Taboo2 TakingOnTheLaw (7 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Taboo2 TakingOnTheLaw
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“It’s still open?”

“You bet. Maybe we’ll make that our next date and bring back more old memories.”

Erin’s cheeks turned pink again. He took her to the very top row of the theater, in corner seats, just like they had when they were teenagers. Damn, she looked so hot tonight in her sexy, short little black dress and heels. Her scent of roses and wildflowers drove him crazy, and he had to fight to keep from having a constant hard-on.

The entire time they watched the movie, he had his arm draped around her shoulders and she squirmed as he let the vibrator run.

“Remember,” he murmured in her ear. “No climaxing without my permission.”

“Yes, Officer,” she said through gritted teeth and he chuckled.

When the movie was finally over, Dave took her hand and they left the theater into the chilly night and he helped her put her wrap around her shoulders.

His cock was already aching when they arrived at Erin’s condo. He wanted to be inside her more than life itself, but he intended to make her wait.

Dave used her key to let them in and shut the door and locked it. Before she could move away from him, he caught her to him and kissed her with all the passion that had been building between them all night. Her lips were soft, her mouth so pliable beneath his.


Cheyenne McCray

She gave sweet, soft whimpers and moans and he crushed her to him, pressing his powerful erection against her belly. She slipped her arms around his neck and teased the short hair at his nape. He groaned and kissed her harder before reaching up and pulling the clip out of her hair. The clip he tossed aside and he slid his fingers through her loose hair.

When he drew away, he was almost dizzy with need for her and wanted to strip her naked right in her foyer. “Champagne,” he said, his voice rough with desire. “To celebrate.”

Erin nodded even though she didn’t move for a moment. Her blue eyes were dark, her moist lips parted and her blonde hair in a wild tumble around her shoulders. God, how he wanted to pin her against the wall and take her hard and fast.

As she walked toward the kitchen, he watched her sweet little ass sway, her toned legs flexing beneath the hem of her short dress as she walked in her high heels. The images of the two of them naked in her bed grew more intense and he ground his teeth.

To distract himself—and her—he flipped on the remote just as she opened the fridge.

With a little cry, she stepped back, but held on to the handle of the refrigerator to steady herself. She shot him a look of pure sensuality as he let the vibrator continue and she reached into the fridge and withdrew the bottle of champagne.

He took the bottle from her while she searched her cabinets and brought out a pair of champagne glasses. Images went through his mind, of her in his kitchen, her in his bed, always.

Dave shook his head. Twenty-four hours and already he was planning on her moving in with him.

The pop of the cork was loud and Erin laughed as foam spilled over the sides of the bottle. He filled each glass and set the bottle down before they each took one of the champagne glasses.

For a long moment they looked at one another, their glasses ready to make a toast.

“To finally finding one another again,” Erin said softly, her words echoing his feelings.


Taking on the Law

“To us,” he said before touching his glass to hers and taking a long swallow.

She laughed as he drained the glass. “You’re supposed to savor it.”

He took her glass from her and set both on the countertop before taking her into his arms. “I intend to savor you.” He kissed her again, intending to do just that. Her breath was warm against his mouth as he murmured, “Show me where your bedroom is.”

She carried the champagne glasses while he grabbed the champagne and one of the red roses from the vase on her table. He followed her up the stairs, enjoying the view as he watched her shapely ass and long legs. When they reached the landing, he followed her down a short hall to a bedroom that was uniquely Erin. It was filled with mahogany antique furniture from the vanity to the dressers, to a love seat and a couple of chairs.

Impressionist oil paintings on the walls, crystal bottles of all sorts, sizes and shapes on her vanity dresser, pictures of family and other people scattered on every available surface and vases of colorful flowers on her bureau. And to his extreme pleasure, she had a four-poster bed.


By the time they reached her bed, Erin was a bundle of raw nerves. They were in her territory now, but he still had control.

Dave set the champagne bottle and the red rose onto the nightstand beside the bed.

He took his empty glass from her, topped off her half-full champagne glass and refilled his own. Once he set the champagne bottle down, he raised his glass again.

“To making new memories,” he said in a rough voice, and Erin clinked her glass against his.

This time she downed the champagne as she watched him over the rim of her glass.

Their eyes held until they both drained their glasses.

He took hers and set them both aside. “Do you have any scarves?”


Cheyenne McCray

Erin raised her eyebrows. She had a feeling she knew exactly what he wanted to use those scarves for, and the idea made her body go crazy.

From a lower drawer in her vanity she pulled out a bundle of scarves of all sizes, shapes, textures and colors, and handed them to Dave. He tossed them on the bed and approached her.

“Turn around,” he said, even as he took her by the shoulders and moved her so that her back was to him. She shivered at the feel of his fingers brushing her spine as he lowered the zipper to where it ended at the top of her buttocks.

With gentle hands, he pushed the material from her shoulders and let the dress slide to the floor, leaving her in only her heels, the new lace panties and the bra she had purchased for tonight. She stepped out of the dress and was pleased when Dave picked it up and carefully laid it on one of the antique chairs in her room.

The champagne was starting to take effect and she felt a little woozy as he returned to her. He rubbed her shoulders and slowly looked her over from head to toe. “You are so beautiful.”

She reached for him and he didn’t stop her as she unbuttoned his shirt. The champagne caused her to fumble a bit but she made it all the way to his waist. He pulled the shirt out of his slacks and shrugged out of it before he tossed the shirt aside.

Erin wanted to run her palms over the muscles of his chest, abdomen and his biceps.

She wanted to explore every bit of him.

But he was busy shucking off his shoes, peeling off his socks and dropping his slacks as if he couldn’t wait any longer. When he was naked she reached for him and ran her fingers over his erection that seemed impossibly bigger than it had last night.

Erin gasped when he slipped his fingers into her bikini underwear and into her folds. He reached her core, withdrew the vibrator that was slick with her juices and set it on the nightstand.

She gripped his cock tighter, hoping he would slide inside her, where his fingers and the vibrator had been. But he gave a low rumble, scooped her up and carried her 54

Taking on the Law

the short distance to her antique four-poster bed. She giggled from the quick movement and from the effect the champagne was having on her.

Dave settled her on the middle of the bed and lightly kissed her before he reached for one of her satin scarves. Shivers racked her body as he brushed his lips over the inside of her wrist before tying it securely to the bedpost. He took another scarf and walked to the other side of the bed, kissed the inside of her wrist and then bound that arm. She couldn’t get enough of watching his naked body as he tied her up. Every muscle flexed with his movements and his cock arched against his belly, telling her how much he wanted her.

Erin was so intent on watching him that she barely noticed him kissing the inside of each ankle and fastening the ankle to the bedpost. He was so purely male, so fluid in his movements that she couldn’t get enough of looking at him.

When he finished and she was spread-eagled on the bed, he sat on the edge of the mattress with the rose in one hand. He touched her nose with the bud then slowly trailed it over her lip, her chin and down to the hollow of her throat. His sensuous attention caused a part of her to fall back in love with him a little more.

She knew she was tumbling fast toward that point, and she wondered if he had forgiven her and cared about her again the same way she was growing to care for him.

To love him again.

Dave laid the rose on her belly then pulled her delicate lace bra down and under her breasts so that they jutted up, her nipples aching for his mouth.

“You’re more beautiful than ever,” he murmured as he leaned forward, then flicked his tongue over one of her nipples.

Erin moaned and arched her back, thrusting her breasts in his face. He gave a soft laugh then licked the other nipple. Instead of sucking them, he raised his head and brushed the rose over each of the damp peaks, which caused her to whimper from the exquisite sensations.


Cheyenne McCray

He continued his slow, sensual movements with the rose, dragging it down her belly to the inside of each of her thighs. He lightly brushed the bud over the cloth covering her pussy and she gasped and pulled against her satin restraints. “Dave,

“What do you want, angel?” He trailed the rose down over one of her thighs to her knee. “Tell me.”

“I want your mouth on my pussy.” Erin had no problem telling him exactly what she desired. “Then I want your cock inside of me.”

“Mmmmm…” He slid the rose down to the inside of her ankle and it tickled her, causing her to struggle against her restraints again. “Can’t always have what you want,” he said and she groaned.

He continued his slow, sensual torture, sliding the rose down the bottom of one foot, tickling her, then went to the other foot and did the same. Erin’s eyes watered from being unable to move as he teased every nerve ending until her whole body felt alive.

Dave took the rose and ran it up the inside of her other leg, and she thought she was going to die. The softness of the petals stroking her skin made her ache, made her want to come with a fierceness she had to tamp down.

Again he swept the rose over the damp cloth covering her pussy, and again she jerked against her restraints. He brought his nose to the panties and audibly inhaled.

“Damn, you smell good,” he said just as he gripped the edge of her panties and pulled the material aside.

Erin would have come off the bed from the first swipe of Dave’s tongue if she weren’t restrained. Her cry echoed in the room and she arched her hips up, begging for more. He made a low, rumbly sound as he inserted his tongue in her channel then laved her folds.

“Let me come, let me come, let me come,” she begged, tears of need and frustration leaking down the corners of her eyes.


Taking on the Law

Instead of answering her, he nipped at her clit and she cried out again. Tight coils of sensation built in her body, intensifying what she’d felt all night with the vibrator inside her. Her body flushed with heat as he inserted his fingers into her channel while continuing to lave her clit.

The heat in her body caused perspiration to cover her body in a light sheen, and she felt as if she were on fire. She tossed her head from side to side. “Daaaaaaaave! Please!”

He rose up, an intense look on his handsome features as his cock nudged her channel. He braced his hands on the bed, to either side of her chest.


With a feral look in his eyes, Dave slammed his cock home.

Erin shrieked and struggled against the hold the scarves had on her wrists and ankles. Everything felt so right with him inside her. Like they were two halves that finally made a whole again.

He thrust in and out in slow, measured strokes, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out and begging him again to let her climax.

His lips met hers in a powerfully dominating kiss.

A kiss of ownership.

The feel of him inside her, his body moving against hers, his masculine, spicy scent—all of it combined to intoxicate her far beyond the effects of the champagne.

She looked into his eyes and his expression was fierce, intense. “You belong to me again, angel. Say it.”

“I’m yours and you damn well are mine, Dave Bennett,” she said with no hesitation.

He smiled, a spark in his eyes and he began to thrust harder and faster. So hard the headboard banged against the wall and she felt him deep, so deep. She wanted to hold him, to wrap her legs around him. But the sensation of being tied down added to the growing need to climax.


Cheyenne McCray

Her need must have been her eyes because he leaned close and whispered in her ear, “Come, angel.”

Those two soft words set off a chain reaction that had her crying and screaming.

The fire that had been raging in her body was so hot she thought the scarves might just burn off her ankles and her wrists.

Spasm after spasm went off in her core as Dave continued to drive in and out of her. Then he growled out his climax as his body shook between her thighs and his cock pulsed in her core. After a few more strokes, he pressed his hips tight to hers and took her mouth in another claiming kiss.

She was breathing hard as he eased off her and untied each of the scarves in a matter of moments. As soon as she was free, he wrapped her in his embrace, her head under his chin, his thigh pinning her hips down, and her cheek pressed to his chest.

They smelled of sweat and sex and she’d never felt so loved, so protected…not since…

“I meant what I said.” He held her tighter as he spoke. “This time I’m not letting you go.”


Taking on the Law

Chapter Seven

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