Taste of Darkness (18 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

Tags: #Darkness#2

BOOK: Taste of Darkness
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On a…massage table it looked like. That was weird. Couldn’t be right. If she was getting a massage, it sucked. She was definitely getting a refund—

A howl ripped from her throat as another surge of pain pulled at her insides.

An unfamiliar female moved next to Drake. Tall, model gorgeous. What the hell? She was saying something, but Victoria couldn’t make out the words. Her ears were ringing and agony sliced at her everywhere, as if her body was being turned inside out.

Oh God, make it stop. Someone please make it stop.

Suddenly the pain stopped for one brief moment. She sucked in a breath and it started up again, the slicing and cutting an agony she’d never imagined.

The woman had her hands on Victoria’s middle, right around her ribs. She could feel the warmth and that was the only part of her that didn’t hurt. Much.

Because even breathing hurt at this point.

The woman looked at Drake and said something. He nodded and gently ran a hand over Victoria’s head. She leaned into his touch, the feel of him immediately soothing despite the pain.

Until another slam of those damn knives raked through her. Releasing another howl, she jumped to all fours and turned on the table, snapping her jaw at the woman.

Surprise clear on her face, the female jumped back as Victoria collapsed on the soft surface. Her stomach cramped, her body bowing wildly as her human side took over with no warning, the shift from animal to human faster and more painful than she’d ever experienced.

“Victoria.” Drake went to touch her but the female stilled him, placing a gentle hand on his forearm.

“Give her a moment to adjust,” the woman murmured.

Adjust? Victoria wanted Drake to hold her close. Right now she needed all the comfort she could get. And she really didn’t like the sight of that woman touching what was hers. She rolled onto her side, not caring that she was naked. “Get your fucking hand off him,” she growled, her wolf in her voice.

To her surprise the woman grinned and faded into the background as Drake reached out and cupped her face. Unexpected tears streamed down her cheeks but she couldn’t seem to stop them.

“Hold me.” She didn’t care that she sounded like she was begging. She felt as if her body had been through a blender and she was so damn confused. The only thing that could make it right was Drake.

Without pause, he scooped her up in his arms, slipping his arm under her legs and one under her back as she curled into him. His scent immediately soothed her. He murmured soothing sounds and she was sure she heard words like
I love you
. Each word soothed the already fading pain as a sensation of lethargy took over, her limbs going almost numb as she curled tighter against him. She couldn’t remember what had happened, but she wanted to tell Drake that she was okay. That everything was going to be okay. But she couldn’t force her vocal cords to work as blessed sleep took over.

* * *

“Drake’s female is going to be okay.” Greer, their clan healer, stepped from the room where they’d taken Victoria.

Conall relaxed. The sounds of agony coming from Drake’s female had made everyone waiting flinch each time she howled. Now that all was silent, it was as if everyone let out a collective breath.

“He wants to be alone with her,” Greer continued.

No surprise there. If Conall had a female he’d want to take care of her and keep the rest of the fucking world out. Unfortunately everyone in the clan wanted to see Drake now. Of course it wasn’t happening, but dragons were damn nosy and in a few hours there would be more visitors than just the half dozen waiting in the foyer.

“Thank you, Greer,” he said. “Lennox, can you get rid of everyone? Tell them we’ll contact everyone when Drake is ready.” Which he knew wouldn’t work completely, but at least it would clear out the guest house for the rest of the day. The sun had already risen, so half of the clan would be headed to the ski lodge for work. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about everyone.

Lennox nodded, his dark gaze flicking over to Rhea where she stood leaning against a wall next to Gabriel. He looked at the female with clear interest. Wearing boots, cargo pants, and a fitted leather jacket over a snug black T-shirt, she looked sexy and fierce. So unlike Fia’s serene, almost fragile beauty. But he liked the difference. Probably more than was wise. He didn’t want anyone else noticing. At least Rhea didn’t pay Lennox any attention.

“Now,” he snapped out, earning a surprised glance from Lennox, who immediately jumped into action.

That humming sensation was back in Conall’s chest as he nodded at Gabriel and Rhea. Damn it, what the hell was that? “I’ll show you to your rooms. If they’re not to your liking we’ll find you something else.”

To his surprise, Rhea snorted and pushed off the wall with Gabriel. “Just give us a warm bed and we’ll be happy.”

Conall paused, something dark inside him clawing at the surface, that humming growing more intense. “You’ll be sharing a bed?” Why did that thought sting?

She blinked. “Hell no. I just meant Gabriel and I are easy to please. Give us warm,
, beds.”

“Could you have said no faster?” Gabriel muttered, his voice teasing.

Rhea’s amber eyes glinted with mischief. “Sorry to hurt your ego, big strong Guardian.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes and looked at Conall. “Who will be keeping guard of Drake and Victoria?”

“I will as soon as I show you to your rooms.”

Satisfied with that, the Guardian nodded and the two followed Conall up the wide, open staircase to the second level. First he showed Gabriel to his room, then Rhea to hers. He’d chosen a room with minimal luxury, teak furniture. A king-sized platform bed was against one wall, the comforter soft plums and grays—and the fact that he was paying attention to the fucking colors and room style told him he needed to get the hell away from this female.

“This is beautiful, thanks.” She was staring out the expansive wall of windows that overlooked the mountains, the snow-capped peaks glinting under the sun rising in the cloudless sky. The light outlined her silhouette, highlighting her trim curves. She was powerful, this female. Powerful and deadly.

He didn’t know why, but on her he found that extraordinarily sexy.

“The blackout drapes are remote controlled.”

Nodding, she turned back to face him. “Great. I’ll probably snag a few hours of sleep then check on Drake. You sure you’re good to guard him? I’m actually not that tired if you want company.”

His first instinct was to say yes, but he ruthlessly shoved it down. If he spent more time with her, he would get to know her. And he did
want that. “No, but thank you for the offer. You and Gabriel are guests.”

She snorted softly again in that way that made him smile. “We might be guests but Drake and Victoria are still our people.”

An invisible vise squeezed around his chest at her words. His brother might have been in Hell but he’d clearly been well cared for since his escape. The knowledge was the only thing that eased the knife in Conall’s chest. It was clear the female didn’t care that Drake was a different species. Maybe it shouldn’t surprise him, but it had been decades since he’d interacted with other shifters or vamps and in his experience other supernaturals only looked out for their own kind. “I appreciate all you’ve done for my brother.”

She shrugged, as if it was no big deal. “Drake’s cool. Plus he saved my Alpha’s daughter.”

Conall nodded, feeling strangely tongue-tied as he stood in the doorway watching the lithe, strong female linger by the window, watching him expectantly. That was when he realized he was staring too hard. He cleared his throat. “You have my and Keelin’s cell numbers. Please text or call if you need anything.” As he shut the door he cursed himself for speaking so formally to her.

He’d sounded like an idiot. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had any interest in the opposite sex. Even his few bed partners after Fia had left him had been more of a chore than anything else. He’d searched out females for relief, but had ended up feeling nothing during, and even less afterward. Okay, maybe not nothing. But he’d felt even more hollow.

Now he found himself wondering what Rhea looked like naked, how she would taste against his tongue as he brought her to orgasm. Would she be quiet or talk dirty? His cock hardened at the thought of her shouting his name as she came against his face and he cursed himself again. She would be leaving soon enough and he wasn’t going to bed a female Drake was friends with.

Not when he had nothing to offer her long-term. And a female like Rhea deserved more than a male like him could give her. He might not have known her long, but she was funny, a little sarcastic, and had jumped right into the fray when they’d been attacked at the cabin. Yes, she was definitely a female who deserved more.

Besides, she didn’t even seem interested. There had been no lingering looks or any indication she might want something physical with him. Which was just as well—even if it did sting his ego.

Chapter Sixteen

The warmth surrounding Victoria was all encompassing and without opening her eyes she knew Drake was holding her. His earthy scent surrounded her, permeating every inch of her. She loved his scent, wanted to bury her face against his chest and soak him in.

She tried to open her eyes but found she couldn’t. Instead of freaking out, she sighed and listened to Drake murmuring sweet things to her. The words all ran together, but the meaning was clear enough.

She wasn’t sure where they were or why she couldn’t open her eyes though, which was frustrating. She wondered if this was how Drake had felt when he’d escaped Hell. He’d been so quiet and reserved the first month, barely saying two words to anyone but her or Vega.

He still didn’t talk much, but in the beginning he’d been even more silent. Yeah, he had that strong and silent thing down to an art. A memory of the first time she’d taken him shopping at the mall sliced through her mind.

He’d been so fascinated by all the stores of their small mall. To him it had been huge, everything a little overwhelming. During that trip was the first time she’d realized she wanted to kiss him.

When they’d passed a jewelry store he’d seen a beautiful necklace and told her that one day he’d buy her something like that. As if she needed jewelry. His words had been so innocent and sweet. She hadn’t understood then, but now she realized how much he must have struggled with not being in control of his life, not being able to purchase things without asking someone for funds, being dependent on others for everything.

Something she’d taken for granted because the pack took care of each other. She hated that he’d been dealing with that.

Why hadn’t she realized until now? Her body finally listened to reason as her eyes snapped open and she looked up. She stared into Drake’s intense silver gaze as he held her against his chest. They were in a big bed, with him sitting up against a tufted headboard—definitely not the bed at the cabin—and he was shirtless. She ran a hand over his hard chest, the skin to skin contact grounding her. Looking down she saw she was in someone else’s pajamas. Pink and white striped cotton. Not her style but she’d go back to that later.

“You’re awake.” Relief punctuated those two words. He clicked on a bedside lamp, the soft light illuminating him and throwing shadows against his face.

“What happened?” She had a vague memory of being at the cabin and—crap, they’d been under attack. “Is Keelin okay? Are
okay?” she asked before he could respond to her first question.

He nodded, staring at her as if he never wanted to stop. “Everyone’s fine, including Gabriel and Rhea, who’d followed us. Dragons from another clan attacked the cabin. While saving Keelin, you were hit with a poison dart. We brought you to my clan’s land in Montana and their healer extracted the poison from you. You’ve been asleep for almost twenty-four hours.” His voice was raspy, as if he’d been awake the whole time.

Her eyes widened as she slowly straightened in his arms, looking around the opulent, huge freaking room. It was as big as her Alpha’s back at their compound. “Have you gotten any rest?” she asked, looking back at him. Reaching up with a shaky hand, she cupped his cheek, her palm scraping against the sexy stubble.

“I haven’t left your side.” He still watched her as if worried she’d disappear.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she whispered, hoping her words eased the fear lurking in his silver gaze.

He was silent for a long moment, as if he was trying to find his voice. “I thought I’d lost you.”

“But you didn’t. Luckily I’m hard to kill too.” Her words mirrored his earlier ones. But deep down she worried that she was an even bigger threat to him. What if they’d been mated and she’d been poisoned? Would he have been weakened? Almost died? She swallowed, fighting that fear.

To her relief he gave her a ghost of a smile. Not much but she’d take it. “I’m…” Her words were cut off by a loud rumble as her stomach growled.

He frowned and leaned over to the nightstand table, grabbing his phone. After making two calls, one for food and one to a female named Greer, he hung up. “Food will be here soon.”

“Thank you. You can let me up.” Because she was suddenly aware that nature was calling and she really wanted to brush her teeth.

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