Taking What He Wants (13 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Taking What He Wants
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I pulled her onto my lap and held her close as I kissed her temple.

"It's going to be okay, you'll see, it's not like I was even going to let you be around them ever again so you won't be missing anything anyway."

"But they'll suffer."

She didn't know the half of it, I'd shielded her from some of what had been planned, giving her just the bare facts, she didn't need to know the more ghastly details about what was going to befall those twisted wastes of fucking space. Why she couldn't see them for what they are is beyond me, maybe she was too close to the situation whatever it was I'm going to make sure and shield her form her own soft heart. I'm not too sure about Carl Fielding beyond the fact that he's a grade A ass for letting his wife and daughter manipulate him all these years and even going so far as to abuse an innocent, because that's exactly what their treatment of her was, abuse. He was the only one of the three I would have any compassion for if I were so inclined. Too bad for his sorry ass I'm not.

"Don't think about it baby."

I let things settle for a couple days, I didn't necessarily want her to know exactly when we were going to start our campaign of torture, so for the next two days it was business as usual.

I went to work and she did whatever it is that she did when she was at home with the motley crew.

She seemed to be settling into the idea of running a corporation much easier these days, she was no longer intimidated it seemed and not surprisingly she did seem to have a head for it.

I had to put an end to the business quizzes when I got home in the evenings though or the Escalantes would test her until it was time for bed, poor thing.

It was usually like taking my life in my hands when I interfered, to a man they would sneer at me and their argument was always the same. 'But she has so much to learn in such a short space of time.' How the time got so short was beyond me, just a few short weeks ago they didn't even have an heir, now it's like they wanted to run off into the sunset and leave her at the reins. I'm sure that wasn't the case but still, they acted like they expected her to be ready yesterday. They were extremely excited to have found her and it showed, they'd moved into our damn house hadn't they? But they could stay as long as they want because the love she got from them went a long way to building up the girl who was always told she was nothing.

I'd just had to pull her out of their clutches again on the pretense of showing her something upstairs for which they were not thankful if the grumbles and sour looks were anything to go by.

"Thank you, my poor brain is about to leak out of my ears. Today's lessons were about international law and all it entails to run a business in other countries. I think I need another break, can't we run away again please?" She tried to con me with kisses.

Perfect, just perfect.

"Why don't I have mom and Paulina take you out for a Spa day maybe some shopping?"

"Chase that sounds amazing, but have you ever been shopping with Paulina? She's a maniac she'll drag us into every designer store in the city, then she'll make us try on stuff....grrrhh." she’s so cute.

"I thought you liked that!"  I laughed at her cute face.

"I do but...... I'm hormonal I think."

"I know just what you need."

We barely got our clothes halfway off before I had her pinned beneath me. There was no foreplay, no build up, I just took my cock in hand and sank into her warm heat. We rocked back and forth gently as I whispered how much I loved her in between nibbles of her sweet lips.

"I love being inside you baby, it's the best feeling in the world."

She clawed my back and sought my mouth with hers while her pussy twitched around my cock.

It was another long night spent buried inside her, but by morning the demise of her ex family wasn’t foremost on her mind.

The following day she was none the wiser as my mom and sister came to pick her up for their girls day out. She didn't question why I wasn't heading to the practice, or why dad and Drew were even here since her father and uncles acted as though they had a perfectly innocent prearranged meet planned. As soon as the women cleared the driveway we were out the door.

We were meeting the men the Escalantes had set on Carl and Joann at the location where Celine had been kept all this time.

I hadn't seen or even asked about her condition since they'd taken her away because I really didn't give a fuck.

To think I'd almost married that thing, damn, life sure is strange, I'd stepped out of that frying pan and into a very nice fire.

The place was isolated, from the outside it looks like an abandoned warehouse, one of those old numbers with a million windows, there was overgrown grass in the cement cracks, and just a general sense of disuse.

The building was backed up to the woods so there was only one way in or out and that was a well hidden dirt track that couldn't be seen from the main road.

In other words if you weren't looking for it, you'd never find it.

There were cars lined up in the lot around back as we pulled in and alighted.

We'd all come together in my luxury SUV, more space and we didn't want too much traffic, somebody might notice all these strange cars going and coming from an abandoned building.

Major Fielding's raised voice could be heard as we entered the cavernous building.

"Who are you people, do you know who I am, how dare you, unhand me.....Joann!"

Joann could be heard screeching like a scalded cat, the only one not heard from was Celine and I wondered if she was even cognizant. Oh well.

We entered the room silently and all movement stopped, I was the first one in so Joann went on the attack straight away.


She started to sneer at me until she got a good look at the other players filing into the room.

She lost all color and stumbled back a step.

"No!" Her hand went to her throat as she shook her head back and forth; good she was already afraid.

"Hello Joann, I'd say it was a pleasure, but that would be a blatant lie." Vito had that wolf on the hunt glare in his eyes.

"Who are you man?"


Joann started but was silenced by a harsh, 'Quiet' from Vito who seemed even more pissed off now that we were here and he was face to face with the woman who had so poorly mistreated his daughter, a daughter that he would've loved and cherished if given half a chance.

"Who are you?" The major repeated his question.

"Hello Major Fielding, I'm Vito Escalante, I'm told you've heard of me but we've never had the pleasure of meeting."

There was a derisive snort from the corner of the room where Celine sat looking nothing like her usual glamorous self.

She looked like what she was a strung out junkie, stringy hair scabby skin and blotchy eyes that were swollen and vacant.

"You, you're the one who raped my daughter you destroyed her life."

He made as if to go after the other man, but was stopped short by the men who'd brought them in.

Vito held up his hand to halt the men.

"That’s why we're here today, to lay to rest that abominable lie, you see, I never laid eyes on your daughter until a little while ago."

"What....but..... Celine?"

"Your daughter and your wife lied to you, you see, years ago while you were away serving your country, your darling wife was out trolling bars looking to get fucked, she found me.

The girl you think is your granddaughter the one you treated like an unwanted piece of lint is mine, mine and your wife's."

"What...Joann, what the hell is he talking about?"

"Carl I can explain, let me explain."

"Explain what? Tell me that he's lying......" Celine started to laugh outright at this point.

"You're such a fucking sorry sap even now, faced with the truth you'd still believe her wouldn't you?"

She shook her head as if he was a disappointment.

"Celine..... you knew?..... Of course you did, you two must've thought I was a fool all these years, beating myself up because I wasn't here to protect you when you were molested, all the guilt, you mercenary little bitch, and you my dutiful wife..... what have you done?"

"Oh give it up dad, you're trying to tell me you never once questioned that story, I mean did I even act like a mother towards that thing?"

One, yep, I was keeping count of every thing she said against Delia, three strikes and I'd belt the bitch.

"I thought it was because she was the product of rape..... I thought she was a bad reminder for you...... I even treated her......." He turned to Joann.

"What kind of monster are you...what...how?"

This guy was too much even for me, he looked around the room as if searching for answers, Joann in the meantime was trying to disappear into the wall.

"Would you have ever told me the truth, would I have died believing that the child was Celine's?"

"What difference does it make now? That was years ago, I've been loyal to you since then, it was only that one time, I was so lonely Carl can't you understand you'd been gone for...."

"I wasn't gone you filthy bitch I was off fighting a war and you were..." He looked like he was going to be sick. Celine meanwhile started up her laughing fit again, it almost seemed like she'd gone around the bend, in my practice I didn't have too much cause to deal with drug addiction or the side effects of drying out cold turkey so I just knew the barebones facts, but if I had to take a guess I would say its not for the faint of heart. Fuck she was a mess.

No one else in the room had spoken since the family farce had begun, Joann  for once was left without a thing to say, then again, what could she say, faced with the truth as she was?

There was a roar of anger, followed by a blur of movement as Major Carl Fielding took the necessary steps to reach his wife.

Before anyone had any idea of his intent, the major picked his wife up and chucked her out a window.

"What the fuck?" I didn't think he had it in him, good, he'd done what my love for Delia kept me from doing.

Chapter 20





"Well that's one way to handle it, though I think our idea was much more humane."

Vito was cold as fuck as he walked over to the window.

The security team had already subdued a broken, sobbing Major Fielding, while his daughter looked on in a daze, I guess she figured she might be next so it was best to put crazy on hold.

Maybe they should release him so he could finish the job, I wouldn't mind one bit, three birds with one stone.

Dad and I headed down the four flights of stairs while the others stayed behind. Already Drew was looking for a spin to give the authorities, that’s my brother.

Her body was a twisted mess, there was blood already pooling around her.

She groaned in misery as we approached, her neck at an odd angle. I knew what that meant.

"Help me......" The words were garbled by the blood in her throat, maybe the bitch would drown on her own blood.

Dad gently turned her head slightly to avoid that happy occurrence, oh well, she could always die from her injuries, I should be so lucky.

I looked down at her and couldn't find the human heart that I knew lived in me, why should I care after the way she'd treated her own child? Even all these years later instead of coming clean she'd still fed me that lie to save face, almost destroying my wife in the process. Fuck her, fuck her, fuck him and fuck her scuzzy drugged out mess of a daughter, I wish I could surround the building with gasoline and strike a match. After putting her back inside with the others of course.

The doctor in me wanted to help, the husband in me said fuck the bitch, she got what she deserved.

"Let's get her out of here, I'll make the call." Dad took out his phone to call the paramedics.

Things had changed drastically, now we had a crime scene on our hands and there were going to be a lot of questions too bad we coding just bury all their asses in the back.

Dad made the call for the ambulance before kneeling down to take her hand in his. That's my father, compassionate to everyone, even those who'd shown none, me, not so much.

By the time the ambulance arrived with the police behind them, the Escalantes had had Celine spirited away, we plight had always been planned to be separate from her parents, that was my call, the bitch had not only tried to cuckold me, but she'd gone after my wife and child, no fucking way she was getting away with it.

Fielding was out of our hands now I'm sure, if she survived he'd be charged with attempted murder, if she died, oh well.

Either way works for me a good ten or more years in jail was good enough payment for him because although he might not have known the truth, he still contributed to her hell.

Anyone expecting me to feel an ounce of remorse for the day's events will be sorely disappointed. I wish he'd chucked both those bitches out the window and then maybe offed himself.

Okay I might have lied to my babygirl, just a little white lie. Though we had nixed the idea of killing them outright we'd certainly planned to make it easy for them to end up dead. Except for the major, we weren't quite sure how far his involvement went so we weren't sure other than to make him suffer with the knowledge of his wife's betrayal how far to go. We'd surmised that with her past coming back to haunt her and the threat of the community finding out that Joann would take her own life; a narcissistic fuck like her wouldn't be able to live with the loss of respect even if they moved like we'd planned. Celine was another kettle of fish, the plans for her were still on course whether her accomplice lived or died.

The cops had a shit load of questions 'what were we all doing there?' etc.

I wasn't too worried about their questions though, between my family and the Escalantes there was no way anything was going to come of our presence here.

There were a handful of witnesses who'd seen Major Fielding throw his wife out the window, a good lawyer could claim duress, but I'm pretty sure the Escalantes would see that that didn't happen.

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