure, ‘where to America? Have they finally began to listen to you?’

She shook her head, ‘only those who already listen still listen.  It would be much farther than America father.’

Panic alit in his eyes, ‘how much farther?’

She smiled at his concern and lifted a beautifully decorated box onto the table.  Lifting the lid she pulled out some sheets of paper and handed them to him.

He opened them and immediately wondered if he had them up the right way.  ‘What are these Komoru?’

‘Those are my destiny Father.’

He shook his head, ‘I don’t understand.’

‘They are the base mathematical theories needed for space travel.’

He looked up in surprise, ‘ah you solved them.’

She shook her head, ‘no father I did not solve them.  Steven Gordon did.’

He frowned, ‘have I not heard that name before?’

‘Yes father many times.  Do you remember when I was eleven?  The day I cried for hours.’

Her Father nodded, ‘yes you were working on this very thing and you found out the young American boy who had something to do with these theories was killed in an accident.’

She smiled, ‘yes he was the first to come up with this base of mathematics when I was little more than a child but he never completed them, but he wasn’t killed only very badly injured.  So badly he never fully recovered.’

‘Ah yes I remember now, brain damage.’

‘He made some recovery and eventually was able to work again.’

‘As a scientist?’

‘No Father as a security guard at a space research institute in America.’

Her father paled, ‘no! tell me that’s not the one?’

She nodded, ‘it is the one Father, it can only be him.  I found a questionnaire on the new
website and I am going to reply to it.’

‘What does this mean Komoru?’

‘It can only mean one thing Father.  This Steven Gordon the security guard that stole the space ship must be the same one who was in that accident all those years ago and now, somehow he has fully recovered and is looking for people who at least understand some of what is written there.’

‘How much of it do you understand Komoru?’

‘I understand all of it Father.’

A great sadness seemed to grasp at his soul, ‘how many other people would understand this Komoru?’

‘Across the whole globe, maybe a hand full would understand some of it.’

‘Yes but how many would understand all of it as you do Komoru?’

‘I don’t know father I may be the only one.’

‘Are you telling me this American and you are the only two human beings on the whole of this planet who understand this?’

‘I think he’s Scottish Father, not American and I believe that could be so.’

A tear trickled down his face.  He choked it back and forced a smile, ‘a Scot, well maybe that isn’t so bad then.  No wonder the Americans are going crazy.’

Tears began to run down her face, ‘I did not want to reply until I had told you.’

‘But you’re going to?’

‘I must.’

The smile grew, ‘by the time you were four I knew you were destined for great things.  I never realised you would be running off into space though.’

She managed a small laugh, ‘neither did I.’ A great sadness gripped her, ‘I am sorry Father.’

He reached for her and she slipped into his arms.  He rocked her back and forth as if she were a small child again, ‘do not be sorry my Komoru, it is your destiny and none of us can avoid that.  What will you do now?’

‘I must reply at once.  Then I will have to wait for a reply.  After that I will come and say goodbye to Mother.’

‘No, I will go fetch Mother.  If they come to pick you up it will have to be here, and there is no telling how long that will be; you may not have time to drive over to ours.  I had better leave now.’ 

He rushed off barely looking back.  Komoru had already prepared her answers to the questionnaire.  She hesitated for only a second before hitting the send button.  Now all she had to do was wait.

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