Taking a Chance (22 page)

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Authors: KC Ann Wright

BOOK: Taking a Chance
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“Please be careful, Austin. Are you sure you won’t let Brad go with you?”

“I’m sure.”

“Please call him if you have any problems. Bye, Maddie. See you later,” Charlie said and walked away with her suitcase. She watched him disappear through the doors.

“Everything okay, Austin?” Maddie asked hesitantly.

“Fine. Everyone has been annoying me.”

“Everyone?” she asked innocently, questioning him with her eyes.

“Stop it. You know that doesn’t include you. You’re the only person I want to be around right now.” He smiled at her.

“Who’s Brad?”


She could see he wasn’t going to elaborate on his answer, so she dropped it. She wondered if he normally had a bodyguard with him. No one had been with him in California. Or had there been and she just didn’t know it? She decided to ignore it and bring it up later when he was in a better mood.

He grabbed her hand. “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat.” He hesitated for a moment. “Maddie, I’m really sorry about the press. There’s nothing I can do, and I wish it didn’t have to involve you. The only way we can keep you out of the papers is if I only see you in private, and even that may be tough. I don’t want to avoid spending time with you, but I understand if it makes you uncomfortable and you prefer to keep things more private.”

Maddie looked down at the sidewalk for a few seconds. Finally, she looked back up to Austin. “I understand this is part of your life. While I can’t say I’m happy to experience that side of things, I don’t think anything would stop me from wanting to spend time with you.”

Austin led them down the sidewalk toward a cafe. She took off her jacket. It was a warm day and she didn’t need it. He took it from her and slowed a half step behind her pace walking slightly behind her lead.

“What are you doing?”

“Just checking out the view from the back.” He smirked at her.

“Remember, not so much talking. You’ll just have to enjoy the view in silence.”

He motioned to zip up his lips but continued to smile.

They alternated between talking and texting at lunch. Austin had relaxed from his earlier run-in with Charlie. He’d explained that he and Charlie had had a disagreement on the way to the airport and were already irritated with each other when Charlie had been rude to Maddie. Austin sighed and told her that Charlie wasn’t sure if she was trustworthy. “He means well, I guess,” he said apologetically. Maddie nodded understandingly, but once again she was aware of the vast differences in their lives.

After lunch, they walked the streets, ducking in and out of shops. For the most part, people left them alone. Even though some obviously recognized Austin, most did not interrupt their time together. A few approached with autograph and picture requests, but the paparazzi did not appear.

Maddie purchased an emerald green silk scarf for her mom. She also bought a cowgirl outfit for Ashley. It had a puffy pink skirt with a matching vest, pink bandana and faux cowboy boots. It made her miss Ashley, which brought an unfortunate reminder of Lola.

“What’s wrong?” asked Austin.

“Nothing. I’m just going to miss Ashley while I’m gone. I know she’s still so young, so that’s what I told myself when I made the decision. I want to be the best godmother I can and I don’t want to miss any of the important events in her life.”

Maddie had not told Austin about Lola and now was not the time. She wanted to keep their short time together free of extra drama.

Their last stop was a boot store. Maddie had always wanted a pair of cowboy boots. Now that she was somewhere she could buy an authentic pair, she thought she should take advantage. She tried on a few different pairs and finally decided she liked the taller style boots. She fell in love with a dark grey pair. As she stood in the mirror, she hesitated.
Will I really wear these?
Before she could stop him, Austin had handed his credit card to the sales clerk.

“Absolutely not! I’m not letting you buy these for me.” She was scowling at Austin with her hands on her hips.

Austin didn’t back down. He got up from the leather chair and walked over to her. Her hands were still firmly planted on her hips, so he placed his over hers. He moved his face within inches of hers.

“Please, baby,” he whispered. “You know I can’t argue with you right now.” The look in his eyes made Maddie feel like she was standing naked in front of him.
How can he cause such a reaction with just a look?
She did not want to argue with him right now. All she wanted to do was … She was not going to be able to function if she thought about anything else other than these boots.

“Okay, but I’m not happy about it, just so you know.” She removed her hands from under his and placed them on either side of his face. “I’m really not happy,” she said again.

She thought she could see the corners of his mouth start to lift. Rather than let him get a satisfied smile in, she leaned in the last few inches and kissed him. He reacted instantly moving his hands up to her waist. He wrapped one arm tightly around her and pulled her close, leaving no space between them. He lifted her up onto her toes, holding her steady with his other hand on her hip. Maddie heard the sales clerk clear her throat and it took every ounce of self-control she had to pull away from him.

Austin turned to the sales clerk and nodded politely with a smile. The sales clerk did not look happy, but Maddie assumed it was just because she wanted to be the one in Austin’s arms. She had been flirting with him since they walked in the store.
Well, what girl would not flirt with him? The guy was too good looking for any one human being and he was completely at ease around people, especially women.

Maddie realized she was still standing in place dazed from the kiss. She sat down on the leather bench to take the cowboy boots off. She tucked her hair behind her ears and leaned down to pull off the boots. She felt rather than saw Austin’s eyes on her. She continued very slowly to remove each boot. Deliberately, she pulled on her own boots even more slowly. She zipped the second boot up and looked up through her lashes at him.

“Yes?” Maddie said coyly.

Austin cocked his head to the side. “What have you done with Maddie?” Austin whispered, a smile spreading across his face.

“What do you mean?” Maddie returned his smile and stood up. She handed the boots to the sales clerk. Since she was not sure how long bold Maddie would hold up, she decided to give her one last moment while the girl wrapped up her boots. She walked over to him, grabbed his hips, and pulled on them so he had to take a step forward toward her. It brought him to within inches of her. He blinked, eyes wide now.

“If you don’t like this Maddie, I can put her away.” She brushed his lips with hers so lightly it could hardly be felt.

“God, no. Please don’t put her away. She has the ability to make me forget everything else.”

Something about the way Austin looked at her gave her the confidence to bring out that side of her. She never would have had the courage before, but he made her feel sexy and desired. No one had ever made her feel that way before.

“Good, I just wanted to make sure you liked her,” she whispered into his lips.

She did not lean quite all the way forward to kiss him. She smiled at him and turned to get her package from the sales clerk. Austin stood with his mouth open.

The day flew by. It was almost five and Maddie knew they had to be ready to leave soon, so Austin could be at the theater in time for his sound check.

When they walked into the hotel, Maddie was amazed at the grand entrance and lobby area. The ceilings were at least three stories high. The décor throughout the lobby had a modern flair. The floors had light grey carpeting with a white geometric pattern. Numerous seating areas were set up throughout the main floor and all had white leather sofas and chairs. The pillows added a bright pop of jewel tone colors, primarily sapphire blue with accents of bright yellow. The mirrored side tables had silver and white vases filled with bright pink flowers. Strategically placed around the perimeter of the entire area were tall fiddle leaf fig trees in square planters.

Dark wood accented the modern design with side chairs and elegant sculptures, and the main check-in desk was a deep chocolate color. The bar area opposite the main check-in desk also had a dark wood bar. The stools at the bar were silver with white leather upholstered seats. Many of the seating areas were occupied. Most people were holding a drink or had a drink in front of them at their table. There was already quite a buzz in the air for an early Saturday evening.

“Wow, this place is amazing.”

He nodded and returned her smile. A few people looked their direction and Austin moved her toward the elevator, so they could escape any fans for now.

“So, should I meet you down here?”

He shook his head. “Brad. Seven. I will text you.”

“How will he know it’s me?”

Austin gave her a look that told her he would know. He leaned down, gave her a long kiss and tight hug. He handed her the keycard for her room. “Room 645.”

He grabbed her hand and led her to the elevator. He hit button three and six. When the doors opened on the third floor, he smiled as he walked out.

“See you later, Mad.”

She wondered if he had nerves before the show. She wanted to go over with him but didn’t want to get in the way. At least someone other than Charlie was escorting her, although not having met Brad, she didn’t know if it would be any better.

She walked down the hallway to her room, a corner suite. When she opened the door, it took her breath away. The room was huge. She set her packages and purse on the nearest table.

Her room had an expansive view of the city. The entire exterior wall was floor to ceiling windows. The room must have been over a thousand square feet. The dining area had a round dark wood table, which could easily fit ten people around it. There was an entire living room area with a large flat screen TV hanging on the wall. The couches and chairs in her room mirrored the ones she had just seen down in the lobby area along with the same jewel-tone accents. The kitchen area rivaled the size of her condominium kitchen. All of the appliances were stainless steel and looked sparkling new. The pure white granite countertops looked too clean to set anything on them. The dark wood cabinets were sleek with brushed nickel pulls.

She walked through the door of the bedroom and it was just as impressive. The king bed was covered with pristine crisp white bedding. A sapphire blue cashmere throw was placed perfectly at the end of the bed. Above the bed was an extra-large abstract art piece painted in jewel tones. The bedroom had the same floor to ceiling windows as the main room. The master bathroom was all marble and slate with a huge shower and whirlpool tub. She could not think of one thing she would change about the room. It was perfect.

From: Maddie
A, y do I have such a large room? I’m just one person. This room is too much. U r in trouble …again!

From: Austin
Dearest Maddie, I hope I’m in trouble. I’ll take it as a promise, not a threat. I ordered room service for you, so please b dressed at 6…don’t want to worry about the staff seeing you in only a towel or robe.

Ah, the guy is relentless
. She could see he was going to be a challenge. But, he was a sweet challenge and that she appreciated.

From: Maddie
Dear Austin, don’t get yourself all excited before your show. How did u know what I would want to eat?

From: Austin
Too late, excitement is at a high! I ordered the best on the menu and hoped it would b good enough. Now, please go get ready so my beautiful girlfriend is not late.

Just seeing Austin use the word girlfriend made her heart skip a beat. Something about him using the word made everything so much more real. She still could not believe she was Austin Hunter’s girlfriend.

From: Maddie
Well, thank u. Will Brad come to my room?

From: Austin
Brad is definitely NOT allowed in your room. He will meet you at the elevator. I’m going to have him take u the back way. Photographers camped out in front of hotel.

Ugh, please don’t let this be my life now.

From: Maddie
Got it. How will Brad know it is me and not some groupie?

From: Austin
Trust me. He will know the most beautiful girl in Austin belongs to me.

From: Maddie
Doesn’t really answer the question. Oh, and I don’t “belong” to u.

From: Austin
We’ll see about that. Don’t forget – b dressed by 6…I don’t want to hear any rumors about u.

The guy was going to drive her insane, but his banter was adorable. Maddie got in the shower, so she would be ready on time.

Chapter 22

er food had arrived promptly at six. Austin had ordered her a petite filet, creamed spinach, garlic mashed potatoes and a side of lobster truffle gnocchi. To drink she had a chilled glass of white wine. He had also sent her favorite, vanilla bean Crème Brule for dessert.

A few minutes before seven, she stood in front of the full-length mirror. She could not believe she was going to walk out in her outfit, but she was trying to keep bold Maddie going. She chose the light grey, almost silver, dress she had brought. It was strapless with a fitted bodice and the skirt had a bit of volume, which worked with the wide black leather belt she wore.

She put on the cowboy boots Austin had bought her. Anticipating a cool evening, she put on her fitted black leather biker-style jacket. She wore her golden hair down, straightened sleek and shiny for an edgier look, which highlighted the strawberry undertones. The jewelry was her pink diamond earrings, a few long silver necklaces and a wide black leather cuff bracelet.

She grabbed her silver clutch and walked out the door with her wine glass in hand. She had never worn cowboy boots and they made her feel vulnerable. However, Austin made her feel sexy in them, so she was going with it. At least here, she would blend in. Before she got to the elevator, her phone buzzed.

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