Tangled Redemption (16 page)

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Authors: Tina Christopher

BOOK: Tangled Redemption
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Jayden lifted his hand to her neck and rubbed. Some of the
tension drained out of her and Miguel was grateful for the other man’s
assistance. “I am not seeing you getting undressed. Do I have to tie you both
up and flog you?”

Sydney straightened her shoulders as if shaking off her
disappointment and unzipped her jacket. His mouth grew dry when her slender
chest with its hard nipples became visible.

She responded to his demand, but his actions had dampened
the mood. He felt helpless. He was not an easy man or someone who could change
the atmosphere for the better with a few words. Miguel turned to Jayden. The
other man understood and nodded. “Love, you’re making it far too easy for him.
We really shouldn’t follow his orders. He won’t fit through any of our doors
with his ego so big.”

A brief smile curved her lips, but she didn’t stop and
unzipped her trousers. “What he does when he has us naked is too good.”

Jayden tapped his lips a few times, pretending to really
think it through and nodded. “You’re right. And if he goes overboard the two of
us can take him.”

She chuckled as she pulled her shirt over her head.

The knots in Miguel’s stomach unknotted. Jayden and he complemented
each other. For a second he imagined a life with the two of them. It was a
beautiful dream, one he wished would come true but knew would never do so. The
pain was too harsh. He shoved it into a deep corner of his soul.

Sydney, naked and breathtakingly beautiful, walked up to
him, cupped his face and kissed him. It was a soft kiss, one that filled his
soul while at the same time driving his need to the brink.

Too many emotions chased through his mind and his body. He
had one last night and he would make the most of it. He grasped her neck and
stroked her chin as he took over the kiss and launched them both straight into
the fire.

She moaned and clenched her hands in his hair. He slowly
pulled back. His thumb never stopped moving and he soaked in the softness of
her skin. With a gentle nudge he pushed her back. “Lie down on the bed.” He
instructed the bed to slightly raise her back and her hips.

Her eyes widened and her breathing grew deeper as she took
her position.

He turned to Jayden, the other man’s face filled with
laughter and a need so burning it nearly devoured him. He was naked as well and
stroked up and down his hard dick, circling his fingers around it just under
its head.

Miguel strode up to him. Jayden stood straighter but didn’t
stop teasing himself. Miguel wrapped his hand around Jayden’s and tightened his
grip. Jayden hissed, but leaned into the touch. Miguel leaned forward and sank
his teeth—sans fangs—into Jayden’s muscular chest.

Jayden bellowed and cupped the back of Miguel’s head,
holding him close.

Miguel shook off Jayden’s hand and released him. “Tonight
you will be my ride and you’re riding Sydney.”

Sydney’s low moan rolled through the room.

Jayden smiled at her, but his face was flushed and sweat
gleamed on the muscular body. “You enjoying the show?”

She laughed. “I’ve said it before, you take this on the road
you’ll have sold-out shows.”

Miguel nudged Jayden to the bed. The other man followed his
demand and climbed onto it. Sydney opened her arms. He settled between her
legs, pushing them wide enough to accommodate his shoulders, and began to feast
on her. Her hands sank into his hair and her pleasure grew vocal.

Miguel studied the two of them, savoring the fire racing
through his body, the need rising higher and higher. He picked up the bottle of
lubricant while stroking his cock with his other hand.

He settled between Jayden’s legs. The other man stilled for
moment and turned his head until their gazes met. Sydney’s juices covered the
lower half of his face. Miguel kissed him. Jayden and Sydney’s combined taste
exploded through his senses.

He released the other man. “Tonight you will be mine.”

Jayden’s hazel eyes blazed with fire. He cupped Miguel’s
cheek and caressed it with his thumb.

Miguel stilled, uncertain where this was going. For some
reason his heart ached.

Jayden leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against his
lips before turning back to Sydney.

Miguel struggled to figure out what the gentle exchange
meant, wanted it to signify more.

Jayden changed position and thrust deep into Sydney. She
groaned. Jayden pulled out and lunged back in.

Miguel enjoyed the scents and sounds around him. His grasp
tightened around his cock. With one final stroke he pulled his control together
again. He moved behind Jayden and gave him a gentle nudge. The other man
growled but fell in line and held still as Miguel prepared him for what was to

Jayden’s groans and growls were music to Miguel’s ears.
Sydney dug her nails into Jayden’s back and whimpered when he didn’t move. “Guys,
why in Jade’s name are we pausing?”

Jayden chuckled, those vibrations making everyone shiver.
“Unless you want me unable to walk you need to give him a moment.”

The flush on her face deepened, but her eyes focused and she
tried to look around Jayden. He accommodated her and lifted an arm. Miguel looked
into her eyes, so similar to the sun-filled ocean he wasn’t sure he would ever
find his way back out. His lifemate was the most beautiful woman in the galaxy,
no doubt about that.

Miguel finished his ministrations and added lube to his
cock. He put the little bottle to one side, knelt behind Jayden and thrust
deep. His plunge pushed Jayden deep into Sydney. They both moaned.

Miguel retreated and thrust deep again. Jayden tried to
move, but Miguel grasped a handful of hair. “I am flying this ship.” He nipped
Jayden’s cheek and earlobe. “I’m using you to make love to Sydney, so just hold
still and enjoy.”

Jayden laughed, a little breathless. “I’ve never been this
kind of tool. Not sure I can just take it.”

Miguel bit down hard on his earlobe. “Learn.”

Jayden hissed and arched his back. And allowed Miguel to be
in charge.

Miguel increased the speed of his thrusts, his cock rock hard,
his balls drawn up so high he wondered if they would fall off any point. Jayden
clasped him so tightly he didn’t want it to be over. But each lunge brought
them closer and closer to the edge.

He studied Sydney over Jayden’s shoulder. Her face was
deeply flushed. Sweat dotted her face and chest and her smart blue eyes grew
more and more unfocused. Jayden captured one of her nipples with his mouth and
sucked. She screamed as she came.

Her pleasure annihilated any barricades he had in his mind.
For a second the link between them was vibrant. He felt the sensations pulsing
through her body, the way Jayden’s cock hardened and lengthened before
exploding deep inside her.

Whatever control he once owned evaporated. He came long and
hard, emptying himself into Jayden. He continued to move, gently, slowly, until
he could no longer do so. He gritted his teeth as he pulled out of Jayden and
slumped beside them, careful not to flatten Sydney.

Jayden barely managed to not just drop on her and fell to
the other side of her. Her pussy still gripped his cock, massaging it with her
pulsing walls, extending the pleasure racing through him.

Miguel’s eyes flew open. He should not feel that. Those were
Jayden’s emotions, his private thoughts. How in Jade’s name did he know the
other man had just thought that? The pleasure had torn through the barrier he
had put between himself and Sydney, but his shields should hold against any
attempted invasion. He slowly turned his head and looked at Jayden.

There it was. The connection between the two of them
shimmered in black and greens, never staying the same, constantly changing.

Now he understood his initial response to Jayden, the way he
had always rubbed him slightly the wrong way. It had been their bond getting
their attention.

It took a moment but then the other man stilled. His hand,
stroking Sydney’s stomach, balled into a fist.

Their eyes met.

What the fuck?

Jayden’s surprise and excitement echoed through Miguel when
the other man spoke to him mind to mind.
That is one way to say it.

How are you doing this?

Miguel only raised a brow and waited for Jayden to process
what had happened.

He jerked into a sitting position and gaped at their link.

Sydney sat up and frowned at both connections. “Would anyone
like to explain to me what is going on?” Her voice was tense and flat. She
pulled the sheet close and used it to cover herself.

Miguel groaned and rolled up. “Give us a minute. We should
clean up before we figure this out.” He wasn’t ready to face either of them
quite yet.

And they knew. In his current state he could not hide his
emotions, the barriers he usually used to protect his core blasted to
smithereens by their shared pleasure. So instead he went to the washroom and
cleaned up.

The other two followed him, Sydney still wearing the sheet.

Miguel rested his hand on the shower wall before him, stuck
his head under the pounding water and tried to forget everything.

How in Jade’s name did he end up like this? He knew of only
one man currently alive who had two lifemates—Nikolai Ranweth. How Miguel ended
up with two totally and utterly escaped him.

He realized the other two were waiting for the shower and
pulled himself together. As soon as he stepped out of the shower Sydney slipped
by him and pulled the door closed after her, leaving Jayden to stand there with
his brows raised.

What did we do?
He looked at Miguel.

She can feel our connection, but I don’t know what kind
of conclusions she has drawn. She has slammed the door in my face.

Jayden nodded and waited patiently, giving Sydney her space.

Miguel strode back into the bedroom and instructed the bed
to change the sheets. Everything was clean within seconds. He pulled on a pair
of trousers. With a quiet sigh he sank onto the bed and leaned against the
This could have tactical advantages.

You want to accept our lifemate bond because it will give
us a tactical advantage?
Jayden’s disbelief colored every word.

Miguel pressed his lips together.
No, I want to accept my
lifemates because I love them and know I will spend the rest of my life with
them. That is not going to happen. Not unless we take down Nasir. After what
we’ve seen today you know how slim our chances are. You know that we stand a
better chance if we work together.

You’ve suddenly turned into a total chatty Cathy. Give me
a moment to process that I have found my other half and he wants me to say yes
so we can take down the Big Bad, not because he is madly in love with me. Talk
about boyhood dreams being trampled.
Jayden stepped inside the shower.

Miguel rubbed his chest, his heart aching at the hint of
longing in Jayden’s voice.
That is not what I meant.
He sighed and
opened the door between Jayden and himself.
I have been a little preoccupied
with taking down Nasir and saving everyone’s life.

Jayden chuckled. His laughter stroked against Miguel’s skin
like a caress.

Jayden walked through his memories of the last few months
and days. He respected Miguel and trod with care, staying on the main path and
not digging through memories he hadn’t been invited to. Something Miguel held
tight deep inside him relaxed.

I agree.

Jayden’s voice inside his mind seemed to spread into every
part of his being. Their bond snapped to life, blazing with the colors of the
night. Miguel smiled.
To what?

To you getting down on your knee and asking me to accept
our lifemate bound. Once we have killed Nasir and taken down the trafficking
ring, of course. A nice dinner and some music wouldn’t be out of place.

Miguel laughed, the sound rusty and unused.
I will think
about that.

“What’s so funny?”

Miguel turned to Sydney as she walked into the room.
“Nothing. Jayden made a joke.”

“From under the shower?” She wore a bathrobe and had crossed
her arms over her chest.

He tuned into her, realizing she was hurt and angry. He
wasn’t sure why. But he had a very good idea that he did not want to face her
You may want to move your fine behind and help me out here. Sydney is

No, Mik, she is fuming.

Miguel cherished the nickname.

We better find out.
Jayden stepped into the room. The
link between them flared to life. Same as him Jayden had pulled on a pair of
trousers but not buttoned them and his chest was uncovered. For a moment Miguel
couldn’t help but savor their link and his beauty.

“So, how many lifemates does a Vampire collect in his or her

Sydney’s question refocused his mind. Miguel rose to his
feet, for some reason wishing he had added a shirt. “One lifemate, the other
half to his or her soul.”

“Well, then, you must be a very lucky bugger. Two lifemates
in one week? Bravo. Now you can pick and choose, and going by the lightshow the
two of you are putting on, you have made yours.”

Despite the barricaded door in her mind he felt her pain. He
strode over to her and pulled her in his arms. She was stiff and didn’t return
the embrace, but he didn’t let go.
he knocked on the door
between their two minds, the one he had forcefully kept shut.
Speak mind to
mind. It lowers any security risks.

Her hesitation and reluctance were palpable. After a moment
she did as he had asked.

If we both allow the link to snap into place and one of
us dies, the other will do so as well.

She grew even more tense in his arms at his reminder.

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