Taken Hostage (5 page)

Read Taken Hostage Online

Authors: Ranae Rose

Tags: #ranae rose, #contemporary erotica, #bad boy hero, #bank robbery, #erotic romance, #sexy romance, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Taken Hostage
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She opened her own door before he had a
chance to do it for her.

‘You’ll hurt yourself,’ he said as she
stepped toward the edge of the forest, barefoot. ‘Let me carry
you.’ He swept her off of her feet before she could protest, and
the sides of her shirt flapped open. He cradled her against his
chest, his gaze burning on her nipples, which were standing tall in
their best attempt to entice him.

He gave into temptation once the road and the
car had faded from sight, bending to lick each of them slowly in
turn. Tiffany sighed and arched her back, elevating her breasts
until their hard pink tips threatened to brush his jaw. He resisted
her offering. ‘I want to find a good place,’ he told her, and
started forward again.

By the time he finally stopped, Tiffany had
been contemplating leaping from his arms and demanding to end the
search for the perfect spot. ‘Here,’ he said, admiring the little
clearing he’d found in a circle of pines. Evergreen needles had
created a thick carpet on the ground, which she discovered was
quite springy when he lowered her onto it.

She shrugged out of her shirt, which had
become little more than a joke. ‘You too this time,’ she said,
tugging at the corner of his jacket. ‘I don’t take anything else
off until you do.’

He shed the jacket willingly and peeled off
his T-shirt, tossing it to the ground beside her top. She admired
the bare expanse of his chest for the first time, tracing the
contours of his muscles with her fingertips, embracing him so her
nipples pressed against his. He attacked her pants’ zipper as she
did so, exposing pantyless bare skin and pulling the fabric down
past the soft curves of her ass. He cupped his hands beneath them,
pulling her fiercely against him. She attempted reflexively to wrap
her legs around his waist, but was restrained by her pants. He
helped her to slip completely out of them, freeing her legs so that
she could squeeze his sides between her thighs hard enough to force
the air out of his lungs.

She reluctantly released him to watch him
shed his jeans and underwear. When he was naked, she took a moment
to admire his cock. She’d seen it before, but it was still just as
impressive as it had been the first time. She ached deep inside at
the sight of his long, thick shaft rising from above his balls,
which had drawn up, anticipating release. When she’d looked her
fill she threw her weight against his chest, pressing him down on
his back against the bed of pine needles.

She lay there with her face pressed below his
collarbone, listening to the steady thumping of his heart. An
echoing pulse beat in his groin, which lay beneath her own. The
thick curls that surrounded the base of his cock tickled the slick
opening into her body, and his member pressed stiffly against the
lower curve of her ass, warm and ready. As horny as she was, she
had to force herself to take a moment to enjoy the sensation, the
anticipation. It wasn’t easy to resist the part of her that wanted
to jump on his cock and ride him into oblivion.

He placed his hands firmly on her hips and
began to roll her over onto her back.

‘No,’ she said, bracing herself against the

He paused, his erection throbbing against her
thigh, waiting impatiently for her to explain herself.

‘You offered for me to come with you as your
partner,’ she told him, ‘but I don’t feel much like an equal. Not
after you kidnapped me at gunpoint and held me hostage. And
definitely not after the way you took me last time in the

‘You seemed to enjoy that part.’

‘That’s beside the point.’

‘So what do you want?’ he asked, his voice
tense with restraint.

She lifted herself from his chest until she
sat atop his hips, just above his cock. Leaning slowly forward, she
buried her hands in his hair, pressing her palms against his
temples. He raised his head to meet her breasts, which hung
tantalizingly above his face, but she pushed him back down,
grasping handfuls of his hair. He stopped resisting and lay still
with his head against the pine needles, blue eyes gleaming.

She crouched above his chest, the shape of
her legs forming a pyramid of open space, and he rose to meet her,
his mouth colliding with the slickness between her legs with all
the force of an explosion.

He traced her wet slit with the tip of his
tongue, then forced it roughly in, licking the moisture from her
body. It felt even better than she’d imagined. When he bit down
lightly on her swollen clit, her head swam. Her thigh muscles
trembled and she would have fallen, but he braced her with a hand
on each of her hips, gripping the flesh hard enough to bruise. She
squirmed with delight, but he held her firmly there, using his
tongue as if it were a spoon and the wet cavern at her core a deep
bowl hiding something delicious at the very bottom. The fluids from
her arousal and his own mouth slid over his cheeks, trickling down
until they dampened the pine needles below. Her clit throbbed
against his tongue, and her core began to tighten rhythmically,
sending waves of pleasure rolling through her belly. She shrieked
as her orgasm reached its peak, arching her back so severely that
her nipples pointed straight toward the noon sun, suspended in an
acrobatic pose that would have been impossible had he not supported

When the fierce contractions of pleasure
subsided, her body went limp and he let her collapse onto the pine
needles beside him, gasping.

‘Was that what you had in mind?’ he demanded.
His lips were parted, his blue eyes shining as they met hers.

She opened her mouth to reply, but he kissed
her hard before she could make a sound. She tasted the mingled
fluids of their mutual lust and shuddered as he forced a hand
between her still-spread legs, letting his fingers glide over her
slippery thighs and into her body. She trembled against him,
shocked by his zeal, which showed no consideration for the
ultra-sensitive state his mouth had left her in. He relented for a
split second before thrusting his fingers back inside her again,
feeling, reaching. His thumb massaged her clitoris, still swollen
with pleasure. A telltale tension began to build in her core again.
She couldn’t believe she was about to come a second time – she’d
never had two orgasms so close together. But then, James had driven
her to do a lot of things she’d never done, things she wouldn’t
have been able to imagine just a day ago.

In less than a minute, he brought her to
climax again, and her scream filled his mouth, never escaping to
echo through the trees and mountains.

He entered her then, swiftly and fiercely.
His cock felt more rigid than ever against her slick, sensitive
flesh. She gasped beneath him, having never been given a chance to
recover from his attentions, overwhelmed by his intensity. He’d
done as she wished. Yet she’d never felt as if she were the one in
control, not for a single second. He was still the one in charge, a
fact that he drove home with every breathtaking stroke. She gripped
his shoulders hard and moaned.

Suddenly, he stopped, barely remaining inside

She looked up, noting the sweat that
glistened on his brow. His eyes, which were the exact color of the
noon sky behind him, were intense. ‘What’s wrong?’ she gasped. Why,
God, had he stopped?

‘My name,’ he replied tersely. ‘Say it.’

She had a fleeting notion to refuse, but
quickly dismissed it. He waited solidly in the threshold of her
body, prepared to enter fully and stretch her to her limit again.
She couldn’t deny him that, not when she ached for his most
intimate touch at her core and her entire body craved the rough
rhythm he’d been rocking her hips to just a moment ago.

‘James,’ she sighed.

He flexed his hips, burying his cock deep
inside her, and left her feeling empty when he withdrew.

‘James,’ she gasped.

He repeated the motion, driving her to arch
her back, lifting it from the ground and raising her breasts so her
nipples brushed his chest.


His next stroke was even bolder than the
last, and it sent her over the edge. Her inner muscles contracted
furiously around the stiff, invading shaft of his cock. ‘James!’ It
wasn’t just a name, or even a word. It was an exclamation of
pleasure that couldn’t have been expressed any other way. It felt
good just to say it. ‘James, James,’ she repeated, wrapping her
arms around his neck and pulling him close as the orgasm left her
and her insides seemed to turn to jelly.

‘Tiffany,’ he breathed, his hot breath
tickling her right ear.

Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of her
name on his lips, and she tightened her hold around his neck. She
was breathing hard, but so was he, and his chest was slick with
sweat against hers. He cock was harder than ever inside her though,
and when he began to thrust again, it was with surprising

She unwrapped her arms from around his neck
and gripped his shoulders instead, needing something to dig her
nails into. She wanted to scream with pleasure, but her throat was
already ragged. She bit her lip and moaned instead as he pounded
into her, stretching her to her limit with each stroke. Her three
orgasms, especially the last, had left her incredibly sensitive.
Her entire middle sparked with delicious pleasure as he drove
himself into her over and over. She was too tired to come again,
but it felt incredibly good just to enjoy his climax.

She moaned when he squeezed his eyes shut and
arched his back, just as she had so many times. He cried out as he
came in a hot rush. It was a feral sound, one that was completely
at home in the vast forest. Even after he was quiet, it echoed
through the mountains, an announcement that he’d finally been
satisfied. He froze for a moment, propped above Tiffany on his
elbows, still hard and quivering within her. She sighed softly when
he withdrew and collapsed onto the forest floor beside her.

He curled around her from behind and wrapped
an arm around her waist. His enduring erection throbbed against her
back, and his semen leaked from between her thighs and onto the
pine needles. Her speeding heart and breathing gradually slowed,
giving way to a lazy haze of contentment. His body was warm against
hers, and his breath came slow and even against the back of her
neck. Before she knew it, she was asleep.


The sun had already begun to set over Tiffany
and James by the time they awoke. As they disentangled themselves
from one another, it was unclear who’d stirred first. ‘We’ve been
asleep half the day,’ Tiffany fretted as James stretched his long
muscles. Visions of police cars swarming the mountain filled her
mind, and she strained for hints of sirens’ wails through the
silence. Save for the chirping of a few crickets, all was silent,
but the realization did little to ease her worries.

‘Looks like it,’ he replied, scratching the
day and a half’s worth of stubble that roughened his jaw, making
him look even more deliciously rugged than usual.

Tiffany anxiously remembered the trooper
who’d pulled them over on the highway that day. The police back in
New York were surely working around the clock to discover James’
identity and whereabouts, if they hadn’t already. Had his image,
surely caught on the bank’s security cameras, spread to the south
yet? The thought tied her stomach in knots.

‘It’s alright,’ he said calmly, perhaps
reading her expression. ‘We’d better not waste any time though. He
fished Tiffany’s shirt from among the pine needles and handed it to

She let him drape it over her shoulders,
which were pebbling in the absence of his body heat, and slipped
her arms into the sleeves. He reached around her body and cupped
her breasts before she could attempt to cover them with the gaping
fabric. Holding their weight in his hands, he rubbed the soft swell
of her nipples with his thumbs, watching them harden beneath his
touch. Tiffany sighed. The rest of her body wasn’t ready to receive
him again yet, but this felt good.

‘Are you cold?’ he asked as she quivered
against him.

‘Something like that,’ she replied.

He bent his head to kiss the side of her neck
lightly. ‘Let me help you get dressed.’

He lifted her pants from the ground and held
them while she stepped into them, tickling the curves of her calves
and thighs as he dressed her. Despite the hurry they were supposed
to be in, he took his time, touching her softly here and there
until he finally pulled the zipper up, hiding the soft nest of
curls that grew between her hips from view. He paused to press his
mouth against her stomach as he rose, dipping the tip of his tongue
into her navel before tracing an imaginary line that led him
upwards to the hollow between her breasts. Both of them tingled,
and her nipples were still hard from his touch. He favored them
each with a wet kiss, tracing lazy circles around them with his
tongue. She sighed and leaned against him for a few moments,
eventually releasing him to find his own clothing.

She watched as he dressed himself in his
underwear, jeans, T-shirt and socks. Though her own body was sore
after the explosive sex they’d had, every inch of it warmed as she
regretfully watched his disappear beneath layers of clothing. It
was too bad he couldn’t just stay naked. He approached her again
after pulling on his boots, holding his jacket out towards her. She
stood still as he wrapped it around her, shrouding her from
shoulders to waist, protecting her from the light chill that had
come with the evening. When he’d finished dressing, he reached out
to stroke her cheek, a tender motion that surprised her.

‘Why?’ he asked her quietly.

‘Why what?’

‘Why did you come with me?’

She silently asked herself the same question.
She’d been avoiding answering it for herself all day, choosing to
live in the moment instead, enjoying every second of it. She
reached out impulsively to take one of his hands in hers,
squeezing. ‘Like you said, there was a spark between us. When I saw
you at the bank, I felt like you must have when you were looking at
that red Mustang.’ She smiled ruefully. ‘That sounds so

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