Take a Risk (Risk #1) (7 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Finn

BOOK: Take a Risk (Risk #1)
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‘Me?’ he asked. ‘You’re researching me?’

‘Not professionally, but I’m a stickler for a conundrum like you.’

‘I’m a conundrum? How?’

‘Downstairs, just now. You took a simple drunk customer overstepping his bounds and escalated it. Security is all over the place, nothing would have happened to me.’

‘I saw a problem and I fixed it,’ he said.

She could tell that he was at a disadvantage, and not accustomed to her direct manner. But she was used to telling it like it was, bring open and candid. ‘The paradox is why it mattered to you. You’re handsome and smart and you try to play it aloof, but I can tell that things affect you more than you let on. You’re dedicated and not afraid of hard work, but what’s your motivation, Colt? What makes you tick?’

‘That’s what it all comes down to for you, isn’t it? You have to know what drives people.’

‘I have to know what drives you. Why do you do what you do?’

‘I have my reasons, but I’m not on your shrink couch now, Cherrypop. This isn’t one of your sessions and I am not one of your patients.’

‘Oh I’m very aware of that and thankful too.’

‘Why thankful?’

Tipping her cheek to the back of one hand, she let the other drift down his chest. ‘I can’t be honest with patients or reveal any of myself, but I can do both with you. More than that, I want to be honest with you. You know about my work here and my book, and you’re helping me to find my stalker. Right now, you know more about me than my best friend does.’

‘Except we’re not friends,’ he said, taking her hand from his abs and putting it on her bare knee.

‘Why does he feel it necessary to put up these walls?’ she asked.

‘Why does she feel it necessary to unpick my agenda?’

‘Oh,’ she said, straightening a little, ready to tease now that she had the sense he was riled. ‘Agenda, that’s an interesting choice of language. Haven’t you been taught to watch your word choice around us head doctors… What is your agenda, Mr Warner?’

‘To uncover the identity of your stalker, do my job, and get my money.’

‘Ok,’ she nodded, folding her hands in her lap. ‘Is money important to you?’

‘It’s what makes the world go round, right?’

‘That and sex,’ she said. ‘So if you’re getting cash from me, who is giving you sex?’

‘You think that sex is a necessity?’

‘No. But you spend your time surrounded by attractive women and I doubt you’re short of offers. So if you’re not taking advantage of what’s available there has to be a reason for that. Bad break up?’

‘You always have to know the answers?’

‘It’s in my nature to want to help,’ she said, easing closer again. ‘By getting defensive you’re setting me up to be your enemy. Do you see me as a threat?’

‘I think I could take you in a fight, you’re no threat,’ he said. Snatching his soda can, he left the couch and crossed to prop himself on the front edge of his desk to drink.

‘Do you think of all threats as combative?’

‘They are the most prominent ones and they’re often the most difficult to protect ourselves from. You must understand that, given your current predicament.’

‘Have you ever had difficulty with sexual climax?’

‘Man, you never switch off. There’s nothing wrong with me. I don’t need you to diagnose me.’

Kneeling in the centre cushion of the couch, she linked her fingers, and after a few seconds of silence, he came back to sit on the couch beside her.

‘If he’s leaving flowers then at least we know he’s still around,’ Colt said, trying to return to the subject at hand, or rather the safer subject up for discussion while they were alone

‘That’s a good thing?’

‘Yes, if he’s around I can find him and get on with compiling the evidence you need to end this and get on with your life.’

‘Then your job will be done and you can move onto the next one.’

‘Something like that,’ he said.

‘Have you seen Ruger since he’s been back in town?’ she asked to which he frowned. ‘Blaser told me he was back.’

‘I spoke to him last night and today while you were at dinner. Who was the shirt with Suzette and Pete? Hot date?’

‘Is that what’s got your nose out of joint? He’s Pete’s best man, Keith.’

‘My nose isn’t out of joint,’ he protested.

‘So how come you never came in here to see me earlier tonight, huh?’

‘I was outside looking for unfamiliar faces. If I’d known that something had happened last night, or you had something to report, I’d have come in.’

‘You told me not to call you.’

‘Don’t call me to soothe your female insecurities, but you should keep me privy to updates about the case.’

‘I’ll note that for the future. But what would you have done?’

‘Come over,’ he said.

‘Why? To soothe my female insecurities? Are you the type of man to take advantage of a woman at a vulnerable moment? Because last night I probably would have let you.’

While surprise crossed his face, his gaze darkened. ‘Would you?’

‘A strong, attractive man like yourself,’ she said, leaning in to lean her bust on his bicep. ‘I’ve already told you how my primitive brain has sized you up. You have a toned muscular physique, so you could protect me.’ She walked her fingers from his belt to his chest. ‘You have the brains to outwit low life criminals, loyalty to family, and a sense of responsibility. Instinctively, my body is ready to mate with the prime specimen you offer. You would be a bold, but reliable, choice of sire for my offspring.’


‘Mm hmm,’ she pouted, draping one arm around him as the other slipped to his thigh. ‘That’s what it’s all about, babe, isn’t it? Sex for the purpose of procreation.’

‘Teasing me isn’t going to work, Cherrypop,’ he said, one side of his mouth slinking up. ‘I wasn’t born yesterday. I know you’re trying to goad me into revealing something of myself.’

‘Smart, but suspicious,’ she whispered, inching closer, swept up by the heady scent of man swirling around her. ‘But who’s teasing?’

Skimming her hand upward, she closed her palm over the solid length of him behind his fly. ‘Is this where you ask me to submit to a physical?’ he asked.

Smiling, she brushed the tip of her nose along his jaw. ‘Nothing so cliché,’ she said, overjoyed that he didn’t flinch away from her, instead he looked her straight in the eye. ‘You’re erect.’

‘You’re astute,’ he grumbled. ‘Professional curiosity? You just wanted to see if I could get it up, so you thought you’d squeeze your tits in my face.’

‘I’m a woman before I’m a doctor, Colt, and I’ve been physically attracted to you since I first saw you. There’s an air about you that hypnotises me.’

‘Are you always this honest?’

‘I try to be,’ she said. ‘You can’t ask for honesty if you’re not willing to give it.’ Working her hand gently, she began to massage him through the denim. ‘I was personally curious, I wanted to know if I had any effect on you.’ Withdrawing her hand, she was ready to move away, but he snatched her wrist and pressed her against him again, pushing his hips up in the process.

‘No one told you to stop,’ he murmured and on her commencing to massage again, his own hand moved to her hip and up to the curve of her bare waist.

The span of his certain hand and the skin to skin contact in this private room was intimate enough to make her tremble. When he registered the effect he had on her, his eyes narrowed and some of her gumption slipped away becoming something more vulnerable but equally as potent. It had been so long since she had been with a man, but she didn’t recall the sensations being so raw and arousing.

Their eyes remained linked, her hand slowed as his skated up and down and she sloped her body onto his, slanting her mouth to sag onto his in a helpless manner as though he’d lured her to him.

At the moment of their mouths impact, his hand clenched and his hips came up, giving her every permission to consume his welcoming mouth. His tongue came to hers and their greeting slammed all hesitancy from each of them. Hormones and hearts rushed to provide facility for the union that their bodies craved. This wasn’t about fornication, but it was intuitive. Hands clambered to test flesh and lips screamed silently for more taste and texture.

Then before any conscious decision could be made about the destination of this kiss, he jerked away. ‘Bad idea,’ he said, turning his face down. ‘Very bad idea.’

‘For you or me?’ she asked, not deterred. Her body had become curled against his, so her knees were over his lap and she had one arm still along his shoulders. Bending her elbow, she finger-combed the hair on his crown, down the back of his head.

‘You’re a client,’ he said.

‘I’m not a client right this minute. You don’t have to worry about the ethics of this. I want to be intimate with you, Colt. I’m attracted to you.’

‘So we have sex while you’re on my brother’s dime?’ he asked and though he was serious, she laughed.

‘I’ve paid you a retainer, does that make you a gigolo? We’re a man and a woman exploring a sexual connection. Sex doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s a biological drive.’

‘Are you trying to smooth talk me?’ he asked.

‘Charm you out of your underwear? No. If you’re uncomfortable then I would never dream of pushing the issue. But I’m ready.’

‘Excuse me?’

Leaning over the edge of the couch, she felt around for her shoes and began to buckle them on. ‘In all sexual relationships communication is key. At this stage we can’t possibly know the outcome of any intimacy that we share. Mixed signals complicate things, so while I may tease at times I want to be clear. I’m open to having a sexual relationship with you, I’m ready.’

‘You’re a client.’

With her shoes now on she clicked her heels on the floor and landed her smile on him. ‘If you’re not interested, that’s perfectly acceptable.’

She got to her feet, but he caught her wrist before she could leave his side. ‘How many other guys have this offer at the moment?’

‘You’ve seen my life, babe. There are no other men in it. You’re the only one I’ve offered to share my body with.’

‘Not Keith?’

‘Definitely not Keith,’ she said. ‘You can think it over and if you change your mind: act. I’ll be receptive.’

Something resembling shock made him slump back on the couch, he freed her and she went for the door to return to work. She’d already taken an extended break, the least she could do was be there for kicking out and clearing up.

Chapter Six



By three AM most of the clean-up at Risqué was done. The dancers were gone and the waitresses were starting to say goodnight. Colt was having trouble concentrating, just as he had been since Lyssa had sashayed out of his office after that kiss. His ears were still ringing from the experience and what had come after. Lyssa was an upfront woman and now that he knew she was open to getting naked with him he was preoccupied by the notion.

‘You can take off,’ Blaser said to the waitress who brought a stack of empty glasses to the bar. Colt glanced around to see it was Lyssa, she was about six feet away from him, talking to his brother.

‘Will you be around for a while?’ Lyssa asked Blaser. ‘Or are you eager to get out of here?’

‘I’ll be around for a while,’ Blaser said. ‘What’s up?’

‘Can I shower here?’

‘Sure thing, sweets, need someone to soap your back?’

Lyssa glanced in his direction and Colt couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. ‘Make sure he keeps his ass behind that bar, will you, babe?’

Blaser laughed and Colt nodded once then twisted in his stool to watch that sweet ass of hers sashay backstage toward the staff area where the showers were.

‘Been a while since I’ve seen that look in you,’ Blaser said, carrying on with cleaning up the glasses. ‘You’ve always been strict about not messing with employees.’

‘I’m not messing with her,’ Colt said, turning back to finish his soda.

‘She’s worked here less than a week and she’s already taken up residence in your office. What happened to our rule about upstairs being off-limits to employees?’

‘Crystal goes up to yours.’

‘She’s worked here since we opened and it took her forever to be allowed up there. You told Ruge about Cherry?’

‘What’s that matter?’

‘That’s a yes,’ Blaser said, pausing. ‘You told mom?’

‘No,’ Colt said. ‘What’s your interest in my sex life? Your own failing?’

‘I’m off women,’ Blaser said, going back to his work. ‘They give me too much grief.’

‘Someone trying to tie you down?’

‘More like ratting me out.’

‘Ratting you out to who?’ Colt asked, reality slammed back into acute focus. ‘You know that Ruge and I gave you the cash for this place on the condition that you kept the club and yourself straight.’

‘And Colt jumps to the worst case conclusion about me, what a surprise. How come you have all the patience in the world for everyone except me?’

‘Maybe I’ve given you the benefit of the doubt one too many times, Blase.’

‘I’m not your great shame anymore. You’re not the hotshot cop. You’re a regular joe, just like the rest of us.’

‘’Cept you’re about to tell me you got yourself in trouble again, right?’

‘Yo! Where’s the party gone?’

The twins were interrupted by their six foot five little brother striding into the club. ‘Hey! It’s the baby!’

Blaser went to bro-hug Ruger and after some back slapping Ruger came to Colt who greeted his other brother. Blaser went behind the bar and opened three cold beers.

‘I sense tension,’ Ruger said, after slugging from his bottle.

‘Blaser was about to tell me he’s in the shit,’ Colt said.

‘Oh, yeah? Of which variety?’

Colt did expect the worst, so the word that came from Blaser’s mouth surprised him. ‘Bri,’ Blaser said and Ruger hissed.

‘I thought you’d learned your lesson with that girl long ago.’

‘It was supposed to be casual,’ Blaser said. ‘Her idiot brother was never supposed to know.’

‘Gary can’t stand you. He nearly killed you the last time you messed with his sister,’ Ruger said. ‘’Cause you were bad news.’

‘Back then maybe, but I’m legit now,’ Blaser said.

‘Do you think that Gary’s going to give you the time to explain that?’ Ruger asked. ‘He’s the shoot first type.’

‘It doesn’t matter, we’re done,’ Blaser said.

The blank look in Blaser’s eye as he drank his beer told Colt there was more to the story than Blaser was letting on. Either that or losing Bri, again, meant more to him than he’d want to reveal.

All of them drank in silence, contemplating their own predicaments. ‘I’m so glad I rushed home to the warm bosom of the family,’ Ruger said. ‘Have you two been bitching at each other the whole time I’ve been gone? You’re supposed to get along when I’m not here to bang your heads together.’

‘They’ve been getting along.’

Colt and Ruger turned in time towards Lyssa’s voice. She was wearing skinny jeans and short cowboy boots under a boob tube with a scoop neck hooded top, but she swayed with the same confidence that had mesmerised him on her departure.

‘Hello, pretty lady,’ Ruger said. ‘You’re new here.’

‘As are you,’ Lyssa said, pushing her damp hair over her shoulder then straightened the strap of her backpack.

‘Ruger Warner,’ he said, offering his hand.

‘The enigma,’ Lyssa said, shaking his hand then going to Colt’s other side, putting him between her and Ruger. She snagged Colt’s beer from him and took a swig. ‘Your reputation precedes you. I know who you are.’

‘Need a ride home?’ Colt asked and she shook her head. He might not be able to actually take her home, but he could tail her if it was her wish.

‘Will I see you this week?’ she asked in a lowered volume though they both knew his brothers were listening.

‘Probably not,’ he said. ‘But I’ll be around. Call the club if you need me.’ She could also report developments to Chavez, and the message would get through to him, but he wouldn’t complicate things by saying that in front of his brothers.

‘Need you?’ Lyssa asked with a smile. ‘And if you find yourself ready, you know how to find me.’ She sipped his beer again and let her eyes slink to his when she put it back in his palm, then turned to Blaser. ‘I’ll see you Thursday, boss.’

‘Sure thing, Cherry.’

‘Nice to meet you, Mr. Warner,’ she said to Ruger.

‘Call me, Ruger.’

‘I doubt we’ll meet again. Word is that you’re a bit of a drifter.’

‘An adventurer,’ Ruger grinned. ‘But we’ll meet again, I have a feeling Colt will make sure of that.’

‘My favourite Warner,’ she said with innuendo that drove fire to his loins.

Turning to her, he read her mischief. ‘Behave yourself.’

‘I’m going home,’ she said, brushing her fingers across his ass as she moved past him. ‘Night, Warners.’

Lyssa took her time leaving, but he was glad to see the smile on her face, she deserved a bit of frivolity in her life.

‘Now I get it,’ Ruger grinned and slapped a hand on the bar when he turned to Colt.

‘Yeah, yeah,’ Colt said, prepared for the ribbing.

‘She’s a beaut,’ Ruger said. ‘Where did she come from?’

Colt drank his beer, having no intention of answering, which Ruger gleaned, so he turned to Blaser.

‘She came in here the week before last looking for him,’ Blaser said. ‘They disappeared in back then she came back this week wanting a job.’

‘Really,’ Ruger said, switching focus back to Colt. ‘You’ve got no problem with her working here?’

‘She’s waiting tables,’ Colt said.

‘And when she graduates to dancing?’ Ruger asked. ‘You’re going to be ok with that?’

‘She won’t be here that long,’ Colt said, trying to erase the mental image of Lyssa grinding and stripping for other men in this place.

‘That right?’ Blaser said. ‘Are you going to run off one of my waitresses?’

‘She makes her own choices,’ Colt said. ‘I just get the impression that this is temporary for her.’

‘You know her better than I do. You two spent a while upstairs tonight.’

‘Talking,’ Colt said, omitting the truth about the kiss.

‘Whatever,’ Blaser said. ‘But our staff turnaround isn’t high here unlike other strip clubs because we treat our girls well. Maybe Cherry will like it here and want to go all the way.’

He didn’t appreciate his brother’s attempt to rile him, but Ruger laughed which alleviated some of the tension.

‘If Colt gets that girl you know he’ll protect her body with his life. He’s a possessive sonofabitch.’

‘Like you’ve ever shared a woman you cared about,’ Colt said to Ruger.

‘Oh now he admits that he cares,’ Blaser said to Ruger’s jeer.

‘Foreign to you though, isn’t it?’ Colt said to Blaser. ‘You’ve never cared about another soul in your life.’

‘Whoa, hey,’ Ruger said. ‘Let’s keep this friendly, Colt, if you want the girl then go and get her, we’ll support you. Blase, you should know better than to piss Colt off, he still has buddies down at the precinct. And you know I’ll tell our future sister in-law this story next Christmas.’

Blaser laughed and Colt shoved Ruger off his stool. ‘You’re not too old for me to kick the shit out of you, you know.’

They began rough-housing in good humour until Blaser came around the bar and gave them both a shove.

‘If there’s going to be bloodshed in my bar it’ll be shed by me,’ Blaser said.

‘Are you kidding? Mom wants us all around for dinner tomorrow night,’ Ruger said. ‘I don’t want to explain all your bruises. She’ll ground me or something.’

‘Your worst nightmare, staying in one place for more than twenty minutes, Colt said.

‘And what about your bruises and broken bones?’ Blaser said. ‘Colt’s right, you know we can kick your ass. You’re a little wimp.’

‘In your dreams,’ Ruger said, shoving Blaser.

‘Grab the beer, let’s go upstairs and play a few frames,’ Colt said. ‘We’ve got to catch up before Ruge disappears again.’

‘I missed you too, bro,’ he said, trying to yank his resistant brother into a headlock while Blaser went back for the beer.

‘Knock it off you two and get moving. I’m in the mood to play for high stakes tonight.’

‘No problem,’ Ruger said, taking the case of beer from Blaser. ‘I could use the money.’

The three laughing brothers headed up the stairs for a rare, but overdue, night of male bonding.

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