Taking the Bait (4 page)

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Authors: C. M. Steele

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Taking the Bait
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Chapter 4

He looked at me strangely. It was a look of awe mixed with anger. Then he said he had some things to take care of, and he got up. I watched as he hurriedly got his boxers on and a pair of pants. I knew he noticed my instant hurt at his abandonment when he walked up to me and kissed me hard before pulling away and grabbing his shirt and putting it on as he ran out the door.

I sat up on my elbows with the sheet covering my breasts in shock. I just gave my virtue to a thug, a gangster, a murderer, and a criminal. I waited for the guilt to sink in, but there was none. I betrayed my boyfriend and still nothing. The only thing I wanted was for Dante to return and do what he just did to me over and over until I couldn’t walk.

I got off the bed slowly because I was feeling a little awkward. Once I was up, I ran into the bathroom and turned the shower back on. I’d been kidnapped in nothing, but the hooker outfit Diana had picked out for me, so I don’t know what I was going to put on. I had just turned off the shower when I heard the door to the bedroom open.

“Marco, I told you not to let her out,” Dante shouted.

“She didn’t leave here,” Marco said. They both walked into the room just as I walked out of the bathroom. I was wrapped up only in a towel, and I watched as both of them stared at me—salivating. Marco gained his composure fast, realizing his own reaction and hustled himself out of the room.

“I thought you left,” he murmured.

“I needed to shower, but I realized I don’t have any clothes.”

“Sleep naked. I have work to do. I just came to check on you. Better yet, get on some of my clothes and get some sleep.”

“When can I go home?”

I guessed I asked the wrong question because he gave me an angry look before saying, “This is your home now.”

He didn’t say anything else before walking out of the room. I opened his top drawer and slipped on a simple undershirt and took my panties I’d had on and washed them in the sink and hung them to dry before grabbing a pair of a cotton boxers. They were a little big on me, even with my big butt. I smiled when I thought about the way he squeezed it like it was a treasure. I laid back in bed, fell straight asleep. I guessed my mind and body were overwhelmed with today’s events.

I woke up the next morning, and he was still not there. Something felt wrong. I got out of bed and used the restroom, brushed my teeth, and then opened the bedroom door. Marco wasn’t standing there anymore, no one was. I walked out of the room and climbed down the stairs. I had been afraid that something happened in the night.
Where was everyone?
I thought.

I made it all the way down the stairs before I ran into the housekeeper. “Signorina, good morning. I am Rosa Maria, Signore Franchetti is in a meeting at the moment. Are you hungry?”

“Yes,” I whispered full of embarrassment. I wondered if this was a regular. Did she have to entertain all his lovers once he left them alone?

“Please come. Signore Franchetti, ordered your attire. It should come in a few hours. It is good because his parents will be here today.”

Oh, Lord. His parents were coming. Great, on top of everything that’s happened, I have to meet his parents.

I was in the kitchen helping Rosa Maria cook pancakes for breakfast, when I heard a commotion and yelling in Italian.

Dove diavolo è lei? Dove!

Rosa excused herself. I heard whispers before the kitchen door opened violently causing me to drop the mixing bowl onto the floor. He was on me in a moment and instead of anger I’d expected for leaving the room, I was wrapped up in his arms. Rosa followed behind him.

“I’m sorry, I frightened you. I told you not to leave the room.” The look in his eyes was crazed with worry.

“I wasn’t going to leave, but I wondered if you’d left or something. I opened the door to ask Marco, but he wasn’t there. So I walked down further until I saw your housekeeper, and she asked me if I was hungry.”

“Let me ask you this. Can I trust you?”

“I’m not a liar. I’m now a cheating whore, but I’m not a liar.”

“You’re not a cheating whore. The mother of my children is not a whore.”

“I’m not the mother of your children. I’m the woman you kidnapped by mistake. Hell for all I know I’m just a replacement for my cousin. Excuse me, I’m no longer hungry.” I tried to run away, but he was too quick for me. His hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me back against his chest.

“Rosa Maria. Ci lascia.” I watched as she turned off the stove and left the room.

Turning me around, I saw the anger in his eyes and something else. I didn’t know why he kept looking at me like that, but it was doing things to my heart and my pussy.

“Regan, do you know why my men kidnapped you?”

“No, all I gathered was that you wanted Diana instead and that you didn’t care for her.”

“Yes. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. She played around with my cousin. He fucked her, and then she told her father that she’d been raped by him. He was shot last week and was lucky that they had shitty aim. We’re at war with them. She was going to pay with her life. My cousin had no idea who the slutty broad was that took him back to a hotel room. You were picked up by my men by accident.”

“So are you ever going to let me go then? I have a family.”

“I’m your family now.”

“Is this how you’re getting my uncle back, taking one of his own as a trophy?”

“Not even close. I’m keeping you because I want to do so. I’m nowhere done with your uncle the man has crossed the line, and there’s no way I’m letting it go. I don’t know about your parents. They seem like clean folks from what I can tell, but I need more information.”

“You better not touch them. They are nothing like my uncle or you. They are good people who live normal, crime free lives.”

“I better not? What the fuck are you going to do about it?”

“If you do anything to harm them the only way you’ll be getting anything from me will be to rape me because my hate for you would immeasurable.”

“Dio mio, amore. You are a feisty one. If you say they are good then I’ll leave them alone, but if they try to take you from me we’re going to have a problem.”

“I want to talk to them.”

“Not yet.”

“Why not?”

“Because I fucking said so. You seem to forget that I’m a man not to fuck with.”

“I haven’t forgotten. I just don’t like them worrying about me.”

“Behave, and they’ll have nothing to worry about.”

“Are you going to keep up with the death threats for as long as you keep me? Because I assure you that isn’t going to turn me on.”

“I didn’t say I would kill you, but they’d have to worry about the fact that your ass will be so damn sore that you won’t be able to sit for a fucking week.”

“Are you use do beating your women?”

“You’re the exception to all the rules. I never beat a broad before. I used them to get off and left them. I’m not a kind lover, but a spanking is completely different.”

“So you’re into the dirty abuse as foreplay?”

“No, I’m not into hurting a woman. I fuck and go, no preliminaries, and no sticking around.”

“So, I’m special. Fabulous.”

“Yes, you are. You’re marrying me, you’re going to have my babies, and you are definitely the only broad I ever brought in this house. I expect you to be a good wife and keep your legs closed for any other man, and my dick is now only for you.”

He just stared at me waiting for my reaction, but I didn’t know what to say. I was confused, my body screamed for his, but my mind was telling me run as fast as I can back to Ireland. He saw my indecision and changing the subject, he asked, “Do you normally cook?”

“Yes, I do. My mom had an accident when I was thirteen so I decided to help her and became really good at it. So much so that when she got better I still cooked at least three times a week.”

“So what were you making me for breakfast before I scared the shit out of you?”

“Who said I was cooking anything for you? I was hungry and making some pancakes.”

“My favorite, thanks, amore,” he said cheerfully as he kissed my cheek.

I was looking at him like he was crazy and I wasn’t making anything for him.

“Please. Don’t look at me like that. I can tell a lot about a person from just a first meeting. I need to learn all I can from the start in order to survive in this world. You’re a sweetheart, the proverbial good girl next door. Did you grow up on a farm?”

“No, my mother was a teacher, and my father is a lawyer.”

“And they were going to let you marry a farmer?”

“Declan is a good man. They wanted someone who loved me and cared for me. Declan cares for me.”

“Do you miss him?” he practically growled.

“At first I did. When I got here, he called me when I landed, and I was feeling homesick.”

“But now?”

“Besides feeling awful for betraying him, I haven’t thought of him.”



“Good because I didn’t want to have to kill Mr. Sullivan.”

“You know his name?”

“I know a lot baby. What do you think I was doing all night? I was looking into who you and your family are and your ties to your uncle.”

“Did you learn enough?”

“Don’t get all pissy sweet cheeks. I needed to know what I needed to know. There are things you’re going to need to know and other things you don’t.”

“Selective honesty. I’m not sure I can work with that. So I’m just to ignore the mistresses and the partying and not ask any questions when you come back bloody like yesterday!? I’ll pass. What are you doing?” I asked as I saw him undoing his belt and then unleashing that beast while slowly stroking it.

“What did I tell you earlier?”

“What command are you talking about?”

“Later woman I’m going to show you what talking back is going to get you. I told you, you’re mine, and I’m yours; that means no fucking anyone else. Now, you look ridiculously sexy with your hair messy and your nipples peeking through that shirt. Since it’s just us I’m not going to spank your ass today, but I can’t have you walking around the house half-naked and looking so damn fuckable in front of my men. This…” he said as he flicked my nipple. “Is too fucking sexy.”

He slid the boxers off my thighs, and I was mortified that he was going to do me right here in the kitchen, but extremely turned on. The looks he gave me already gave me worked up. His gaze was full of control, domination, and pure need. He pushed my thighs apart before dropping to his knees and tasting my core. Dante slipped his finger into my wet pussy, while his tongue lapped up my juices. I was about to finish when he stood up and pulled me towards him, sending his cock deep into my womb. I was about to cry out, but he captured the sound with his mouth.

“Damn, Regan. I crave your taste, Being inside of you is heaven,” he groaned as he ground his teeth and slammed in and out of me.

“Ahh,” I sighed. It was the only audible response I had. My orgasm was already at the edge, and my mind was going numb with satisfaction. He lifted up my shirt and teased my breasts. I was his to control. My body moved to the rhythm of his strumming. I lifted his face to mine, needing to feel his mouth on mine.

“Mio, amore, mio. Mine, you’re mine.” His words rushed straight to my core. I came hard, biting on his tongue and tugging on his hair.

“Dante,” I purred, feeling his release wash my walls.

I blushed and murmured, “I can’t believe we just did that on the kitchen counter.”

“I know, but I want you all the time.” He fixed his clothes and tucked himself in after grabbing some paper towels and wiping the mess leaking on my thighs.

“How can I face Rosa Maria now?”

“Hurry, let’s sneak up to our bedroom through the backway,” he said with a wink. Dante grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs.

Chapter 5

My heart was racing from the sound of her giggle as we hurried up the stairs. I hadn’t expected the riotous emotions going through me since I’d met her. When I came out of that long meeting with my men, and I couldn’t find her I panicked like a fool. After Rosa told me Regan was cooking in the kitchen, I had to see her. I really didn’t have time for a fight and a fuck session, but I want her too much to walk away.

“Amore, I have some work to do still. Once the clothes arrive, I’ll have them sent up, but until then I need you to keep your sexy ass up here. I’ll have Rosa bring you breakfast.”

“Am I still your prisoner?” I actually felt the hurt in her words and felt like a prick for the way I had treated her.

“I would hope not, but that’s not why I want to keep you in here. You’re revealing too much of what’s mine.”

“So you ordered me clothes?”

“Yes, I did. And before you get any ideas it’s none of that slutty shit you had on last night.”

“That wasn’t what I normally wear. Diana picked out our outfits. She said we’d look cute if we matched.” I had a feeling about the whole Diana disappearance at the club that didn’t sit well with me. Diana, her father, and any of their goons that were involved are dead. I needed to make a few calls, and then I’d know for sure.

“Good because that was the last time my wife wears anything that slutty other than to bed for me.”

“Is it true, your parents are coming?” she stammered nervously.

“Yes, they’ll be here for dinner. I told them all about you, so all you need to do is be yourself,” I said in an attempt to reassure her.

“So they know you kidnapped me?” she wondered.

“Yes. My parents know that. My mother wasn’t proud of me, but my father said I could have just killed you, so at least I didn’t,” I explained with a shrug. There was nothing for it. We were together no matter how it started, and I knew I had a huge fight coming to keep her.

“This is unbelievably awkward. Have you heard anything about my parents worrying about me?”

“Amore, not yet.”

“But they should be. I would have called by now.”

“I didn’t say they weren’t worried. I haven’t heard anything yet. Plus it is only eleven in the morning. They wouldn’t start to worry so soon.”

“Yes. I know. It’s just…I’m scared.”

“I know, but there is no reason for it. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

“I don’t even know you.”

“You will in time. I’m sorry, but I have to go.”

I left the room before I took her again. It seemed the only thing that had kept the worry off her pretty face. Plus, she was sexy as hell, and I wanted to be in her. There was nothing I could do to fight the need. It had been only twelve hours since she was taken, but she was all I could think about. I didn’t sleep as I looked for answers to why the fuck she invaded my life, and why she’d been so unprotected.

I got downstairs and spotted my father in the hallway. “Pops, what brings you here so early?”

“Son, don’t bullshit me. You think I was just going to stand by while my son fucks up his future.”

“What do you mean fucking up my future? She isn’t a Flanagan.”

“Come, son. Let’s go talk somewhere in private.”

We walked into my study, and I locked the door. “So, how am I fucking up my life?”

“You kidnapped your wife.”

“I’m the fucking boss what does it matter. She does what I say or else.”

“Oh, Son. There is so much you need to learn. First, if you’re intent on making her your wife then you need to learn some things.”

“Please elaborate ol’ wise one.”

“Watch your mouth boy, and you’ll learn something. The most important thing is...if your wife is happy you’re happy. If you think you can keep getting away with controlling her it won’t go well for you. The girl’s Irish, the temper’s already built in. Add the red hair, and boy, you’re in some trouble.”

“You tell mother what to do, and she does it. What’s the difference?”

“The difference is your mother knows that only certain things I say are the law. The other shit she ignores. I rule her in front of others, but when no one’s around she rules me. Your wife is supposed to be by your side, never behind you. Your mother knows the business side is none of her business unless I feel she needs to know, but everything else is her rule. I just let you and your sister think that I rule, but now that you’re getting married you need to know the truth.”

“You’ve got to be shitting me,” I exclaimed.

“No, I’m not. I don’t disrespect your mother, and I don’t allow anyone else to do it either. Why do you want to marry her?”

“I took her virtue.”

“That’s it? That’s the reason you’re willing to go to war? Son...that’s fucking lie, and you know it. You care for her, don’t you?”

“I do. I’m not sure how much, but I know that I wanted to fuck her the instant I saw her.”

“So you’re telling that you’ve never felt that way before? I call bullshit on that.”

“No, pops. It was worse. It wasn’t just like I find her attractive, and I’ll screw her when I get a chance, but no I needed to possess her before I could breathe again.”

“Are you jealous of other men around her?”

“Fuck yeah, I am. She’s got a boyfriend who I plan to put a bullet in if comes near her again.”

“Son, it’s more than just because she was a virgin, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Then marry her and treat her like a queen who knows who the king is.”

“Is there any other tidbit you’d like to give me? I’m going in blind.”

“Yes, if you expect her to keep her pussy just for you, the same goes for you. If you let a whore get in between you and your wife, you show weakness in her. You shame her and make her feel terrible if you bed another broad.”

“That’s not a problem. I knew that was something you never entertained and that once I found my wife I would too.”

“Another thing, never raise your hand to her. She’ll be the mother to your children, your best friend, and your strongest ally. Don’t treat her like the enemy.”

“I wouldn’t ever lay a hand on her.”

“So tell me about my future daughter in law. I already know she’s that bitch’s cousin and that they resemble each other, but what else.”

“She’s nothing like that fucking whore,” I snarled.

“Calm down. They did snatch her because they thought it was Flanagan’s daughter.”

“I know, but the moment I saw her that I knew the resemblance was minor. They are alike, looks wise…somewhat, but their character is very different. She is a kind daughter and hardworking. She’s worried about her parents and the fact that she’s attracted to me even though she had a boyfriend.”

“Does she love the man?”

“If she loved him shouldn’t have come for me so willingly?”

“There’s a difference between love and attraction. And love and respect.”

“Don’t make me angry. She doesn’t love him. I know it,” I roared.

My father just started to laugh. “Son, you’re crazy about her. I was just messing with you. If she didn’t give him her virtue, but easily gave it to you, it couldn’t be love.”

“Your mother is anxious to meet her. She’ll help her and explain what’s expected of her in regards to your business, but I can’t promise she won’t teach her how to walk all over you.”

“I’m not weak. She won’t get away with it.”

“Are you calling me weak?”


“Then trust me. They know how to get you to do their bidding.”

“I already know she’s going to be trouble. This morning she came downstairs, while my men were in a meeting with me, in one of my shirts and a pair of boxers. My men were lucky they didn’t see her or I’d have their eyes removed.”

“That’s hilarious.”

“I didn’t think it was funny.”

“No. Her coming down dressed inappropriately wasn’t funny. Your jealous overreaction is. You kidnapped her with only the clothes on her back. Give the girl a break.”

“I didn’t get on her ass about it. I just fucked my kid into her, so she knows that she’s mine.”

“So any word from Flanagan?”

“No. Not yet. I was going to call him myself. You want to stay in and listen. I’m recording this shit.”


I called that fuck Flanagan up, and the maid there answered. “He’s busy at the moment, sir. May I tell him who called?” she groaned

“This is Dante Franchetti. Tell him to get un-busy.”

I shook my head at my father. That fuck knew I’d call. He’s probably sitting right there. I heard a moan come from the phone, and I knew what the fuck was happening. I hung up. The prick was fucking his maid while he knew his niece was missing.

“He’s dismissing your call, knowing damn well you got his niece. This is fucked, son. It seems like he wanted her to be taken.”

“I know. That’s what bothers me. I told Regan that she wasn’t going to get away with wearing the slutty outfit she had on, and she told me that it was her cousin who made them dress like twins. That bitch set her up to be nabbed by my men. You have no idea what I want to do to them.”

“You want them all hung out to dry. We’ll get them, but I’m going to do the talking when this fuck calls back. You’re not feeling levelheaded at the moment.”

“I want him dead. I watched the fear in her eyes when she cried she wasn’t her cousin. He didn’t care if we murdered her. What kind of sick fuck does that to his own family?”

“Maybe he was thinking if you iced her thinking she was Flanagan’s daughter that his whore daughter would be safe.”

“I don’t give a fuck what his reasons were. She’s mine, and I need to end this bastard.”

The phone rang and the elder Franchetti answered it.

“Stefano Franchetti here.”

“Are you speaking for your son now? Where’s that pussy at?”

“Who the fuck are you calling a pussy, little boy? You’re not worth my son’s time. I’m dealing with you because he’s busy. Where the fuck is that whore of a daughter of yours?”

“Your faggot ass son has her.”

“You insult our intelligence to believe that pawn you sent to be a replacement was going to fool us. My nephew fucked your whore and knows intimately what she looks like, and your beautiful niece isn’t her.”

“Don’t talk about my kid like that.”

“What the fuck are you going to do about it?”

There was a long pause before I responded, “That’s what we thought. You’re a pussy.”

“So you were there. What got no balls, so you let your daddy speak for you?”

“Actually, I was too busy looking at rings for my bride to deal with a lame excuse for a criminal like you. So how are you explaining your niece’s disappearance to her family, hmm? Don’t bother doing it. I’ll just have Regan give them a call.”

“I already did. They think she’s dead. They want your head.”

“That’s fine. When they learn of you setting up their daughter, you’ll be on the chopping block,”

“They’re not going to believe that I had anything to do with you killing their daughter.”

“She not dead.”

“She will be…” he said with a maniacal laugh. Something shook me to the core about his words and the meaning behind them. I ran from the room and up the stairs.

I heard a scream, and two gunshots. I kicked the door open to see her on the floor bleeding from her arm and Marco eyes opened wide on the ground dead with a bullet to his head.

“Regan!” I shouted as I ran to her and took the gun, she had pointed at me, out of her shaking hand. She slumped to the floor, in both shock and from the loss of blood. I didn’t like the way she looked at me. She looked scared of me. Fuck. I ripped off my tie and wrapped it around the wound on her arm like a tunicate. The sight of her blood was making me nauseous. I’d never been affected by someone’s blood before.

My father and my two other men ran up the stairs.

“Let’s get her to the hospital,” I said as I kneeled by her side. I scooped her up in my arms and ran down the stairs, careful to keep her arm from getting jostled.

“Figlio, stop! Dante wait!” I barely paused, as my men ran passed me and searched the area. They searched the vehicles quickly before jumped in and drove her to the hospital. I tried to apply pressure to her injury before she lost consciousness on me.

“Amore, please stay with me,” I cried.

“Dante…” she sighed before passing out.


I was looking through his drawers to see if I could find something that fit better, so when the clothes came I wasn’t embarrassed. In one of his drawers I found a loaded twenty-two. My father taught me how to shoot, and fight, but they scared me so much that I didn’t dare touch them.

I couldn’t find anything that fit, so I tossed on my clothes from the night before. I’d just come from the bathroom when I saw Marco in the room. He was looking at me with evil intent. I was so frightened, but I thought maybe that was just his look. I hoped Dante didn’t send him up there to get rid of me.

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