Teaching Roman (8 page)

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Authors: Gennifer Albin

Tags: #coming of age, #romantic comedy, #new adult, #college

BOOK: Teaching Roman
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“Can I see you tonight?” Roman’s voice was low. A shiver ran up my spine at the urgency in his voice.

I knew I should say no.

I said yes instead.


s orange and rose streaked across the evening sky, I searched for an excuse to leave the villa. I’d arranged to meet Roman down the beach, but I hadn’t been able to come up with a good excuse to go out. I was about to give up when Cassie jumped off the couch.

“I’m going to take a shower,” she announced. “I smell like sand and tequila.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.” I tried to keep my tone even, but it pitched up on the last word.

Cassie stared at me for a minute and then shook her head. “After that shower, I’m going to crawl into bed and watch sad movies and cry until my liver is detoxed. Want to join me?”

“While that sounds fun,” I said with a laugh, “I want to read.”

“Will you stop with the studying already?” she asked, throwing her head back as though I had wounded her.

“Not what you think.” I held up a novel. “I’m going to read for fun.”

Her eyes narrowed, trying to zoom in on the title, but I tossed it into the chair before she could. The novel was a decoy book that I’d been using for years. Whenever my friends called me out for studying too much, I held it up and begged out of spontaneous girls’ nights to read a book “for fun.”

“Weren’t you reading that a few weeks ago?” Cassie asked.


I shook my head. “Never finished it. I’m dying to find out what happens.”

Actually I was dying to get my hands on Roman, something I suspected Cassie would readily approve of. I couldn’t risk her finding out about us though. First of all, she’d never let it go, but more importantly, she’d also asked me here for moral support as she healed from a break-up. I didn’t need to rub her nose in my fling, even though I was pretty sure she’d enjoy it.

“If you finish, I’ll be in bed.” She dropped her voice and fluttered her eyes. “You can always join me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I pushed her toward her room. “Now go grab a shower. You’ll feel better.”

“I know you always do after a shower.” Cassie stuck her tongue out at me before she disappeared into her bedroom.

I was out the door before the water turned on.

The warm air wrapped around me like a blanket, even the breeze was muggy. I loved it. Still I kept my distance from the waves lapping on the shoreline. I was feeling a little reckless, but not stupid. Technically, I could swim. I’d had lessons. I just really,
didn’t like it. I could handle a nice, shallow pool fine. The ocean was another story. I didn’t like water in my eyes. I didn’t like not being able to touch the bottom. I didn’t like the feeling of things brushing past my legs.

But I didn’t have to think about the many dangers of the ocean for long. I spotted Roman ahead of me, sitting in the sand, close enough to the water that the tide washed over his feet. His white linen shirt hung unbuttoned over his cargo shorts, displaying his glorious, sun kissed chest. His jaw sported the same sexy scruff that had scratched along my thighs last night, but his wild, grab-on-and-ride hair was hidden under a straw fedora. With his dark good looks he didn’t blend in like a local, but he didn’t pass for a tourist. He looked like he owned the place and judging from the pulse building between my legs, he owned me.

For a week, at least.

Roman’s head swiveled in my direction and a slow smile slid onto his lips. I bit my own as a dozen fantasies danced through my head. I’d spent the day feeling like I was dreaming, but here he was and I didn’t have to touch him to know he was flesh and blood. Between the way my heart sped up and my breathing increased, I knew he was. I wanted to call it a purely physiological reaction, but last night’s memories certainly contributed. He patted the sand next to him.

“Uh-uh.” I shook my head.

“Afraid you won’t be able to resist my charms,
mi bella

Oh, I already knew that was a lost cause. My panties were practically dropping themselves. No, there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for my hesitation. “I don’t like the ocean.”

Roman’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Maybe Puerto Vallarta wasn’t the best vacation choice for you.”

“You know I didn’t choose where we went,” I pointed out.

“And still I’m glad you wound up here,” he admitted, “even if you’re afraid of the ocean.”

“That’s not it. I mean, I like the ocean. I just don’t like touching it.” Judging from the look on his face, that wasn’t a better explanation. “I’m not what you’d call a strong swimmer.”

Roman stood and brushed wet sand from his shorts. “I’ll teach you how to swim.”

I raised an eyebrow at him. There was very little chance of him talking me into a swimsuit. Of course, I’d said the same thing about going to bed with him. Maybe it was time I took up gambling, the odds having shifted in favor of the improbable.

“Don’t you trust me?” he asked, stalking closer to me.

I backed up a few steps, shaking my head. “I trust you. I don’t trust the undertow.”

“I won’t let it pull you under.” His eyes smoldered as he spoke, his usually faint accent deepening with a sexy roll of his tongue.

Why was I afraid of the ocean? I was already drowning.

I was so caught up in his eyes that I didn’t have time to react when he scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder. I giggled as I struggled against his hold—until he ran into the ocean. Water splashed across my bare legs and my arms tightened into a vice grip around his neck.

“You’re standing in the ocean, Jessica,” he pointed out, “and you’re alive.”

“Put me down!” I smacked his back, wiggling in panic in his arms.

“Are you sure about that?” Roman loosened his grip on me, and I realized what I was asking.

“On second thought, don’t.”

“Relax,” he ordered. “I have you.”

“That’s easier said than done. You can swim,” I accused.

“Cierra los ojos y aferrate a mi,” he said in a low voice that I had to strain to hear over the waves, “mientras que el mundo se nos escapa.”

I had no idea what he was saying but the huskiness of his voice sent a shiver tingling up my spine. “My Spanish isn’t that good.”

“It’s a song that I’m working on.”

“What’s it about?” But even as I asked, my stomach flipped from nervous excitement.

“You.” His hands slid lower until he was cupping my ass, letting my feet dangle inches from the oncoming tide.

“What does it mean?” I asked. Somewhere in the back of my mind I registered the spray of the ocean on my toes, but I ignored it. His eyes met mine and the electricity of our connection sizzled in the air between us. I wanted to lean forward and close the distance.

“Close your eyes and hold on to me as the world slips away,” he murmured, setting me down.

Suddenly I didn’t care that I was ankle deep in the ocean or that I could hardly swim. There was only Roman and all I wanted was to slip away with him. He seemed to know what I was thinking and this time when he scooped me off my feet, I didn’t protest as he carried me back toward my villa.

The lights were off inside and there was no sign of Cassie who was probably already watching television in her bed.

“Coast is clear,” I breathed. It was all the invitation he needed.

Roman’s lips slanted over mine, capturing my mouth. As the kiss deepened, I wrapped myself around his neck, shifting my weight so that my legs circled his waist. We crashed into the doorframe so hard that I knew I’d have a bruise along my tailbone tomorrow. Right now, I didn’t care. All I could think about was one thing: Get. Roman’s. Shirt. Off. As soon as my fingers slipped it over his shoulders, I sighed against his lips. My hands traveled over the coiled muscles, flexed from holding me against the wall, and another surge of desire shot through me. Roman should be studied. Clearly, he’d achieved a biology superiority that probably single-handedly proved the theory of evolution, since simply touching his body could reduce a well-educated, feminist and premed student into a shirt-clawing, hip-bucking sex kitten.

Roman held me steady with one arm around my waist, my legs wrapped loosely against his trim hips, as his free hand shoved my sundress around my waist. Our mouths tangled together along with our limbs as we sought to free ourselves of our extraneous clothes. Finally, I pulled away and shook my head. “I need you naked. Now.”

In a flash I was on my feet and Roman was kicking off his shorts. I hooked my thumbs into my panties and stripped them off. He was on me instantly, spinning me toward the wall as his arm snaked across my bare waist. Bracing myself against the door frame, I moaned as he slid inside me, but my moan turned into a low scream as he teeth bit into my shoulder.

I wanted to rake my fingernails across his back and sink my teeth into his pecs, but he held me steady as he whispered things that would have made Jess blush.

Jessica liked it.

A lot.

His hand slid lower, urging me along with him until
. They exploded across my tightly clenched eyes. I felt them sizzle across my skin and burst through my limbs. It was downright applause worthy.

Which is why it took me a few seconds to register that the clapping coming from somewhere in the near distance was actually not all that distant—and not at all in my head.

I could see the smug, self-satisfied grin Cassie was wearing before I turned to find her dark eyes trained on us. They twinkled mischievously even in the dim light of the
villa. “If you two are going to fuck like bunnies, you should shut your door.”

For once, I had to completely agree with her advice.


ilence is golden. Cassie gloating is torture. I sat cross-legged on her bed as she tried on another summery dress. This one was white, but its virginal simplicity stopped there. In true Cassie fashion, the skirt stopped centimeters below her butt cheeks and its straps crisscrossed in a revealing pattern down the length of her back. It looked fantastic against her skin, which after only a couple days of sun already had tanned to a sexy bronze. She’d dragged me back to the beach all day, even going so far as to confiscate my phone. Since I’d totally hooked up with a very off-limits guy—in front of her, I might add—I couldn’t blame her for demanding I spend today with her.

“I can’t decide which I hate more,” I said, thinking out loud, “your legs or how easily you tan.”

Cassie shrugged, her eyes flickering to me in the mirror as she applied mascara. “Benefits of having a Greek mama.”

“That and the baklava,” I pointed out. My stomach rumbled at the thought and I checked my phone for the time. “Speaking of, any chance we’re eating today?”

“Looking this delish takes time, asshat.”

“Have I ever told you how endearing your nicknames are?” I asked, twisting a scarf around my fingers. Cassie had yet to start grilling me about Roman, but I knew it was coming.

“You haven’t, but there’s more where that came from if you play your cards right.” She shot me a smile over her shoulder.

“I thought we were just going to grab something down the street.”

“Oh, you aren’t getting off that easily.”

“Whoa!” I stopped her. “I promised food and unlimited dirty jokes at my expense, but—”

“But nothing. I have something you want.”

“And that is?” I left the question hanging in the air, even though I wasn’t sure I wanted her to answer me.

“I might have invited a certain hottie prof.”

“You didn’t!” Where was a nice hole to fall into when you needed one?

“All’s fair, Jess.”

I moaned, burying my face in my hands. There was no way Cassie would be on her best behavior in front of him. In fact, it was entirely likely that she would be worse. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

“You were probably a war criminal in your last life,” she said matter-of-factly.

“Do you really think this is a good idea?” Since Cassie wasn’t always known for thinking things through, my question was genuine.

Her answer was not. “How should I know? You’re the teacher’s pet.”

“It’s not like that.” I felt the heat rising on my cheeks.

Cassie spun around to face me, lipstick poised precariously in her fingers. “How is it then? You can tell me now and I’ll behave around Markson, or...”

I didn’t have to ask her what my other option was. Cassie unfiltered was hilarious when you weren’t the target of her musings. When you were—well, it could get ugly. Jillian had dumped a pitcher of beer on her once.

“Fine,” I caved. “We’ve agreed to see each other for one week.”

“One week?” she said incredulously. “What good is that?”

“Oh, I don’t know. He’s just a teacher at our college,” I reminded her, “and I’m getting over a break-up.”

Cassie laughed at this. “I’m getting over a break-up. You’re back in the game.”

“I dated Brett for almost a year.”

“You weren’t in love with him.” Cassie waved the lipstick haphazardly as she channeled her inner advice diva. “You tolerated him. I’m not sure you even liked him.”

“I liked him,” I protested.

“Give me five adjectives describing him.”

“Nice.” I searched for more, glaring her down. “Dependable. Friendly. Responsible. Ambitious.”

“Congratulations,” she said, “you just described the assistant manager of every retail store in America. That’s not a boyfriend. That’s a good customer service experience.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. Grabbing a nearby shoe, I chucked it at her. “Survey says shut up.”

“That’s a Jimmy Choo!”

“You’re hopeless.” I flopped back on her bed and stared at the ceiling fan.

Cassie appeared over me, twisting her silky black hair into a stylish knot on the top of her head. “I’m the PR and Marketing expert, remember? All I’m saying is that I’m not fucking buying what you’re selling.”

“What would you suggest? Roman isn’t exactly on the market.” As much as I wished that wasn’t the case, I couldn’t ignore the simple truth that our relationship had a clear time limit.

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