Sweet Torture (Fated for Love) (9 page)

BOOK: Sweet Torture (Fated for Love)
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“I have a note for
Lady Olivia, and a letter for Lady Lydia.”

Both women looked up
curiously, as they were each handed their items. Lady Ellsley looked up and raised a brow in question as Olivia hurriedly opened the sealed parchment.

, it’s from Chance! He has visited with Lilly, and she is well. He will see us at the Stillwort ball, and will give us the details then. What a relief!” Olivia smiled brightly.

Lady Ellsley
frowned deeply. “Olivia, need I remind you how unseemly it is to receive notes from gentlemen?”

, Mama, it’s just Chance, Lord Armstrong. He is a dear friend of ours, isn’t that right, Lydia?”

Lydia nodded absently as she read her letter. It was from her mother
. Her aunt was on the mend and she would be arriving home tomorrow. She went on to say, that Lord Caverly had sent the loveliest bouquet, and offered to escort them to the Stillwort ball. It seemed they had been corresponding frequently, and Lord Caverly was earnest in his pursuit of Lydia. The news was like a cold bucket of water dumped over her. She had quite frankly, forgotten about Lord Caverly and his pursuit, but it went on without her, encouraged by her mother.

Her heart felt heavy in her chest. Her affair with Devon would soon be at an end
, if things went as her mother planned. Lydia would be engaged before the seasons end and by summer, she would be married. A strange panic overcame her. There was a peculiar buzzing in her ears and she felt odd. Her hands and face began to feel cold and clammy as she brought her hand to her brow and saw that it was shaking. Lady Ellsley and Olivia stared at her with wide concerned eyes.

Olivia reached over and took her hand. “Your hand is like ice
, Lydia.” She rubbed it frantically. “Is it bad news from your mother?”

hild, you are looking quite pale. Maggie, fetch the smelling salts!” Lady Ellsley bid the maid and came to kneel before Lydia. She put her hand to her brow in a very motherly fashion and Lydia almost smiled.

’s all right I just… assumed the worst, I guess, but actually the news is good. My aunt is on the mend, and my mother will be returning home. I think I will head to my room, and rest for a bit, if that is permissible.”

Certainly, dear, if you feel able. Olivia, help her to her room.”

Olivia took her elbow as she stood
, and Lydia followed her direction. The letter felt rough and heavy in her hand, as if its contents were far more sinister than a mere detailing of events and happenstance. They walked quietly to her room with Olivia shooting her concerned glances but saying nothing. When they reached the door, Lydia stopped and turned to her. “Stay with me, I need to talk to you.”

Olivia nodded and they entered her room. They both climbed onto the bed
, and arranged themselves comfortably across from each other. Lydia handed her the letter, and Olivia read it quietly.

“I see.” She looked up at Lydia. “That was quite a reaction you had downstairs. I take it marriage with Lord Caverly is not something you want?”

Lydia scowled at her. “Clearly, it isn’t. Would you want to marry a man old enough to be your father?”

“At the garden party you seemed resigned to it. What has changed?”

“I’m not sure. I just… the idea of it… I don’t think I could bear it now.” She said tensely. She was feeling better physically, but the sense of loss was still acute. When did she change? She’d known what her fate would be, but after experiencing what she had with Devon… could she give it up? She pictured Devon in her mind, the way his hands felt on her skin, the way she stroked the little v of skin and dusting of hair at his collar when she removed his cravat, and the way he smiled down at her when she re-tied it for him after they drove each other mad with pleasure. Her cheeks felt warmer already.

, your color is coming back, at least,” Olivia stated. “It’s not really all that bad, is it? You wanted a husband who would not betray you, or cause you unpleasantness in any way. I’ve never seen you have interest in anyone else… or perhaps there is someone else? It wouldn’t surprise me if you had a secret lover.” Olivia giggled.

Lydia’s mouth popped open in shock. “Livie how could you
—.” She stopped, for indeed Lydia did have a secret lover. “That is absurd.” She feigned annoyance and looked down to hide her eyes lest Olivia see how right she had been.

“I think you would do well as a spy
, Lydia. You never show any emotion other than what you want to show. You’re very controlled.”

“And cold
, some would say,” Lydia said morosely.

“Only those who don’t know you think that way. Would you rather wear your heart on your sleeve
, like me? I’m considered quite the ninny at times, and foolishly romantic.” Olivia smiled proudly.

“There is nothing wrong with that
, although I have not seen you give your attentions to any one man, either. Perhaps you should be a spy with me.” Lydia smiled.

you not?” Olivia questioned. “I always thought I was being quite obvious, even to him, although he treats me the same as ever. It would be nice if he could at least acknowledge me, and let me down gently.” Her smile was sweet but a little sad.

, I had no idea.” A memory suddenly came to mind. Devon hogged all her thoughts usually, but there was a moment not too long ago when she noticed the way Olivia looked at a certain man. “Captain Colton.”

Olivia nodded shyly. “To him
, I’m still the little girl who tailed him and Devon with worship in her eyes. Sometimes I think I will die an old maid, still wanting him.”

Lydia was stunned into silence. Never had Olivia confessed such a wonton thing
, but Lydia understood what it meant to want someone now. She wanted Devon with an almost constant ache, and yet, all too soon, she would have to give him up. If Lydia could not marry for love she would make certain Olivia did. Olivia’s heart was too big to tolerate a marriage of convenience, and she deserved a man who would love her just as fiercely.

“I don’t think he is as immune to your charms as you think. That night we were all in the conservatory together
, I saw the way he looked at you. In fact, I told your brother we should not leave the two of you alone.”

, I remember, but you did leave us alone, much to my delight. We waited for you two to join us, what kept you?” Olivia eyed her carefully.

“I’m sure we were arguing
, as usual.” Lydia fibbed.

Olivia didn’t look convinced so Lydia quickly changed the subject
back to Captain Colton. “Would your parents accept him as a suitor?”

“Of course. He may not be a peer
, but his family is very distinguished. He is the best man I have ever known. I excuse his lack of judgment in befriending my brother due to lack of options in the area at the time. He is a good influence on Devon. He is always kind and considerate, and very grounded despite growing up with the best of everything. He will take over his families shipping business one day, but until then, he captains his own ship. He would make a very handsome pirate.” Olivia giggled again.

“I hope you catch your captain
, Olivia.” Lydia smiled and wished it with all her heart.

“I hope he catches me,
preferably alone, and has his way with me!”

“Livie!” Lydia scolded
halfheartedly, but they both broke out in laughter. Lydia was feeling much better, although her situation remained the same. It was the beginning of the end for her and Devon, and she would have to make every second count.


Later that evening Lydia sat fanning herself in the back row of the Lexington musicale. Three young girls were bowing to applause as the crowds stood and began to make their way to the drawing room for refreshments and dessert. She breathed a sigh of relief as she entered the much cooler hallway. She felt someone tug her hand, and as she turned, she saw a pair of broad shoulders fading into the shadows of the hall in the opposite direction of the crowd. She felt a jolt of excitement as she watched him disappear. She slowed her pace allowing guests to separate her from Olivia and Lady Ellsley. She leaned against the wall, and pretended to examine the toe of her slipper while the last of the guests filed out of the music room and down the hall. She inched back into the shadows, watching to make sure no one noticed. Turning into the shadows, she felt along the wall until her hand met a warm body. She stifled a giggle as a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her against him.

“How did you know it was me
, and not some other good for nothing rakehell?”

“You are the only good for not
hing rakehell who would dare to touch me.” Lydia replied.

“Good, let’s keep it that way.” He opened the door behind him and pulled her into a small dark room.
Moonlight glowed through a small round window, but its meager light did little.

“Where are we?” Lydia asked as she stepped into the room without hesitation.

“It’s the room where they store the instruments and extra chairs.” The door closed with a soft click and Devon turned the key in the lock.

“This doesn’t seem very safe
, Devon. What if servants start to clean up the music room and come in here?”

They won’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Hush, Lydia, I just know. Now come here.”

Devon pulled her back against his chest
, and curved his arms around her waist. She came to him with no hesitation, trusting him completely. There was a world of difference from the petty insults they used to sling at each other, and ripple of dislike that used to color their acquaintance. Now the air simmered between them with something else. His palms skimmed her sides as she hummed in delight. Reaching her breasts, he cupped them, causing her to gasp. She was so open to him now, giving herself over to him with utter abandon each time they met.

turned to face him, and threw her arms around his neck, fusing her lips to his. She kissed him wildly, clinging to him in a desperate attempt to reap every second of closeness with him. She needed this moment to feel like forever and she wasn’t going to waste it with trivialities. His hands roamed her back and then cupped her bottom bringing her hips tighter against him.

,” She moaned into his mouth.

He trailed kisses to her neck and she dropped her head back to give him more access. Lydia tried to lift her knee to get closer
, but her dress was cut too narrow. Devon began to pull up her skirts, gathering them at her hips. With newfound freedom, she lifted her knee to his hip relishing in the new closer sensation of his hard manhood against her.


Devon groaned aloud when his hands stole under her dress and he gripped her derriere clad only in her pantalets. He could feel the warmth of her womanhood against him and he went a little mad. It would have been so easy to take her here and now but he couldn’t, their bargain forbade it and at that moment, it was sweet torture. He needed to be inside her. His fingers moved in between her thighs until he could feel the delicate softness of her through the thin fabric. She was so warm and wet from her own need. Her fingers dug into the skin at his neck as with slow licks, he bathed the rapidly beating pulse at her neck and his fingertips gently explored her.

“I need to touch you
, Lydia.” He begged.

“I don’t think I can stay standing if you keep doing that.” She was practically shaking with unspent desire.

Devon looked around the small room. It really was not a good place for seduction, but spotting a chair, he moved them from the door. Lydia reluctantly let go of him, and he tugged her to the chair. Even in the meager light, he could tell she was skeptical. He sat in the chair and pulled her close. Never taking his eyes from hers, he slowly began to gather up her skirts again. She visibly trembled, but didn’t try to stop him as he exposed her stocking clad legs and undergarments to the room.

“Now straddle me.” He pulled her arm to his neck as she brought the other around and slipped a slender thigh over his. As she sat
, he pulled her closer to him, sliding her sensitive flesh over his arousal and she moaned instantly. “There’s a good girl. Do you like this?”

She nodded and closed her eyes.

“I promise you are going to love this.” He pulled at the delicate tie to her drawers and loosened them, then slid his hand inside.


“Hush, my pet. Let me touch you… let me love you.” He saw her swallow hard and her eyes squeezed tightly as he gently explored her. Springy curls met his wandering fingertips, and he delved deeper into the velvety folds of her.

Lydia buried her head in his neck and held still. A sweeping thumb caressed her and she shook with pleasure. The sensation was so acute
, and stronger than anything she had ever felt. He played with the entrance of her body, soothing her, and massaging her. Gently and oh, so slowly, he inserted one finger and Lydia nearly cried out. Every nerve in her body was focused on his hand, and the slow invasion it made as it slid in and out to a rhythm of its own. Then Devon added another finger and her body readily stretched to accommodate him, but the feeling nearly overwhelmed her. She felt so full of him and so vulnerable. Her heart was beating frantically, and her hands clenched and unclenched in his jacket as he tormented her with building pleasure. His warm breath against her chest was another added sensation, and she realized as she opened her eyes, and looked down, he was watching where his fingers joined with her, his eyes fierce with passion.

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