Tag, The Vampire's Game (2 page)

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Authors: Elixa Everett

BOOK: Tag, The Vampire's Game
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When he turned to ash the arrow would have been laying right here,
she thought. It wasn't.

She looked up and down the alleyway and noticed a glint of silver near the dumpster.

Walking over to it, she confirmed it was indeed her arrow. He'd thrown it over there once he pulled it from his chest she suspected.

"Shit!" she fumed.

She felt like hitting something, preferably a smug, egotistical though admittedly, very hot vampire. If he wasn't so unbelievably annoying and such a thorn in her side she may have considered him extremely sexy. There was no denying that those bright blue eyes were captivating. Oh and his body. She could still remember the feel of his cool body as it lay over her that day.


It was a couple of months ago, but she could still remember how he felt. His body had been so hard and defined. His strength was near frightening, but when he kissed her. His kiss was soft and tender. It pulled her in, making her long to feel more of him, long to have him do whatever it was he pleased with her, to her. He almost had her that day, for a brief few minutes she was his to do with as he please, and she loved it. He even had her wanting more.

Once his kisses reached her neck, however, she knew then what he planned. He didn't want her, he wanted to turn her!
Oh wouldn't that have been a thrill for him.
To turn a hunter is one of the biggest accomplishments a vampire can achieve.

Thank God, she had come to her senses before it was too late. She was really amazed she made it out of his home alive that day. She was still uncertain why he let her go, he could have easily stopped her. But, he didn't. She went back to his home the following day, she swore to herself that she would finish the job she had left unfinished the previous day, but he was gone. The small county home that he had been in residence at was empty.

She hadn't picked up his trail again for close to a month after that incident. It was as if he disappeared from the face of the earth, then one night she awoke from a deep sleep with the feeling of being watched. She searched her apartment and the grounds around the apartment but came up with nothing.

The next night he showed up again, this time she awoke to find him lounging in her blue plush armchair watching her sleep. She had to give it to him, he was smart. When she reached for the gun she had under her pillow it was gone, so was the one in her night table drawer. She was defenceless, sitting up in her bed naked.

Quickly, she clutched the quilt to her breasts, she could feel the heat rising in her face.

A mixture of embarrassment and rage.
Just great,
she had thought,
No weapons and no

"Well I only thought it was fair. You broke into my home while I slept. I was simply returning the favour," her modesty clearly amused him as he sat there reclined in her armchair.

"Oh. Well. Where are you living now? I might want to pay you a visit sometime," she spat back at him, her dark eyes shooting daggers at him.

He laughed. His eyes sparkled as he laughed, lighting up his entire face. For a moment she almost forgot that he was a vampire and that she despised him. But, just for a moment.

"If you don't mind I would like to get some clothing on."

He motioned toward her closet. "By all means. I prefer you as you are, but whatever you wish."

She didn't move. "Some privacy?"

He laughed once more. "Do I look like an idiot to you Gina?"

She shrugged. "You said it, not me." The blanket slipped nearly exposing her left breast, she pulled the blanket up tighter around her.

"I turn my back, or leave the room, you run to your little closet there, pull out a weapon and stab me in the back. Quite possibly, literally. Not going to happen, least not tonight beautiful."

He walked to the closet and pulled open the sliding door. Clicking on the overhead light he examined her wardrobe. "Does your entire wardrobe consist of jeans, t-shirts and tank tops?" he commented shaking his head.

"You a fashion critic now?"
God he infuriated her!
He had nerve to come in here and actually insult her clothing choices.

She took a minute to look him over. He wasn't wearing the leather trench coat he normally did. Just a simple pair of black slacks and blue button down shirt. He did have an amazing ass. His slacks were tight in just the right places to show off his firm, muscular rear and legs. His shoulders were broad and powerful. She could feel another blush rise up into her face. Despite the fact of him being a vampire she still found herself attracted to him, though she couldn't say for sure if it was him or if he worked him vampire glamour power on her.

She fingered the amulet she always wore, it was a silver cross with a ruby in the center.

She wore it at all times. No exceptions. It was the only thing she had on currently. She didn't wear it because vampires could be hurt by crucifix's, but because it was enchanted.

A powerful witch that she had known gave it to her, it kept vampires from being able to use their glamour powers on her.
Perhaps he's too powerful for the amulet?
She had thought.

"Here we go!" he exclaimed pulling a red and white garment from her closet. "You do have a wild side. You vixen," he teased giving her a wink as he showed the garment to her.

It was a sexy vinyl nurse costume she had bought for a former boyfriend. She never did get to wear it for him though. Lying, cheating bastard he was.

She crossed her arms over her chest, ensuring the blanket stayed secure under her arms.

is my nurse costume. I am not wearing it for you."

He grinned at her from across the room, the grin of a devil if she had ever seen one. He tossed the garment at her, managing to hit her square in the face with it. "Suit yourself."

He sat back down in what he seemed to have claimed to be his chair at the foot of the bed and shrugged. "Truthfully I like you just the way you are," he licked his lips seductively with his tongue. "Yummy."

"Bastard!" She looked down at the outfit and then glared at him, eyes narrowed.

"If I wanted to kill you I would have done so by now," he leaned back into the chair, his fingers laced behind his head. "I just want to talk."

She rolled her eyes at him.
Talk? He couldn't be serious.
Sighing, she took a look at his smug, grinning face then the nurse costume. At least with the costume she had some sort of mobility.

With one hand she tried to hold the blanket up, while using the other to attempt to squeeze her way into the skin tight nurse costume. Standing at the side of the bed, her bare back to him she pulled the costume the rest of the way up. Turning back to face him, with some difficulty she finally managed to zip the back up.

Looking down at herself she felt ridiculous. It fit so tight you would swear it was a second skin. Her breasts practically spilled out over the bodice and it was so short if she moved to quickly the skirt would inch its way up exposing her privates to him. She decided that felt much more secure with the blanket.

She glanced back up at him and noticed he didn't seem as smug as he once had. He looked almost uncomfortable. He shifted positions in the chair again and was now seated forward, hands clasped tightly in front of him, elbows resting on his knees. When he looked up into her eyes his normally bright blue eyes were lighter, on the verge of turning white, filled with lust.

His eyes caught hers for a moment. A long, intense moment that left her breathless.

She forced herself to glance away and turned her mind back to the clothing problem.

The skirt barely covered her ass and Gina discovered that when she attempted to pull it down she was risking having her breasts pop out of the top.

With a sigh of resignation, she gave up on modest and focused her attention back on the subject at hand. What exactly did he want if not to kill her? She doubted he was there to converse on current affairs or the weather. He had an agenda, she was sure of it.

She glanced over at the closet. In the very back was a wooden box where she hid many of her weapons. If only she could get into that case. She could feel his eyes on her, watching her. Perhaps if she could get him to lower his guard she might be able to get to the case before he realized what was happening.

Motioning to her attire she asked. "So what do you think?"

He looked her up and down, slowly, as if drinking her all in. His eyes made a special stop at her breasts and the apex between her legs. The skirt was so short if she moved quickly she was sure he would get a view of everything she had to offer. Clearing his throat he replied, his voice had a hint of desire, "very nice."

She nodded sitting on the bed, but this time closer to the foot. Closer to him.

She had a plan.

A little surprised at her sudden brazen attitude he sat up straight and eyed her suspiciously.

"I wasn't planning on turning you that night."

Yeah right,
she thought. If not turn her then she was the evening snack.

A little hesitant he stood up and took a few slow cautious steps toward her.

Approaching her as someone would approach a frightened kitten, crossing the divide between them until he reached the bed. He waited a moment before sitting down, just inches away from her.

"Then what do you want?" she asked again, resisting the urge to put distance between them.

"I've had a hard time getting you out of my head since," his voice trailed off. His eyes narrowed, as if he was trying to read her thoughts.

Gina's heart was thumping so loudly she was certain he could hear it, hear the blood rushing through her veins. She glanced over at the closet again quickly so he wouldn't see and guess her intentions. She had remembered that there was a stake hidden between her mattress and box spring at the foot of the bed, chances are he hadn't found that one.

As much as she wanted him, she was a hunter and he was a vampire it was that simple.

But as much as that was true, she had a hard time fighting the desire he arose within her.

He's just using his glamour on me. It's not real.
It was a flimsy explanation, however the only one she had.

He leaned into her, taking her long hair into his hand he brought it to his nose and inhaled. His breath was cool and crisp on her neck, sending goose bumps up and down her arms. She could feel her desire rising within her, could feel the fire building between her legs, pulsating. He pulled back to look at her, his lips inches from hers.

She reached out and pushed him back against the mattress, straddling him just as he had done to her. Their fingers intertwined as she secured his hands above his head. Leaning down against him she was surprised to see that by some miracle her breasts seemed to remain, just barely, inside the bodice. Lying against him she could feel just how well built he was, his chest well defined, his abs flat and chiselled.

While she managed to keep her breasts from popping out of her bodice, she could feel the cool air teasing her exposed pussy from under the skirt. He had supplied her with the outfit, but not the underwear.

As she settled herself fully onto him, she was shocked to feel just how large his erection was under her, with just the thin fabric of his trousers separating them. She couldn't resist but give herself a minute to wonder what it would feel like to unzip his trousers, pull out his hard throbbing cock and slide it inside her.

She found herself grinding her pelvis against his hard cock without even realizing she was doing it. It had been so long since she'd felt a man against her, wanting her. Her mouth lowered to his chest and she began trailing soft, kisses along his chest, up to his collarbone, then along the side of his neck.

He moaned with pleasure, grinding his cock against her. He fought to free his hands, but she kept them secure above his head.

"Gina, what is going on? he moaned. He opened his eyes and looked up at her.

She met his eyes realizing fully what she was doing. His eyes had turned from their normal blue to pure white. She tried not to show any fear or hesitancy. She needed to keep a clear head and not let her desire for him get in the way of what she needed to do.

She kissed him hard on the lips. Her mouth claiming his passionately. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be pushed back against the mattress.

She sat back on him, her hands massaging his chest trough his shirt as she straightened up. He sighed, eyes still closed enjoying the feel of her hands on him. With his hands free he grasped her outer thighs and worked his way up for cup her bare ass.

Slowly she reached down, searching under the mattress for the stake. She found it with minimal searching. Taking a deep breath she grasped it fully in her palm. Taking a quick look back at him to ensure he was still not looking she pulled the stake fully out and lunged it at his heart.

Before the stake could make contact, he moved into action. Snarling he grasped the hand with the stake and flipped her over on her back, against the mattress. His free hand ripped the stake from her hand and tossed it out the open window. It was then she felt the pinch of his fangs as they pierced into the soft skin of her throat.

She closed her eyes and relaxed, she was certain that was the end. She was going to die half naked in her bedroom, after being a vampires dinner.
I'm an embarrassment to
hunters everywhere
, she had thought. He drank for a moment before springing to his feet on the bedroom floor. Opening her eyes, she raised her head to look at him.

He wiped the excess blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. The lust had left his eyes, his eyes were blank of any emotion now as he stood there looking down at her.

"You're not worth it!" he snarled before turning from her and vanishing out the window.

That was the last time she had encountered him that close. From then on it became even more of a game for him. She knew he enjoyed letting her get close enough that she felt she had a chance to finally destroy him, only to have him slip out of her grasp again. He had made her want him, even drank from her then just to disappear into the night.

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