Tales of the Djinn: The Guardian (28 page)

Read Tales of the Djinn: The Guardian Online

Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #paranormal romance, #magic, #erotic romance, #djinn, #contemporary romance, #manhattan, #genie, #brownstone

BOOK: Tales of the Djinn: The Guardian
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She was wet, but his thumb rubbed her wetter
by manipulating her little rod. She squirmed around the flesh
inside her, wondering at her unexpected sense of power—as if she
were the one on top. His pulse throbbed inside her, his wide chest
heaving over hers. Enjoyment weighted her eyes. She couldn’t resist
pricking his ribs where her nails held them.

“Give me the rest of you,” she said. “You
know I’ve been waiting.”

Thankfully, he didn’t need more
encouragement. He screwed his eyes shut and shoved. Two thrusts
surged lubriciously in and out, easing and pleasing her. On the
third, he grunted and found her end. One hand closed possessively
around her bottom, the fingers of the other fanning her shoulder.
His lashes rose, his pleasure-blurred expression sharpening when he
found her gazing back at him.

Neither of them looked away. His eyes were
saying something she thought she ought to be able to decode.
Whatever the message was, he felt it intensely. Instinctively, she
gentled her grip on his ribcage. She expected him to speak.
Instead, he lightly kissed her right cheek and then her left.

Then he smiled and began pistoning into

She had a hard time remembering they were in
a tent, and she shouldn’t cry out too loudly. His long hard strokes
felt so good, so totally, one hundred percent what she was craving.
She guessed he agreed with her.

“Yes,” he praised as she shoved back at

This was going to end fast. Pre-orgasmic
sensations were already gathering in her sex. “I hope . . . you’re
not . . . trying . . . to draw this out,” she gasped.

“No,” he panted. “I’m going to lose my mind
if I don’t come soon.”

He shifted angles and went deeper. She
couldn’t help it; the inner friction was heaven. She hooked her
heels behind his hard butt and pulled.

“Don’t,” he said, immediately dragging them
off again. With an efficiency that startled her, he rearranged
their legs. Now his calves pinned her ankles, pinning them under
him as he thrust.

She gasped, remembering when he bound them
with the tie to her robe. The feeling was the same—that somehow
being kept in this position improved every sensation. He was
forcing her to take his cock in precisely the right spots, making
it impossible for her to do anything but go out of her mind with

Her pussy tightened hungrily around him.

He let out a low noise, seeming to like that
a lot. “Is this okay?” he asked anyway. “Tell me if my weight
presses you down too much.”

“Just don’t stop,” she said, grinding her
teeth as he went faster.

Her ragged plea snapped some restraint in

His hips thumped hers more determinedly, each
thrust scooching them slightly higher on the bedroll. Loving how
his strength stimulated her, how it made her feel wonderfully
overwhelmed, she clung to his bunched shoulders.

“Oh, yeah,” he said, sounding so male his
voice alone was a thrill. His pumping cock seemed to swell,
stretching her inside even more. “God . . . Elyse . . . you feel .
. . so

He sucked air between the words, slamming
into her with each utterance. The deep jolts knocked her nerves to
the brink of orgasm. When he said “good,” she went over. The
delicious narrowing down of her ecstasy clamped her sheath snug on

He felt that, no mistake. He flung his head
back with strain and bliss, his Adam’s apple standing out. “In the
name of God, turn my seed to smoke.”

The prayer meant little to her. His big body
had her attention as he drove in and burst, groaning rough and low
with relief. Something about his ejaculation was unexpected. She
registered heat and throbbing but no wetness—or not apart from her
own and the sweat running down his abs.

She took a minute—a pleasant one—to realize
what was off. Her climax had dwindled to warm honey, and he pulled
his cock free of her. He sank face down beside her, one arm slung
over her at the waist. Her body hummed with satisfaction, not
simply in her pussy but all over. She didn’t notice the wisps of
smoke rising through the sheet in one particular area until she
curled her toes and stretched.

Shocked, she slapped her hand over her
pudendum. It didn’t hurt. In truth, it felt really good. Even so,
she had to ask.

“Arcadius,” she gasped. “Did you just set my
pussy on

He chuckled against her shoulder. “Genie
prophylactic. I wasn’t certain the birth control you mentioned
earlier was in place. Smoke doesn’t make babies.”

She goggled for more than one reason. What
sort of incredibly responsible, self-controlled male remembered to
consider this?

“It won’t hurt you,” he mumbled. “Perfectly
hygienic, I promise.”

He kissed the breast that was nearest him,
covering the other with his palm. Elyse twisted on her side to face
him. His head was lower than hers but she saw the edge of his
smile. Her fingertips followed a slightly sweaty path to his
breastbone, where his heart was thudding slower but steadily. Their
knees bumped before he edged one hairy leg between her smooth

She liked having those big muscles to tighten
her thighs around.

“Arcadius,” she said, trailing her touch low
enough to circle his navel. “What would you say if I told you I
wasn’t done with you?”

His smile deepened. “I’d say I’d be honored
to pleasure you again.”

“Actually,” she said, “I have a hankering to
ride you.”

That brought his head up. The look in his
eyes was uneasy. “Uh, I don’t think—”

She cut him off by clasping his fading
erection. She used all her hand—fingers, palm, muscles—to caress it
as persuasively as she was able. He squirmed, his flesh immediately
stiffening. He put one hand over hers. Maybe he meant to stop her.
Stroking him again seemed to change his mind. He let his hold ride
along with hers instead.

“Um,” he said, pleasure blurring his eyes as
her grasp pulled slowly, luxuriantly up him.

“‘Um?’” she repeated, teasing him.

“I don’t think . . . that is . . .”

Sensing she had the upper hand, she nudged
him onto his back and straddled him.

think,” she contradicted. “I
have no doubt you’ll rise to the occasion of having me in your

He blinked. Possibly the metaphor confused
him. Her fondling was easier to follow. She had his cock against
her belly and was pulling hand over hand up the anterior of his
shaft. He hardly needed the help. He was very firm, very ready to
gallop toward the finish line. His tip stretched an admirable
distance up her belly.

He squirmed, the same small wriggle he’d
failed to restrain before. He looked at himself in her hands before
gaping at her face. He seemed at a loss to give her a clear thumbs

“Should I use the leash on you?” she asked.
“Would that make it easier for me to be on top? I, um, gather the
men of your plane prefer to be in charge.”

“I don’t . . . have a problem with you being
on top.”

She smiled at his breathless answer. One
large part of him had no problem with it at all. Her teeth caught
her lower lip. His body made such a picture under her: so male, so
strong, so completely unable to remain motionless.

“Maybe I’d just
to use the leash
on you,” she confessed.

He flushed, his hands settling on her hips.
The restless kneading of his fingers caused arousal to well from
her. “This position is . . . I can see everything.”

“I thought you enjoyed that.”

“I do. Believe me.” As if he couldn’t help
it, his gaze fell to and locked on her breasts. The modest swells
shook with her renewed heartbeats, her nipples reddened and drawn
tight. He wagged his head then slid his hands up to cover them.
“Anything you want, I promise I’m game to try.”

That was quite the offer.

“I tossed the leash out here,” she informed
him. “It’s lying in a coil above the bedroll.”

“The slave rope, you mean.”


His powerful chest went up and down. “Where
would you put it?”

She thought. “I’d bind your left arm to the
tent pole. I like the way the rope looks circling your wrist.”

Her cheeks went hot as she realized what
she’d said. This was how he held the tether when she was tied.
Arcadius’s grin turned devilish.

“Do you now?” he asked. “That’s where you’d
better put it then.”


Maybe Arcadius should have found a way to
dissuade her. When he settled on this plan, he hadn’t intended to
make a show of her—of their lovemaking, yes, but not her. Then
again, what did he truly risk if she discovered he’d done this
without her okay? She’d be furious, and probably mortified, but she
couldn’t fall out of love; she wasn’t in it in the first place. He
couldn’t deny she made an excellent distraction. Certainly, he
couldn’t tear her eyes from her.

Actually, he wasn’t sure how clearly he was

He didn’t resist as she wound the soft rope
around his left wrist. Her breasts jiggled temptingly as she moved,
her budded nipples mesmerizing him.

“That’s not too tight, is it?” she asked.

Had she tied his wrist already? He glanced
over and saw she had. His brain went a little weird. He was the
sultan’s commander. Up until the end, he’d never lost an important
battle. Most definitely he’d never been trussed like a captive.

“That’s fine,” he said in an odd strangled
tone. His penis thought it was fabulous. It was as rigid as it had
been in the seconds before he came.

Seeming unaware anything was wrong, Elyse
patted his thudding chest. She hopped off him, nimble and naked, to
attach the rope’s other end to the tent’s center pole. “You won’t
tug too hard, will you?” she asked as she crouched. “I wouldn’t
want the roof to come down on us.”

Arcadius hoped Zayd’s seeing crystal was too
high to get a clear eyeful. Elyse was such a pretty woman, her body
so neat and well formed. Zayd’s men didn’t deserve to see her, much
less to pass judgment on how she “stacked up” to females they


“No,” he said. “I won’t bring down the

She hesitated, finally noting something off
in his expression. “Maybe these aren’t the right circumstances for
trying this.”

He rolled onto his side to see her. He was
glad he’d told the sheikh she made him heartsick. He didn’t have to
hold back his words. “All the moments I share with you are gifts.
Everything we do excites me, even acts I haven’t tried before.”

Elyse looked shyly pleased but also amused.
“You say the nicest things,” she laughed.

“Come back here,” he growled. “I wish to
demonstrate how earnestly I mean what I say.”

He clenched the muscles of his ass, causing
his erection to bounce higher. He intended the display to be
slightly comical. Elyse pressed one palm over her snicker.
Suspecting he almost had her, he did the trick again.

“All right,” she surrendered. “I can’t resist
that offer.”

She crawled back to him on her hands and
knees, the litheness of her body making her look like an animal
prowling. That caused his prick to bob without assistance.

She laughed as she noticed the telltale
throb. “You really do like me on my knees.”

“I’d really like you on my cock. Please ‘save
a horse,’ as the human saying goes.”

She swung one leg over him. She was on her
knees in a different way, his pocket Amazon, poised for conquering.
Her pussy was above but not on his dick. She drew all her fingers
playfully up his shaft. He’d noticed his sexual nerves were sharper
than in his old body. Her light touch teased him so effectively he
truly felt desperate.

“I want you,” he reminded her.

“You just had me.”

“I guess I wasn’t done with you yet.”

She smiled and bent to kiss him. His right
cheek received the press of her lips, then his left, and finally
the tip of his nose. The sweet little gesture, which echoed what
he’d done to her, touched him to a ridiculous degree. He fought not
to let the emotion burning behind his eyes rise high enough to
show. Luckily, she was ready to move their game along. Her fingers
stroked his erection more purposefully.

“You ready for me, cowboy?”

He cracked a grin, the idea of being one
humorous. “I am,” he promised her.

Despite his amusement, nothing readied him
for the bliss of her sinking down on him. She was hot and soft and
as slick as if she’d been oiled. Waves of pleasure had his body
writhing in slow motion, had him pushing his pelvis eagerly to her.
He gripped her hip with his untied hand, urging her down on him.
Wanting to use both hands, he forced himself not to tug too hard
with the other. The pole that braced the tent peak was sturdy, but
djinn were strong. He really might pull the roof down on them.

His Amazon sighed and gave a delicious wiggle
as she finished engulfing him. Arcadius’s eyes had closed. He
opened them dazedly. Elyse pressed one hand to her pubis as if
trying to feel him from there.

“You’re pounding inside of me,” she

He felt her heartbeat too. “I think you’d
better ride me hard, sweetheart, before I go crazy.”

She lifted, snug flesh dragging delectably
upward. She sucked in a breath and paused. “God, you feel good.
Will you remember to do that smoke thing again?”

“I don’t have to. The one spell will last all

She bit a sudden grin. “I don’t have to be

“Only of yourself,” he said.

She bent to kiss him—once, deeply, her tongue
driving in and retreating before he could hold it there. The kiss
stole his breath, but when she began to ride him, that stole his
mind. She was fast and strong and every nerve in his cock instantly
blazed with sensations.

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