Tamed by the Bear (Bear Creek Clan 3) (5 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Tamed by the Bear (Bear Creek Clan 3)
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At that moment, he realised how much he loved his brother. Daryl might be younger, but sometimes he had a lot more sense.


Chapter Ten – Antonia

“It was real,” she said, to herself more than anyone else. Her eyes were fixed on the bear standing behind her sister.

“Yes,” Kayleigh said gently. “He won’t hurt you, come on.”

She put her hand under Antonia’s arm, and Sam did the same the other side, so they could help her to her feet.

“I don’t understand,” Antonia said, her voice wavering as she struggled with this new truth. “It can’t be real, it’s not possible.”

“Possible or not, it’s real. It’s something written into their DNA. You kind of just have to accept it.”

Antonia looked at her sister, her eyes wild, as though Kayleigh was saying something horrific. “Just accept it? Is that what you did?”

“Daryl saved my life. A couple of wolves tried to attack me. If he hadn’t changed into a bear, I would be dead.”

Antonia looked back at the bear, who stood patiently watching the exchange. “Can he hear me?”

“I think perhaps, Sam might be the best person to ask about what it’s like to be a bear. Sam?”

Sam tightened his grip on her arm, almost possessively. She turned to him and saw the look of hope that flickered across his face. “Whatever you want to know, Antonia. Just ask.”

His voice was soft and reassuring. To them this was the most natural thing in the world, while to her it was almost alien. Yes, they might just as well have come down in their spaceship from another planet.

“I don’t know where to begin. Why? No, how does this happen?”

“I don’t really know. It’s just the way we are, in the same way as you are just the way you are. It isn’t like a disease or anything. It’s just the way we are born, like Kayleigh said, something in our DNA. A gene that makes us different. Or you different. People have been able to shift into other creatures for thousands of year.”

“Other creatures, so it’s not just bears?”

“No. And not every bear is able to change too. So don’t just approach a bear thinking there is a man inside there somewhere.”

“I won’t. But I can touch Daryl? Would he mind?”

“He won’t mind, will you, Daryl?” Kayleigh said. Although there was something in her voice that said that she might mind her sister touching her man, well, her bear.

Antonia moved forward slowly, and once more buried her fingers into thick bear fur. This time there wasn’t a shock to knock her out, that had only happened with Sam. She questioned why, but part of her knew. When she touched Sam, there had been a moment of recognition as though they had been waiting for each other for the longest time. More and more the pieces fell into place. She began to understand what had happened between Daryl and Kayleigh, but she could not accept it for herself.

She staggered backwards and Sam caught her. She felt so pathetic, but she could not deny the feeling of belonging that covered her when he held her in his arms.

“I think it’s time we went inside,” Sam said. “It’s been a shock for you, Antonia. You ought to have a drink. Some brandy might help.”

“Are you trying to get me drunk now?” she whispered.

“No, I want you to remember everything with a clear head.” He didn’t ask, he just lifted her up and carried her inside. Behind them, she felt the air change and she knew Daryl was turning back into a man. Kayleigh hadn’t followed, so she supposed they were having a moment together, leaving her with Sam.

“I still don't think I can believe it.”

“I can understand that,” he said, laying her down on the sofa. “It’s so totally different to what you are taught to believe. It will take a few days to get your head around it.”

“A few days! I don't think I’ll ever get used to it. Maybe I should go back to the city and pretend none of this ever happened, that none of it is real.”

His body stiffened. “But what about Kayleigh?”

“Or do you mean what about you? Is that true, too? That you are my mate.”

He looked into her eyes, holding her gaze, which told her more than his words ever would.


“And what does that mean? To you.”

“To me, it means you are the woman I’m supposed to spend the rest of my life with. The woman who bears my ... children.”

“I don’t get it. You don’t even know me. And I don’t know you.”

He smiled and her heart beat faster. The attraction between them was intense, building every minute. The words might be coming out of her mouth, but they weren’t the words her heart would speak, given the chance. Her body yearned for him. Yearned for him to touch her and caress her, to make her feel safe.

“I’m not going to rush you, Antonia. I know what a shock this has been.”

“And I’ve been so rude. I haven’t even been introduced to Daryl. He must hate the way I’ve behaved.”

“He’ll forgive you. He’s a good man, and I’m not just saying that because he is my brother.”

Kayleigh came back in and Antonia held her hand out to her sister. “I’m so sorry. I’ve behaved terribly.”

“It’s OK. I know you were worried. And I couldn’t tell you.”

“It’s kind of frowned upon to just tell our secret to anyone. Not unless they are a mate, or we really have to,” Sam said.

“I can see why you would do that, to protect yourselves.” Antonia could only imagine what would happen if news of these people got out. They would be taken away and dissected. Something she would never want for Sam and Daryl. “Are there many of you?”

“Yes. Here and in Bear Bluff, further up the mountain. Then there are wolves over the other side of the mountain. Towns like ours are scattered all over the world.”

Antonia shook her head. “I can’t believe everyone doesn’t know.”

“We’ve been around a long time; we’ve got better at keeping the secret.”

Antonia grew pale again. A fresh wave of shock came over her. Although she was getting used to the idea—or maybe she was going into denial—every time she pictured Sam as a bear, she couldn’t get her head around it. The way he had changed, his words about being bonded to her for life. The fact that they had only just met and he was already talking about children. No wonder she had taken them as some kind of cult. In a way, they were.

“I’ll get you that brandy,” Sam said and left her side.

“Kay, do you forgive me?”

“Of course. It hasn’t gone the way I intended. I never meant to spring this on you before my wedding, but at least you understand now.”

“I don’t think I’d go that far. I don’t actually understand any of this at all. It all sounds so far-fetched. I still keep thinking I’ll wake up and find out it’s all a dream, or that I hit my head or something.”

“I know. Don’t forget I went through exactly the same thing. I know how you feel.”

“So, Daryl,” Antonia said, looking around Kayleigh at the man who was going to marry her sister. “I think I should thank you for saving Kayleigh. I never knew you were such a hero.”

He smiled shyly. “I would do anything for her. Anything at all to keep her safe.”

“That’s good to know, Daryl. Really good to know.” She looked up at her sister and then at Daryl. “I know you don’t need it, but I would really like to give you my blessing for the wedding.” No matter what she thought and what she believed, she knew that Kayleigh wouldn’t find anyone else who would look after and protect her as Daryl had.

“Here, Antonia,” Sam said, giving her a large glass of brandy. “This will make you feel better.”

“Thank you, Sam.” She took the glass, and their fingers touched, giving her that incredible thrill of awareness.

While she sipped her brandy, she tried to figure out if she wanted to learn more about Sam. Did she want to buy into this whole town and bonded-mates thing, or did she simply want to see her sister get married and then walk away?


Chapter Eleven – Sam

He dared not let himself hope that this would turn out alright. Not yet. Antonia had calmed down; she now seemed willing to accept her sister’s upcoming marriage to Daryl. However, accepting him and his dual nature was another thing. Would she be willing to take a chance on him?

He knew how adamant Kayleigh had been to begin with about not wanting to settle down and have children. And he felt that Antonia’s fears ran deeper, like a vein of fear through her soul. Maybe it had been worse for her, because she was the eldest. She had probably taken the responsibility of them both on her shoulders. He knew what that was like.

All he wanted to do now was relieve her of that responsibility. He wanted to make things right for her. Make them easier for her, just like any other man would. The fact that his bear influenced his need to protect her only compounded his strength of feeling.

“I should make dinner. It kind of went to the back of my mind,” Kayleigh said, moving towards the door.

“No. Let me and Daryl cook, you should stay with Antonia.”

“I can’t ask you to cook, Sam,” Kayleigh said.

“You're not asking. I’m offering. You should talk to Antonia. You have a lot to catch up on. We can manage, can’t we, Daryl?”

“Yes, sure,” said Daryl, looking pleased to be off the hook. He didn’t look too comfortable at all around Antonia. If Sam hadn’t known better, he would have thought that Daryl was a little bit scared of her.

“Do you want to peel the potatoes?” Sam asked Daryl.

“I can manage that. It’ll be nice to cook. Kayleigh has felt obliged to take over since she’s moved in. Because I work all day, she likes to provide an evening meal for me. And sandwiches when I come home for lunch.”

“She likes to look after you, Daryl. That’s sweet.”

“She feels it’s her duty since she no longer works.” Daryl pulled out a pan and filled it with water.

“With the wedding to arrange in such a hurry, it was sensible for her not to take Will’s job offer. There’s no way she could have fit it all in. And once you’re married, she can come and work for me until we hear the patter of bear claws.”

“Unless you have a mate of your own to help around the farm.”

“Do you really think that’s going to happen?”

“Not unless you ask her out on a date,” Daryl said. “Listen, Sam, don't be like me and hang around until you nearly lose her. Get out there and ask her to dinner or something.”

“I think she’s had enough shocks for tonight.”

“Sam, ask her.”

“It’s too soon. What if she says no?”

“What if she says yes?”

Maybe that was what was worrying Sam. If he put it off, then he could live in a dream world. At least in that world there was a chance they could live happily ever after. However, if he asked her and she said no, then it would feel like game over. So it was easier not to ask.

He had never been a coward in all his long life. But tonight, he couldn’t find the courage to take the next step in his relationship with Antonia.


Chapter Twelve – Antonia

“Oh, wow, that is the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen,” Antonia said.

Kayleigh’s dress was ivory, complimenting her complexion, which had taken on golden tones, since she had moved to Bear Creek. The A-line, strapless gown flattered her full figure, with beaded lace on the fitted bodice and skirt making it pretty, but not gaudy. However, the back her dress hid its real “wow” factor. It had a split skirt, which was also beaded, with a long chapel train. Finishing the dress beautifully, was a laced up bodice, making the dress slimming and absolutely stunning.

“Do you really think so? It’s not too much?”

“No, it’s perfect. It suits you so well.”

“It does, doesn’t it?”

A woman in her late thirties came bustling into the store. “I am so sorry I’m late. I had car trouble. But I’m here now; I thought we could go back to the farm for lunch afterwards. If that’s OK with you, Kayleigh?”

The woman kissed Kayleigh on the cheek, and then turned to Antonia. “Oh, I’m sorry; I’m butting in as usual. You must be Kayleigh’s sister.” She smiled brightly at Antonia and pulled her into a hug. “You have to excuse me; I am so excited about the wedding. As you must be. To see your sister so happy must bring joy to your heart.”

“Toni, this is Daryl’s mom, Ginny.”

“Nice to meet you,” Antonia said. Wow, did she look young. Antonia couldn’t see how someone so young could be the mother of two full-grown men. Maybe they were adopted, so did that mean this woman wasn’t able to change into a bear? Did she know her kids could?

There was so much she wanted to ask Sam. Last night, she had been unable to sleep; it had all kept going around in her head. The more she thought about the whole thing, the more it intrigued her. She longed to find out everything she could about them.

“So, are you trying dresses on too, Antonia?” Ginny asked.

“I’m not sure...” Antonia said.

“Yes, she is. I want to have the dresses chosen today. And as my maid of honour, I want you to look beautiful too. So let’s see what they have in your size.”

The assistant appeared as if by magic. “I think pink might suit you.”

“I don’t wear pink.”

“Really, because I have a lovely dusky pink dress that would suit you. It’s very flattering.” She disappeared and came back with a beautiful dress with a waterfall back. “Will you at least try it on?”

“Oh, come on, Antonia. If there is one thing Louisa knows, it’s how to pick the right dress for the right girl.”

“I’m not sure. I don't usually like anything so...”

“Feminine,” Kayleigh filled in.

“Oh, but you are so pretty. If you wore your hair up like this.” Louisa scooped Antonia’s long auburn locks up high onto her head. “That would suit your face. And the neckline on this dress would show off your shoulders too. I can picture it now.”

“Louisa is responsible for every wedding in Bear Creek. She has a knack of knowing what suits a bride.”

“I’m not a bride.”

“No, but you are the maid of honour, and every eligible man in Bear Creek will have his eye on you. Unless you’re already spoken for?” Ginny said, fishing for gossip.

Antonia looked at Kayleigh and then at Ginny, who seemed oblivious to what had happened last night. She had no idea Antonia was the supposed mate of her son. And she certainly had no intention of sharing that information here in the bridal shop. Antonia did not want to be the latest topic of conversation, least of all because this was supposed to be Kayleigh’s moment.

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