Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 3

Read Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 3 Online

Authors: L.A. Jones

Tags: #supernatural, #witches, #witch, #teen, #salem, #aradia

BOOK: Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 3
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Tales of Aradia the Last

Volume 3

By L.A. Jones


I dedicate this story to my
"baby" sister Heather whom I have respected and loved from the day
she was born and I will keep doing so until the end of time. Out of
all the things, I am grateful for, having her, as my sister is
definitely the most important.


Copyright L.A. Jones

Published at

Cover Art by Lam

This eBook is licensed for
personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away so if
you would like to share this book please purchase an additional
copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of
this author.


Table of


Chapter 1

Chapter 2


Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6



Chapter 9

Chapter 10














"You've done this before!"
Lamont shouted over the music as he twirled Aradia.

She responded by throwing
her head back, and laughing.

The song they were dancing
to was DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again by Usher and Lamont and
Aradia moved perfectly to the beat. In fact, they were dancing so
well everyone else on the dance floor had turned to watch them in
fascination. Aradia noticed all this, and she could honestly say
she loved the attention. Most especially the looks of envy she was
now getting. It used to bother her before, but Aradia was used to
being stared at and not just because of the original reason. Now
there was also the new expectation of her having to choose a
consort by the end of the year.

After the assault on the
house where she had been held captive by Henry McAlester, Aradia
had once again achieved celebrity status. However, upon arriving
back in Salem Tristan had revealed to the entire hidden community
the conditions of her having to choose a consort before the end of
the school year. The conditions being she had to choose a man of
the hidden race to be by her side or there would be war! It was
enough for every hidden in school to stare at her in trepidation.
However, as much as Aradia knew she had to focus on the issue of
her choosing a consort right now she just wanted to have

"I think I know how Julia
Stiles felt in Save the Last Dance," Aradia said as Lamont stopped
twirling her.

He paused, but only for a
few seconds. "How did she feel exactly?"

"Like she was having the
time of her life!" Aradia shouted back as the song began to wind

Lamont laughed

After the song was done,
everyone clapped for Lamont, and Aradia.

Aradia then nodded at
Everrett who stopped the music, and spoke into his microphone. "As
much as you guys would like to keep grooving we must now turn our
attention to our fabulous hostess: Aradia Preston!"

She got on the stage right
next to Everrett, took the microphone from him, and looked to the
crowd. Everyone stared at her, trying to anticipate her next

"Well is everyone having a
good time?" Aradia finally asked.

The crowd happily responded,
but Aradia teased them by saying "I can't hear you!"

The crowd once again
responded eagerly.

"That's good to know because
here at Club Tolerance trying to promote tolerance is indeed our
goal, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun while we are at

A low rumble of laughter
could be heard from the people below standing below her.

However, as the laughter
died down, Aradia continued to say, "Well as much as we wish this
could last forever in the next hour it will be officially 11pm, and
witching hour will begin."

The crowd laughed again, but
this time softly and in confusion.

Aradia then inhaled and
said, "Which basically means we all need to start heading home so I
can get my witching done and everyone knows if I don't do my
witching I get very cranky!"

The crowd burst into
laughter along with Aradia, but she waved them down to silence. "So
after just one more song we need to start getting our things
together, and heading on out! Do not forget the club opens only two
nights every week so another party will be starting tomorrow. This
Saturday night right here at Club Tolerance! So I hope to see you,
thanks for coming, drive safely, and remember at Club Tolerance
everyone is tolerated. Why? It is because no matter who or what you
are or your social strata we all have one thing in common: we like
to party!"

The crowd whooped, hooted,
and hollered after Aradia's speech. The good nature did not last
though for as soon as Aradia turned off her microphone Everrett put
on I'm a Slave for You by Britney Spears.

The crowd groaned heavily
while Everrett just hollered, "Oh give me a break. It's the last
song for the night! Cut me some slack here people!"

"He'll be lucky if we don't
cut him," Al groaned as he rubbed his eyes with his arm.

While some people took to
the dance floor, others eagerly looked for their stuff, and began
walking up the stairs.

As soon as Aradia slipped
off her the stage, Lamont appeared at her side, and asked her to

But by now, Dax had shown up
and said, "Sorry Lamont, but this last dance is for me!"

Lamont opened his mouth to
protest, but Dax was already pulling Aradia towards the dance
floor. The two of them stared into each other's eye as they moved
seductively to the song. The provocative words, and taunts in the
song's lyrics coupled with the snake charm rhythm. It made the hot,
and heaviness between Dax and Aradia become thick as

As the crowd shuffled out of
the club, they all turned to look at Dax and Aradia. The two of
them took no notice even when the song stopped. For several
minutes, they just stood gazing into each other's eyes. They did
not even notice Everrett leaving, chuckling softly.

Finally, Dax said, "you know
I am really proud of you Aradia."

"Seriously?" She let go of
him and then walked over to the bar.

"Yeah I mean at first I
seriously doubted you pulling off this promoting tolerance thing
but now..." he paused for a few minutes and shrugged." The thing is
these days there is less violence happening between the hiddens,
and it is all thanks to you."

Aradia turned smiling at the
praise, but then she noticed Dax's face darkening. "Uh

She then asked what was

"The thing is there are less
fights but," Dax sighed. "Now people are starting to get the wrong
idea about everything else."

"What do you mean?" Aradia

"I think Xan has a crush on
Roy's cousin, Brenna," Dax stated flatly.

Aradia looked at him
blankly. "So?"

"Did you hear me? My brother
Xan, a vampire, has a crush Brenna who happens to be a werewolf!"
Dax said sounding exasperated.

"How is that a bad thing?"
Aradia demanded while folding her arms and looking extremely

"It's bad okay!" Dax

Aradia slipped on to the
bar, reached over, and got the wastebasket. After dumping its
contents into another and placing on it the bar, she turned to face

After staring at him long
and hard she finally asked, "How is he dating a werewolf bad?
Please explain this to me."

Dax sighed, stared at the
ground, and then he took a few steps towards her.

"The fact is Aradia," said
Dax, "I am all for tolerance and everything but inter-racial dating
in the hidden world... I think that's going a bit too

"What about us?" Aradia

Dax looked at her, extremely

At least until Aradia went
on to say, "We are living proof that inter-racial dating in the
hidden world is do-able."

Dax then grinned as Aradia
continued, "And as far as I am concerned we are also proof that
it's a very beautiful thing."

Dax chuckled as he slowly
started walking towards her.

He smiled before saying
softly, "You are very beautiful."

Aradia giggled just as Dax
captured her lips with his own. Their kiss deepened until Dax
started to move his hand up her shirt. Unfortunately, this was when
flashbacks of Henry ripping off her clothes and her brutal rape
erupted in Aradia's mind like a volcano. She then quickly pushed
Dax away.

At first, he stood silently
and extremely confused.

However, after staring at
Aradia for a few seconds who was now breathing heavily he finally
said, "Oh yeah sorry."

"It's funny," said Aradia
once she pulled herself together.

She crossed her legs, and
propped her chin onto her hand. "It's been over four months
since...he did what he did to me but..."

Aradia could not finish her
sentence and just shook her head instead.

Dax sighed and said, "No
love it's not funny. It isn't funny one bit."

Once again, he walked to
her, but instead of kissing her, he wrapped his arms around her
body and held her close. Aradia leaned on his shoulder, pressed her
nose against his black polo shirt, and breathed in his

"I still have nightmares
about it you know," she finally said in a croaking

Dax just nodded, stroking
her hair.

She sobbed all over Dax's
shoulder until finally she managed to sputter, "I still can't
believe that...that...bastard raped me! Worst of all, he was my
first! The first guy you lose your virginity to is supposed to
special! It was not like that for me. I lost it to a lunatic who
raped me! I mean think about that Dax my first sexual experience
was rape! I mean God that knowledge is bad enough, but every day
when I hear or see a commercial or a student or teacher lecture
about rape. I just want to...to..."

"Hush love, hush," Dax
crooned softly as he continued stroking her hair.

Once he calmed her down Dax
pushed Aradia away gently. He then put two fingers to her chin, and
tipped her face to look at him.

"Rai," he said, "I know you
are hurting and what he did to you was awful but..."

"Don't you dare tell me to
get over it!" Aradia snapped, "People have been telling me to get
over it since day one! Tristan, Lamont, hell even

"Rai love my little Rai of
sunshine calm down you got to remember that it's one thing to talk
about something like rape, but it's a whole different nine yards
for it to actually happen to you" Dax said cupping her

His face then took a serious
turn as he said, "But the sad truth is Aradia you do need to move
on not just because it's the only thing you can do but also because
men like him thrive on power and by doing what he did to you he
established power over you."

"Still why? Why did he...?"
she trailed off in a sobbing croak.

Dax shrugged and said, "I
guess he thought that by raping you he could play God for a while
by messing up your life."

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