Take Me (2 page)

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Authors: Onne Andrews

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #oral sex, #rough sex, #sex at work, #onné andrews

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His mouth descended on mine. Not tentative.
Not testing. Devouring. Like a starving man on a deserted

My response was equally shameless. I dropped
my purse and carry-on and parted my lips, inviting him inside. He
tasted as rich and delicious as the dinner he’d treated me to.

His hands slid south and cupped my ass,
pressing me tight against his swollen cock.

Some part of me with common sense prevailed.
I pressed my hands against his chest. I could feel his reluctance
as his lips left mine. “She’ll be back any minute,” I said.

A mischievous grin lit his face. “Never had
sex in public before?”

“No. Well, not exactly,” I fudged. With Ian,
I didn’t want to talk about another man. I just wanted him.

His head dipped, and he nuzzled my neck. “So
you’re telling me you want something longer than the fifteen
minutes it will take her to get back?”

I couldn’t help laughing at his tone.
“Doesn’t every woman?”

“If I don’t have you here and now, I can
guarantee I won’t be able to make it last when we get to the

I shivered at the raw lust in his voice. Not
even my ex made me feel this sexy, this
, even in the
first blushes of our relationship.

“Then maybe you’d better fuck me before she
gets back.” God, I sounded like a slut. And I reveled in it. For
years, I was so careful everything I did. Everything I said.

For the first time, I understood why my ex
had left me. I was boring as hell.

But with Ian, I felt like sexy. exciting.

He took my hand and tugged me over to the
couches around the corner from the podium. I understood his
reasoning. We’d have some warning when the door opened, but the
concierge wouldn’t be able to see us right away.

Ian slipped off his jacket, sat down and
pulled me into the “V” of his thighs. Gently, almost respectfully,
he pushed up my skirt. “Take off your shoes.”

While I kicked off my pumps, I shed my suit
jacket as well and tossed it on top of his. Our clothing mirrored
our positions, and I shivered at the implications.

He hooked his thumbs in my hose and panties
and eased them down my legs, laying little kisses along my thighs
as he did so. Tremors ignited goosebumps along my skin. My muscles
turned to jelly, so I braced my hands on his shoulders. He lifted
each of my feet in turn and peeled off the hose and panties.

His fingers stroked my pussy lips, coaxing
even more liquid from me. For someone determined to have a quickie,
he took his time. While he massaged my right ass cheek with one
hand, he teased my clit with the thumb of the other.

The whole time he watched, weighing every
motion, every reaction. When he slid a finger inside my passage, my
eyelids fluttered closed at the sheer pleasure.

“Lacy,” he snapped.

My lids popped open at his sternness

“Keep your eyes on me.” His feet moved
between mine and pressed my legs apart. I’d never had a man command
me like that. The intensity sent another wave of lust through

I nodded. I couldn’t speak, just moan,
because he choose that moment to thrust three fingers inside me. He
stretched me, filled me. The fear that the concierge would be back
any minute spiced everything he did.

My mouth opened, and I ran my tongue over my
upper lip. Under his trousers, his erection twitched. He picked up
his tempo. I was so slick I could feel the warning contraction deep

It was too fucking much. No one had ever
taken this much time, made sure I was this aroused. “Stop. God,
please stop.”

Ian froze. “What’s wrong?”

I gathered the threads of what little
self-control I still possessed. When I could breathe again, I
pushed his hand down, away from my demanding pussy. “I’m about to
come, and I want you inside of me when I do.”

He relaxed at my assurance and unbuckled his
belt. His self-satisfied smile said everything.

As much as I wanted this, one little fact hit
me like a runaway train. “Shit! I don’t have any protection.” Ian
started laughing and reached under my jacket for his. When he
pulled out his hand, a foil packet gleamed red under the emergency

“Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you.” But I
couldn’t help smiling.

“Oh, so you’re saying you weren’t checking
out my ass earlier?”

I snatched the packet out of his grip. “Shut
up and unzip your pants.”

He laughed harder, but he followed my
commands. His delicious cock sprang free as he shoved his clothing
out of the way. If we had more time now, I’d show him exactly how
much I appreciated his body.

My fingers trembled so much that it took a
couple of tries to rip open the packet. I rolled the condom over
his cock. It felt as hard and thick as it looked. I kept my eyes on
his as I knelt on the couch, straddling his hips.

When I lowered my body over his, air hissed
between his teeth. I understood the feeling. I nearly came

We both held perfectly still for a long
moment before the need to move overtook me. I braced my palms on
his shoulders and ground against his body. He rested his hands on
my thighs, letting me set the pace this first time.

I rose and swiveled my hips in a figure
eight. A muscle in his jaw twitched while I continued my sensual
dance. With an animalistic growl, he palmed my ass, urging me

I was more than happy to comply. The hard
thrust of him intoxicated me. He spread my ass cheeks, plunging
even deeper into me.

It had been too damn long. I had no control
of my body. Instinct had taken over. My nails dug into his shirt
and the flesh beneath it as my pussy convulsed around him. He
swallowed my cries with a rough, demanding kiss.

His thighs stiffened beneath mine. A low
groan vibrated through his body, and his cock pulsed in my pussy,
setting off a series of aftershocks that left me limp.

But it was those piercing eyes that reduced
me to a quivering mass. His look said unequivocally that he wasn’t
done with me yet. Not by a long shot.


Chapter Two


Ian and I had straightened our clothing and
were pulling on our jackets when the concierge returned with the
hotel vouchers. She apologized profusely again, but I was anxious
to leave. I wanted Ian’s hands on all of my bare skin the next
time. And I wanted the next time to be now.

If I wanted sex, he must have wanted it more.
I had to race-walk to keep up with his long strides down the
airport corridors. In minutes, we were at the taxi pick-up.

He assisted me into the cab and gave the
driver the hotel’s name. The car pulled out into the sparse traffic
exiting the airport. Rain pounded the cab, and sheets of water
sluiced down the windows, blurring the outside world. Our taxi and
the rest of the vehicles skirted lakes of standing water as the
rain came down faster than the sewers could cope.

Ian curled his arm around me and held me
tight against the cold, wet night. Maybe it was the rhythm of the
rain. Maybe it was the post-coital drowsiness that made me relax so
much. Maybe it was my own naiveté assuming he’d behave in front of
someone else.

When Ian slid his hand up my skirt, the
sensation jolted me out of my stupor. I hadn’t bothered donning my
panties and hose out of fear that it would take too much time, and
I’d be caught by the airline’s concierge. Instead, I’d shoved them
into the pocket of my suit jacket.

Which meant my pussy was naked under my
skirt, and Ian knew it.

His fingers stroked my inner thighs, gently
encouraging me to part them. Shameless, I spread my legs for him.
He played with my flesh, still swollen and tender from our fuck at
the airport.

Every once in a while, the driver glanced at
us in the rearview mirror while he regaled us with tales of the
golf ball-sized hail his wife reported coming down at their
apartment building. I didn’t know if he could see what Ian was
doing. Part of me wondered what the driver would do if Ian undid
his trousers and took me right there in the back seat. Would he try
to watch while driving? Would he pull over and turn around to get
the full affect? Would he want to fuck me too?

What the hell was wrong with me? I wasn’t
exactly a prude, but this exhibitionist streak scared me. So why
didn’t I stop Ian?

Instead, I jerked my skirt up a bit more and
eased my thighs further apart. He pressed two fingers inside. With
easy strokes, he teased me until I was on the edge. Under the
passing headlights, his expression dared me to stop him, to stop
myself from coming. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay silent if I
did let go.

Why was I playing this dangerous game? I was
forty-three, old enough to know better. Was I so lonely that I’d
let a man I’d met only a couple of hours ago play with my pussy
while we were in a taxi? Did I miss sex so much that I relished a
stranger’s thumb on my clit?

My internal muscles squeezed his fingers. I
couldn’t last much longer. I dug my nails into the cab’s upholstery
in a desperate attempt to cling to whatever shreds of self-control
I had left.

At the small wordless sound I made, Ian
withdrew his hand and smoothed my skirt into place. The problem was
I couldn’t be sure if I had tried to protest or encourage him.

Before I could think too much about my
behavior, the taxi pulled under the covered portico of the hotel.
Ian helped me from the backseat, then paid the driver.

I fished in my purse for my voucher.

Ian’s hand closed over mine. “Save it. We
don’t need two rooms.”

My body shivered under his touch. I
understood what he meant, but I hadn’t wanted to make any
assumptions despite our encounter at the airport. Or the taxi. At
the naked lust in his eyes, I shoved the voucher back into my

The clerk said they didn’t have any regular
rooms with king-sized beds available, but between the voucher and
his membership in the hotel’s frequent guest program, Ian
sweet-talked her into upgrading the room to a suite.

In less than five minutes, we stood in the
elevator as it carried us to the top floor. As much as I wanted to
touch him, wanted his hands on my body again, I was very aware of
the security camera mounted in the corner of the car. The last
thing I needed was a video of me doing naughty things uploaded to
some amateur porn site.

That train of thought led me to questioning
my own sanity. I’d turned an idle fantasy into reality. It wasn’t
like me. Yet, I’d talked myself into breaking out of the rut I had
been in for years.

I glanced up at him. For some strange reason,
I trusted him. He could have been feeding me a line about raising
two kids by himself, but the way he’d treated everyone from the
airline concierge to the young hotel clerk said he was a decent

He had a wry smile on his face, a one-eighty
from his self-assured manner through the evening.

“If you’re having second thoughts—” I
started. I really didn’t want to hear that he did, but it was
better to know now.

“What?” His smile faded. “No, are you?”

“No, it’s just that, well, you had an odd
look on your face.” My cheeks warmed as I fumbled with the

He chuckled. “Actually, I’m feeling guilty.
Like I’m in high school again and sneaking a girl up to my room.”
He bent over until his lips were so close to my ear that his warm
breath caressed my skin. “But then I picture the things I want to
do to you, and I don’t feel like a high school kid at all.”

Liquid coated my inner thighs at his words.
My breasts strained against the lace of my bra. I felt like I would
shatter if I took a breath.

The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open.
His hand rested on the small of my back again as we walked down the
hall, but this time, I didn’t feel the least bit protected. His
touch encouraged me to throw the rest of my inhibitions to the

Ian unlocked the door and ushered me inside.
I flipped on the overhead light to reveal a well-appointed living
room with a tiny kitchenette tucked in the corner.

He took my bag and set it and his on the desk
to his left. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach. I wasn’t sure why,
considering what we’d done in the airport and the taxi.

As if sensing my nervousness, he stepped
closer. His lips brushed mine in a delicate almost-kiss. He drew
back, watching me with those pale eyes. My tongue flicked over the
spot on my lower lip where he’d touched me.

I realized I wasn’t nervous about having sex
with him again. The question was whether his imagination matched
mine. “So what kind of things were you thinking in the

The tension in his shoulders eased. Maybe
he’d been concerned I’d deny him, that I’d change my mind once we
were inside the suite. “Take off your clothes for me.”

I reached into the pocket of my suit jacket
and pulled out the wad of satin and nylon. “You sure this isn’t

A slight smile tilted the corners of his
mouth. “I want to see the whole package.”

I never had someone watch me undress like
this before. For my ex, disrobing was a preliminary to rush through
before the main event. Instead of a means-to-the-end, Ian watched
me as if this was something spectacular he’d waited for all his

For once, I wasn’t self-conscious. My whole
being locked on Ian. Never before had I been so aware of each
movement I made, each tiny gesture. The rasp of my jacket’s lining
as it slid down the cotton sleeves of my blouse. The smooth texture
of the acrylic buttons at my wrists. The coolness of my skirt’s
material against my skin when I tugged the shirttail from the

His attention followed as I slowly undid each
button. His undivided interest made me feel feminine. Powerful.

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