Tainted (21 page)

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Authors: K.A. Robinson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Tainted
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“You look so beautiful tonight,” he whispered in my ear.

“Thank you,” I said shyly.

I always felt so plain next to him, and it meant the world to me when he told me things like that. I didn’t want him to ever grow bored with me.

“No thanks needed. I’m just telling you what I see.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. “How did I ever get so lucky?”

“I think it’s the other way around,” I replied.

“Not a chance. I’m the lucky one.”

For the rest of the slow song, I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes. I took deep breaths, inhaling his scent. If we were together for a thousand years, I would never get used to being with him like this.

The song ended, and a fast-paced rap song started playing.

He looked down at me and grinned. “I remember the first time I danced with you like this.”

I pretended to think as we started moving with the music. “I’m not sure that I do. I mean, I’ve danced with so many guys.”

He frowned. “Let me see if I can remind you.”

He spun me around until I was facing away from him. His hips started grinding into my ass, and I gave it back to him just the same. When I felt him harden against me, heat shot between my legs. I pushed against him as I slowly slid down his body and back up. When I was standing again, he grabbed my hips and dug his fingers in as we continued to move together.

For someone who hated rap music, Drake could certainly dance to it. I forgot about everyone around us as we danced together. All that mattered was that Drake and I were together. He spun me around so that I was facing him, and then he reached around to cup my bottom.

“I want to take you right here on the dance floor,” he whispered in my ear.

He ran his tongue down my neck, and I moaned in response. I dug my nails into his back as he pushed tighter against me. His body felt so good, pressed up against mine.

“Um, you guys might want to tone it down. You have an audience,” Eric whispered next to us. I’d been so wrapped up in Drake that I hadn’t noticed him approaching.

I pushed away from Drake and looked around. When I noticed several people staring at us, I felt my face burn from embarrassment. “Oh my God.”

Drake chuckled at my embarrassment. “What’s wrong?”

“Why are you laughing? We just made fools of ourselves in front of all these people.”

“Who cares what they think?”

“Um, I do.”

“You shouldn’t. I was having fun.”

I rolled my eyes. I walked back to the table and sat down. Drake had no shame. He followed me and slid in beside me.

Eric sat down across from us with a smirk on his face. “Well, at least everyone got a good show.”

“Shut up, Eric,” I grumbled. I laid my head down on the table.

He never tormented me, so I knew Drake and I had put on quite a show if he was.

He laughed. “Sorry, Chloe. I had to. At least I stepped in and saved you though.”

Adam smacked him across the head. “Damn you! I wanted to see Chloe naked again.”

My head snapped up. “Again?”

Drake shot him a glare as Jade tried to cover her laugh with a cough.

“Uh, just forget that last part,” Adam mumbled.

“Oh no, you don’t. Drake, when has he seen me naked?”

Drake gave me an apologetic look. “Remember when you sent me that picture last summer?”

I nodded.

“Well, Adam was standing behind me when I was looking at it, and I didn’t realize it.”

“Someone just shoot me and put me out of my misery!” I groaned.

“It’s not a big deal. Besides, you have a smoking hot body. I couldn’t look away,” Adam said.

“Dude, shut up,” Eric growled. “You’re not helping.”

“I didn’t mean it as a bad thing. I would never look at you naked on purpose unless you wanted me to. If you ever do want me to, just let me know.”

“I’m about two seconds away from kicking your ass. You’ll never see Chloe naked again,” Drake growled.

“I just meant that if you two ever wanted to take a walk on the wild side and have a threesome or something, I’m your guy.”

“Shut up, Adam!” we all said in unison.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Jade put her hand over it to stop him. He rolled his eyes as he held up his hands in surrender.

Drake put his hand on my leg and started rubbing. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I just didn’t want you to freak out,” he whispered in my ear.

Despite my embarrassment from both our dancing and Adam’s confession, I shivered as Drake’s breath tickled my ear. I was still turned on from our dancing, and Drake’s hand on my bare leg wasn’t helping the situation. Each time his hand brushed the bottom of my short dress, I swore I forgot how to breathe. He didn’t notice at first as he talked with the band, but he caught on to my predicament quickly when I grabbed his hand and pushed it away.

He gave me a small smile as he put his hand back on my leg and continued to rub. Each time, he would go just a bit farther under my dress. His fingers ran along my underwear as I tried to keep my breathing even. No one else at the table seemed to notice my predicament as they continued to talk. Drake continued to be a part of the discussion as if nothing was happening.

He pushed my underwear to the side and slowly started rubbing back and forth along my clit. I tried to clamp my legs shut, but he pushed them apart with his hand and continued to stroke me softly. When he flicked my clit, I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning. I was going to kill him when we were alone.

Drake had to turn his head away to hide his smile when Jade had to ask me a question twice before I answered. I finally managed to drag my attention away long enough to answer. I almost sighed in relief when he stopped stroking me and rested his hand on the inside of my thigh. Just as my body was starting to relax, he moved his hand back and thrust two fingers inside me.

I gasped and grabbed the table. The band stopped talking and looked at me.

“You okay?” Jade asked.

“Yeah, I just had a cramp in my leg,” I managed to gasp.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Drake grinning, but I refused to look at him. He pulled his fingers out and thrust them back in. My knuckles turned white as I gripped the table harder. The band went back to talking as Drake continued to thrust his fingers in and out of me. My breathing grew shallow as I tried to act like he wasn’t about to give me an orgasm. I tried to push his hand away, but he wasn’t having it. Instead, he pushed my hand away with one of his hands and started thrusting in and out faster with the other. A thin sheen of sweat broke out across my forehead as I felt myself edging closer and closer to my release. When he pulled his fingers out and flicked my clit, I came undone. I grabbed his leg and dug my nails in as I tried not to cry out. My body shook, and I rested my head against Drake’s shoulder as I tried to hide what he’d done to me.

“Chloe, are you sure you’re okay? You look flushed,” Jade asked.

“You do. Are you not feeling well?” Drake asked, his voice full of fake concern.

“I’m not feeling that well to be honest. Maybe we should head home,” I answered.

“Come on, let’s get you home and into bed,” Drake said.

I didn’t miss his true intentions even though everyone else did.

“I’ll see you guys later,” I said as we stood up.

We didn’t stick around to hear their response. My legs felt like jelly as I walked down the stairs and to the door. Drake kept his arm around me as we waited for his car to be pulled around. When he kissed me softly behind my ear, I shivered. I was going to kill him when we got in the car.

“That was dirty.” I said the moment we got into the car.

“What?” he asked innocently.

me. You shouldn’t have done that in front of everyone.”

“You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it.” He glanced over at me. He had that shit-eating grin on his face that always melted my anger away.

“Of course I enjoyed it. That doesn’t mean it was right.”

“But it was fun to watch you squirm. We should do it more often.”

I shook my head in annoyance, but I laughed. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“Now,” his voice turned serious, “let’s get you home and into bed.”

The next few weeks passed in a blur. Drake and I had settled into a routine—one that I didn’t like very much. Drake and the band were constantly at the label’s office, trying to get things finalized for the album’s release. Drake would leave early in the morning, and he wouldn’t return until dinner time. He’d mentioned bringing me with him, but so far, he hadn’t been able to. He promised that once things slowed down, he would.

With no school or job to keep me busy, I was bored. I hadn’t found the nerve to go explore L.A. on my own. I was afraid I’d get lost or mugged. I spent most of my days reading on my Kindle or listening to music. I’d unpacked all of my things the day after I’d arrived in L.A., and I’d cleaned Drake’s house the following day. Our house. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact we had a house together. If something didn’t change, I was going to get a ladder and start cleaning the windows or something equally ridiculous.

Drake and I grew closer and closer as the time passed, despite the fact that we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together. Even though he wasn’t around during the day, we would spend almost every evening together. Once he walked through the door, we would be glued to each other. I smiled as I remembered how he’d wanted to christen every room in the house that first week. We had done exactly that, some rooms more than once.

There was no doubt in my mind that Drake loved me and that he was doing everything in his power to stay clean. Once a week, he would go to the rehab clinic to just talk with the doctor. I was so proud of him. Despite being bored and hating his schedule, I felt like my life was finally falling into place.

After a month of solitude, Drake finally announced that I could go with him to work one day. The tour would be starting in less than a month, and they had covered all their loose ends, so things were slow for them. Dressing up a bit for the visit, I wore a short-sleeved white button-up shirt and gray dress pants with a pair of flats. I styled my hair until it was stick straight, and I put a little extra effort into my makeup. I didn’t want any of Drake’s coworkers to think that he could do better than me. When I told him so, Drake rolled his eyes and tried to kiss the lipstick off of my lips, but I stood my ground as I pushed him away. I didn’t want to embarrass him.

I tapped my foot nervously as we drove across town to the label’s building.

“Hey, calm down. They’re going to love you. Even if they don’t, who cares? My opinion is all that matters.” Drake reached over and took my hand.

I snorted. “You always know just what to say.”

“It’s my gift.”

When Drake parked his car in the garage underneath the label’s building, I took a deep breath to prepare myself. Despite what Drake had said, I wanted these people to like me. He held my hand from the time we left his car until we walked into his manager’s office. The rest of the band was already in there. Jade was relaxing on a couch next to the window while Adam and Eric were sitting on a couch on the opposite side of the room. A man was sitting behind a desk directly across from the door.

Drake practically had to drag me as he walked up to the desk. “Brad, this is my fiancée, Chloe.”

Brad stood and held out his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

I wiped my sweaty hand on my pants before shaking his hand. “Likewise.”

“Drake has told me so much about you, but he left out the part about how beautiful you are.”

I blushed. “Thank you.”

“So, what brings you to our office, Chloe?” Brad asked.

“I wanted to show her where I worked and introduce her to some of the people I work with. I also wanted her to meet the crew who will be on the road with us for the tour. That way, she’ll know them before she’s stuck on the road with them.”

Brad raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t realize that Chloe would be going on tour with you.”

“Where I go, she goes.”

Brad’s phone rang, and he held up a finger as he answered. “Yes?” He was quiet as he listened to whoever was on the other end of the line. “I’ll send them down now.” He placed the phone back in its cradle and looked around the room at the band. “They need you guys in the studio for just a few minutes. They found a glitch on track three, and they need you to rerecord about ten seconds of the song.”

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