Team Lucas (The Saints Team #1) (23 page)

BOOK: Team Lucas (The Saints Team #1)
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I made my way to the physio rooms and found Doc and Andy already at work.

“Great, glad you’re here Mia,” Doc returned my greeting. “Can you check the physio bags?”

“Of course,” I said and dumped my gear. Pre-match, the atmosphere in the physio room was already tense and even worse in the warm-up areas. The anticipation and pressure built and Doc, Andy and the other freelance physios on hand for the day were supposed to be miracle workers and fix all injuries immediately—well that was the players’ perspective most of the time. The coach wanted them to call it accurately so he knew whether to return the player to the field or bench him to recover.

All the benches were covered in white towels, the weigh in machines were in action with different players recording their numbers, ice bins were everywhere and protein shakes bandied around. I couldn’t see Lucas but I could hear his voice. He must be in one of the other rooms—the warm-up room or change room.

I checked the physio bags—four in a row—which Doc and his crew would take with them onto the bench in case they needed quick supplies during the game. Each bag had towels, bandages, petroleum jelly, magic sponge (the sponge that could do everything), vapor rub, gloves, tape for strapping, water, cotton plugs—don’t ask, and I topped them up where needed.

I spotted Lucas then going down the hallway. He was in the team’s track gear and pepping up players as he passed them. He stuck his head in, saw me, and left again. Was that good or bad? He had such power on match day. I was happy to be in his orbit.

Nik came in looking for a quick rub before the match and Doc directed him to a table. I finished and reported in to Doc and he told me to get started on Nik. It was a tough job having to rub the gorgeous muscled leg of an elite athlete, but I was just the girl for it. Andy finished up icing the defender, Jackson’s, ankle and released him. He came over and supervised my work. Nik didn’t talk much—pre-match, that was pretty normal.

Doc called out for one of the physios to ask Lucas to drop in. As always, all I heard was his name and my heart rate increased knowing he was going to come in. I was pathetic; really, this man was going to be the undoing of me.

Moments later Lucas strode in and the atmosphere of the room changed around him. I know I stiffened in anticipation and the rest of the room stiffened for different reasons—Lucas had a presence and if people weren’t in awe of him and his record, the club was working hard at keeping him happy; there was no shortage of clubs keen to nab him. I tried not to look at him and just to focus on my work—Nik’s muscle. I know the guys have routines and Lucas wouldn’t want to make small talk.

I saw him have a quick word to Doc and nod. Doc indicated one of the benches, Lucas sat and the doc checked out Lucas’s ankle. I felt Lucas’s eyes on me but I didn’t look.

“Haven’t you got to get somewhere, Mia?” Lucas called out from across the physio room. He was kind of scowling at me, as if he didn’t approve of me working on Nik.

I felt my face redden, as though I was a kid being sent from the room of adults. I glanced to the clock on the wall. It was nearing eleven but fifteen minutes before I’d agreed to meet Alice and her dad.

“I’ll take over,” Andy said, moving in front of me to finish working on Nik.

“Thanks, Mia,” Nik said.

“Pleasure,” I answered. I went to the sinks and washed my hands.

“Hey do you do take on casual massage work?” Nik asked.

“No she doesn’t,” Lucas snapped.

Nik looked over at me and grinned, he gave me a wink and looked away. Doc blocked my view of Lucas and I grabbed my bag and left without making eye contact with him again.

As I neared the door I heard him call after me but I kept walking. I was not his beck-and-call girl and if he wanted to treat me that way in front of everyone, well, two could play at that game. I was surprised he didn’t send one of his minions running after me to bring me back. Sometimes he was such an ass. I really was capable of working in the physio and being where he could see me when the match started. Besides… focus Lucas, focus. You should be thinking about the game not me.

But I was secretly pleased too. If he really believed in that lucky charm crap, which clearly had nothing to do with wanting my warm form since I’d had no action since we met, I wish he’d discover screwing me would be really, really lucky for him.

As I walked to the grandstand my phone beeped with a text. I grabbed it from my bag and it was from Lucas. Sigh. It consisted of two words: “There yet?” He even managed a smiley face. I guess this was his way of apologizing.

I softened on him, because he really was trying. I texted back: “Lowering butt into seat now Hope you penetrate the midfield.” That should reassure him.

My phone beeped a few seconds later and I grinned when I read his text: “Miss Prude can say ‘penetrate’?”

I text him back: “That’s Ms Prude to you.”



Alice and her dad, Frank, were already there when I arrived and I gave them each a kiss on the cheek. Alice was in a woolen dress with tights; they were going out for her grandfather’s dinner after the game so she couldn’t hang with me. I had a chat with Frank who knew more about soccer than Alice and I combined, times by two thousand. He’d be handy to have nearby. I could pick up a few sayings and drop them in conversation on the way home in the car together. On the way home in the car together, yep, just wanted to repeat that.

I leaned over the seat and said a quick hello to a couple of the Saints’ WAGs behind me including Josh the midfielder’s wife Jane, Buzz’s fiancée Laura and The Russian’s partner, Leesa. I had met them only fleetingly each time and I wasn’t sure if Leesa was officially hitched to The Russian or not. I saw the coach’s wife Elizabeth farther along the row, this time with a friend her own age. We exchanged a wave.

I took a deep breath and Alice patted my knee.

“So nervous,” I said, “especially since his last game was... challenging.”

“He’s got his good luck charm today,” she assured me.

“What if he has another crap game?” I frowned. “Then he won’t want me to come because I’m unlucky.”

Alice sighed. “Then we’ll start going to the basketball.”

I brightened. “I do like tall men.”

Within no time the siren sounded and the crowds stood and went crazy with cheering and waving huge colored streamers. The grounds were full... our Saints were playing the Colorado Kings and their fans had come by the busloads—yes overnight busloads driving nearly twenty hours to make a weekend of it. Their orange colors were as prevalent as our navy but not as nice aesthetically speaking—that’s just a girl’s perspective. See I do have some Y-chromosome.

The visitors came out first, doing their lap and getting the cheers and boos from the crowds. Then the Saints came out and the home crowd roared. Lucas led the team past us in their warm up and his eyes flicked to the WAG area. He searched for me, saw me and looked away just as quickly.

Behind me, Jane squeezed my shoulder and leaned forward.

“I miss new love.” She sighed. Laura leaned forward and agreed.

“I remember when Buzz used to insist I come every game,” she said.

“Oh we’re not together,” I assured them both and they exchanged looks.

“Trust me, Mia,” Jane said, “if you are not, he’s working on it.”

Laura nodded. “He didn’t take his eyes off you at his party a few weeks back. We were all watching him. Kind of cute really.”

“No.” I smiled at them, secretly delighted but knowing they had it all wrong. “He was watching me to make sure I wasn’t watching him. He told me to stay out of his face!” I told them.

“I’ll buy you and Laura lunch at Misty’s if you aren’t officially his girlfriend by the mid-season bye,” Jane said and issued her hand for a shake.

“Done,” I agreed readily. “And I’ll reciprocate if I’m not.” I could afford to be generous on the salary Lucas was paying me. Besides, this one was in the bag already. I shook hands with Jane and Laura, sealing the agreement.

“Good,” I teased them. “I’ve always wanted to go to Misty’s—don’t forget to bring your credit card!”

Jane laughed. “We’ll see.”

The siren sounded and I turned back to watch the game. The Lucas effect was amazing. The crowds cheered him when he approached the ball, chanted his name when he did something worthy, cheered when he didn’t, cheered when he had a drink of water... the man could do no wrong. Pez was getting a sizeable following too as the Latin lover, but nothing compared to Lucas’s. You could count Alice on team Pez.

My eyes followed Lucas’s every movement. I had to remember to tear myself away to follow the play so I didn’t look like too big a groupie. He was on fire with a high-class strike and another shot that soared 60-yards to sail over the goalkeeper and score—okay that’s what Frank said. I have no idea, he just looked so hot and so in control and he won player-of-the-match. Thank you to the patron saint of WAGS, I’m his lucky charm and I’d be asked back next home game for sure!



Chapter 35



I didn’t help in the rooms post-match, because there was enough going on with the pep talks, coach’s talk, captain’s talk, media interviews, ice baths and so on. The Saints’ players eventually wandered out and picked up those of us remaining WAGS who waited around—fortunately we had found a bar to wait around in. The men walked towards their partners and received hugs and congratulatory kisses. Lucas thanked the gals and accepted some kisses on the cheek as he walked towards me. He had his bag slung over his shoulder and looked so divine—relaxed, handsome, a winner. He walked stiffly like a man who had just given close to two hours of his all on the sports field.

He stopped and signed half a dozen autographs and joined in as many selfies with fans that had waited for him. I kept trying to suppress the anxiety rising in me; how was my life ever going to be normal again? When and if, and it was definitely more
, I had to go back to my unit and my studies and just read about him in the media, how was I going to deal with that? I thought of all the people dropped by famous singers, sporting stars and actors and wondered how they picked themselves up, tried not to measure other people against them and moved on.

“Let’s go,” he said, putting his hand on my shoulder in a sort of big-brother way when he finally got to me. I gave him the car keys and he unlocked the car, threw his bag in the back and came around to close my door as I got in. Be still my beating heart. I could see people watching us... probably thinking, “how did she get him?” Yeah, I’m a bit hung up on that still …it stings.

“Great game, congrats,” I said to him.


That was that. No point me gushing, even though inside I was majorly turned on and in awe. I figured there was nothing he needed to hear from me that would make him feel a bigger high than he was on.

“I’m starving,” he said.

“Guess it is a bit odd to drive a Lamborghini through the McDonald’s drive-thru,” I teased him.

He smiled. “We’re all meeting at The Oaks in an hour,” he said referring to the Saints’ usual bar hang out. “Coming?”

“Am I invited or do you want me to come but not be in your face or not be seen once I’m there?” I asked.

Lucas glanced my way and at least had the grace to look a little sheepish.

“Come and hang out,” he said.




We went home and changed, Lucas raided the fridge and we headed out an hour later. The bar was full of players and the usual array of female hangers-on keen to become WAGs. Lucas promised the parking lot attendant a spin in the Lamborghini if he looked after it. You’d think all his Christmases had come at once. I knew the feeling.

We walked in together. Lucas let me enter before him but we were not showing any signs of being a couple and there was no touching whatsoever. Damn it. I felt as if Lucas was taking his own personal physio with him everywhere, just in case he needed a rub down. Even though I knew a few of the girls now, I was stoked to see some friends from college at the bar. I was still way more comfortable in that scene.

“What do you want to drink?” Lucas yelled above the noise.

“It’s cool. I can get something, you go celebrate,” I said, not wanting to hold him up.

“Where are you going?” He grabbed my arm as I began to head off.

“I’ve just seen a few friends from college. I’m going to say hi,” I said, looking in their direction.

He looked over at them and his eyes narrowed. He was getting very territorial. Surely he didn’t need me near him for post-game luck... I wish.

“I’ve got this,” he said. “I’ll leave my card with the barman. Just order what you and your friends want, okay?”

Three sexy words on so many levels—
I’ve got this
—Lucas has it under control, he’s the man.

“Thanks,” I said, regarding him with a mixture of affection and suspicion. Hot and cold Lucas was so difficult to read, anyway, on my hard-earned salary I could afford a few wines and maybe a cocktail chaser! I took off to join my friends.

I decided that later, after I had a drink or two and felt more relaxed and confident, I’d rejoin the WAGs but I felt a bit like a ring-in—is that a WRAG—wives, ring-ins and girlfriends?

I joined the three from my class—Cassie, Melissa and Caleb—who swallowed me into their group.

“Where’s Alice?” Cassie asked above the noise.

“Family birthday. She’d love to be here,” I said.

“Did you just come in with Lucas Ainswright?” Caleb asked.

I looked around and saw Lucas at the bar ordering a round of drinks. He pointed to me and my group and the barman nodded.

“Yeah, I’m doing some part-time work with him, well for his manager.” I wasn’t doing much of anything for Lucas but ogling him and living the life. Best job I’ve ever had, I’d be ruined for life.

“Half your fucking luck,” Caleb said. “Pay well?”

“Too well. I feel guilty taking so much for doing so little,” I said.

“I’ll do it if you are really suffering with guilt,” Melissa teased. “What do you do?”

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