Taming the Lion (3 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Coldwell

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Taming the Lion
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A vast parking area for cyclists had been created in front of the station. He found a free space on one of the racks on the lower level and wheeled his bicycle into it. Though he wrapped the lock around the front wheel, he didn’t fasten it. It went against all his instincts to encourage some opportunist to come along and steal from him, but he didn’t need the bike any longer.
Let someone else make use of it.

On the ride from his apartment, Kaspar had been considering the best way to reach England. He could travel by air, rail or sea, but buying a last-minute plane ticket was out of the question since he needed to conserve his money for as long as possible. Going by train would mean traveling all the way to Brussels and picking up the cross-channel Eurostar service from there the following morning. The quicker—and most likely cheaper—option was the ferry. Boats to the English coast sailed from Hoek van Holland. Looking up at the board in the main entrance hall, he noticed a departure to that very destination in just over ten minutes.

He strode over to the nearest ticket machine, full of renewed determination.


* * * *


The ferry terminal was a long, low, glass-walled building, busy with people arriving to catch the last sailing of the evening. Kaspar took a deep breath and walked inside. If there were no spaces left on tonight’s boat to Harwich, he’d have to make a bed for himself on the uncomfortable-looking seats in the departure lounge. He hadn’t realized the advertised ‘regular service’ meant one boat in the morning and one in the evening.

“Can I help you, sir?” The woman at the desk spoke to him in English.

He replied in the same language. “Yes, I need a ticket for the boat that leaves at half-past ten.”

“For one person? Let me check. I’m not sure whether we have any more cabin spaces available.” She stabbed at her computer keyboard before shaking her head. “I’m sorry. The last one’s just been taken.”

“Oh, I don’t need a cabin.”

“Unfortunately, sir, it’s a requirement on board all our overnight sailings. I can’t allow you on as a foot passenger. I’m sure you understand.”

He suspected the ruling had been brought in to prevent rowdy stag parties roaming the ship overnight, disrupting the sleep of the other travelers, but it didn’t help him. Kaspar turned away from the desk, preparing to spend the night in the terminal, but the sound of a friendly voice halted him.

“Hey, is everything okay, friend?”

The man who addressed him had been completing his own transaction as Kaspar had arrived at the desk. He was somewhere in his thirties, with a sharp-featured face and a scruffy, half-grown beard. When he smiled at Kaspar, crow’s feet appeared at the corners of his eyes. Kaspar gained the impression the stranger smiled a lot.

“I’m fine. It’s just… I was hoping to get on the ferry, but all the cabins are full.”

“That’s no problem. I have space. You share with me.” The man had an accent Kaspar couldn’t quite place, but if pressed, he would have guessed somewhere in Eastern Europe—Russia, maybe, or one of the Baltic States. He turned his attention to the clerk, pulling a wad of banknotes out of his pocket as he did. “Give this man a ticket.”

Kaspar looked on, amazed, as the man proceeded to count out the amount needed for the fare.

“It’s okay,” he said quickly, wondering if he’d managed to give his new friend the impression he was broke, “I can pay for this. You don’t have to…”

The man waved his protests away. “This is on me. I got lucky in card game and need someone to help me celebrate my good fortune. I am Blazej, by the way.” He took Kaspar’s hand in his, pumping it up and down vigorously.


“Nice to meet you, Kaspar. Now come. We don’t have long before check-in closes.”

Kaspar followed Blazej through to the checking-in area, where they underwent the kind of security screening he’d expect at an airport. They walked into a lounge where the rest of the passengers waited, just in time to hear the announcement that boarding had started.

Even though they were at the back of the queue, it didn’t take them long to get on the boat. They took a lift up to the top deck where the cabins were located. The other passenger facilities were on the floor immediately below. Checking the literature he’d been given with his ticket, Kaspar was startled to see the ferry had a small cinema, as well as a couple of restaurants and a number of lounges and bars.

“Do you travel this way often?” he asked, as they walked down a long corridor to find their accommodation.

“A few times a year, maybe. Is so much more civilized than flying.” Blazej had paused before one of the many identical-looking wooden doors. He opened it and stepped inside.

The cabin was small, with bunk beds attached to one wall and an en-suite bathroom.

“You want top or bottom?” Blazej gestured to the bunks.

Kaspar shrugged. “I don’t mind.”

“Okay, I go on top.” He tossed the battered black suitcase he’d clutched protectively as they’d gone through check-in onto the upper bunk. Kaspar tried to imagine what it contained that Blazej could be so keen to keep hold of. He wouldn’t be surprised to discover it was anything from a million euros in cash to a sniper’s rifle.

Kaspar set his own rucksack down on the floor of the cabin then stretched, easing out a crick in his neck.

“And now we go for nightcap,” Blazej announced. “Again, my treat.”

As they wandered back along the corridor, Kaspar felt the ferry give a slight but unmistakable lurch and realized they were on their way. It was hard to tell they were actually moving as the boat was so big, but when he looked out of the window, he saw the lights of the terminal building receding.

He and Blazej found the main bar, toward the stern of the vessel. While Kaspar made himself comfortable at a table that had a view out over the rear sundeck, Blazej went to order drinks.

A couple in their fifties sat nearby, the man sipping from a bottle of beer, the woman nursing a glass of white wine. Something about their demeanor, their security in the other’s company, reminded him irresistibly of his parents and the way they behaved together. Guilt shot through him and he reached for his phone.

The text was brief and to the point.


I’m sorry, but I had to leave. Don’t try to look for me. Just know that I am safe and that I love you very much. I’ll be in touch. K.


He hoped they would understand. His father had witnessed his reaction to the news that Arjan would become pride leader and must have known Kaspar had had his dream snatched away from him. Maybe running away was an overreaction but it had felt like the right thing to do, and still did.

Blazej returned as Kaspar shoved his phone back in his pocket. He carried a bottle of red wine and two glasses. His smile was wide.

“You like red wine, Kaspar? Of course you do.” He sloshed a generous amount of wine into each glass before raising his own in a toast. “To new friends and new adventures.”

Kaspar echoed the words, infected by Blazej’s enthusiasm.

“So, tell me about yourself,” Blazej said. “Where do you come from?”

“Amsterdam.” Kaspar took a sip of his wine, wondering where this line of questioning was headed.

“A beautiful city. I have so many good nights there. Me, I am from Gdańsk. Have you ever been there, Kaspar?” When Kaspar shook his head, Blazej continued, “Is okay. No one has.”

So at least he’d ascertained that his traveling companion was Polish. “Are you going to England on business, or is this a holiday?”

“No, is very much business.” A moment’s gloom seemed to descend on Blazej. “I have to collect money from man who owes it to me. Is a long story and one I am sure you do not want to hear. But tonight we have fun. Are you hungry?”

In answer, Kaspar’s stomach rumbled. With everything that had happened at Cornelis’ house, he’d lost all interest in food, but now he realized he was starving.

A menu lay on the tabletop. Blazej consulted it briefly before announcing, “Club sandwiches and portion of fries,” then went to place the order.

“So, Kaspar,” he said on his return. “Tell me why you’re going to England…”


Chapter Four




Some while later, they returned to the cabin, having finished their sandwiches and the wine, which Blazej had chased down with a couple of vodka shots. Relaxed by the alcohol and his new friend’s easy company, Kaspar had told Blazej rather more about himself than he’d intended, admitting he had desires for other men but had never had the courage to act on them.

Maybe his revelation had something to do with the fact he’d caught Blazej looking at him a couple of times with an expression that looked an awful lot like sexual interest. Once, when the Pole had reached over to pick up the bottle and refill their glasses, his fingers had brushed against the back of Kaspar’s hand in what had seemed to Kaspar like a deliberate gesture. But he was probably reading too much into the situation, searching for something positive to cling to after the disappointments of the day.

“Do you want to use the bathroom first?” Kaspar asked once they had shut the cabin door behind them. “Or—?”

“I was thinking that I would like to take shower.” Blazej fixed Kaspar with a direct look. “And also thinking how nice it would be if you joined me there.”

“Are you serious?”

“Kaspar, I don’t joke when I meet someone I like. I am always honest with them. And I would very much like to fuck you. But you need to know something first. Come, sit with me and I tell you.” He sat on the lower bunk, bending his head a little so as not to bang it on the edge of the bed above, then patted the mattress beside him.

Not entirely sure where this was going but willing to go along with Blazej for now, Kaspar did as he’d been bid.

“Now, I have a girlfriend back in Gdańsk—Magdalena,” Blazej continued. “She knows I like guys, and she knows I like to act on those feelings from time to time. So we have this arrangement that when I am away, I can play around if I meet a guy I like…provided when I get home, I tell her everything.”

“Okay,” Kaspar said slowly. This wasn’t what he’d expected, but if it worked for the two of them, who was he to judge?

“So, you and me… This would be a one-time thing only, and I need to know you’re happy with this. Seeing as I would be your first.”

He didn’t quite know how to react when Blazej laid everything out in such stark terms. When he’d imagined losing his virginity to another man, he’d always pictured a classic seduction, in a big, comfortable bed with candles burning and soft music playing. The experiences he’d had with girls had been less than memorable—fumbling, unsatisfying encounters at parties that had left him feeling there had to be something more.

In the back of his mind, he’d always hung on to the belief his mate was out there, waiting for him. But all this time he’d let opportunities to meet guys pass him by, trying to maintain the façade that would convince Cornelis de Wit he was pride leader material. Well, he didn’t need to keep that up anymore. His traveling companion wasn’t offering any kind of long-term commitment, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t give Kaspar what he craved right now—hot, dirty sex. Blazej had been completely upfront with him, and Kaspar had always found honesty an attractive quality. Moreover, he was good-looking in an earthy kind of way and gave Kaspar the impression he would know exactly what to do between the sheets.

“Yes.” Kaspar’s voice cracked. He moistened his lips and tried again. “Yes, I’m happy.”

Blazej smiled. “Good, that is all I needed to hear. Relax, Kaspar, and I will make you feel better than you ever thought possible.”

Quickly, the Pole pulled off his boots and socks before encouraging him to do the same. Then they lay down on the bunk. Blazej pressed a soft kiss to Kaspar’s lips, stroking thick strands of hair away from Kaspar’s forehead.

So this is to be a seduction, after all.
Kaspar relaxed into the kiss, letting his mouth fall open so Blazej could explore it with his tongue.

“You have incredible eyes,” Blazej declared, breaking the kiss. “I have never seen anything like them. In this light, they shine like gold.”

“It’s a family trait,” Kaspar muttered, not wanting to elaborate.

“I need to remember these details. Magdalena will love to hear about your blond hair and your beautiful eyes.”

The reference to Blazej’s girlfriend did nothing to dampen Kaspar’s erection, which strained at the fly of his jeans. He felt a similar bulge in Blazej’s pants. It rubbed against his own cock as they ground together on the bed.

Making out with his clothes on was well within Kaspar’s comfort levels and he relaxed as Blazej stroked the planes of his shoulder blades and back. When Blazej pushed his hands up under the hem of Kaspar’s T-shirt and smoothed them over the skin beneath, Kaspar almost let out a purr. In response, he undid the buttons of Blazej’s shirt and pushed the garment down his arms and off. Kaspar saw the Pole’s nipples, hard little bumps outlined beneath the white sleeveless undershirt he wore.

“Come on. Let’s get you naked.” Blazej smiled as he tugged at Kaspar’s belt.

Kaspar felt like his underwear had shrunk a size and that his dick would burst from his fly. No one had ever spoken to him with such purpose or made it quite so clear how much they wanted to fuck him. He rolled onto his back, allowing Blazej to make short work of removing his jeans. When he looked down the length of his own body, he saw the obvious evidence of his arousal in the form of a damp circle on the front of his shorts.

Blazej put his lips to that spot, giving Kaspar’s shaft a little kiss before beginning to mouth it through the cotton. All Kaspar could do was groan and give in to the delicious sensation of being sucked.

“You like that, don’t you?” Blazej chuckled.

He nodded. Desire had awoken the lion in him. Whenever that happened, he found it increasingly difficult to express himself in words. But his sighs and the way in which he humped his backside against the mattress must have told his lover everything.

Blazej reached for the waistband of Kaspar’s underwear then pulled it down to free his cock. When he resumed his gentle kisses, this time on the soft skin of Kaspar’s hard, exposed length, Kaspar thought he would come unglued. How did this man know just where to lick to have him clawing at the bedcovers?

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