Talania - a Trip Down Memory Lane... (10 page)

Read Talania - a Trip Down Memory Lane... Online

Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Talania - a Trip Down Memory Lane...
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This is the first time I am seeing him naked that I can remember and the moon is shining right on his perfect muscular butt.

“Have you always had a nice butt?” I ask as I smack it.

“I don’t know, but your favorite part of me used to be this.” He takes my hands and drags them to his V-line.

“Oh, I can see that!” I grin.

“You look happy Evelyn. Am I making you happy?” he whispers wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

“Yeah, yeah you are,” I mumble against his chest.

“More videos?” He smiles into my hair.

“Yeah, more videos.” I kiss his chest.

He looks to the shoreline. “Okay, we have to take off and run all the way back, so don’t stop.” He winks. “Ready, set, go!” He takes off running.

I just stand there naked in the ocean, watching him. He looks happy too. I wonder what he was like before I came back. He notices I am not behind him and stops right before exiting the water. “Baby, what are you doing?” he yells.

I start walking slowly through the water, the waves almost taking me back a few steps. “Just enjoying the view of your butt.” I shrug when I reach him.

He picks me up, forcing me to straddle him, and takes off running.

“Wait! What about the blanket and your clothes?” I squeal.

“We don’t need them,” he laughs.

I cup his face in my hands. “Okay,” I whisper, kissing him slowly as he bounces us up the stairs.

The crisp cool air from the condo hits my back.

“Oh my God Tristan, it’s freezing in here,” I yelp.

“We’re taking a shower. We’ll warm up there.” He slaps my butt.

“Eep! Okay,” I giggle as he runs up the stairs to the bathroom.

“Actually, we’re taking a bath.” He smirks and sits me down in the empty tub.

“Tristan, do you know how cold this porcelain is with no water in it?” I scold.

“No baby. Is it cold?” he murmurs with an evil grin when water comes pouring down on me from the showerhead.

“What the hell Tristan? You said bath! You said we were taking a bath,” I yell.

“We are; a shower bath,” he says calmly while he gets into the huge whirlpool tub.

“A shower bath.” I shiver and hug my knees to my chest.

“Yes,” he kneels down, laying me flat out on the bottom of the tub. Water is hitting me on my chest and legs until Tristan’s body covers mine.

“We’ve got sand in places sand has no business being in,” he murmurs against my lips. I look into his eyes and they are completely hooded with lust.

“Is that so?” I murmur back.

“Yeah baby, it is.” He slams his lips to mine.

This kiss is different from the others. It is primal and frantic, wicked and wanton. Something in me changes, because this beautiful man wants me. I smile against his lips before wiggling about and flipping him over onto his back.

“Ev baby, what are you doing?” he mumbles against my lips, smiling.

“Shh. I don’t know.” I smile back.

And I really don’t. Where did this bravery come from?

“Ev baby what are you doing?” I mumble against her lips smiling.

“Shh. I don’t know.” She smiles back.

The fuck she doesn’t! She knows exactly what she is doing.

She lets go of my lips and I swear I feel like growling. I never want to be apart from those lips ever again. She starts kissing down my neck and I groan.

C’mon Ev, stop teasing me!

She kisses all the way down my chest, licking the right side of my V-line that she admired so much a few years ago.

“Fuck,” I groan.

“Did I used to do this?” she whispers against my scorching hot skin before taking a hold of my dick and slowly swallowing it completely. I cannot form a single thought, not one thought as her tongue traces the length of my dick.

Then it hits me; I don’t want to come yet!

“Ev baby…I don’t want to come yet…stop,” I groan with a ragged breath.

Shit, she is not going to stop!

“Damn it Ev!” I lift her up by the elbows and she lets go of my cock with a pop. She laughs as I sit her on my lap, laying my head back down against the tub.

“You’re fucking relentless, you know that?” I tease, tickling her sides.

“Oh no, I’m out of here if you start tickling me,” she warns with that arched Evelyn brow.

I hold my hands up in surrender.

“Good.” She smiles down, reaching in between us and guiding my cock to her entrance.

“Again?” I whisper.

“Again,” she whispers before I enter her.

As soon as I am fully inside her, my eyes roll to the back of my head. I am gone. I will not survive without her again. My heart was shattered when she was gone. My soul was caged. She is back and I am free. She rides me slowly, patiently, and with so much grace. She is savoring it. I open my eyes as I feel them piercing me. She is biting her lip harder with each movement before bending down and licking my bottom lip.

“I hope you can do it again,” she whispers.

“Do what again baby?” I ask.

“Make me fall in love with you again.” She places her small hand over my heart.

Little does she know that she is not going anywhere ever again.

I place my hands on her hips, hugging her to me. I squat, standing up, forcing her to wrap her legs around me.

Shit, that fucking feels so good!

I walk her back to the wall of the tub, letting the water spray us. “I will,” I say as I slowly make love to her.

“Promise?” She smiles.

“Promise baby,” because I do, with every fucking thing that I am.

Her fingernails dig into my shoulders.

“Faster,” she grins at me.

“If that’s what you want baby.”

“I think that’s what I want,” she moans as I pick up pace.

She is so fucking beautiful. I fucking love her. I fucking love her. I fucking love her. I chant repeatedly in my head as I pound into her beautiful pussy.

Her chin drops to the crook of my neck and I feel her squeezing the life out of me. She is close, so close.

Thank fuck, because I am about to burst!


“Together,” she mumbles against my skin.

It is the most epic thing I have ever felt. Her arms are wrapped tightly around me, hugging the life out of me, giving me everything she has once again.

“I fucking love you crazy-ass beautiful girl,” I gently set her down. I turn her around, washing her hair and body and then repeating on myself. She grins at me the entire time.

I shut the water off and grab towels from the shelf. I wrap one tightly around her after drying her hair, careful not to irritate her scars.

“You’re taking care of me,” she says.

“I always took care of you,” I say back, because it is true.

We walk to my bedroom and I give her a long tee shirt to throw on. It swallows the poor girl whole. I just tug on a pair of briefs.

“I have to play at my club tonight with the band. You’re coming, right?” I turn back to her.

“Do you want me to come?”

What kind of fucking question is that? Shit, take it easy man. She doesn’t remember.

“Yes baby, I want you there.”

“Okay, I will come, but can I skip going through that guy Skinny? I mean, I felt violated,” she smiles.

Of course, I laugh out loud. Skinny is harmless and I can tell she is joking because she is smiling at me.

“Baby, you’ll get VIP treatment.”

“Crap.” She throws her hand to her head.


“I forgot to get Adella’s number. She’s probably worried about me,” she grumbles.

“Hold on and I’ll call and get it from Shawn.” I take her hand and walk us back downstairs to where our phones are.

I sit her on the bar stool, picking up my phone and dialing Shawn.

“Yo Shawn, I need a favor. I need Adella’s number. No, Ev is here with me man. Oh, Adella’s with you.” I turn and look at Ev who is grinning. “Well can you put Adella on the phone for Ev please?” I hand the phone to Ev.

“Hello. Yes, I’m fine. Memory Lane.” She pauses. “Yes, it’s been very interesting. It’s a story, that’s for sure.” She bites her lip. “So…you and Shawn huh?” She takes the phone away from her ear. “I don’t need the low down Adella,” she giggles into the phone. “Yes, yes, I remember that one day he’s going to marry you blah, blah,” she teases Adella. “Okay, anyway, you’re going to the club tonight, right? Yeah, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to be by myself while Tristan performs. Okay, see ya.” She hangs up the phone.

“She’s happy. She and Shawn have known one another since they were kids,” she grins, handing me back my phone.

“So, it’s like us,” I say.

She thinks for a moment. “Yes, like us,” she whispers.

Her phone starts ringing she groans. “It’s my parents ring tone,” she grumbles again.

“Can I answer it?” I ask.

“Why would you want to do that?”

“They know me Ev, and just because you can’t remember babe doesn’t mean they don’t.”

“Sure, knock yourself out.” She hands it over.

I hit talk. “Hello?” I say nonchalantly.

“Who is this?” Evelyn’s mother asks.

“It’s Tristan Monroe. It’s good to hear your voice again too, Mrs. Beaumont.” She sighs into the phone.

“I’m sorry Tristan.” She says quietly.

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s good enough for me.” I say truthfully because it really isn’t. “You stole her away from me just like the cancer stole her memories away. I could have been there with her.” I could not help it. Something snapped inside of me. I look at Ev, and her face is in some sort of a mask. I can’t tell what she is thinking.

“It was for the best,” Mrs. Beaumont's voice enters.

“For who? You? Because you knew. You knew we had evidence of all our memories for three years. Where are her copies? Huh?” Evelyn yanks the phone from my hands. I am about to apologize, but Ev isn’t mad at me. No, no she’s not. She is fuming and her face is bright red.

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