Taming Her Heart (9 page)

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Authors: Marisa Chenery

Tags: #Wolves of East Anglia

BOOK: Taming Her Heart
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Maggie walked out of the en suite and into the bedroom. She took out the change of clothes she’d brought from home and quickly jerked them on. She intended to have a little chat with Dolf. But first, she wanted to see her friend, to get to the truth of how he was handling being turned.

“Where can I find Chris?” she asked Cydney as she pulled open the door.

“He’s in the real guestroom. Two doors down and on the right. You’re going to give Dolf crap, aren’t you? And more importantly, are you mad at me for not saying anything?”

She turned back to Cydney. “I’m not angry at you. I know you thought keeping it from me was for the better. To protect me. At least, you told me, and didn’t let me find out for myself.” Maggie sighed. “And I’m not really mad at Dolf, either. I’m just a little ticked off he’d try to use Chris in that way.”

“Before you go off on him, you should know Dolf could’ve taken Chris’ life the night he came across him, without ever finding out that Chris is nothing like the other werewolves. He held back. Now he and Chris have hit it off, and apparently, sort of become a team, when it comes to hunting Fenris’ get. So don’t be too hard on Dolf.”

Maggie nodded. “I promise.”

She’d first give Dolf a piece of her mind, then she’d thank him for sparing Chris’ life. And if he were really sorry, she’d let him make it up to her in a way they both approved.

Chapter Eight


Maggie opened the door and walked out into the hallway. She then proceeded down it and to the room Cydney had said was Chris’. Not sure if he’d be there or not, she didn’t bother knocking before she went inside. Her gaze landed on the barely covered figure on the bed.

As she crossed the room, Chris came awake, shot up into a sitting position and yanked the sheets up past his waist. “Maggie, don’t you knock? I’m naked under here,” he said groggily.

She leaned over the bed and gave him a hug. She straightened, and said, “Cydney told me about you being a werewolf, and it doesn’t matter.”

“You might not think it does, but I do. If Dolf sees you in here with me like this, he’s liable to beat the shit out of me.”

“No, he won’t, not if he wants to keep on my good side.”

Chris tucked the covers tighter around him and scooted back until he leaned against the headboard. “So Cydney told you about me, huh?”

“Yes, she did. Are you okay with being turned?”

He gave a short chuckle. “It wasn’t as if I had much choice in the matter, now did I? But yeah, I am now. Having Dolf find me was the best thing that could’ve happened to me since I’d encountered that werewolf. Everything had been so confusing.”

“When did you get bitten?”

“Not that long ago. This past full moon was the first time I’d shifted. It was a good thing I was living alone, since I was home at the time and had no control over it.”

“Cyd also said you’re different from the others of your kind.”

Chris went on to explain how he was more like the warriors than Fenris’ get. How he retained the ability of speech and his human thoughts while in werewolf form, and how he didn’t crave flesh and blood like the warriors’ prey. While he spoke, Maggie sat sideways on the bed, facing him.

He nudged her knee. “Since I can’t smell any fear on you, and you’re sitting here calmly talking to me, even though you now know what I am, I guess you’re not afraid of me.” Chris met her gaze. “I know what happened to you, Maggie.”

She smiled. “At least, I won’t have to tell you. I try to avoid thinking about it as much as I can. Until yesterday, I would’ve probably run from you in sheer terror, if I’d known what you were.” Maggie took a deep breath. “Being with Dolf last night really helped. And I can’t leave out Brand’s method of getting me over my fear.”

Chris chuckled. “Cydney told me about that too. Dolf’s a great guy. I’m happy you two managed to work things out. Does this mean we’ll be roommates soon?”

“At some point.”

“I can’t see Dolf letting you stay at your parents’ for long. Plus, the mansion is safer. Tiw protects it.”

“I have a feeling you’re right, and I know it is. It’s just a big step to take. The immortality and all of it.”

Chris squeezed her hand where it rested on the bed. “Dolf loves you, Maggie. I can’t see that ever changing. The guy doesn’t do anything halfhearted. Believe me, I know. Being trained by him, I feel as if I’ve been run over by a huge lorry by the end of each session.”

“Cydney told me the same thing about Dolf loving me.”

“How do you feel about him?”

“I like-like him. Can I see myself falling in love with him? Definitely. It’s just too soon for me. I barely know him.”

“Then I suggest you get out of Chris’ room and spend some time with me, so we can rectify that,” Dolf said behind her.

Maggie stood and turned to look at him. He didn’t seem upset or worried about what she’d said. He just held out his hand to her. Once she put hers in his, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a short kiss. She had to admit it felt good having Dolf hold her. To have his strength surrounding her and to know he’d do anything in his power to keep her safe.

Then she remembered she’d been ticked off with him before. She pulled back a little so she could see his face. “You and I have to have a little chat.”

“Let’s go back to my room.”

She shook her head. “No.” She glanced over at Chris before she said, “Chatting will be the last thing we’ll do in there. Some place less tempting.”

Chris laughed. “Dolf, take her out of here. Maggie, I’ll see you later.”

She didn’t protest when Dolf took her hand and walked her out of Chris’ room. They strode down the hallway, didn’t stop at his bedroom, but continued to the end of it, then took the flight of stairs to the lower level.

He didn’t take her to the living room, which Maggie had thought he would. Instead, Dolf towed her through the house and out to the massive back garden. Just like the front of the mansion, the yard was professionally landscaped. At the very back of the property was a stand of trees.

Dolf didn’t stop their forward progress until they were close to the trees. Standing still on the manicured lawn, he turned to her. “Just so you know, at the tree line, that’s where Tiw’s protection stops. Something to keep in mind if you’re ever out here alone after you move in.”

“We have to talk about that, but first, I want to tell you I’m not exactly thrilled that you didn’t mind using Chris to try to have me get over my fear of you.”

Dolf sighed. “I figured you wouldn’t be. I’ll admit I was desperate. I was ready to try anything. The last couple of months haven’t been easy on me, Maggie. Knowing you were my mate, and I couldn’t come near you, it ate at me. So maybe using Chris wasn’t the smartest plan, but at least you can say I didn’t cause things to get any worse.”

“I’ll give you that. In a way, you did Chris a favor, so I can overlook this. Now as for me moving in with you, I don’t want to rush things.”

Dolf stepped closer and cupped her face in his large hands. A thumb stroked her cheek. “Maggie, you carry Tiw’s mark on your skin. I saw it this morning after I woke up. We’re mated. I want you here with me.”

“It’s all moving so fast. I have my parents to think of as well. They don’t know anything about your world. They’ll think I’m rushing into a relationship with you. When Cydney moved in with Wulfric, both my mum and dad had thought she’d made a mistake. Since she isn’t their daughter, they didn’t say anything to her about it. That won’t be the case with me.”

“Then make something up. Say we’ve been secretly seeing each other.”

Maggie wrapped her hands around Dolf’s wrists and laughed. “I don’t think that’ll work. I haven’t really been out much since Stephen took me. They’ll know I’m lying.”

Dolf kissed her, a gentle meeting of their lips. “We’ll have to make your mum and dad understand. Part of what drove me crazy these last few months was the fact you weren’t here under Tiw’s protection. With Stephen still out there somewhere, I don’t trust the bastard.”

She knew deep down inside Dolf was right. And she had to admit being at the mansion, knowing full well there was no way a werewolf could get past the Anglo-Saxon god’s protection, she hadn’t jumped at the slightest noise, thinking Stephen had found her again. Something she tended to do a lot while at home.

“You’re right,” she finally said.

He kissed her again, this time taking her mouth with more passion, causing her blood to heat and her body to ache for his. Once Dolf pulled away, they were both breathing heavier.

“I know you’re not ready to say it in return, but I love you, Maggie. I promise to make you happy and keep you safe. We can even wait to have Tiw make us true mates.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with that, if I don’t want to become immortal right away?”

He gave her such a blinding smile that had Maggie thinking she couldn’t have asked for a more handsome man to be her mate. “I’m sure. With Tiw’s mark, you’re now protected against a werewolf’s bite. And if you move into the mansion, I’ll be able to sleep better with you safely tucked into bed next to me. You’ll still be mine.”

She rewarded Dolf with another kiss. “Then let’s go talk to my parents. And I think we should bring Chris along with us.”


“He can be very convincing when he puts his mind to it. And it might help my mum and dad to know Chris will be living in the mansion as well, besides just Cydney. My father’s always said he thinks Chris has a good head on his shoulders.”

“Fine, we’ll take him with us. But once I get you back here, you’re all mine.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Dolf released her face, laced her fingers together with his and walked them toward the mansion. “Time to get the sluggard out of bed and get this chat with your parents over with so we can start our new life together today.”

* * *

Twenty minutes later, Dolf ushered both Maggie and Chris outside to his Porsche, and they were soon on the road to Maggie’s parents’ house.

Luckily, Chris hadn’t gone back to sleep and was showered and dressed when Dolf had knocked on his door. He’d also agreed to accompany them.

“I still don’t think you need me to tag along, Mags,” Chris said from the backseat. “Your parents might surprise you and be fine with you moving in with Dolf.”

Maggie turned her head to look around the seat at Chris. “Maybe, but you’re my backup plan.”

Dolf listened to Maggie and Chris talk over what arguments would work the best. Hearing Chris speak, Dolf had to agree with what Maggie had said about the other man being convincing. Chris seemed able to put a spin on things that even had Dolf agreeing, that was, if he were to have any doubts about the whole thing.

They were halfway to Maggie’s parents’ house when Dolf pulled to a stop at a red light. The street they were on mostly had warehouses on it. A few were older buildings that looked as if they’d been closed and boarded up.

From the backseat, Chris suddenly stopped talking and growled low. Dolf met his gaze in the rearview mirror. “What is it, Chris?” he asked.

“I’m getting that sensation when a werewolf is close by, except this one’s different. It’s stronger. I feel drawn to it more.”

Dolf didn’t question what Chris felt. After last night, there was no doubt in his mind that Chris was right. And there was no question the both of them were going to follow it up.

“Which direction is the sensation stronger?” he asked.

“Over there.” Chris pointed to one of the empty warehouses.

Once the light turned green, Dolf drove to the building, then around to the back of it, where he parked. He turned to Maggie. “I want you to stay in the car. Chris and I will deal with the werewolf. You should be safe enough here. Just keep the doors locked.”

Dolf waited until Maggie silently nodded, then got out of the car with Chris. He followed the other man to a door. On closer inspection, he saw the lock had been ripped off. They slipped inside the building, as quietly as possible.

As they traversed a narrow corridor to the main section of the warehouse, Dolf picked up a scent he’d memorized, and hoped to pick up while he hunted every night. The werewolf pack leader, Stephen, was inside the building. Dolf willed his sword onto his back and drew it just as Chris’ steps slowed, then stopped altogether.

Dolf skirted around until he was next to Chris. Stephen stood in the middle of the warehouse, talking to two other big men. They both had the same cruel look about them that the pack leader did. And their scents screamed werewolf.

Using the element of surprise while they still had it, Dolf ran into the large, open space. The two werewolves with Stephen turned in Dolf’s direction before each one took on his werewolf form. Dolf did the same, his sword still in his hand.

“Kill him,” Stephen yelled as he stepped out of the way.

The two thugs launched themselves at Dolf. Even though they couldn’t have been turned that long ago, since he and his fellow warriors had first taken down Stephen’s flunkies at the pack den, they were tough and fought dirty. The thugs took turns coming at Dolf, drawing him to strike out with his sword, only to move out of the way before he could follow through.

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