Taken By The Navy Seal (Part 2) (Owned By The Navy Seal) (5 page)

BOOK: Taken By The Navy Seal (Part 2) (Owned By The Navy Seal)
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you did. That’s great.”


Chapter 5


was excited about the meeting on Friday. She had received the report that there
were negative findings for lead and the asbestos turned out to be a non-issue.
The city planning and permit office had approved the foundation repairs and
with the exception of the reporter on Monday, everything was back to normal and
work would resume as planned. And she was looking forward to seeing Jared. She
found that the more she spent time with him, the more she thought about him. Or
rather, couldn’t stop thinking about him. He wound his way into her dreams and
he was there in person during the day.


she got out of her car, she whistled for Casey. Since there weren’t any workers
on the job site while they were waiting for test results, Casey came to work
with her. The black lab had been her constant companion since she rescued her
five years ago. Badly mangled in a dogfight, Casey had been rescued by Animal
Control, but her sorry state and timid demeanor had made her unadoptable and
she had been red tagged. When Rita found her, she fell in love instantly with
her big brown eyes and adopted her immediately. Her recovery had been long and
she still had some nerve damage as well as joint problems, and battled with a
constant fear of loud noises and open spaces. With the workers offsite, Rita
took the opportunity to add to Casey’s training as she was able to explore the
site safely and without fear of other humans.


Rita wasn’t working, the two were relatively inseparable and Rita was thankful
for every day she had with her. Her ex, Tuck, was against getting Casey because
he didn’t want to deal with all the work that it would take to rehabilitate
her, but Rita had assured him that she would handle all of it. And she did. But
that didn’t stop Tuck from causing problems. His sadistic side found that he
enjoyed terrorizing the dog to the point that Rita didn’t trust him around her
when she was out of the house so she would leave her with her friend, Keanie,
even if she was stepping out for a few minutes. When Tuck made the comment,
‘Wouldn’t it be a shame if the relationship broke up over an animal,’ Rita
decided that it was a great idea and started making plans to move out. When
Tuck became ill and had to spend two weeks in the hospital, Rita had to put her
plans to leave on hold because of the sudden financial constraints. After Tuck
was released, he was kinder and Rita had hoped that maybe this health scare did
him some good, but no such luck. As soon as he was well, he was back to his old
tricks, and in some cases, with a vengeance. Rita stayed with him another year
when a small financial windfall came their way. Taking her half of the money,
she packed what she could fit into her car, loaded up Casey and headed for San
Diego, leaving everything else to Tucker. Their divorce was finalized in six
months and Rita chalked up the last 10 years to one long lesson learned. 


Rita walked toward her office, she saw that Jared and Brian were already there.
Walking toward them, Brian broke from their conversation to give Casey some
attention. Barking joyfully, Casey raced around, as Brian would rub her sides. While
Brian claimed to be a cat person, he went out of his way to give Casey the
attention she loved. A true soft-heart, Brian couldn’t stand to see anyone or
anything in pain and his calm demeanor was a big help to Rita as she worked on
Casey’s fears. Spying Jared, Casey halted. Dropping her head, she looked at him
with suspicion and made a low growl. Recognizing her fear, Jared dropped to the
ground and held out his hand. Slowly, Casey walked toward him to sniff at his
hand. Brian was known for carrying dog treats with him and Rita didn’t realize
that he had given one to Jared. As Casey walked closer to Jared, she recognized
the scent. Taking the treat, she allowed Jared to pet her while she munched on
the crunchy dog biscuit. Before long, her hackles had dropped and her tail was
back up in her happy curve. Relieved, Rita bent down to hug her dog.


girl, Casey,” Rita crooned to her best friend. “Not all humans are bad.”
Wagging her tail, Casey licked Rita’s nose before sitting down. Straightening
up, Rita smiled at the two men. “Shall we get started?”




the meeting, Rita was gathering her things together to leave when Casey began
wagging her tail. Smiling, Rita leaned back as Jared came up behind her to hug




her back against his growing hard-on, “Mmmmm, yes.”


at her ear, “I meant for food, woman.”


“Oh, I guess I could eat. What did you have in mind?”


something entirely different now,” said Jared, as he kissed her neck. “How
about if we pick up something to go and the three of us head over to my place?”


down at Casey, Rita smiled. “Yes, I think that’s a great idea.”


to meet at his place in an hour, Rita finished what she needed to do at the
office and locked up. Jared offered to pick up dinner and since Rita always
kept extra food in the car for Casey, she didn’t have to stop anywhere. Driving
over, she complimented Casey on how well she did with Jared. Casey had limited
experience around males and what little she did have tended to include fear and
pain. When Rita moved back to San Diego, it took several weeks before Casey was
comfortable around Rita’s nephews and brother-in-law. Despite being warm,
pet-loving humans, Casey was easily upset when things got too loud around the
TV, especially when it involved football. Rubbing Casey’s head, Rita couldn’t
believe how quickly she took to Jared.


like we both like him, don’t we girl,” asked Rita. As Casey thumped her tail in
response, Rita continued to talk aloud. “He is very sexy. And smart. Kind, too.
He listens.” As Rita ticked off Jared’s different positive points, Casey
continued to thump her tail as if to say she agreed. “I don’t know about you
girl, but I think he’s a keeper, but let’s not tell him, yet, ok? He can be a
bit arrogant at times.” Laughing to herself, Rita pulled up at Jared’s home to
find that he was already there. As she got out of the car, she reached for
Casey’s leash and doggy bag as Jared came out to meet her.


Rita deeply, he said, “I hope you’re hungry. I bought a lot of food.” Reaching
down to rub Casey’s head, he took the bag from Rita. “And I’m hoping you’re up
for a game.”


game? Will that be before or after dinner?”


I was thinking of making you part of the dinner.”


they walked inside, Rita couldn’t help chuckling, “So, should I take a shower


I like you salty.”


Casey was quick to begin exploring, but she didn’t make it far. Tail wagging;
she trotted over to a nest of blankets and pillows on the floor with a giant
rawhide sitting on top. Plopping down, she happily began to chew.


you don’t mind,” said Jared. “I want both my girls to feel at home here,”


Rita hugged Jared. “I don’t mind at all.”


said Jared as he kissed her, “Because I’m hungry.” Reaching in his back pocket,
he pulled out a bandana and held it in front of her face. “You game?”


Rita nodded, “Yea, I’m game but do it quick before I chicken out.” Smiling,
Jared tilted Rita’s head up as he captured her lips in a slow, sensual kiss.


interested in quick.” As he kissed Rita, he folded the bandana before he
stepped back. Turning her around, he pulled her up tight against him. Moving
her hair, he kissed her neck as he began a slow exploration of her body. As
Rita sighed, he placed the bandana over her eyes and tied it in the back.
“Comfortable?” At Rita’s nod, Jared continued. Still holding her up against his
chest, he reached for the buttons on her shirt. As he undid each button, he
would expose a bit more skin on her shoulders. And with each exposure, came
gentle kisses that sent tingles down her spine. Shivering, Rita tilted her head
to give Jared more room. Leaving her shirt tucked in her waistband, he pulled
it off her shoulders, pinning her arms to her sides. Sliding the straps of her
bra down, he released her breasts. Cupping them, he held them in his hands as
he played with her nipples. Nestling her head against his shoulder, Rita arched
her back, pushing her breasts into his hands. As Jared continued stroking and
kissing her, Rita reached around behind her. Finding Jared’s erection, she
cupped him through his jeans allowing the heat of her hands to permeate. A nip
from him let her know that she had his attention. Continuing her own
exploration, she made a satisfied snort as Jared hissed. Stepping forward,
Jared closed off any space between them, effectively pinning her hands between


you don’t mind your hands, little one, I might have to restrain you.” At Rita’s
answering moan, Jared chuckled. “Somehow, I think you’ll like that.” Taking a
step forward, Jared steered Rita toward the living room where he had created a
much larger nest for the two of them. Reaching for the front of her shorts, he
released the clasp and dropped her shorts to the floor where they pooled around
her feet as her panties quickly followed. He knelt to remove her shorts,
panties, boots and socks before he finished removing her shirt and bra. “Bend
your knees; we’re going to sit on the floor.” As Jared guided her to the floor,
he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful she looked sitting there naked and blindfolded.
Giving her a quick kiss, he couldn’t resist teasing, “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll
be right back.”


Jared walked away to gather together whatever he planned to do, Rita strained
to hear what he was doing. This wasn’t her first time being blindfolded, but
she didn’t remember it being this exciting before. In fact, she had been
uncomfortable. This time was different. She knew that the difference had to do
with Jared and she was looking forward to whatever he had planned. The
blindfold seemed to heighten Rita’s other senses as she strained to hear what he
was up to. The clink of glasses and the rustling of wrappers had Rita assuming
he was gathering food together. She didn’t even know what he had picked up for
dinner. As Jared returned, she could hear him set things down around her. Her
nose picked up on spices. She thought she smelled habanero and basil. Mmmmm,
Thai food? Was that peanut sauce? As Rita’s mouth began to water, she wasn’t
sure which she was more of, hungry or turned on.


Jared knelt beside her, Rita turned her head. “Hungry?”


starving now, is that Thai food I smell?”


the tip of her nose, Jared chuckled. “You do have an excellent sense of smell.”


hungrier by the minute, Jared.” Laughing, Jared started opening containers. As
he opened each one, the sweet and spicy smells assaulted Rita as she groaned.
“Jared, you’re killing me.”


your mouth,” was his only reply. As Rita dutifully opened her mouth, Jared
placed a piece of satay chicken in her mouth. Dipped in peanut sauce, Rita
moaned as she chewed the savory bite. Jared spent the next few minutes feeding
her from the various containers he had brought with him. As Rita happily
munched on curry beef, spicy shrimp and veggie dumplings, she swore that the
food tasted better than it ever had before. As Jared set aside the food, he
reached for a glass, pressing it lightly to her lips. As Rita’s lips parted to
drink, she enjoyed the refreshing taste of a Riesling. Not a huge fan of wine,
Rita did enjoy the sweet, crisp taste that always reminded her of a fresh fall
apple. As Jared pulled the glass away, some of the wine dripped on her.
Jumping, Rita felt the cool liquid run down between her breasts and pool around
her navel.


self-conscious all of a sudden, Rita couldn’t help but exclaim, “I must be a
real mess. Napkin?”


to worry,” replied Jared. “I haven’t eaten yet.” At Rita’s gasp, Jared pushed
against Rita’s shoulders as he positioned her in a reclining position on her
back. “Now, while I realize that the sensible side of you will bristle at lying
down so soon after eating, I can assure you that you will have little trouble
working off your meal.” As Rita lay back, Jared kissed her lightly. Shifting,
he began kissing down her body, following the path the wine took. Careful not
to touch her with his hands, Jared’s lips and tongue made short work of the
wine where it pooled on her body. Rita jumped when she felt something warm and
sticky land on her chest. “Don’t move, Rita, I’m laying my dinner out.” As Rita
did her best not to move, she couldn’t help trembling in anticipation. This was
an entirely new experience for her. While she loved that Jared took control,
being blindfolded and used as a dinner plate made her nervous. Squealing, she
jumped when she felt food land along her pubic bone. “Lie still, please.”

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