Take a dip (2 page)

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Authors: Lacey Wallace

Tags: #MM Fiction

BOOK: Take a dip
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“You’re using your daughter as evidence? At that age, you might not have realized it yet. Even if you had, teenagers can get hard and have sex with just about anyone or anything. When I was sixteen and pretty sure that I was gay, I experimented with a girl. I had no trouble getting it up with her, even though the experience was nothing compared to when I was with a guy.”

Adam looked away as Denise came to the surface, coughing. She had most likely gotten water up her nose as she attempted a flip. It wouldn’t be the first time. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Adam mumbled as he turned back to the lifeguard.

Mark’s eyes showed compassion for the first time. “I probably know better than you realize. Do you ever get hard from staring at guys? Instead of acknowledging it, though, you ignore it, thinking that it’s a phase and it will pass.” Adam’s silence was answer enough. “I did the same thing when I was fourteen and my first crush was a male substitute teacher. I didn’t want to believe it, so I simply pretended it didn’t exist. That doesn’t work forever. I was forced to face the truth, and eventually you’ll have to as well.”

Adam pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t think I’m strong enough to deal with this on top of everything else.”

Mark’s words were soft. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. Many guys in your position would have abandoned their child, but you stuck it out. I’m sure you had help, but you were there and now you’re a single father. You do have strength; you just need the courage to use it.” The silence that followed wasn’t comfortable, but it wasn’t tense either.

How does Mark know that I’m a single father?
Adam wondered as they stared at each other. He thought back to the only other conversation they’d ever had, and he knew he’d never mentioned raising Denise alone. Of course, he’d had some bitterness about Denise’s mother in his voice, and it was definitely plausible that Mark had made his own assumptions. That couldn’t be right though. Mark sounded way too sure of himself for it to be a mere assumption.

Maybe Mark asked around about me,
Adam thought in awe. He was bewildered when a thrill went down his spine. Mark acted like his interest was purely physical, but if he cared enough to investigate, there had to be more to it. Adam wasn’t sure why that idea made his heart feel like it was expanding.

A cry of “Daddy, watch me!” broke through it.

Adam turned in time to watch his daughter attempt a back flip but fail miserably. She coughed and spluttered. Adam chuckled. “Keep trying, Denise; it takes practice.” His answer was a thumb up from his darling girl.

He turned back to find the lifeguard’s eyes assessing him. “You think it over,” Mark said. “If you want to test out what you said about being straight, which I truly don’t believe, come find me. If you’re ready to accept the fact that you find guys attractive, still come find me. I definitely won’t mind showing you why being gay is a pleasure.” Mark squeezed his shoulder before walking away.


Adam needed to think about what Mark said, Denise getting sick took precedence over everything else. Her coughing at the pool turned out to be more than just swallowing water, and since her immune system wasn’t the strongest, it was easy for her to get bronchitis. Adam worked tirelessly to make sure her head cold didn’t turn into something worse. After a week of TLC, her cough was almost completely gone. Then his Aunt Belinda offered to allow Denise to stay over at her house for a couple of nights. Although he initially refused, Belinda convinced him that he needed a break after the hectic week as well as a little “Adam time.”

Adam spent some of the rare free time doing things he never really got to, including reading for pleasure. He got so into a new mystery novel that the first time he took a break, he realized it was past midnight. He had been reading for over four hours. Adam rubbed his neck to ease the tension and then decided to call it a night.

When Adam woke up the next morning, his cheeks felt hot to the touch. It was the first time in a long while that he actually remembered any of his dreams, and part of him wished he hadn’t remembered this time. It had been a pleasant enough dream, if the sticky substance coating the inside of his boxer shorts was anything to go by.

Unfortunately, it brought Mark’s words back to his mind. Adam knew he was denying the truth, but he was ready to keep believing it was a phase, just something he had to work out of his system. Mark was undeniably sexy and Adam wanted him. He would be perfect for the job.

Adam sat up in bed, a determined look on his face. Denise was gone for the day. It was the perfect chance to get Mark and this whole gay thing out of his system, and he was going to take it.

Adam was cleaned, dressed, and out of the house in record time. The drive was quick; he made it to the pool in less than ten minutes. He knew there was a chance Mark wasn’t working that day, but he had nothing to lose by going.

As he entered the pool area, he saw Mark talking to another male lifeguard and got cold feet. In a moment of fear, he ran to the bathroom, or at least ran as much as he was allowed to at the pool. Adam hid in a stall, leaning against the door as he breathed heavily. He wanted this experience; it was just nerves. His nether regions were already interested, if the slight tightening in his shorts was a clue.

He steeled himself to face Mark’s smug face before opening the stall door. Adam was pulling open the door to the bathroom when he felt it being pushed open from the other side. He stepped back and came face-to-face with Mark’s neck. Adam’s eyes moved up and locked with the lifeguard’s gaze. His breath quickened as his eyes roamed over Mark’s bare chest, and they kept moving downward until they reached the covered area. Adam gulped as he saw a twitch inside the swimsuit.

A gentle finger tilted his head up. Mark stared, questions swarming in his eyes. Adam knew his nod was very slight, but Mark must have seen it because suddenly Adam’s lips were covered.

Adam stood stiff with shock, but he let Mark take control. Mark’s strong lips worked Adam’s slack ones, not seeming to mind that he wasn’t being very responsive to his ministrations. A gentle hand caressed Adam’s back through his cotton shirt before he was pulled against the muscled body, a hardness pressing against his stomach. Adam moaned before bringing his hands up to rest on Mark’s chest.

When air became necessary, they pulled apart. Adam made a move to step away from Mark’s intoxicating presence, but the lifeguard didn’t allow it. Instead, Mark pulled Adam closer to his body.

Adam’s neck was showered with gentle kisses, making his knees go weak. Walking backward as Mark pushed him, trusting the man enough to make sure he wasn’t hurt, Adam let Mark’s lips envelop his with another searing kiss. This time Adam responded right away, even if it was a bit tentatively, and he opened his mouth to Mark’s searching tongue. A hand pressed against his clothed erection, shocking Adam enough that he pulled away from the kiss.

Mark took Adam’s hand and gently led him toward a door opposite the entrance. It led to a blessedly empty locker room. Mark locked it to be on the safe side. Adam was tugged into strong arms and kissed again; he let the feeling wash over him, although it ended too soon.

Mark didn’t pull completely away, though; their lips still touched, but there was no longer any pressure. When Adam tried to initiate another kiss, Mark shifted away just enough so he wasn’t successful. “Before this goes any further, you need to realize this is only a one-time thing. I’m not interested in a relationship with anyone right now. Do you understand?”

After what had happened with Cynthia, one-night stands were really
Adam’s style, especially since he had a daughter to think of. Still, he didn’t want a gay relationship. He just wanted to experience the gay thing once and then forget about it. It would be easy to walk away from Mark. “I understand,” he said, even though he still felt somewhat hurt, maybe even a bit rejected. He didn’t want this to continue, of course, but he felt like Mark was already writing him off as not being worth it. Adam shook his head; he was getting upset for no reason. This was just going to be sex; that was all. There were no feelings attached to it.

Adam’s reward was a deep kiss. Mark backed him up until his legs hit the bench. He sat down and allowed Mark to do whatever he wanted. First he snatched off Adam’s shirt, dropping it onto the floor next to the bench. Then his lips hungrily suckled Adam’s hard nipples. Mark’s tongue continued its downward path until it reached Adam’s boxers. He looked up and smiled as Adam whimpered at the loss. “This is your last chance. If you want to stop, say so now.”

Adam’s eyes were glazed over with lust, but they cleared slightly at Mark’s words. “Mark, this attraction will pass. Once I experience gay sex, I’ll get it out of my system and I’ll never want to experience it again. Why would I want to stop?”

Mark’s gaze didn’t waver. “You really believe that?”


“I guess I’ll have to prove you wrong.” Mark’s mouth claimed Adam’s again hungrily. As Mark’s lips and tongue worked, his hands tugged insistently on Adam’s shorts until his hips lifted high enough to pull them down and off.

His cock was engulfed in heat. Adam watched through eyes glazed with lust as he disappeared past Mark’s perfect lips before reappearing once again; it didn’t even register that he considered Mark’s lips perfect. Instinctively, he gripped Mark’s chestnut hair and pushed in and pulled out more frantically, using Mark’s very willing mouth for the maximum pleasure.

Although Adam wasn’t celibate by any means, even after Denise’s birth, no girl had brought him this much pleasure while sucking him off. Mark’s mouth was a vacuum, and he was trying to suck out all of the come inside of Adam.

Adam’s hips bucked frantically, losing control of his body thanks to the skilled mouth. Adam felt the pleasure build almost to the peak, only to be disappointed as Mark’s mouth left his aching erection. He groaned in frustration. “What the hell?” His body anxiously moved upward, trying to urge Mark to take him into his mouth again, but Mark only chuckled in amusement.

Their lips clashed passionately as teeth scraped lips, causing pain and pleasure to mix. Mark drew away, although it seemed to be with much reluctance. Adam hesitantly reached out to fist Mark’s erection through his bathing suit. He had never touched another man before and was curious. Mark allowed him to explore through the suit before slipping it off and revealing himself to Adam’s eyes. Adam gulped at the sight. It wasn’t his first time seeing another man naked, but it was the first time in this kind of situation.

Adam gently rubbed the angry red head, experimenting to see what caused Mark to moan and writhe and closely watching Mark’s face for his reactions. He wanted to bring the man pleasure without completely understanding why. When his hand moved up and down the whole length, Mark moved his body in time, but made no sounds.

When Adam’s blunt nails scraped along the length, Mark groaned and writhed as his eyes closed in bliss. Adam smiled, enormously pleased with himself at Mark’s response. He fondled Mark’s heavy balls, making low pants sound through the room. Finally, Mark stopped Adam with a forceful hand, but softened the unspoken command with a lingering kiss that left Adam wanting more. He felt like he was burning up, and the only one who could cool him off was Mark.

Mark felt around for his swim trunks on the floor and pulled out a small bottle. Adam’s eyes were questioning. “Lube, to help ease the way,” Mark explained with patience.

Adam suddenly realized what was going to happen and began to feel a bit frightened; he wasn’t sure that he needed such an in-depth experience to get this out of his system. He moved away slightly, eyes darting to the locked door and wondering if he could make it and forget this almost-experience ever happened.

To his immense surprise, after Mark had slathered his fingers with the thick substance, he started to finger
. Adam’s eyes widened at what that meant. “I thought….” He didn’t finish the sentence as Mark arched up, breathing shallowly, and flushed as he prepared himself, adding a third finger.

Finally, Mark pulled his fingers out with a pop. “You thought I was going to fuck you. I do both: I fuck and get fucked, but I didn’t want your first time to be even more frightening. You can try being fucked when you feel more comfortable with the whole experience. Of course, someone else will get the honor of popping your cherry.”

Adam flinched at Mark’s crude words. Once again, he felt some unnamable emotion at the idea that this would never happen with Mark again, until he remembered his stance on the whole gay thing and got mad at himself for even considering future experiences. He opened his mouth to retort about having sex with a guy being only a one-time thing, but it was cut off as Mark slid a condom that had appeared out of nowhere onto Adam’s aching cock.

Even though the possibility of Mark doing the fucking had frightened Adam, he had only deflated slightly. After the reassurance of who was going to do what, he was completely turned on and ready. Then Mark lathered Adam’s condom-covered erection in lube. His hands knew how to work Adam until he was a whimpering mess, begging for more. Adam whined as the hands left him, making Mark chuckle. “We don’t want you to come too soon. All of the fun would end then.”

Mark pushed Adam down so he lay on the bench. It wasn’t the most comfortable place to be having his first—and last—gay experience, but it would have to do. He wiggled, attempting to get somewhat comfortable and also succeeded in annoying Mark just a bit. Mark grabbed Adam’s discarded shirt from the floor and used it to pad the bench beneath Adam’s head. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better.

Their next kiss was gentle and prodding, nothing like the former kisses that were filled with intensity and heat. Adam could almost pretend he was cared for and loved. Other than his aunt and his daughter, he had never known what being loved felt like. Even before Denise, his parents had never shown him much love or affection. He was probably better off without them.

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