Talosian Chronicles 2: Star Dancer (17 page)

Read Talosian Chronicles 2: Star Dancer Online

Authors: Ben Winston

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #First Contact, #space battle, #alien, #action, #Talosian, #Adventure

BOOK: Talosian Chronicles 2: Star Dancer
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“Hmm, from the looks of it, you are going to need more than a simple hack to get your clearance. It has active security systems on almost every door and window. As the Commander would say, you cannot take a dump in that building without security knowing what you had for lunch. I will have to ride along. When do you want to do this?” Star asked.

“Well, as soon as possible, but I know you’re very busy, so whenever you think you can spare the time for it,” Alan replied.

“It will have to be tonight. We are getting too close to the arrival of the enemy for it to be any later. If you can be in the vicinity of the building about nineteen hundred hours your time this evening, I’ll call you, and we can do this. You will need a standard GSA ID card and to be armed with either a Beretta or a Glock. You should not need any further credentials,” Star replied.

“Thanks, Major, I’ll be there,” Alan said and closed the connection. He had a few hours to kill before he had to be in position, so he decided to go get something to eat and try to get some sleep. If they were successful, he would need all the time he could get in there.


ouncil Security Listening Post

Vicinity of the Galactic Core

Milky Way Galaxy


t would seem that the humans have attracted the attention of the renegade Caldarians. A Super Nova class ship is making transit to their planet,” one of the beings said.

“Yes, I believe now is the time to report this to the Council. If they agree, then we should also notify the Talosian Ambassador. It is too bad really, the humans that discovered the ship were beginning to make progress on their planet,” the second being replied.

“You are correct, although I would postulate that is also the very reason the Caldarians took notice. Since the presence of the ship is a direct threat to their mining operations, this would be an understandable reaction on their part,” the first being said. “However, if they arrive and destroy the ship, they will also have to take over the planet, which will once again give them a military presence in this galaxy. That is unacceptable.”

“Indeed, the Elders are in agreement. This information will be forwarded to the Council and the Talosian Ambassador. We are also recommending a military response to the situation, provided the forces can be spared for the operation,” the second being replied. “We are to proceed to the system ourselves to observe and report. If the Humans are unaware of the Caldarian approach, we are to find a way to alert them. Otherwise, we are not to make contact.”

“The Children of Light are in agreement,” the first being said as it heard the instructions as well. “Let us refresh ourselves and be off.”


alos, New Mexico

Earth, Sol Sector


he wall around the compound should be finished in a couple of days, Ty,” Elias said, smiling as he sat down.

“That’s good, because
Star Dancer
went to yellow alert few minutes ago. I haven’t heard back as to why, but I would have to assume that it has something to do with the arrival of that ship Ian was worried about,” Ty replied. “Can I get you a cup of coffee?”

“Yes, please,” Elias answered. “Yellow alert, huh? Well, the big bastard couldn’t have arrived yet, because they would have gone to red alert for that wouldn’t they?”

Ty nodded agreement. “Red alert means that combat is either happening or about to happen. Yellow alert is used for alerting the crew to possible action as soon as the situation becomes clearer. Orange alert is used to keep the crew ready for action, but nothing is happening or expected to happen for the immediate future. Quarters is used for emergency upgrades to the status of the ship. Usually from Orange or Yellow to Red.”

“I’ve never really understood all of that,” Elias said. “But then again, I’ve never been in the military.”

“Really? The way you handle your people I’d thought you had. You are a very good commander, but then again, I suppose you would have to be to manage a construction company the size of yours,”

Elias snorted. “I’d think I’d freeze when people started shooting at me. No, you can keep your part of this job, Ty, I don’t envy you at all.”

Ty grinned. “Hey, you’re the one pulling off miracles, all I gotta do is protect everyone! Any word on the new shield generators, or the gun emplacements?”

“Sorry, I thought you got the memo on that. The shield generators are in and already integrated into the main shield system. The downside drones are currently working on the new gun emplacements since they’re underground.” Elias opened his tablet and touched a few icons. “Here it is, it looks like three of the new systems are finished and should be reporting to the main command console in the security center. The remaining five are still in the works, three of which are currently awaiting nightfall to install and test the bay doors. The last two are in the later stages but won’t be finished until tomorrow night. All systems have been tested as far as they can be without actually firing them. Do you need me to speed them up?”

“No, not yet. I reserve the right to change my mind on that depending on what I hear from the ship, but until I have a reason to, I really don’t want to give the people watching us something to see.” Has anyone said anything about the increased patrols?” Ty asked.

“Not directly, no, but I hear a little grumbling that the place is starting to look like an armed camp. At least most folks know that there is something serious going on, and that’s the reason for the increased security. But there are some like that pious asshole Zebulon Gabriel that just have to try to stir up shit. There are only about three or four families that share his religious beliefs, but even they shake their heads at some of the stuff he tries to get the people to believe. Luckily no one actually believes him. But he might eventually hit on something that could be believed, and that’s what I’m worried about. Once he gets a bone like that in his mouth, he’ll run with it.”

“We’ll just have to stay ahead of him with the truth. It’s not like we’re hiding anything from anyone here. As long as we can keep doing that, people like Mr. Gabriel will never get a foothold. The truth will set you free and all of that,” Ty said.

“So, how’s your investigation going? Have you found out what it was that fake agent said yet? Elias asked.

Ty shook his head. “No, I passed the information on for Alan to look into, and he hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I still think it’s weird as hell that no one else has noticed all the weapons firing and stuff that’s been going on out here. I mean, granted, White Sands is pissing distance from our back fence, but still. You would think someone else would have gotten curious at least. Hardware got destroyed, people got hurt, someone should know about it.”

About that time, Ty’s terminal beeped at him. He touched a button, and a message appeared from
Star Dancer


o: CMDR Talos Security Forces; Ty Anders

From: Star Dancer Operations, Maj. Chloe Brighton, Commanding.

MSG Begins:

Star Dancer
has stood down from Yellow to Orange alert status. At approximately ten-forty-three hours, Mountain Standard Time, hyperspace sensors detected a trace believed to be an inbound contact. This was later confirmed through the second hyperspace tracking unit installed at the moon base. The object in hyperspace will arrive here in fifty-six hours or roughly two and a half days.

Commander Williams has ordered a mandatory general staff meeting of all departments for fifteen hundred hours ship time to discuss what remains to be done in preparation for the arrival of the Caldarian Super Nova Class ship. Departments of Talos research facility are requested to attend, to lend advice, and to ask for assistance if needed.

Questions about this meeting should be addressed to Major Chloe Brighton, Star Dancer Operations. –ENDMSG


ell, I guess that helps explain some things. Are you gonna be there?” Ty asked after reading the message to Elias.

“You can bet on it. Wanna meet at Luke’s office or down here in your den?” Elias asked.

“Probably at Luke’s office since he’s supposed to be the boss around here,” Ty replied.

“If you want the boss, then we should be meeting at Laura’s desk! I’ll bring my wife as a second Council Rep. Which means, I better get going so I can find her in time for the meeting!” Elias said as he stood.

“Okay, and Elias?” Ty said, causing the older man to stop and turn around. “Go ahead and get the rest of those weapons installed. Somehow, I don’t think staying hidden will matter much longer.”

Elias stood there a moment, looking at his friend. “I really hope you’re wrong about that Ty.”

Ty nodded. “Me too, but I’m not.”

Chapter 9


any Light years away...



“We are just over a hundred units from our destination, Master. The ground force commanders report that their equipment has been triple checked and is at one hundred percent readiness. They have been studying and drilling the troops on the Terran world, and report they will be ready for any action you might order them to undertake on the planet.

“The attack squadrons have also been readying themselves. They have salvaged what they could from non-critical systems to bring their fighters as close to full strength as they could get. They have also increased training on the layout and any vagaries of the system in which we will be arriving. They report that they too will be ready for anything you might ask of them.

“As reported before, all weapons magazines are at maximum capacity, and all weapons systems have been checked and any failures have been repaired. We are ready for this puny system, Master. We will not fail you,” the small being reported.

“Very good. When we arrive in system, put us in close orbit of the second planet. That will place us close enough for the attack. There is supposed to be something strange occurring in this system; until we know what that is, I do not want to place the ship any closer to the planet, understood?”

The small being bobbed its head. “Yes Master.”

“Very well, I will be in my quarters meditating. Alert me three hours before entry,” the large being ordered, and again turned to walk away without waiting for a reply to its orders.

The small being bowed to the retreating back of its superior. “Yes Master” It said but did not stand back up until the doors closed behind the larger being.


.S.S. Star Dancer

Selene (Earth’s Moon) orbit

Sol Sector


kay everyone, by now, I’m sure you all know why we’re here,” Ian said as he started the meeting. “The hyperspace sensors have detected the approach of an as yet unidentified object that will arrive here, in this system, in fifty one hours, forty-seven minutes.” When he said that, a holographic clock appeared over the monitors mounted on the wall. To those remotely attending the meeting, on their monitors the clock appeared on the bottom of their screens.

“We have to assume that track is not only hostile, but it is the Caldarian Super Nova Janet Laskar has warned us about. We know it’s going to arrive here because it has been decelerating since we detected it, and the current profile would drop it back into normal space just outside this system. So, we know something’s coming, and we have a good idea what it is. The real question I asked all of you here to answer is, are we going to be ready for it? Chloe?” Ian said, handing the discussion over to the Operations chief before retaking his seat.

“Thank you, Commander,” Chloe said as she rose to begin her briefing. “Preparations on the ship are as close to complete as they are going to get with the exception of the weapons department. We are at one hundred percent plus as far as missiles are concerned, but the manufacturing of the warheads for the missiles is being delayed because of their violability, but will begin once the event is closer in order to reduce the chance of an accident due to the over-crowding of the magazines.

“A few new weapons systems have been added by Chief Dommer, but the actual testing of these systems has not yet occurred, and will most likely happen when they are used on the approaching enemy. There are several proposed additions and modification to the ship that have been postponed or cancelled due to the pending arrival. The largest of these modifications is the alteration of the landing bays to support the new fighter design and the replacement of the outer hull with the new armor employed by the new fighter. These two modifications have been postponed indefinitely until the Caldarians can be dealt with. All other additions and modification have been cancelled.

“Selene Lunar Installation. Holographic projectors capable of not only hiding the entire facility, but projecting an image of the crashed ship have been installed and tested. With the addition of some new sensor scrambling technology, the lunar facility was rendered completely undetectable by our sensors in all modes. In addition to this defensive system, thirteen new additional weapons systems have been installed on the lunar surface. Five are close to the lunar base and will be used as defensive weapons. The remaining eight weapons platforms were installed further afield and will be used as remotely controlled offensive systems. These units are fully self-contained and have no connection back to the moon base. They will be controlled by Star Dancer Operations for the duration of this emergency.

“The new AI unit for the moon base will be reactivated soon and should be online before the Caldarian arrives. Computer Sciences will be testing her extensively to make sure she has no personality defects like she did when first activated. If she passes the tests and is able to assume her duties, she will handle the base defenses for the lunar instillation.” When she mentioned his Department, Bill Laskar nodded his head in agreement, but did not interrupt.

Chloe continued. “The Wasp fighter modifications are still having difficulties in being adapted to the new power requirements imposed by the Enigma Armor designed by Dr. Brittany Benson. She assures me that the problem can be fixed given enough time. Whether they can be completed before the Caldarian arrives she couldn’t say.

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