Swoon (25 page)

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Authors: CM Foss

BOOK: Swoon
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“Yes, but not in bed or we’ll never eat actual food. As much as wish, I can’t actually live off eating you.”

I winked at her pouty face and tossed her a T-shirt. She caught it and sat up to pull it over her head, then held out a hand.


“Nope. Not allowed. It’s No Pants Day.”

“You’re wearing pants.”

“I have to protect myself from the stove. The chef wears protection.”

She just gave me a mischievous look, worrying me while she trotted downstairs. I followed cautiously and entered the kitchen to find her rummaging through my pantry before she popped out, triumphantly holding an apron.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “You’re serious?”

She nodded slowly and grinned.

“You think I won’t do it?”

Her eyebrows rose expectantly, and she pursed her lips.

I pushed my boxers off my hips and kicked them aside, then grabbed the apron out of her hands and slipped it over my head before tying it around my waist. Her face was filled with undisguised glee as she sat at the kitchen table and watched me start to make coffee and breakfast. I paid close attention to making her eggs perfectly.

“Lissa’s going to get a picture of this, isn’t she?” I asked without turning around.

“It may have already happened.”

“Payback’s a bitch.” I passed her a mug of coffee.

“Totally worth it.”

I sat down across from her with plates of eggs and toast. “What if I told you this belonged to an ex-girlfriend?”

She took a bite of toast. “I’d say you’re lying.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I saw the same one in your mom’s house. Besides, you’ve never had a real girlfriend.”

“Of course I have. Not that serious, but I’ve had girlfriends.”

“Not that you brought to Sunday supper. Doesn’t worry me.”

I laughed, enjoying her confidence. “So my past relationships don’t bother you?”

She cocked her head to the side. “Nope. Why?”

I shrugged. “There may be one or two at the party today.”

She choked on her coffee, sputtering it back into her cup.

“What?” she squeaked.

“Just high school–type things.”

“You dated your sister’s friends?” she asked, wide-eyed.

“It was a small school!” I held up my hands. “There weren’t a lot of options.”

“That’s just wrong. Did they end well?”

I raised my shoulders. “Mostly. It was a long time ago. Some of them are a little skanky though.”

She rolled her eyes. “Great. I get to deal with jealous, passive-aggressive bitches all day? Why did you make me come?”

“For protection.” I nodded solemnly. “Also, Tina might be there.”


I cleared my throat. “You know, the girl I was seeing… a little while ago.”

She buried her face in her hands. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“You’ll be fine. You can out-skank anyone.”

She tossed a piece of toast at my head. I caught it, laughing, and took a bite. Then I stood and cleared the dishes, setting them in the sink.

“Forget about that. We have a schedule to keep.” I walked to Steph and picked her up in my arms, my hand creeping underneath her oversized shirt.

She looped her arms around my neck and looked up at me, still annoyed but a little turned on.

“What’s next on the list again?”

I kissed her soundly on the lips. “Shower time. You’re a very dirty girl and you need help cleaning up your act. I’m the only one who can help.”

* * * *

We stuck to our schedule pretty well throughout the day, even taking time for lunch. Steph made me wear the apron again, which almost ruined the meal because she wound up being bent over the kitchen table. Served her right. Then I sat twiddling my thumbs on the couch, waiting for her to come downstairs so we could head over to my parents’. She banned me from helping her get ready. Apparently I wasn’t helpful when it came to putting clothes on.

I sat up straight when I heard her footsteps. First, I got a glimpse of the toe of her leopard high heels. I felt the need to adjust my pants. Interesting that that was all it took. Next, I saw her toned, tanned, bare calf, the hem of whatever she was wearing just above her knee. Thank God. I knew how she loved long, soft dresses, and she looked beautiful in them, but I needed all the skin I could get. Now I could see her ass encased in a formfitting navy dress that emphasized the arch in her lower back as she continued to step down. She reached the bottom step and turned to face me.

I stared and I didn’t even know why. I’d seen her both undressed and dressed in various styles over the years. Her look varied, and it was always interesting to see what she’d pick out depending on the occasion. This dress was simple but elegant. Her curls were twisted and sort of tamed into a low ponytail. I’d take a little credit for the fact that she hadn’t been able to get it completely under control.

I walked over to her and took her hands, raising one to my lips to kiss softly, holding her hazel eyes in my gaze. Her lips were slightly parted, coated with a sheer, rosy gloss, making them look freshly kissed, like they ought to have been.

“Ready?” I asked.

She nodded and stood farther on her toes to kiss me softly, careful not to smudge her lipstick. My tongue parted her lips slightly, unable to resist a taste, and I felt her smile against me as our kiss deepened. We pulled apart regretfully.

I rested my forehead on hers, letting my hands slide down her arms. “Let’s go so we can get back.”

We walked outside, and I told her to wait while I went to get the Mule. No sense in driving a real car around a few driveways. When I pulled in front of her, she was holding a large package wrapped in gold and silver.

“What’s that?”

“A present for your sister,” she answered like it was obvious.


She blinked. “It’s an engagement party. The entire point is for wedding gifts.”


She shook her head and patted my shoulder as she slid into the Mule. “You have too many sisters to not know these things.”

“Well now, it’s a good thing I have you to help me out, isn’t it?” I slid my hand from her knee up under her dress and leaned over to kiss her.

She allowed me to travel higher than I thought she would, and I teased her with my fingers. Her legs crossed over my hand, stilling my movement but trapping me nonetheless.

“I can’t believe you’re not wearing underwear to my parents’ again,” I whispered against her lips.

She pulled back and smirked at me. “You said it was No Pants Day. I’m nothing if not obedient.”

I groaned as I tugged my hand free. “You, honestly, are never obedient. Why start now?”

She shrugged and smiled sweetly. “Torture.”

Chapter 25


h my. I wasn’t one to usually think everyone was staring at me, but… people were staring at me. Not everyone. But there were three girls boring holes into me with their eyes. And Lawrence was laughing at me. Asshole.

“It’s not funny,” I muttered at him.

His hand glided down my back to pat my rear. “It is a little bit.”

“If you leave my side, I’ll castrate you.”

“No, you won’t. That part of my anatomy is too important to you.”

Damn. He was right.

“I could always lock you in a room with those three.” I nodded to the triple threat across the room.

“I promise I’ll never leave you,” he conceded.

We walked around, and he introduced me to some family friends. I spent some time with each of his parents. Jeanine and I chatted easily, and I caught up with Will and Julie. Will had me chuckling at stories of the family as an in-law. He had interesting perspective. Adam asked me about the riding center and got me thinking more deeply about the business plan and the center’s future. They were such a great group with so many differences and strengths I could see how family had the ability to bring out the best, or worst, in people. And it did strike me that no one asked about my family. At all. Not that there was much to say. It was clear Lawrence had briefed them about my circumstances, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

Chrissy and Jeremy, the couple of honor, were making the rounds, never letting go of each other’s hands as they kissed cheeks, showed off her ring, and talked excitedly about wedding plans. It was cute. Not really my thing, but it was sweet and they were clearly in love. Standing side by side, they seemed like such a contradiction. Chrissy was wildly talking with her hands, her black hair, now with red tips, swinging back and forth. She was wearing a pair of wide-legged black trousers and a silver halter top, and Jeremy looked at her fondly while wearing his conservative navy sports coat in style.

They finally made their way over to our group and sat down in relief.

“Oh my gosh, it’s so hard being cheery to so many people,” Chrissy exclaimed, stretching her arms overhead.

Jeremy rolled his eyes. “You love showing off.”

Her blue eyes twinkled. “That’s true. It’s a whole party all about me.”


“Whatever.” She waved him off, making us all laugh.

Lawrence’s hand was on my thigh, his thumb now making small circles on my skin, distracting me from the conversation swirling around us. I leaned into his side.

“Are we done here?” I whispered.

He pinched me lightly, making me squeeze my crossed legs together. “Getting anxious?”

“Seriously. It’s torture. I’m rethinking my no-panties plan.”

He groaned softly. “Why did you have to remind me?”

“Honestly, I’m a little disturbed you forgot.”

He kissed my ear. “Hardly. I’m just trying to block out pleasant images to keep from embarrassing myself.”

“That doesn’t sound healthy.”

He leaned back to look at me. “You’re right. It is unhealthy. Let’s go.”

Standing abruptly, he pulled me to my feet and steadied me with a hand on my hip. Without so much as a good-bye to his family, who were all watching us, he started to drag me across the living room floor toward the front door.

We were stopped short of making our escape by one of the dagger-eyed girls, who was wearing a short royal-blue dress, boobs pushed up to her chin, glossy dark hair falling around her shoulders in perfect waves.

“Hi, Lawrence,” she said sweetly, putting a finger to his chest to stop him.

My eyes widened as I saw the brazen gesture. I was standing right there, holding his hand. The fuck? I took a step forward.

“Hi, I’m Steph.” I reached out to shake her hand, which she took reluctantly.

“I’m Stephanie.”

I started to snort in laughter but stopped when I realized she didn’t see the humor. I squeezed Lawrence’s hand, not only to compose myself but to convey the inappropriateness of him not revealing names to me. He squeezed back, and I saw him bite the inside of his lip.

“I’ve missed you, Lawrence,” she drawled.

I blinked several times.

The look on Lawrence’s face was priceless. “Why?”

I had to fight off giggles at the honesty in his voice.

Her face blanched at his question as she suddenly became not so secure in her skankiness. “Well, I just mean, you know, our history together,” she said, fumbling her words.

“You mean over ten years ago? I think it’s time you’ve moved on. I can’t imagine I was that good at seventeen.”

With that, he dragged me toward the door.

“Seventeen?” I whispered harshly.

He stopped short and I bumped into his back. “What’s wrong with seventeen?”

“I wasn’t doing those things at seventeen,” I responded haughtily.

He looked over his shoulder. “Well, I’ll assume you’ve more than made up for it.”

I had to cover my face as I laughed again. It was true.

Lawrence flung open the front door to reveal a shaggy-haired surfer guy, face covered in blond stubble, wearing a sports coat, slacks, and flip-flops. I blinked at him, already halfway in love with his brand of odd.

“You must be Steph,” he said, reaching out his hand. “I’m Jace.”

“Nice to meet you.” I firmly shook his hand.

He looked me up and down, not in a creepy way, but assessing. I held my ground with a steady gaze. Lawrence’s eyes darted between us, clearly enjoying the silent exchange.

Finally, Jace nodded and smiled, turning to Lawrence to bro-hug him. They clapped each other on the back.

“What does a man need to do to get a drink around here?” he asked loudly. “You guys weren’t leaving, were you? You know Melody will kill you.”

I smiled a little sheepishly. “We were just gonna take a breather.”

Jace snorted and put his arm around my waist. “Right. Come on, you two. You can buy me a drink.”

Lawrence followed behind us, muttering, “They’re free, asshole.”

I smiled over my shoulder at him.

We ordered drinks at the bar set up in the corner, Jace asking for whiskey shots while I requested a glass of champagne.

“Oh please,” Jace said. “Don’t tell me you can’t handle your alcohol.”

I raised an eyebrow and reached out to take the shot glass from his hand, tipping the liquor down my throat smoothly before placing the glass back on the bar.

He looked at me with approval, then grabbed another glass to clink it gently against my champagne flute.

“To finding the real deal.” He tipped his glass toward Lawrence, who grinned at him. Apparently I’d passed a test here. “All right, you win, Lawry. She’s perfect. Find me another one!”

Lawrence laughed loudly, running his fingers down my spine. “They don’t make many like this, man. You’re shit outta luck.”

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. “He’s right.” I nodded to Jace. “I’m special and very important.”

The back of Jace’s hand flew to his mouth as he choked on his drink.

“All right, I get it,” he said. “Sister?”

I shook my head. “Only child.”

“Hot mom?”

Now I choked. “No. Stop it. Bad image for the rest of the evening.” I shuddered dramatically.

“That’s a terrible thing to say about your mother.”

“Dude,” Lawrence warned.

I placed a hand on his. “It’s okay,” I smiled and looked back to Jace. “My mom is older and we’re not close. It’s safe to say my mother is no MILF. Not like Lawrence’s, for sure.”

Lawrence made a horrified face. “Dear God. Why would you say something like that?”

Jace just nodded his agreement. “Sorry, man. It’s true.”

“Now I need another shot,” Lawrence muttered, gesturing to the bartender for another round.

The boys slammed their drinks back, but I declined any more, preferring to sip my champagne in order to keep a smidgen of decency at the party while surrounded by his family.

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