Tave Part 1 (2 page)

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Authors: Erin Tate

BOOK: Tave Part 1
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And he loved her, so the last thing he would ever do was upset her.

Many knew of Tave as the strongest, fiercest warrior of all Ujals, both on Earth and other planets, but they didn’t realize his one weakness—female tears.

This female…

A small sniffle reached him, and then a single, sparkling droplet slid down her cheek and glistened against her pale skin.

Tave groaned like an annoyed adolescent and sank into the seat beside the woman. He owed his life to her. She was, after all, his mother.

That didn’t mean he wouldn’t grumble. “Tell me again, my
, exactly what have you done.”

For he could still not believe it himself.

“You agreed you would take a mate this Earth year.”

Tave called on his warrior training and battled for calm.
was an argument oft repeated and frustration rose hot and fast. But releasing his emotions on his
, on any female, was unacceptable. They suffered and fought to give their race life and had more than earned tender and gentle treatment.

“I believe I stated I would consider mating this year.”
was the operative term in his statement.

“I do not recall that qualification.” She sat up straight and sniffled lightly as she folded her hands, rested them in her lap, and gave him a cool and daring look. Daring, yes. She dared him to disagree with her before their attendants and guards.

She knew he was too well trained, thought too much of her, to call her a liar. She’d caught him in her mating trap.

“I see. What have you now done with my ‘agreement’?” He fought to keep his tone mild and that battle became harder when her lips split into a wide, glowing smile.

“I have found you a female!” Joy overwrote her features. He pushed his pleasure over
happiness aside as he thought over the words.

“And how,”—he unclenched his jaw—“did you accomplish this?”

“We Ujal have many wondrous advancements, but the humans have some as well. They work with other races and the
Intergalactic Mating Agency.
” She said the words as if the god of the sea bestowed them upon her.

“Inter—” He felt faint. He, a male who had engaged in more battles than any other warrior of his age, was uneasy over a few words.

“Intergalactic Mating Agency.” That smile blinded him. “I will have grand hatchlings before the year is out.”


, what… when… how…” His future was crumbling around him, his time of leisure and daily life tumbling into pieces.

shrugged. “A single scale was all they required to access your genetic code. From there they matched it to other females and a suitable match was discovered.”

A genetic match. He wasn’t able to even hunt and search for his own female. A database selected her for him.

Better a database than a marriage arranged by my father for the good of Ujal, and children conceived by our doctors.

That thought brought forward a small grin. How would his
view Tave’s sudden mating? No political advantage, no maneuvering, no gain. “And what of my
? Is he in agreement?”

She shrugged again. “The humans say it is better to ask forgiveness than permission.”

“Easier, not better.” He gave her a flat look. “And she is open to this mating? This female some database has selected on my behalf? She is suitable and willing?”

She trembled with anger, an emotion he hadn’t seen in quite some time. “
Of course!
Did you believe I would be so dishonorable to—?”

Tave gathered her hands and squeezed them gently. “I ask because I do not know, my
. I know your honor is above all others, but nothing more.”

She sniffed, which meant she forgave the slip but was still annoyed. “Yes. It is a requirement. The female’s submission to the Population Ministry must be voluntary and she could only be matched with a nonhuman if she agreed to that as well. She will welcome a nonhuman male and is genetically capable of procreation with you.” She grinned. “And I shall have grand hatchlings!”

If he could give her hatchlings without the necessary mating, he would have long ago. Unfortunately, an Ujal’s body only ripened for his or her mate and forced implantation was only done for the betterment of the ruling line. All others had to find their one lest Ujal settlements be overrun by children without a stable home. “Do not get so excited, my
. It is possible their selection system is not accurate due to our genetic irregularities.”

She was quick to shake her head. “I have been assured that she is your mate. That she is a true match, and you will be able to
hatchlings on her.” Her gaze smoothed and turned serious. “I would not have done this, spoken of this, if I could not be sure. She is yours, my son. There is no doubt.”

Tave’s heart stuttered and began an uneven rhythm.

What started as frustration and anger now transformed to… excitement. She would be
. His match.

“And when do I meet this female that would be mine?”

His mother gasped and clapped. “You will meet her, then?”

“Isn’t that what you’ve been pushing for since you came to me?” he drawled.

“Well, yes, but I thought I’d have to argue a bit more. I admit I did feel badly that she would have to wait in the external chamber until you saw sense, but it couldn’t be avoided. I decided to surprise you, but I did not wish to throw the female at you and lock the door.” His mother’s speech was now peppered with human phrases and he knew she’d been spending entirely too much time on Earth.

Though she shined brighter than she ever had before, he couldn’t believe her time on the planet was a bad thing despite her changed speech.

“You said

“Hmm… oh, yes. Vados and Niax left to fetch her an hour ago. She had not yet arrived, though I do not understand why. Many notices were mailed to her lodgings. You should see her home, my son.” She was smiling widely again, practically bouncing in her seat.

She looked much like he remembered when he was a child. Her pale scales glistened and reflected light purples and pinks. She was truly the most beautiful Ujal he’d ever seen. Swimming alongside her through the seas, he was always struck by his mother’s beauty. Her tail gleamed in the blue waters of Earth and her lithe body allowed her to race through the liquid as if she was a part of the oceans.

He’d inherited his father’s body and features, wide shoulders and dark scales, but occasionally, in just the right light, Tave knew his reflected the colors of his mother. That brought a smile to—

“What?” he snapped. “You ordered two unattached males to claim my mate? And who dared enter her dwelling?” He snarled, as unknown anger and rage suddenly burned through his veins. It was as if his acceptance sent his possessive and protective instincts soaring.

merely patted his hand, a small knowing smile on her lips. “Calm. It was I who crept into her home while she was working. I wanted to know more of my son’s mate. She is in public relations here on the station.” It was good she worked for them. At least he knew she didn’t detest their kind. “And your men know well to treat a female with utmost care and respect. You taught them well, my son.”

That soothed some of his frayed nerves, for she was correct. “Where is she?”

His mother leaned toward an aide and whispered a few words before returning her attention to him. “They arrived moments ago and she will be brought in immediately. I should warn you that her own—”

The double doors parted and Tave immediately leapt to his feet, anxious to see his mate for the first time.

And what he saw sent disbelief and rage battling through his blood. That and… pure need. A burning fire consumed him as heat enveloped him.

Tave was already a deadly warrior, but with those three emotions now consuming him…

One look had him accepting that she belonged to him. When he was younger and approached his father, he asked what it would feel like should he ever meet his mate. He was told to release those fantasies. He was a V’yl. He would join with a female as was demanded of his station. They would have young with the help of science. His king did not want to hear more.

Ah, but his instructors—males who were charged with teaching him all things—weren’t so silent.

Now he felt as they described. Protective and desperate for her.

He couldn’t take her on the bare flooring at this moment, but he could protect her.

His mate battled Vados, squirming and jerking in the larger man’s hold. He couldn’t see her true form—she was covered in what appeared to be many layers of white cloth—but he did notice the honey color of her hair and the paleness of her bared skin.

Would their hatchlings have hair of the sun?

He hoped so.

But first, he needed his friend to get his fins off his female lest he lose them.

She wiggled like an Earth eel out of water, jerking and twitching as she grumbled and snarled at Vados.

“Lemme go… overgrown… bastard son of a king crab!”

Still Vados held her securely, and still his female fought. She was strong and determined. Good.

” Another female’s voice joined in and a slight woman raced around Niax to block Vados’ progress. “Is that any way to talk to one of your mate’s guards?”

His mate’s name was

My mate’s what?
” Her bellow rivaled a war cry of the Ujal. That pleased him.

did not
please him was the fact that another male touched her. “Vados,” he snapped out the male’s name and his longtime guard immediately focused on him. “Release her.”

His tone left no room for argument.

Unfortunately, the dedicated male did as ordered, but without any finesse or gentleness required for females. Vados literally opened his arms and Rina crashed to the ground in a pile of white fabric and several grunts.

“What the hell?” both females spoke.

Ujals didn’t believe in such a place, but he understood the sentiment. Tave rushed forward, intent on reaching Rina before another dared touch her.

He dropped to a single knee and reached for her—pulling aside a fold of fabric in search of her face—and received… a glimpse of heaven. She wore nothing beneath what he now recognized as a robe. She was bare and beautiful. Her skin flushed pink and tempted him to the edge of his control. His fingers tingled with the need to touch her and he formed a tight fist as he pushed the impulses back.

At her invitation only.

It was a female’s right, and even though she was human, she would be treated as an Ujal mate.

The cloth was wrenched from his grip, which covered the beautiful bounty. “
Do you mind?

“No.” He didn’t mind looking upon her beauty. Though there were others…

“Well, I
,” she snapped.

Tave met her gaze and was struck by her beauty. Yes, her skin was pale, but it was luminescent like his
. Seeming to glow with life. Her hair tumbled around her face in damp strands and knots as if she’d recently risen from the sea after a long and passionate tumble.

He didn’t like to think of her experiencing passion without him. He would tell her so when they were alone.

And her eyes—the one visible eye—was the palest blue of the Gulf’s waters. The other… was closed tight against him.

“Are you damaged?” He reached for her face, intent on checking her for injury. Vados had held her tightly as she struggled, and Tave was unsure how long his mate was in that restrictive company.

Rina jerked her head away, but didn’t open the eye. “I’m fine. It’s soap. Who are you?”

” The other female was obviously in distress.

” His mate turned in place and quickly gained her feet. “I get a free pass on rudeness for a while. And…” She pointed at her closed eye.

He still wondered if it was just as beautiful as the one he could see. Then he wondered what she would look like nude. He couldn’t help it. It was the curse of a male—mated or not.

“…I have soap in my good eye. So it’s not like I can see a whole lot and know who I’m bitching at.”

Soap. He had heard of soap. Humans utilized it when cleansing. It had taken their scientists little time to come up with an environmentally friendly version, but he did know getting the material in cuts or eyes was painful.

His female—mate—was in pain.

damaged!” Tave wouldn’t listen to further arguments. Shouts could be released in medical just as easily as they were released in his chambers.

Without hesitation, he swept her into his arms, allowing her a moment to tug her clothing to cover her delicious skin, and then he was striding through the halls.

“Make way!” he shouted. And all Ujal and humans listened, as they darted into rooms or pressed their backs against the walls when he passed.

Behind him, he heard the small female shout questions.

“Where are you taking my daughter?”

She was his mate’s
. He could forgive a
worry over her offspring.

“I believe my son is taking his mate to medical.” Tave’s
was quick to respond, her voice soft and smooth.

Tave wasn’t sure which word alarmed his female most. Mate or medical.

“Who,” she said, and turned to focus on him with her single eye, “are you?”

“Tave fa V’yl, Crown Prince of Ujal, High Warrior of the Ruling Caste, and your mate.”

He wasn’t sure which of his titles caused her to faint.

Chapter Three


Rina thought Tave resembled a lion rather than a merman, er, Ujal. Because mermen didn’t exist, but a shapeshifting humanoid whose legs transformed into something resembling a merman’s tail wasn’t a merman.

He was an Ujal.


He’s so a merman!
But she was keeping that opinion to herself right along with the drool that kept threatening to escape her mouth. Drooling over her alleged mate wasn’t good form. Besides, based on his position and the way he constantly barked orders, she figured he had enough people—Ujal—bowing and scraping.

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