SweetestSeduction (4 page)

BOOK: SweetestSeduction
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“Kiss me,” he whispered, his hands too occupied to lift her
face to his.

She lifted up to him, her eyes glazed, and he leaned down to
meet her. He wanted to tease her, to lick and nip, but it was too much, he
needed more than that now. Instead he devoured her, thrust his tongue in hard
and fast. Her other arm came around his neck and both hands pulled him closer
to her, a move he heartily approved of.

One of her legs lifted to hook over his hip but he stopped
her without releasing her mouth. She moaned in denial but he used his free hand
to unbutton her jeans and she stilled. Except for her tongue, which matched his
thrust for thrust, swirling and tasting him as if she couldn’t get enough. He
forced his concentration to divide between the sweet perfection of her mouth
and the need to get into her jeans.

The button came free and he eased the zipper down then
slipped his fingers inside the jeans and under her panties. Her hips arched up
to allow him better access and he tore his mouth from hers to stare into her
eyes. They were both breathing hard and he was sure he looked as dazed as she

“You’re wet.”

“Your fault.”

He grinned and slid one finger into her sex to move the
cream around and around. She dropped her forehead to his chest. The jeans were
open enough now for him to get his whole hand inside. He pulled the hand out
and she startled, but he soothed her with nonsense words and returned quickly,
this time with the bullet in hand.

The metal was warm from being held and it took her a second
to realize it wasn’t just his fingers caressing her clit. Her head popped back
up and she would have taken a step back but his arm had gone back around her

“I bought this for you. I’ve been fantasizing about giving
it to you.”

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he moved the object
through her wetness until it was liberally coated then set it against her

“I wanted to give you this ride, hoped you’d enjoy it, but I
didn’t want to feel jealous of the horse, since I won’t be able to wrap my arms
around you. It’s going to take a few hours and I had to talk myself into coming
here instead of dragging you back to my place and showing you what I think you
should be riding.” He pushed gently, feeling her tense then relax around the
vibrator. More cream crept from her body as he slowly pushed the bullet all the
way inside.

“This way we can still enjoy the ride but I’ll feel like part
of you is focused on me. On the pleasure I want to give you. I want you feeling
my touch, even when I can’t get my hands on you.”

“You…you bought this for me?” she asked, watching him.

“Val, I’ve been wanting you for so long. When I saw this,”
he showed her the remote control, “it about drove me crazy thinking of the ways
we could play with it.” He kissed her again. “Together.”

She started to give him a small nod, but then frowned again.
“It, um, might scare the horse.”

“It’s pretty quiet. Let me show you.” He held up the remote
and turned the dial. The buzzing sound was very faint as she jerked against

He pulled his hand out and closed her jeans back up before
pulling away. “See, no sound.” Putting his hand between her legs, he added,
“Put your hand under mine. I don’t think the vibration will go through the
saddle and blanket and stuff. The horse won’t have a clue.”

The sight of her small hand against his as he cupped her
made him groan. He leaned down and rested his forehead against hers. “We could
do this another time, you know. The riding thing. Go back to my place and…”

Her hand over his tightened. “I want to try this. I want you
touching me, right out in the open, when nobody can see.”

“Fuck.” A quick squeeze was all he allowed himself before he
pulled away and turned off the remote.

Leaning back against the tree, he pulled her close. She
leaned against him again, legs between his thighs, head tucked under his chin.

“You know,” he said, “I’m glad you ignored those first few
times I asked you out.”

“Really,” she drawled skeptically. “But not the last few

“Smart-ass. No, the first few times, you were right. I
probably would have done exactly what you expected, wined you and dined you
until you let me fuck you. Then been happy to go back to the way things had

“It doesn’t always work that way,” she said, her voice

He hugged her close. “I know. I guess, well, I’ve never been
friends with a woman I was really attracted to. And the more we got to know
each other, the more attracted I was, but we probably never would have gotten
to that point if we’d slept together early on.”

“What makes you think we’re past that point now?”

She said it so quietly he wanted to pretend he hadn’t heard
it, but the lurch in his stomach assured him he had.

“Because I’ve decided we have. And I’ll work hard to make
sure we have. This is good, Val. We’re good. Don’t throw that away because
you’re scared.” He pushed her away gently so that he could see her face. “Don’t
pull away before I’ve even had a chance to prove it to you.”

He moved both hands up to cup her chin and slowly lowered
his lips to hers. This time he was able to rein himself in and show her he
could do sweet. He licked her lower lip then pulled it gently between his
teeth. When she moved forward for more, he nipped the corner of her mouth then
nuzzled his nose into the sweet spot below her ear before taking her lobe into
his mouth and sucking hard.

The tension melted back out of her and she softened against
him. Reluctantly he broke away, giving her a quick kiss on the lips before she
could tempt him to more.

“We need to get going.” He led her back to the parking lot
and then up to the check-in window.


Valerie let Keith lead her to the small building. He’d
distracted her from the bullet between her legs until they’d started walking
again. The small device was pretty unobtrusive actually, it was more her
saturated panties against the jeans that grabbed her attention. Was she totally
insane, letting this happen? She’d determined to let this day be what it was,
assuming it would lead to the end of her relationship with Keith, but this was
a little more intense than she’d imagined. She couldn’t believe he’d said what
he had, admitted she’d been right about him, but only earlier on in their

And those kisses. That first kiss had been amazing. How
could she not go where it was leading her? Where he was leading her? Then there
was the vibrator. She’d never played with toys with a partner before, though
she’d had plenty of fantasies involving Keith and her vibrator. Walking up to
the window knowing that he could turn it on at any time and nobody else would
know was an amazing turn-on.

All of her previous experiences were a lot tamer than just
one afternoon with Keith—letting him touch her under the tree, finger-fuck her
just yards from the parking lot just now. Though she didn’t trust him with her
heart, she had no trouble, apparently, in trusting him with her body.

They signed in, giving their information including their
riding expertise, and were given the names of the horses they were to ride,
then listened to the rules. While they waited for their horses, she had a look
around. It was a nice place, with about fifteen other people waiting to go on
the group ride. She’d never done something like this, had always assumed she
would hate a nose-to-tail trail ride compared to being able to go at her own
pace and choose her own direction, but now she was excited. It was amazing that
he’d thought of this for her. Suddenly she realized she’d managed to forget
about the toy waiting inside her. But she hadn’t forgotten about the man
standing at her side. He was looking around, taking it in, but his hand never
left her body, whether it was resting on her hip, caressing her shoulder or
laced with her own hand.

She felt bad that she hadn’t told him it was her birthday,
but what was she supposed to have done? Announced it when he dragged her from
his house and into his car? Or maybe while they were lying on the grass at
Huntington Library and he was making her insides melt. She only knew his
birthday because she helped him fill out his taxes. And she’d gotten him a card
last year, damn it. If he’d wanted to know when she was born, that would have
been a fine time to ask.

But they were sure getting to know each other now. And she
couldn’t deny that they had become friends before today, no matter how much
she’d pretended otherwise. The proof was in the date, because she’d never had a
first date like this before. Certainly she’d never let a man touch her like
that on a first date, let alone the toy…

A man approached with a beautiful chestnut gelding. “Who’s
riding Garth?”

“That’s me.” She stepped forward and reached out to run her
hand along the sleek neck. “He’s beautiful.” Garth leaned into her caress then
snorted and tossed his head.

She quickly gathered her hair into a ponytail then got
settled while another hand brought a slightly smaller horse out for Keith.
Biting her lip to keep from smiling at Keith’s expression, which had gone from
cocky to unsure in the space of a heartbeat, she realized he hadn’t quite
thought this part through. It was possible he’d never been this close to a
horse before. The pictures he’d taken of the Arabians hadn’t been very up
close, she remembered. He listened carefully to everything the man told him,
then glanced up at her. She gave him an encouraging smile.

With help from the handler, he managed to get up without
looking too silly. The horse he’d been given was clearly meant for beginners
and likely would trail along with the others regardless of what Keith did or
didn’t do.

Eventually all the guests were on their horses and the
guides set off. Val gave Garth a small cluck with her tongue, angling so that
her movement would encourage Keith’s mount forward also. Keith grabbed tight to
the pommel as the horse walked.

“Don’t pull her reins tight,” she murmured to him.

He glanced at her but then unclenched his fist and let the
reins slack a little.

“There you go, you’ll be fine. What’s her name?”

“Honey.” He sounded curt but she didn’t take it personally.

“I promise, Keith, she’ll go where Garth goes. You don’t
need to do anything but stay upright.”

He took a deep breath then nodded, forcing some of the
tension from his body.

They moved at an easy pace and he relaxed slowly. Finally he
looked at her with a grin.

“Sorry. I didn’t realize they were quite so big.”

She laughed. “No problem. Thank you for doing this. It’s a
lovely idea.”

The hills were greener then she would have guessed, probably
because it was February and they’d had a relatively wet winter. The trail led
up into the hills and the sun was going down in front of them in a blaze of
pink and gold.

“I should have brought a camera,” Keith said, looking

She laughed. “You would have had to let go of the saddle.”

He gave her a quelling look. “You could have taken the
pictures. Besides, I intended to have something else in my hand.”

Her pussy spasmed and reminded her of the bullet waiting

They moved into single file as they headed up the hills at
an easy pace. She watched his body move, his muscles bunching and releasing.
Yum. He dared a quick look back and she grinned at him.

“This was a good idea. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Should we try surfing next?” he asked

“Hell, no!”

The group slowed down at the top of a hill and came to a
stop. They looked out over the Valley as the sun set, city lights winking on
ahead of them. It was a beautiful view, one she’d rarely seen.

After a quiet moment, they started forward again, heading
down the other side of the hills, riding mostly in silence as they enjoyed the
view, chatting with the guide and other riders occasionally.

They arrived at the restaurant and lined up before
dismounting. She hopped off quickly then went to help Keith. He made it down
without hurting himself or the horse and seemed pleased.

The group dispersed with instructions to return in an hour.
She and Keith went to wash their hands and met up at a table for two. A waiter
arrived quickly to take their orders for margaritas and burritos.

“When’s the last time you went on a date?” she asked, then
grimaced. Why torture herself?

He cocked his head in thought. “Two months ago. My friend’s
wife set me up on a blind date and I couldn’t say no.”

“You didn’t like her?”

“Eh. She was okay, I guess, but I was a bit hung up on my
accountant at the time, couldn’t give her the attention she deserved.”

She rolled her eyes at him and he gave her his exasperated
look in return.

“Why is this so hard for you to believe?”

“Because, you’re a good-looking man who spends all day with good-looking
women. You can’t tell me you work with them, send them out the door, then think
of me.”

“Okay, I won’t tell you that. I’ll tell you I’m thinking of
you even before I send them out the door. Especially lately. Shit, you come in
all sweet and happy, that beautiful smile on your face, what do you expect from

She stared at him.
Was he for real?
Surely by now
he’d figured out that she wasn’t going to say no to him tonight. The waiter
arrived with their drinks and guacamole and they both let the subject drop.

Chapter Five


It was full dark when they left, and cold. Grateful for the
warm sweatshirt, Val put it on and tried not to feel silly hugging herself in
something she knew he’d worn many times. They mounted up and began the journey

She chatted with the guide, learning more about the weekly
ride and the stable in general. When another couple rode up to ask questions,
Keith put a hand out to hold Val back a bit. They maneuvered to the side and
let the others pass them by. Nervous, sure she knew why he wanted the privacy,
she felt her sex get wet again. Sure enough, as soon as they were last in the
pack, the bullet inside her gave a sudden buzz. It only lasted for a second and
she turned wide eyes to Keith.

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