Talon's Heart (21 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Talon's Heart
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"Talon where're you going?"

She held onto my hand like a vice grip; I kissed her forehead reassuringly and closed my eyes praying for strength.

"I'm not going to strangle the bitch if that's what you're worried about, now go play with your dog and I'll be right back."

I guess I shouldn't have told her to go play with her dog like I was sending a kid off to play dolls or some shit because her chest puffed up like she was ready for battle.

"Talon Xavier Adam Avery..."

Shit I got the full name and the bitch brow plus the hand on the hip; she meant business.

"Can you take your little ass inside and find something to do ‘til I get back? Sasha come and get your mother."

The dog came running at his name and while she was distracted trying not to let him escape out the door that I'd purposely widened I made my escape.

"Arghh, jackass."

"Love you too babydoll." I yelled over my shoulder as I headed out. I had to think of what I was gonna do next. I couldn't very well body slam a female even nonna would frown on that shit but I sure did want to. I walked and thought trying to come up with a way to hit back at her, some way that would definitely hurt her. She wasn’t getting away with fucking with my wife, no way no how.



"Cunning that twit there with you?" 

"Nah why what happened?"

"Harden got in Skye's face I want this shit over and done like yesterday, get Robyn to go see her she might be in a venting mood."

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"The fuck if I know, you'll think of something."

I hung up the phone as I made my way across campus. I had no set direction in mind I just knew I needed to calm the fuck down. I guess I've been losing my rep in these parts since I'd spent the last few months concentrating on Skye and getting her sewn up tight. Now that was done looks like I was gonna have to knock some heads together to let these fuckers know.

 Since I couldn't very well punch that slag in her face I had to come up with something else. She was going down for the mold stunt and going down hard but she had to pay for today's little blip, no way she was getting away with embarrassing my wife in front of the whole fucking school.

My phone rang with the strains of the theme song from Rocky.

"Nonna?" Fucking Skye.




 "Hello young man and how is my favorite boy today?"

I rolled my eyes at that I'm pretty sure she tells Rye the same thing.

"Cut the crap old lady my wife snitched didn't she?"

"Now is that anyway to speak to your nonna? Shame on you, as I was saying I have some information that might be of great interest to you."

"Yeah what's that?" My ears perked right the fuck up, nonna wouldn't bullshit me and I knew whatever she had to say would have some sort of an impact on the fuckery that was going on in my life right now.

"It seems that our friends the Starks are involved in some less than savory business dealings."

"Oh yeah, like what?" I was feeling better already shit, looks like I'll get to fuck his shit up in more ways than one.

"Well now that information's gonna cost ya."

Shit I knew it. "Alright you old deviant what's it gonna cost me?"

She laughed her ass off on the other line, gotta love nonna, she's as twisted as I am.

"I want you to turn around and go back the way you came."


"Now Talon; haven't I taught you anything? A good kick in the ass is very satisfying but it's not long lasting. We need to hit the young lady where it hurts so she'll know and her cohorts will know that no one fucks with an Avery and Skylar is, in every sense of the word, ours."

Damn I could cry I love the way the old tyrant thinks, but still. "But nonna can't I just slap the twit once?"

"Boy heed me, Damien's already looking into that other matter concerning her. I don't know why my family insists on insulting me. All my years of hard work for nothing, you've been looking at this thing all wrong boy. Now this Harden person comes from a family of some standing yes, so what we do is we find their weaknesses. You know like where her brother's company is bleeding money since the demise of their parents, and you squeeze until it becomes a hemorrhage. Do you understand?"

"Damn nonna, I was just hoping to maybe get her a couple months in jail or something."

"Pfft, prison is nothing to a rich bitch compared to the lost of her wealth and standing trust me. You put a wealthy self-centered hoyden in jail and she is released to her wealth still in the bank she's thumbing her nose at you in a week's time. You take away that wealth and leave her a pauper, that's her destruction."

"Nonna, you're scary, but I don’t necessarily want the rest of her family to pay for her misdeeds."

“I thought you’d say that and that is why I had my people do some digging and found out that her inheritance is tied up in investments and stocks which are at this very moment being manipulated to suit our purposes. It’s a nice little nest egg, I’m thinking it would make a nice wedding gift for my new granddaughter.”

“You’ve started the ball rolling already?” Damn she wasn’t leaving much for me to do.

“Yes of course, by week’s end the young woman will find herself penniless; besides Damien assures me that there would be too many loopholes for her to slip through if the case was to ever make it to trial. This way you would’ve gotten your pound of flesh and it would be much longer lasting. Now as to the other thing, I sent Damien off to your bride’s hometown to do some digging.”


“Don’t interrupt; now as I was saying. It seems there was some sort of contract between the two men that would be Skylar’s father and this man Stark. But after the fiasco and I’m sure you know what I mean, it became null and void. It will appear that your father in law wasn’t as careless as you presumed.”

Good for him he was still on my shit list until farther notice. “Go on.”

“Well there were certain stipulations involved one of which was that if there was any ill treatment of the intended bride she could bow out of the deal. I will say being caught in bed with her cousin fits that description very well won’t you?”

“Yeah I guess, but nonna, if you’ve taken care of everything what’s there for me to do? I was looking forward to kicking his ass again.”

“Barbaric, you’re too much like your grandfather, all that fire. Oh too be young again.”

“Nonna…gross. So it took you only a couple weeks to figure this all out huh, I repeat nonna you’re scary.

"And don't you forget it boy; I’ve taken the liberty of having papers drawn up to combat anything the Stark camp might have up their sleeves but as it stands there should be no more trouble from that quarter. If they should make waves in the future we have the shady business dealings to hold over their heads. All wrapped up and tied in a bow. Consider it your wedding gift from me. Now go home to your wife and stop stressing the poor girl. I can't wait until you two come home for good she needs lots of training yet."

She hung up the phone on that delightful note. Well shit, what was there for me to do now? With Stark taken care of it was pretty much over. Unless the ass decided he wanted to make another try. I almost wish he would. I had to make one more phone call on my way back.

"Kevin come and get your girl from my place. I'm gonna need some alone time with the wife.”


Chapter 28





Kevin was leaving when I finally made it back to the house, the jackass was grinning at me and shaking his head.

"What's the matter with you jackass?"

"Nothing." I didn't trust that grin one bit. Stephanie was trying her best not to laugh at me for some reason, Kevin was acting like the village idiot and Skylar was standing in the doorway holding the mutt back with her foot.

"What did you do you freak?" I glowered at him but the bastard just kept grinning.

"What makes you think I did anything?" He couldn't even keep a straight face and I couldn't figure out what the hell he could've done in the few minutes between me calling him and now.

I studied him as I approached; I've known him since we were kids so there isn't much he could hide from me. I know most of his tells. Like he gets a tic in his left jaw when he's lying, or the way he fidgets his hands in and out of his pockets according to the level of his nervousness. He wasn't doing either of those things now so I was kind of at a lost.

"Talon leave Kevin alone and get in the house."

Shit she was married less than a month and already giving me orders.

"I'm coming snitch girl." Why that should make the three of them laugh even harder I don't know.

"Somebody wanna tell me what's so funny?"

"Where were you headed boyo and what were you planning on doing once you got there?"

I squinted at him, boyo, that's nonna's word.

"You snitched?"

"Nah, I just told your wife how to reel you in." The fuck?

"Stephanie did I ever tell you about the time we were sixteen and Kevin..." I know how to fix his meddling ass.

"On that note we'll be leaving, see ya Skye, good luck." He grabbed his girl and walked away.

"You can't hide forever snitch, Steph remind me one of these days to sit you down and tell you all about his misguided youth."

"I can't wait." She was another one.

"She already knows."

"Oh yeah, so why're you in such a rush to get gone all of a sudden?"

"Later Avery, try to stay out of trouble for the rest of the day will you?"




I turned to the door where she was watching me a little warily but still with attitude. That's my girl.

Walking up the steps to the door I held her eyes with mine until she was in front of me. I picked her up and closed the door with my foot as her crazy dog started yapping away.

"Shut it mutt before I turn you into stew."



"Don't say that to Sasha you'll give him a complex."

I just rolled my eyes and continued on my way to the bedroom with her in my arms.

"How're you feeling baby?"

I couldn't forget that just a few short hours ago she'd been accosted, by someone she'd seen as a rival for my affections when we first met. Now I'm not sure how females handled that shit but I know if I'd had Stark in my face I'd be pissed for a week at least.

"I'm fine Talon, she doesn't bother me I wish you'd stop acting crazy and going after every and anyone you think has done me wrong. Your hot head is going to get us in trouble one of these days."

"Whatever." I dropped her on the bed playfully as I turned to get rid of the dog, damn thing was a pain in my ass already and he wasn't even a year old yet, worst than a damn kid. Fuck, kids, the little fuckers would probably be worst than the damn mutt, and since they'd be carrying my DNA that was pretty much a given.

"Let's go mutt, daddy wants to violate mommy and that's not fit for canine consumption."

Skye howled with laughter while the stupid dog growled at me; I pointed my finger at him and spoke in my sternest voice.

"Cut that shit out or you're going to the pound." I guess he understood every word because he piped his ass down gave me a look chocked full of attitude and sashayed his ass out the door. He knew the deal.

I had it closed and locked before he made it down the hallway.

"Now you." I started stripping as I walked towards her on the bed; she bit her lip and reached for the snap of her jeans. My heart did one of those flip things in my chest when she threw her jeans at me with a laugh. Clad in just her panties and a tank she looked so young, so innocent, it almost made me weep. I won't let anyone hurt her, ever, not my precious girl.

"Hey baby." I laid over her, my hands brushing the fine wisps of hair back from her face.

"Hi." That smile, I owned that smile, unbelievable.

"I love you Skylar Avery."

Her smile grew wide and she wrapped her legs and arms around me.

"Show me."


Chapter 29




I wanted slow and sweet but she seemed to have other ideas, go figure. I licked across her lips once before taking little nibbling bites of them. My intent was to go slow no matter how much I wanted to just plow ahead. It seems that was always going to be the way whenever I touched her. Skye on the other hand bit into my lip while rubbing her panty clad crotch against my leaking dick.

"Dammit babe, I'm trying to be a gentleman here."

"Pfffft, I said show me, now man up Avery and get the job done." She grinned happily up at me while questioning my prowess.

"What you think I can't bring it?"

She shrugged her shoulders at me until I tickled her, which had her squealing in laughter, which in turn had the mutt setting up a yapping frenzy outside the door.

"Pipe down out there before I chain your ass outside." I yelled over my shoulder at him.

I got a pinch in my side for threatening her damn dog.

Looking down at her flushed face, my arms outstretched next to her head, cock pressing into her heat I studied her face and her eyes for any sign that the confrontation had lasting effects. Good, the bitch hadn't done any damage so maybe I didn't need to go easy after all.

"You asked for it baby girl I hope you can handle it."

I didn't give her any time to mouth off at me again but instead I simply lowered my head and took one of her protruding nipples into my mouth, tank top and all. She ground her pussy into me harder until I bit down. Her hands came up and buried themselves in my hair holding me close to the tit. I got tired of the taste of cotton, of having an obstacle between me and what was mine so getting to my knees I grabbed the neck of her tank in both hands and pulled. I think she fucking came right then and there.

I was back on the tit, cock in hand stroking as she made her fuck me noises; uh uh, she wanted me to get the job done I'm gonna do this shit right.

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