Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (44 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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“There are many men at The Club who will be happy to explore the possibilities with you. I will have Michael approach Dom Wilton to take you in hand and assist in your quest for a Master”

Naomi frowned. It was not the response she wanted, and Dom Wilton was very strict. She did not bow and thank Graeme. He raised his eyebrow and moved on.

“Now, Brittany, tell me of your intentions.”

“If it pleases you, Sir, like Jenesse, I realize that I should spend the next several months practising the way of a submissive and learning the expectations of several Doms who belong to The Club. I had hoped you would speak to Dom Ridley on my behalf and see if he would agree to train me for a short while. I am intrigued by his work with rope. He is such an incredible Bakushi artist and I would like to experience his expertise.”

Graeme smiled. “Dom Ridley is renowned throughout Europe for his skill with rope. He makes such beautiful patterns, doesn’t he? Ridley is very particular who he works with. I will have a word with him on your behalf, Brittany, and see if he will permit you to train with him. If he declines, I will speak to Dom Brian, who is also talented in Kinabaku.”

Brittany bowed. “Thank you, Dom, for your intervention on my behalf.

“And finally, Linda. Linda, what are your intentions?”

“If it pleases you, Sir, I...I...I...”

“Do I have to use my crop on you again, girl? Speak up.”

“I would wish in my heart to serve one master, but I...I don’t think he would want me.”

Graeme opened the case and held it so the girls could view the collar.

“Strange you would think that, Linda. Does this collar not entice you? Does it not look as though it might have been chosen just for you?”

Linda looked at him, then at the collar.

Graeme smiled at Linda. “Speak, girl!”

“The tigers’ eyes, they match...”

“Yes, they match your lovely nipple clamps, don’t they, Linda?”

“Yes, yes, Sir, they do...”

“And the topaz and amber stones, they accent your dark hazel eyes, Linda.   Have you read the vows, Linda?”

“With respect, Sir, you know I have, last night. They are so beautiful. Olivia wrote such beautiful vows...”

“For you, Linda. She wrote them for you and your Master.”

“She is a true friend, Sir.”

“She is an exceptional friend, Linda. So, tell me now, your intentions.”

Linda lifted her head high. “If it pleases you, Sir, I intend to offer my collar at our graduation ceremony.”

In the office, Michael released a sigh. “Thank you, there is a God.”

Linda carefully bowed to Graeme, and then straightened up. “I think you are an exceptional friend also, Dom, a truly exceptional friend.” Tears were streaming down her face.

“Class dismissed.”

The girls stood up.

Naomi spoke. “If it pleases you, Sir, I think I would like to offer my collar anyway. Some Doms have more than one pet. I’m sure you could easily handle two...” She looked at Graeme with burning eyes.

Graeme looked at her coolly. “I see that you have pale blue eyes, Naomi. I will see what Ragnar has on hand that might suit. But be warned, I am happy with my pet and have no desire for another.” He stalked out the door.

Linda turned to Naomi. She had remembered who Naomi had been talking to at the wedding. “Seen Francine since the wedding, Naomi? Has she told you how wealthy Graeme is? Is that the attraction?”

“No, not at all...”

“Well, I hope you aren’t going to embarrass yourself offering him your collar. He’s truly not available. He has a pet already as he just stressed, a gorgeous woman who suits him to a tee.

Naomi glared at her. “He doesn’t bring her to The Club. Francine said she was sure this kitten is just a passing fancy. She said he would never settle for a kitten for long when he’d had a panther. Well, I’m a jaguar! I’ve decided that’s what he’ll call me, jaguar.”

Linda snorted. “Oh, Naomi. Haven’t you learned anything in this course? The sub doesn’t choose how the Dom addresses her, the Dom does! Calling yourself a jaguar doesn’t mean a Dom would. Your attitude is not very becoming to a sub, Naomi!”

Naomi looked uncertain for just a moment, and then tossed her head.   “Well, Francine is right, how could a man as masterful as Dom Graeme settle for a kitten! And he doesn’t bring her to The Club, so he can’t want the members to see her. He must be ashamed of her.”

“Oh, he does bring her. You’ve just never been here when he does. Far from being ashamed of kitten, Dom Graeme is very proud of her, and entranced with her. He’s constantly telling Dom Michael how she impresses him with her intelligence as well as her beauty and her submissive demeanour.”

Linda decided she’d catch more flies with honey and abruptly changed tack.   “If I were you, Naomi, I’d wait just a little while before I offered my collar. You are so beautiful...I heard that an old member who is a film producer is visiting us here on Saturday night. I think Dom Michael would introduce you to Dom Kenneth, if you asked him to. He’s very handsome and wealthy and powerful.”

Naomi paused. A film producer sounded very interesting...”Perhaps then, I should wait...wait until I meet this film producer and until Dom Graeme is tired of his passing fancy.”

Graeme came back into the room. He’d left Linda’s collar on the table. He’d been standing outside the door, and had heard all of the exchange between Linda and Naomi.

Linda and Graeme exchanged looks. He beckoned her over. She knelt before him, and he indicated she should stand. “Oh, Michael’s little pet, you are an exceptional friend yourself, you know.”

“It’s a beautiful collar, Sir.”

“Isn’t it? Ragnar really excelled, didn’t he?”

“Will he be here Thursday, so that I may compliment him?”

“Michael will be there beside you when you compliment him, Linda. You know by now that Ragnar likes his compliments to be physical, and you being physical with Ragnar would displease Michael greatly. I believe he plans not to share you, except in his classes.”

Linda smiled. “Yes, Sir.”

“I’m glad you know your place, girl. Now let’s get out of this classroom. I want to quickly inspect the work that’s been done so far, and Olivia looks tired. She needs to go home. Why don’t you take her into the lounge and get her a cup of tea?”

“Yes, Master.”

As Graeme and Michael walked toward the extension, Graeme turned to Michael. “I don’t like Naomi being in The Club, Mike. She’s not cut out to be a submissive. She’s very manipulative. I was tempted to expel her from the course for her insubordination.”

“I know. I was planning to introduce her to Kenneth. That’s how in tune Linda is with me, Graeme, I hadn’t mentioned it to her. 

“Kenneth’s off to the US for his new movie and looking for a playmate to take with him. I thought he might take Naomi...”

“Great idea. Ask him how much I need to invest in his next film to make that happen. I don’t want her upsetting Olivia.”

Linda dressed quickly and then she joined Olivi
at a table in the lounge and the barman brought them tea.

“So how did Ireland turn out?”

“Hectic. Graeme came over Thursday afternoon with John Taylor and stayed until we came home today. He was supposed to return Sunday night, but I was very sick Sunday morning so he stayed with me. There was a bit of a mess in their Currency Trading Department, but it’s all under control now. The only thing is, John knows I’m pregnant.

“Does he know Graeme’s the father?”

“Oh, yes, he does. But he’s promised to be silent about it.”

“Why were you sick Sunday?”

“Morning sickness. It isn’t very pleasant, Linda, but it will pass soon, I hope.”

“What will you do when you start to show?”

“Stay home and get the nursery ready, I imagine. Pick out story books to read to the baby. Go to prenatal classes, take up yoga, it’s supposed to make birth easier, isn’t it? Perhaps I can come and do your paperwork for you here at The Club? Overhaul your computers? I enjoyed doing that in Belfast.”

“Will that be enough to keep you busy?”

“I’ll work on the advanced trading courses and take a cooking class, I think. Graeme mentioned something about Cordon Bleu…

“The way Graeme spoke with John Taylor, he expects me to stay home with the baby for the first six or seven months, and then go back to work. I’ll probably find a job at another bank as a trader if I can. I don’t want to be the subject of gossip and snide looks, Linda, and somebody is sure to find out that Graeme and I have a baby. I mean, once Amanda knows, the world will know...and I’ll have to earn my living, won’t I, when he tires of me?”

“He isn’t going to tire of you, Olivia. Just look at the way he gazes at you.”

Olivia looked at her friend sadly. “He wants the baby, Linda. Not me.”

Linda thought she’d better change the subject, cheer the atmosphere up.

“What do you think I should wear on Thursday? I was going to get a new corset, that hardly covers my nipples, red, with a matching thong, and suspender belt, and black stockings. Michael bought me some incredible Casadei shoes last week, red patent leather and a pair of jewelled Gina platforms that cost a thousand pounds! He said he’d like to see me in white, with the Gina platforms...and would you do my eyes? You had that lesson on eye make-up, didn’t you?”

“I did, and I’d be happy to do that.  But perhaps you should wear white with those Gina shoes, if Michael mentioned that specifically? Perhaps he bought them thinking you would wear them for the graduation ceremony. With your colouring, you’d look good in both, but if he specifically mentioned the Gina shoes, I’d wear them.”

“Oh...yes, perhaps I should. I just got a wonderful set of white from
Agent Provocateur
that would be terrific with the Gina platforms. He hasn’t seen it yet...”

“What about your hair?”

“I’m going to the Salon on Thursday afternoon, Olivia. Hair, waxing, nails, the works. I want to be perfect when I present my collar. I should get them to do my makeup as well, in case you’re held up at the Bank. Oh, do you think I’m doing the right thing?”

“Of course you are.”

“Maybe you’re right. If I’m going to offer the collar to Michael, it would show up better with white than the red, wouldn’t it? Red might take away from the beauty of the collar…I’ll go shopping in the morning for some stayups in shimmery white. Too bad you have to work, and can’t come with me.”

Naomi sat down with them, dressed now. “I don’t know you, do I?” she said to Olivia.

“No, I’m Olivia.”

“Naomi. Are you a member here?”

“No, I’m a friend. I’ve been as a guest several times.”

“I joined so I could take this course and meet some rich Doms. This is the richest club in London.”

“Is it? I didn’t know that.”

“Yes, and Dom Graeme is supposed to be one of the richest men in England...he owns a bank, Francine says.”

“Yes, we know,” said Linda shortly.

Naomi turned back to Olivia. “So, you’ve come to see Linda? Good friends, are you?”

Without waiting for an answer, Naomi turned back to Linda. “You didn’t say who you’re going to offer your collar to, did you? Who is it?”

“Doesn’t she remind you of Amanda, Olivia? You’ll find out Thursday, Naomi. Apparently there’ll be about a hundred people here to see us graduate.”

“Do you think that film producer will be here?”

Linda smiled. “I don’t know. I heard he was coming Saturday.”

“Francine is coming over to see me graduate. We got quite friendly at that wedding the other week, and I’ve been to Geneva to see her. Nice club there. Has a ménage with her and Dom Johan. She has a great townhouse her last Dom bought her as a going away present when he moved back to England. He was Dom Graeme, you know. That’s how she knows so much about him.”

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