Taken by Storm (17 page)

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Authors: Kelli Maine

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Fiction / Erotica, #Fiction / Coming Of Age, #Fiction / Romance - Erotica, #Romance, #Fiction / Contemporary Women, #Fiction / Romance - Suspense, #Fiction / Romance - Contemporary

BOOK: Taken by Storm
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“Sorry.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I’m not sure what Rachael’s plans are.”

He led her down the hallway to the grand entryway. She spun in half a circle, gazing up at the mural-covered walls and high, beamed ceiling, still hanging on to him. “This is amazing.”

He loved the way her eyes lit up as they darted around trying to take in as much as they could. He loved the look of awe on her face, and the clean, soapy scent of her hair as it swung toward him. He loved
, even if he didn’t want to.

He did want to.

More than anything.

Rachael’s laughter made MJ and Maddie turn their heads toward the kitchen.

“I’m telling you,” Beck said, out of sight, talking to
Rachael, “he’s gone over that chick. He’s trying to play it cool, but Junior can’t hide how pussy-whipped he is.”

Son of a bitch. MJ was going to kick that guy’s ass.

Beck and Rachael, who was flushed from laughing at Beck’s comment, stopped abruptly under the large archway separating the entryway from the kitchen. MJ met Beck’s eyes, and Beck couldn’t possibly miss how pissed he was.

Beck smirked and lifted his chin.

Rachael glanced from one to the other, then stepped between them, breaking the tension. “Here’s your drink, Maddie.” She handed Maddie a tall glass filled with something clear, a lime wedge stuck on the rim. “Dinner’s almost ready. I’m starving. Let’s go back out and sit down.”

“Good idea,” Maddie said, steering MJ back down the hallway by his arm. “Are you okay?” she whispered in his ear.

“That guy’s an ass,” he whispered back, his nose brushing her cheek. He wanted to keep it there and nuzzle her neck.

She stifled a laugh by putting her fingers to her lips.

“What’s so funny?”

She glanced up at him smiling her beautiful Maddie smile. “You.” She squeezed his arm, pressing her chest against him in a hug.

They pulled two round patio tables together, and MJ held a chair out for Maddie to sit. The chef, Carlos, brought out baskets of tortilla chips, strips of steak and chicken sizzling on cast-iron skillets, and painted ceramic bowls filled
with grilled peppers and onions, guacamole, shredded cheese and every topping a person could want on a fajita.

As they ate, Maddie’s thigh rested against his. Once she reached for the salsa and her breast brushed his arm. He wanted to pull her body against his and keep her there for the rest of the evening. All through the night.

“How’s your father, Maddie?” Heidi asked between bites. “It’s been too long since I’ve visited.”

Maddie drew the tines of her fork through her rice, contemplating something. It wasn’t the first time MJ wished he could read her mind. He put his hand on her knee, and she flinched at his unexpected touch.

“He’s good,” she said. “I wish I could spend more time with him. Wish he’d retire.”

Heidi took a sip of her water. “I don’t know what my father would ever do without him. Those two are like Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.”

“More like Jekyll and Hyde,” MJ muttered and shoved a chip in his mouth.

Beside MJ, Rachael let out a small laugh that she tried to hide with a cough. Across from him, Roger scooted his chair back and joggled his empty beer bottle back and forth. “I’m going in for another. Anyone need anything?”

Rachael jolted up from her seat. “I’ll get it for you. I should’ve kept the staff here for the entire week.”

Roger waved a hand. “No, no. I’ve got it. Sit and relax. Enjoy your dinner.”

MJ wondered what Beck and Joan’s job descriptions were. Obviously not the waitstaff.

“I’m stuffed,” Maddie said, tossing her linen napkin on the table. “I need to go for a walk or something.”

Rachael glanced over from MJ to Maddie. “Neither of you have seen the entire island. Let me grab something. I’ll be right back.”

MJ watched Rachael dash into the hotel. In less than a minute she was back and handing him a key. “You go with her,” she told him. “She shouldn’t be out walking alone. Gators come out at night.”

He wasn’t sure if he should believe Rachael or not, but then he didn’t want to risk Maddie becoming gator food. Not that he could fight one off if it came after them. “Okay. What’s with the key?”

“There’s a little house that way.” She pointed over his shoulder. “You’ll know it when you see it. Merrick built it for me. It’s incredible. You have to see it.” The corners of her mouth turned up into a sly smile as her eyes darted between him and Maddie.

MJ didn’t know why, but he had the distinct impression Rachael was up to something.


ou’ll know it when you see it, Rachael had said. Maddie replayed those words in her head as she gaped at the enormous tree house perched in the tall cloister of trees in front of them.

“They must be on timers,” MJ said, confusing her.

“What are on timers?”

“The lights.” He nodded toward the wall of windows beyond the wraparound front porch, brightly lit with a warm, yellow glow.

It was the first he’d spoken since dinner, and Maddie was dying to tap into his thoughts. “Merrick had this place built for Rachael? Wow.”

He tread onto the first step of the arching staircase, gripping the railing. “Must be for them to have some privacy when other people are here.”

She felt her heart speed. She wanted privacy—with him. A jolt of longing shot straight to her center. She couldn’t allow herself to feel this way about MJ for one second more. Somehow, she had to purge herself of all of her emotions tied to MJ.

Maddie passed the lit lanterns sitting atop the balusters and followed him up the curved steps to the porch. She knew he was afraid of heights and noted how he stayed
close to the house as he jiggled the key in the lock and pushed the door open.

“Whoa,” he said, stopping on the threshold.

She peered around him and inhaled sharply. It was beautiful. The definition of love nest. A sunken hot tub sat in the center of the room with a wet bar to one side, plush white carpeting and a soft, white sofa and chairs against the opposite wall.

MJ stepped inside and she followed. “This looks like the only room down here,” he said. “Bedroom must be upstairs.”

Maddie’s eyes roamed up a spiral, wrought-iron staircase to where it disappeared into the second floor. “Must be.” She shivered.

“Are you cold?”

“No.” The shiver was anticipation of what could happen between them if they climbed those spiral stairs to the bedroom.

MJ’s eyes followed hers to the staircase before darkening with need. She knew that look so well, had seen it hundreds of times. Had loved how she could make him want her so badly.

He started toward her, and she backed up, bumping into the railing. MJ gripped the balusters on either side of her waist, trapping her. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. All of the tension ran out of her body at his touch. “MJ,” she warned, but wasn’t sure if the warning was meant for her or for him. She gripped the hem of her shorts, willing herself not to touch him back.

He touched her nose with his and very slowly turned his head from side to side. “Do you want me to stop?”

She couldn’t stand it. She’d never wanted something so badly in her life—something she knew in her heart belonged to her—that she couldn’t have.

MJ took her hands, threaded their fingers and raised them above her head, pinning them against the railing that climbed above her. He angled his head, his lips only an inch from hers. “Mads,” he breathed, “you belong to me.”

“I know,” she whispered back. “But I can’t have you.”

“Like hell you can’t.” He pressed his lips to hers, and hunger for him consumed her. She squeezed his hands, pressed her body against his and parted her lips, savoring every soft, wet inch of his mouth.

He tasted of lost memories, hope, anguish, home. He tasted so familiar, it brought tears to her eyes. Her MJ.

God, she’d missed the feel of his hands on her skin, his body pressed against hers, his ragged whispers against her flesh promising his love forever.

One moment being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and she’d let fate tear them apart? How could she ever walk away from him? How would she do it again?

Deepening their kiss even more, MJ let go of her hands and wrapped his arms around her waist. Picking her up, he headed toward the couch.

Maddie broke away from him. “No. I can’t,” she said, her breath heaving, and head spinning.

“Yes,” he insisted, gently biting her bottom lip.


“Shh… It’s just you and me. Here. Now. Don’t think, just feel.” He lowered her onto her back on the couch and knelt between her knees. “I’m not giving you up without a fight. You can’t leave me this time unless you swim back.”

He leaned toward her and she braced her hands against his chest. Her resolve was weak. She couldn’t even collect her thoughts to utter a protest.

MJ took her hands and placed them on either side of her head. His eyes roamed from the top of her head down to her collarbone, then back up to her eyes. She saw the pain shoot through them and felt it echo in her chest.

“What did I do wrong?” he whispered. “What made you leave me?”

She felt the slow burn behind her eyes and couldn’t stop it. Tears gathered, blurring her vision. She blinked hard and his finger traced one down her cheek.

“Tell me,” he urged.

She closed her eyes, squeezing out even more tears, and he kissed her. It was gentle and patient. He loved her. She’d never questioned it, but his kiss conveyed just how much she meant to him. The feelings she’d held back for so long surfaced and overwhelmed her, coming out in a heaving sob against his lips.

“Mads?” He stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. “Talk to me.”

“I can’t.” She shifted underneath him and sniffled while she wiped her eyes. “Please. Not right now.” He wasn’t in any state of mind to hear the truth.

He slammed his hand into the back of the couch, making her flinch. “Then when?” he shouted. “You never said goodbye. You were just gone. You tore my fucking life apart, Maddie! And you can’t tell me why?”

He clenched his jaw and lowered his forehead against her chest. “Do you know how absolutely destroyed I was?” He looked up with a scornful smile on his face. “I still am. I can’t get over you. I can’t stop wanting you. It’s a fucking nightmare I live every single day. Then you come back with that fucking ring.”

He shot up onto his knees, grabbed his shirt and tore it over his head. Grabbing her hand, he pressed her fingernails into his chest. “Why don’t you rip me open and tear my heart out. That’s what you’re doing, so quit dragging it out and end me.”

Maddie had never seen the desperate, crazed look in his eyes. She did this to him. She’d caused him this pain he couldn’t hide from her anymore.

His arms dropped to his sides, his chin to his chest. “Do you know the complete fucking horror of watching the only person you ever trusted walk away from you?”

Maddie couldn’t stand it one more second. She had to take his pain away. Now was not the time to tell him why she left. She couldn’t tell him she loved him, and saying I’m
sorry wouldn’t be good enough. So, she’d show him in the only way that mattered.

She got to her knees on the couch in front of him and took his face in her hands. “MJ,” she whispered, and waited until he brought his dark, distant eyes to hers before repeating his words back to him. “Here. Now. Don’t think, just feel.”

Maddie brushed her lips against his, testing his response. He took a deep, jerky breath, then pulled her to him, crushing his lips against hers. His tongue pushed into her mouth demanding more. His hands ran up the back of her shirt, then around to the front. His fingers slipped inside her bra while he trailed kisses across her jaw to her neck.

She let her head fall back and thanked God for giving her this time with him. She’d pay whatever the price was to make MJ forget his pain for as long as she could—to make her forget how long it had felt like she was missing a limb, a vital organ, without MJ in her life.

She ran her fingers through his dark, wavy hair, nuzzled her nose in it, breathing him in. He tugged down the V-neck of her T-shirt and found her breast, licked and sucked her nipple sending waves of heat on a path leading straight between her legs.

Her chest heaved, her back arched, giving him more. He could have all of her, even if it could never happen again. She’d remember this moment for the rest of her life. She’d think of this night and feel these feelings that were stronger than anything she’d ever felt. At least she’d have
this memory to keep with her and know she’d once been able to love this much. She’d once been loved by him in return.

Tears streamed down her cheeks again, landing in his hair. He glanced up with a flurry of emotion in his eyes. “Stop?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No,” she sobbed.

He rose on his knees and kissed her cheeks, her nose, her eyes, her forehead. Then he eased her back down onto the couch, turning them so she lay on top.

She loved lying on him, feeling him breathing underneath her, resting her head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. She never thought she’d find herself here again.

MJ gathered her hair behind her head with one hand and kissed her while hitching her knee up beside his hip with the other. He clutched the back of her thigh, tracing his fingers up under the leg of her shorts.

Maddie was so lost to his kiss and his touch, she could barely catch her breath. She pulled her lips from his and kissed her way down his neck to his chest. She couldn’t fight her desire and didn’t want to. This was MJ. She shouldn’t have to fight it. She ground her hips against his, and felt his erection press between her legs. The sensation made them both groan.

MJ grabbed her other leg and pulled it up by his hip so her legs were open to him and thrust against her.

“God,” she whispered against his chest, tracing his pecs with her tongue. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”

“You should’ve come back to me.” He thrust again, and she wished they didn’t have clothes between them.

“I couldn’t,” she panted, teasing his nipple with her teeth.

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